Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
That would be quite a deep and meaningful post, but it just comes across as... odd to say the least.

I mean, we've had users confess they've lied due to going through some serious stuff (mental health issues, etc.). To me, it's understandable that people in that situation would tell fibs because it means they can get away from whatever their issues are.

The above explanation, however, does nothing besides say 'I've got issues, woe is me' and skirts around what everyone's asking.

Why would someone who keeps making a point about not being able to abide people join an Internet forum full of... people?

That's what I'm confused about in all this.

Exactly what I was going to say. To be entirely fair, forums, chat rooms and so on are good for people with a lack of social skills, since they can associate with others without having to deal with personal confrontation. But yeah, it still seems odd. Especially considering motorsport requires you to be quite close knit with your team and pit crew...
He said abide most people in real life
But he brought that up talking about playing online on Forza.

I smell either BS or Tumblr levels of special snowflake.

Exactly what I was going to say. To be entirely fair, forums, chat rooms and so on are good for people with a lack of social skills, since they can associate with others without having to deal with personal confrontation. But yeah, it still seems odd. Especially considering motorsport requires you to be quite close knit with your team and pit crew...

I have no doubt about that, but again, he said he doesn't play online on Forza (where you don't need any sort of discussion with anyone whatsoever) because he can't abide people. But apparently being on a public forum and having many discussions with people is acceptable.
But he brought that up talking about playing online on Forza.

I smell either BS or Tumblr levels of special snowflake.

I have no doubt about that, but again, he said he doesn't play online on Forza (where you don't need any sort of discussion with anyone whatsoever) because he can't abide people. But apparently being on a public forum and having many discussions with people is acceptable.

He may be telling the some truth about his past, but the way he acted is not helping at all.
Maybe he is, but his refusal to give us proof over so called Nihilism is suspicious.

What sort of proof ? Pictures, names, places ? That may disclose his identity and such, some people are very uptight about privacy, some used it as excuse.

Some will think at least twice before even telling a real name on a forum.
What sort of proof ? Pictures, names, places ? That may disclose his identity and such, some people are very uptight about privacy, some used it as excuse.

Some will think at least twice before even telling a real name on a forum.
A piece of paper with his GTP username, or a can of beans has been fine in the past.
Anyway, not much left to say except...... Bread and circuses anyone? You see, I do know what pleases the people.
Do you honestly think that quoting philosophy out of context is somehow going to excuse you from actually backing your claims up with substantial evidence? You made the claim, which means that the burden of responsibility is on you to prove it to be true.
A piece of paper with his GTP username, or a can of beans has been fine in the past.

Is this about owning a car ? I'm a bit lost here, pardon me -_-" He said about driving rally car, so what kind of evidence that we want to see here ?

How to best proof that you have driven x car in the past ? The car in question may not be in possession anymore.
My paternal grandfather owned a main dealership, so did my father and so did my Uncle... I have also owned commercial garages. I mostly grew up on a garage forecourt or my parents farm. I had the company traders insurance at 17... so I could drive anything and had three cars when I was 17/18; a Mini Cooper 1071 all steel I built myself from a bare shell, an Avenger 1600, both rally cars and a new Saab Turbo which my father very kindly bought me. I also have had a wide variety of motorbikes and my race team in later life was based around two riders, Fatty and Si, on off road KTM's.

Now I can hear the socio economic driven "spoilt' word... no my father tried to give me a business at 19 and I said "No thanks'.... went and created my own wealth.

Unfortunately Holden, me old fruit, I am not proving anything to anyone. That would mean releasing my name and that never happens. LOL, I use a VPN, I have no bank account, no mobile, I own nothing in my name, I do not work for anyone. I live behind gates and am effectively a self imposed recluse because I cannot abide 'people' ..... and you think I would pass out my name to prove some point on an internet site to please people I have no interest in? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: You little tinkers
Ok @Ridox2JZGTE, definitely nothing more to prove...

Do you honestly think that quoting philosophy out of context is somehow going to excuse you from actually backing your claims up with substantial evidence? You made the claim, which means that the burden of responsibility is on you to prove it to be true.
Especially when it's so wrong it hurts.
I use a VPN.
No you don't.

And that the staff can prove very easily, nor from you posting locations are you a recluse.

Now if you do have a family history of dealership involvement then fire me a PM with some details, as I've worked in the industry for more than long enough to be able to verify that.

How ever the core point here is that GT Planet is not your personal blog, continue to treat it as such and continue to hold its members in such a low regard and you will be gone.

Is this about owning a car ? I'm a bit lost here, pardon me -_-" He said about driving rally car, so what kind of evidence that we want to see here ?

How to best proof that you have driven x car in the past ? The car in question may not be in possession anymore.
It's now about multiple things, he claims to have raced, if so records of that with exist, he claims to have owned a Fiat 141 Abarth and given that only 400 of them were made that should also be able to be verified.

He claims to have come from a long family of dealership owners, that one I can most certainly verify.

He claims to be using a VPN. He's not, and from the history we get in the back end he's a recluse that likes to travel. To be blunt on this one he is either posting from locations via an ISP that he legitimately has access to, or he is regularly 'borrowing' the same ones that he doesn't legitimately have access to. Which ever way it's not a VPN, and if it's the later it's a criminal offence, reportable to the authorities and worth an instant ban.
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This whole "I can't stand people" argument or excuse wouldn't sound weird on a teenage girl's Tumblr page.

That said, don't call anyone here a pack of 6 year old playground kids just for wanting evidence to back up a fairly bold claim, it is your obligation, if you're going to brag about your rally cars and rallying, to prove yourself. You know what 6 year olds really do on the playground? Make bold claims and get defensive when asked to prove it, and there's only one person doing that here.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: You little tinkers
Dunno where you're getting at by this part of your little tangent... But alright I guess.

The fact that you're refusing to back up proof and whatnot over your claims just makes you all the more suspicious of being someone who isn't really speaking the truth.
No bank account, no mobile.

But having a business and racing team... Your sponsors gave you the money in the bare hand?? And you bunkered all that money in a safe :crazy: makes sense ... not

A reclusive Racing Driver....

And from all the real racing drivers, even the old school generation are pretty pleased with what racing games are nowadays...

and while its not the same in feedback and motion the talent is transferable, as seen in the countless GT Acdemy drivers or here:

I call über:censored:
This means I actually do not care, because I do not have emotional responses. It also means I do not fit into groups of people. Whilst I am not autistic so I recognise 'social cues'...... I just simply don't care.
So you're a sociopath?
a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
I'd rather be autistic. Or admit to lying.
You'd think someone that scared to be known would at least use different names on different forums.....
Or just getting a grip on reality & stop spewing verbal BS.
I can see a Mod using the ban hammer soon if he keeps his form.
An opinion however in any field of endeavour only has any validity if it is based on knowledge and experience. It is blatantly obvious that in life most 'people' have neither, no matter the subject at hand.
Meanwhile a fact is supported by actual evidence like sources and pictures which you have yet to show us any evidence of you having experience.

Some people do not like what I say and I frankly could care less what they say. When people say they do not care in general that means they do...I have a personality (LOL, if you could call it a personality) type which only has what are termed proto-emotions. This means I actually do not care, because I do not have emotional responses. It also means I do not fit into groups of people. Whilst I am not autistic so I recognise 'social cues'...... I just simply don't care.
That makes no sense, so you don't classify yourself as a person as you are this special snowflake who actually "doesn't care"? If someone went up to me and talked to me about Superhero Movies, the type of Movie I don't care about it, I respond to the person saying "I don't care". Does it mean I actually care? if so, how am I supposed to show that I don't care?

I highly doubt you don't care about anyone or anything. Now, I don't care for a lot of things especially things that has happened in the past but I know I am very passionate in areas like my Drawing, Gaming and even my Friends.
There is no intonation on the internet so 'you' read my comments with your own voice and inside the parameters of what you imagine I am saying based on your own life and experiences. Why don't you just ignore me? Seriously, I would :) I ignore 99.99999999% of the world every day ... because have you really achieved anything by shouting at a faceless post on the internet? Has you life changed for the better, your job improved, your debt lessened for all your angst? Then why bother? I've achieved nothing by writing this... such a waste of time isn't it?
Quite possibly the only factual thing you've posted, then.