Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Come on you're telling me this guy wasn't obvious, I had to report him 3 times in one day for his attacking attitude toward people and his deliberate circumventing of AUP. But hey time was there to show him burst in flames with such spectacular effort.
I only encountered him in the "Post a Pic of Your Car" thread.
I only encountered him in the "Post a Pic of Your Car" thread.

I say this cause I see a lot of faces here that were either in the 24h LM thread or the Baku F1 thread, two places where he decided to be an jackass. Doesn't matter now, since he's gone, I'm just surprised it took such a grand display.
I didn't know him but I liked his curlers.

2016-06-23 17.45.05~2.jpg
Found his Facebook and LinkedIn profiles (not gonna post 'em). I'm quite surprised he's not from San Francisco what with all of his startups.

(Surely that amount of graphic design skill would have allowed him to create better-looking websites?)
Found his Facebook and LinkedIn profiles (not gonna post 'em). I'm quite surprised he's not from San Francisco what with all of his startups.

(Surely that amount of graphic design skill would have allowed him to create better-looking websites?)
It's very 1990s isn't it?

Also "2 months"...

(and I've restored the thread, because amusing).
:embarrassed: He triggered the spam filter, and the posts that triggered it looked like spam, so I baant him. Sorry for curtailing the fun.

I was wondering when that would happen after he kept replying to each form of "negative" questioning in the same copy/paste post.

Found his Facebook and LinkedIn profiles (not gonna post 'em). I'm quite surprised he's not from San Francisco what with all of his startups.

(Surely that amount of graphic design skill would have allowed him to create better-looking websites?)

Why man, when the media doesn't respect him! He aint gonna go all out for them, nah, no way, forget about it