Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
So apparently IAD is a non profit tax exempt organization just based on the bottom of their website. :dopey:

Just as things were getting a bit dull as well this wack job shows up :lol:
Well, no picture of that shipping invoice comes up on a Google Image Search. So either he's constructed his ludicrous claim more carefully than most, or he's the actual owner of a twin-turboed Mosler. I guess we'll have to wait and see?

Of course, even if the ludicrous claimer is indeed the new owner of the Land Shark, it's not lapalissian that the self-proclaimed builder of the car is also the real deal.
Not to weird you out, @Burn Fossils, but we have far too many member lie about owning something they don't have a chance of even seeing to not investigate.
He may actually be telling the truth!
Looks like he is, I mean he's got the papers
I'm satisfied and then some
His registered email and IP check out, along with everything else I looked into. I am absolutely positive it's legit, gentleman.

Again, congratulations on one hell of a car, @Burn Fossils! :cheers:
It's so funny reading all of this. I'm not a big social media person and had never been on this forum before so I have no reason to impress people I will likely never meet. I am simply pumped about actually getting the opportunity to own such an amazing ride and started searching the net and found gtplanet. However, I also believe that about 2% of what you see on internet social media is real so I can understand the comments.

The car is currently in shipment from Vegas and I hope it arrives today or tomorrow. Either way, you'll see some beans once it gets here. Please be patient as I may need to go buy some beans first! In the meantime, here's a shot I took of my buddies after I won the auction . . .

Cheers gents!

It's so funny reading all of this. I'm not a big social media person and had never been on this forum before so I have no reason to impress people I will likely never meet. I am simply pumped about actually getting the opportunity to own such an amazing ride and started searching the net and found gtplanet. However, I also believe that about 2% of what you see on internet social media is real so I can understand the comments.

The car is currently in shipment from Vegas and I hope it arrives today or tomorrow. Either way, you'll see some beans once it gets here. Please be patient as I may need to go buy some beans first! In the meantime, here's a shot I took of my buddies after I won the auction . . .

Cheers gents!

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All I can say is I wish I owned a car like that.
Was hoping this wouldn't have to come to this thread and the lie would be admitted or proof would be submitted but, alas...

I am a owner of Testarossa(seriously,but since it got stolen after showing some pics on a forum and finded 2 hours after,i will not post any images)

Then questioned by daan:

You know what.Delete this.As quickly you can.

And when I told him about the previous lies told by members:

You don´t know the stories about people posting they beautiful thing and ended stolen?Well,that happened to me.

It's not too unusual to own a Testarossa, a family friend of mine owned one for a time, but to be sure there is truth in these claims I think some kind of evidence would be necessary.
It's not too unusual to own a Testarossa
I don't reckon there's that many in the Czech Republic, so posting up pictures of it might have lead to it being stolen. As would simply following it home after seeing it out and about.
I don't reckon there's that many in the Czech Republic, so posting up pictures of it might have lead to it being stolen.

It's quite possible that is the case, it does seem more likely that it might be an excuse to deny proof. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to take and post a picture of a car without giving away its home location.

Surely even with a bit of net wizardry somebody with enough know-how could narrow down the local area of the car's address just based on the user's data trail. If that is the case then just mentioning ownership of an exotic car could result in potential theft.
If he really does own it then all he needs to do is take a photo of a can of beans in the engine bay, with nothing other than the engine bay visible in the photo.
As long as there are no tags show, and geotagging is off when he takes the photo there shouldn't be any way to track it down. I know it definitely happens, but even just a picture of a can of beans in a picture showing nothing but that dash would be good enough for me.