Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Same stuff on the pCARS forum.


Banned as well. It would seem we've got a badass over here.

Thanks guys, gave me something to entertain myself with over breakfast.

I have to say given his long history of rally car ownership and experience on mixed surfaces its surprising that he never mentioned it once while complaining that Dirt Rally is too hard because he couldn't win everything straight away. I mean I could understand given his claimed desire for privacy, but that is put to one side when he shares (some would say boasts) about his family achievements while threatening to sue everyone who's game doesn't meet the specification he deems to be required (daughter is a lawyer - don't mess).

Amazingly he also managed to make me feel slightly 'on-side' with Ian from SMS in regard to a customer complaint in the SMS forums, now that I never thought would happen.

I opened this discussion with an open mind that these things may have happened / been owned, but I have to say that the members attitude, behaviour and inconsistencies across three forums put that in quite heavy doubt.

As it stands right now @Drave seems to be offering nothing in terms of constructive posts to the community, while quite happy to insult the members we have who do constructively contribute to the site. As such if his next post is not either proof of his claims or an explanation of why he has mislead the community then he will be gone. Should it be either of those I would also expect an apology to the community at large for the simply unacceptable manner in which he has posted and a very rapid change in that manner if he wishes to remain here.

Any response aside from those detailed above will be considered @Drave indicating he wishes to no longer remain a member here.
It's an interesting tactic, posting on forums and getting banned. Some people just enjoy winding people up and in that instance, Drave is winning at the moment given how much we're talking about him. Standard trolling, and GTP is clearly a friendly enough community with (mostly) friendly mods ( :P ) so it's an ideal place to troll.

Playing devil's advocate, if Drave does actually have mental health issues, whether it actually causes his nihilistic feelings or is simply what is driving these postings, it is a sadly typical response from a group of genuinely friendly people to effectively say "Well no, you can't feel that way it doesn't make any sense, we all agree you should go away".

My natural internet skepticism makes me assume that no, it's probably just nonsense, an elaborate persona intended to annoy people. Why? Some people do just like it, especially online, it doesn't take much effort. Or is it an exaggerated version of his actual self, are there threads of truth in there? If you struggle to be accepted by society because you're ill, then it wouldn't take a great leap to go "Well smurf you then" and push people away. Furthermore, by acting in such a way, you take control of the situation, and you create an excuse you can cling to as to why nobody accepts you, it's because you're deliberately pushing them away.

Is it more likely that the length of this post will merely serve to further the glee of a successful troll? It's the internet, so yeah, I like those odds.

It's not a very nice thought though if he is ill, and to be honest, there's not really a whole lot we can do about it. Society is not accepting of mental health issues as they are extremely difficult to even begin to understand or empathise with. Our minds work the way they do and without concerted effort, all we do is assume everyone else's works the same way. What a lonely place the world would be if you knew nobody understood how you felt, and dismissed everything you tried to tell them about it as being nonsense.

@Drave, if you are just trolling, then credit where it's due you've done a solid job. If not, then to whatever extent your story is true, I hope you do at least have someone who loves you and tries to understand.


Oh, and the full extent of my 'rallying' experience is driving RWD converted non-turbo Subarus for a day. Personally I think Dirt Rally's physics are just fine for a rally game :)


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It's an interesting tactic, posting on forums and getting banned.
Eh, I have been in forums where getting banned from other, similar forums is a badge of honour. Not because they're trolls, but because the other forums are so poorly-run that getting banned from them usually means that you have something interesting to say.
Playing devil's advocate, if Drave does actually have mental health issues, whether it actually causes his nihilistic feelings or is simply what is driving these postings, it is a sadly typical response from a group of genuinely friendly people to effectively say "Well no, you can't feel that way it doesn't make any sense, we all agree you should go away".


It's not a very nice thought though if he is ill, and to be honest, there's not really a whole lot we can do about it. Society is not accepting of mental health issues as they are extremely difficult to even begin to understand or empathise with.

While it's true that society in general doesn't deal particularly well with mental illness, in every community there's at least a few that can at least understand.

However, no one is going to go even slightly out of their way to attempt to interact with someone who is actively being obnoxious. Even if that's actually the problem, the person has to be able to at least admit that or everyone will rightly assume that they're just being an :censored:hole. Everyone else can only see what's on the outside.

As far as Drave, I don't think coming on here and saying "I'm a nihilistic sociopath, so deal with my BS" excuses him from the need to at least to attempt to be a civil human being. Mental issues can be a reason for others to act with forgiveness and understanding, but it doesn't exempt the person from making an effort.

If he doesn't care enough to make an effort, then he probably doesn't belong among others.
Why exactly are you attacking me? I understand you are attempting with your sledge hammer wit to disparage my IQ, but why? Did I park too near you in the supermarket maybe?

Let us be very clear here, you have started this abuse for no decent reason that I can ascertain. Apart that is from jumping on some perceived band wagon. Making you the sort of spotty spineless sprog who stands around and shouting 'fight'... whilst never having the testicular fortitude to have one yourself. You just run to mummy eh.

My source? Mostly my son whose credentials I shall not even bother to mention. Maybe I miss heard him if the man on the internet says so :lol:

But pray tell, where did you get your whole linear thingy from... dare I ask?

Linear compared to what precisely?

Define reality first for context. As in explain where, as you would have it, we all are. In a way which you can prove. Linear can only be a concept and at best relative. But then relative to what one has to ask? Is your relative my relative? What colour is blue? Mmmmmmm?

Maybe ask down the pub, read a red top while trying to stop your lips moving or do you think of it all yourself?

As for your other point... well now.... I have really no idea, that is the full truth of the matter.

You little ones around the camp fire are more interested than me that I can assure you. It is a net forum housed with the usual.... and I am really meant to care? Look up what proto emotions are... might give you some idea just how much I care

Personally I left the playground a very long time ago. The more I see of this type of forum, all of which seem to be much the same with the same sad little cast of characters the more I am convinced they are a microcosm of society... little wonder I live behind my very high gates
I've seen some high horses before, but this one got kicked in the head on his way climbing up.
Unfortunately Holden, me old fruit, I am not proving anything to anyone. That would mean releasing my name and that never happens. LOL, I use a VPN, I have no bank account, no mobile, I own nothing in my name, I do not work for anyone. I live behind gates and am effectively a self imposed recluse because I cannot abide 'people' ..... and you think I would pass out my name to prove some point on an internet site to please people I have no interest in? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: You little tinkers
Don't make a ludicrous claim if you can't/don't want to back it up.
That apparently deserved pretty much endless abuse from the assembled playground group of no doubt the usual suspects... so I defended myself

Oh that is wrong. One must be bullied apparently and like it. Well, I went to private school and was left entirely alone, never bullied. That was because I hired two toughest 5th formers to beat up the school bully... no, really, I did. Then I used them for muscle as I started a loan operation with the assembled children. Yes, I was of course expelled, eventually :P Went to a new school... did the same again. Apart from the heavies as niw i was one of the very biggest fins in the pool. Got away with it until I could walk away .... I really hated school, all those people who think respect is given not earnt... like Scagg here

"I was never bullied, because I used my family wealth to hire enforcers to make sure that I was the biggest bully around. Nobody bullies the alpha predator." :rolleyes: And yet somehow he thinks that this behaviour earns him "respect". I suppose a sociopath can't really distinguish between respect and fearful obedience.

Assuming that all this isn't completely make up bollocks. His stories have been very, very mixed at times.

I agree with @letdown427, the guy has serious mental issues. But 🤬, that's not our job. If he wanted help then I and probably a few others who know what it's like would probably have done our best. But he was happy to carry on being an arse, and it got him banned. He'll probably go on to the next place and do the same.

Some people are quite happy being miserable and blaming the rest of the world for their problems.
You know I love these forums full of people who real life would have zero to say... like you
Damn, even pulled the internet tough guy card before the ban. Unfortunately for Drave, this card plays 2 sides and plenty of people would have gladly had more than words to share long before this point. With his ban history shown so far, he'll eventually find himself with one of those individuals if he handles himself in person anywhere near as he does online.

It's that time again folks. @Slum has apparently been a Honda technician for many years, owned 64 Hondas, been a race driver, and owns a 1.4 million dollar house.

Hey so how many of you guys are also car guys IRL?

Any Honda Homies in here? I have been down with Honda's since before I can recall..


I've also built more Honda Motor's than I can count, and owned 64 Honda's so far. I am a Honda Technician by trade but do lots of other stuff. At this point in my life I can do whatever I want TBH.

I just sold this this brand new, super low mile, Kona Coffee Metallic CR-V 4WD EX-L w/Mountain Package. I needed a Mountain Missile for last shredding season, but done with it now so it had to go. If you are in the market for an SUV for snowboarding or whatever, you would be hard pressed to get anything better. They are totally awesome.




Here is my Wife's old car, kinda neat. It was the "Lowest Hybrid in the Nation" for more than a few months.





This was one of my all time favorite Honda's, the LEGIT, Real Deal EM1 Civic Si.







Here are a few of my other Honda's:




When asked why there were no shots of his race cars in this batch of photos, he then proceeded to go off on @Northstar

I think it's time for either an apology or some actual pictures of the race cars and hopefully links to reliable sources with results so that we can see that
It's that time again folks. @Slum has apparently been a Honda technician for many years, owned 64 Hondas, been a race driver, and owns a 1.4 million dollar house.

When asked why there were no shots of his race cars in this batch of photos, he then proceeded to go off on @Northstar

I think it's time for either an apology or some actual pictures of the race cars and hopefully links to reliable sources with results so that we can see that
...Given it's a bunch of Hondas and not some fancy, expensive, or interesting cars, should we care?

I was partly skeptical when I first saw all of the pics, but they're Hondas. I couldn't care less if he had built all of them.