Ok, here's a challenge...

  • Thread starter bbitto
Well i hae done 100% with 0 busts and 0 hospital visits, which isn't to hard but 0 safhouses vists?!? that's gotta be like at least like a day straight of playing!
Yup, well, I thought the 0 busted and 0 wasted would be cool, but then realized it's really nothing, since all you have to do is save a lot and reload if you die/get busted. It doesn't "prove" anything.

So... no safehouse visits.... who can *really* finish the game without dying or getting busted? :)

- bbitto
Yes, dying or getting busted near the end would definitely tick you off, but I bet a power failure would be infinitely more frustrating :)

- bbitto
Oh, and you could add that you have to complete the missions without failing.

There isn't a stat for this... but there's a stat for mission attempts... so, lower the better.

Basically, the "contest" can be getting 100%, with the lowest possible X, where

X = Busted + Wasted + Safehouse + (Mission Attempts - Y)

Y = However many missions there are total.

Who can get 0? :)

- bbitto
Originally posted by Sleek Stratos
This sounds almost as hard as the 'Brotherhood missions' which are simply nuts.

Brotherhood missions? :confused:
I can't even get past 80% (well I can, it's just so boring after all the missions have been completed). I wish I didn't lose my 100% save. :grumpy:
Can't get over 80%? Ha, what are you stuck on??? :lol: The first 20% were the hardest for me (Paramedic, Vigilante, etc)

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