The PC2 World Classic SeriesPS4 

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
Race delayed, due to adverse weather conditions. New starting time 22:00 GMT.

For the record, the qualifying session times
Ricardo ruled it today! :bowdown:

He was the fastest (made pole position once again), was unlucky at the start but in the second half of the race, when a strategic mind became needed, he was the one that made the right call! And he won, a very deserved win!

Can't post times (Ricardo can you post the pictures you took please, so half can do the scoring table) but here's the results:

2. Hun200kmh
4. PANDACoff33
5. jmpa (DQ - pitlane speeding)
6. raeggee (DNF - pit crew error)

@half_sourly not sure how DQs and DNFs are usually treated (in the Monday's group) and I didn't think about this, so please do the scoring as you normally would in any Monday series and that becomes the rule. Many thanks!
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It was indeed a fantastic race. I tested quite a bit beforehand and managed to find a very fast setup, though still quite balanced in dry and wet. A special hint - front anti-roll bar can be adjusted in real-time....

So, I was able to get pole position with a cannon lap, without slipstream! But with a kleenex engine, it would overheat so quickly.

The race - hit from behind at the start! Then I had to overtake all the AIs, but I was 20secs behind Mario and Duarte.
When the first rain alert came I switched to wets and then I started gaining time to the guys ahead. I think they cooked their tires more than I did. So, when they stopped again for slicks, I became P1 and never lost it again, as they had to pit again for wets.

Not making mistakes was critical, Mario and Duarte are "killer white sharks" that smell blood from far away....
A very sweet victory for the books! Below is the final timesheet.

Really enjoying this series, count me in Mario for the Texas Nascar race!

Best wishes
Ricardo Prego

This event was a lot of fun! Here's the rundown on how it happened from my point of view.

Qualifying was messy, I set a slow time on a first, and later when I was gunning for pole I got impeded in the last sector. Also, adding insult to injury, on the last turn I had to do a very wide entry because of the impeding car and, somehow, the current and next laps were canceled then and there due to track limits... This meant I couldn't do more laps and so, the slower lap held. Still it was good for 4th place, which isn't that bad at all.

Then the Race was fun! I had a strong start, got mixed in a cool fight with @Hun200kmh for the lead in the first two to three laps, came out on top and then settled in 1st place.

Rain came and we all went in for wets. I think I was the last to do it, lost a bit of time as the last sector on the in-lap it was quite wet, and then I activated the pit speed limiter way earlier than needed... All that summed up meant I got out of the pits just in front of @Hun200kmh.

I think I had the edge on pace on both full wet and full dry conditions, albeit a very small edge, but on the cross-over conditions I was just completely off the pace. This meant that when the track was drying up, @Hun200kmh got by me and @GTP_RPREGO was catching very quickly.

When the track was good enough for slicks there were 20 minutes left in the race, so I contemplated not pitting and taking it to the end on the wet, which I assumed would be the opposite strategy to @Hun200kmh, and the one @GTP_RPREGO was going for. So I had a decision to make, either I keep the wets and try to hold off @GTP_RPREGO or I pit for slicks and hope the weather holds.

Since the pace difference was so big, I figured I wouldn't be able to hold off @GTP_RPREGO on the wets in the dry, so I decided to bet on the weather holding and taking advantage of fresh rubber and low fuel to set some qualy laps and hunt @GTP_RPREGO. Both options were big mountains to climb, but I figured this one was my best shot.

As expected, myself and @Hun200kmh went in for slicks and @GTP_RPREGO stayed out. After a quick and, again, very fun battle with @Hun200kmh after the pits, I settled in second and set my sights on @GTP_RPREGO. Shortly after this the radio call comes in: "We are expecting a major downpour in the next few minutes".

I don't think I would've been able to catch 1st place if it stayed dry, but when that message came through, that's when I was sure 2nd was the best result to be had. Myself and @Hun200kmh stopped for new wets and by the time we got out of the pits there were 6 minutes left on the clock and a gap to the leader of over 1 minute.

Congrats to @GTP_RPREGO, on a great and fully deserved win! I hope I can rise to your level next time!

Thanks @Hun200kmh for organising, already looking forward to the next one!

Cheers all!
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Really enjoying this series, count me in Mario for the Texas Nascar race!

Nascar? Never crossed my mind, when I designed the championship I was thinking solely Classic Formula, GT and Prototype cars. So this was supposed to be a 1990's IMSA GTO race around the Texas Road Course.

But it isn't actually a bad idea to convert it into a NASCAR event, using the oval and limiting the GTOs to the "Nascar" car.

Still, I do like the GTO cars since @Zolon32 's GTE-to-GTO championship.

Have to ponder, if anyone wants to share an opinion, all are welcome.
Apologies @Hun200kmh, I didn't get back in time to race. And also apologies that I didn't get back in time to tell you I wasn't going to get back in time.
(Although I see it maybe ran somewhat late?)

Well done @GTP_RPREGO
Yeah ... we ran into some problems that delayed the start of the race, and for @PANDACoff33 this meant he would be unable to complete the full race. So, we all agreed to do a "sprint" race for fun (30 minutes) and reconvened at 10 PM to do the "event" race.

Btw, and speaking of non-championship races, just a reminder that we are going to do Le Mans again next Sunday, and again we are thinking about doing the race after watching the (British) F1 Grand Prix, so at about 4 PM.

Same settings as last time so anyone interested just has to check the previous page of this thread. But for you all lazy persons :sly: I'll make it easy to find: It's all
-----> HERE < -----​

Thank you @half_sourly for scoring. Regarding DNFs, in my opinion DNFs/DQs should also score, as long as they actually start the race.

@Hun200kmh count me in for the "Le Mans hors-championnat" on sunday. It will be in the aftermath of the PORTUGAL vs. FRANCE Euro 2024 match, lots of stuff to chat about 😉

Regarding the Texas race, it can be lots of fun both in oval or infield setup. If you want to play "weather wizard", then the infield version may suit better.
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Thank you @half_sourly for scoring. Regarding DNFs, in my opinion DNFs/DQs should also score, as long as they actually start the race.
It's not my series. I'll score in whatever way @Hun200kmh wants me to.

@Hun200kmh how do you want me to deal with DNF and DQ?

My view is in real life they don't score.
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Again, not my series, but since you have penalties, mechanical wear and pit crew errors activated, which all could end a race, they should count for something. Makes it realistic. In the above cases a pit lane speeding DQ and whatever Raeggee succumbed to in the pits.

The exception I'd probably allow for are disconnections, which are out of the players control and not true to real life racing. Treat it as they limped past the line in last place sort of thing.
Just my few pence worth. 🙂 Again over to @Hun200kmh

One word about Texas, it's not the most optimised of tracks, often a bit juddery. Especially with weather and time changes. Give it a go and see what you think.
@GTP_RPREGO @half_sourly @IfAndOr thank you for your input on this matter. I asked @half_sourly to use the same standards the monday group has been using, I assume that's what he did so a DNF is a DNF and a DQ is a DQ, I am perfectly ok with no points being awarded.

@IfAndOr I also understand your point about internet-caused disconnects, but then again, it's the same as an electrical failure in real racing. It may happen, and I am sure that in the monday's series a disconnect meant no points (what I wasn't sure was the DQ and DNF consequences).

That said, and as always, a disconnect at race start is and will always be treated as a red flag, with the race being restarted. After that ... the show (race) will go on.


Now, about the series. I am really enjoying it, even if it sometimes feels like I'm doing a "farewell tour", using all classics in all major or iconic circuits available.

The only thing less nice about all this old project of mine is the fact that I left it in the shelf for too long. Maybe it was the fact that Paul and Zolon kept us fully entertained with various great series, so this ... "thing" ... seemed a bit too much to add to our weekly schedule. The consequence is that many I would have liked to see taking part are now gone to other pastures.

Anyway, "chinning up", and speaking of iconic circuits, it is funny that a Le Mans repeat was requested by those that didn't have the oportunity to show up in the Series race, and it is also interesting that those that did take part look forward to doing it again.

And that's what we will have in this off-season weekend. No need to practise much, we've been there already! :D


finally, the Texas race. I am VERY divided between GTO - Road Course or NASCAR - Oval Course.

Close racing, NASCAR style, is possible, as proved by this 3-year old video of myself and Ricardo, captured even before I met the monday's group.

Granted, it is Daytona, not Texas. And Daytona also figures in this series (how could it not). It's in fact the race after Texas, using an historic setting and cars from the 1967 Ferrari's revenge on the Ford-Le Mans humiliation a few months before.

So, here's what I'm thinking ... to keep Texas as a GTO class race using the Road Course, but to also add a NASCAR race to the roster. That race would be at Daytona Oval Course and the cars to be used would be the GTO Nascar cars (single make race).

So that's a 19th race for this series. Its calendar placement TBD (meaning I have no idea ... :lol: )

And ... brace yourselves ... since we're doing an "Hommage" to everything in the realm of classic motorsports, I wouldn't like this series to leave out one of the major events in the history of racing. So I am working on a way to include, with the possible realism within the constraints of this game ...

le Col du Turini!

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Hello Mario!

Very well, let's then run the infield version of Texas with GTO cars.

It will be a preparation for Daytona 24h - the article you shared is fantastic, and I already know which car I will drive in that race! Eager to see a Prancing Horse through the International Horseshoe :)

I also look forward to the Daytona Speedway Nascar race. It is such a fast track, one mistake and you are toast.

Monte Carlo, now that will be quite an event! With snow and at night, I guess from the photo...
There''s no Snow "season" in the Azure track or any of its sections ...:irked:

Pity, it would look good. Like this (sorry for the poor driving, this was just a demo run)

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No warning needed, just be online tomorrow after the british F1GP.

Meanwhile tonight I plan to do some weird tests to figure out how to have a "rally" happening as the 20th event of this series (meaning the 18 already in the calendar + a Nascar race at Daytona + a rally). If anyone wants to join this and understand just how crazy my ideas are ... again just be online and I'll send an invite. :dopey:
Very tough attrition race today!
It was wet all the time, and I messed up charging to slicks... almost 2 laps down...
But as many people dropped out, I got into the top-10.

For me the clear lesson is...


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I have to confess, this game sometimes can be enfuriating. So, what happened is that after hellraiser got a DQ at the start we all decided to quit and restart.

Before opening a new lobby and because I knew everyone was waiting, I tried to be quick and trusted the game wouldn't change the race settings. But since I have previous experience of exactly that happening, I had a quick look to check if the lobby was still private, if the AIs were still present and what was their setting.

Didn't think the game would change the weather settings. And that's exactly what happened.

So, instead of

Random - Light Cloud - Clear - Overcast

We had

Random - Overcast - Light Rain - Light Rain

And it made for a miserable experience because when Le Mans becomes soaked it becomes also undriveable (in this game). What a waste of a perfectly fine afternoon. :banghead:

Oh well, thankfully this wasn't t a "series" event.

Moving on to Texas, nothing is set in stone until the "event post" is published, and I plan to do it until wednesday, but I am considering the Ferrari F40 LM as the "human racers" car. Nevertheless if anyone has a strong opinion on why it should be some other GTO car, I will hear it. There's one car excluded though: The Ford, I'm saving that for the Daytona "NASCAR" event.

This is the list of the GTO cars.

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Time to present the 5th leg of this classic series.

After a 70's F1 race at Fuji, Japan, we will cross the Pacific and advance one decade. It's the EIGHTIES! And we'll race IMSA GTO beasts in TEXAS! So .... here goes, the



THE ...



(in 60 minutes)

That will take place next July 14th 2024

Lobby opening for all players at 5 PM (UK/PT Time)

(be ponctual, there a litle game of football starting at 8 PM ... ;) )

Cars racing this time will be from the IMSA GTO Class, but us humans will only be able to drive the fabulous


(Pictured: Jean Alesi, 1989 Laguna Seca)​



  • Private Lobby - Invite only
  • Fill vacant slots with AI - Yes (16 cars on the grid regardless of how many human players)
  • Wait for race ready - On
  • Rules & Penalties - On
  • Track Limit Penalties - On
  • Allowable Time Penalty - 30 seconds
  • Drive Through Penalties - Off
  • Pit Exit Penalty - Off
  • Competitive Racing License - Off

  • Track is "Texas Motor Speedway Road Course"
  • Rolling Start
  • Allow Auto Start Engine -Yes
  • Force Interior view - No
  • Force Driving Line Off - No
  • Force Default Setups - No
  • Force Manual Gears - No
  • Force Realistic Driving Aids - No
  • Allow Anti Lock Brakes - Yes
  • Allow Traction Control - No
  • Allow Stability Control - No
  • Damage Type - Visual Only
  • Mechanical Failures - Yes
  • Allow Ghosted Vehicles - Yes
  • Force Manual Pit stops - Yes
  • Pit Stop Errors - No
  • Tire Wear - Accelerated
  • Fuel Depletion - On
  • Force cool down Lap - No

  • Free Practise - Light Rain - 11:00
  • Qualifying - Clear - 12:00
  • Race - Variable (details below) - 13:00

  • It is July14th (in this series the date will always be "Current Date") so for this game it is a "summer" race.

  • Ferrari F40 LM

  • Will be set to "Same Class" so any and all cars from the GTO class can be present. The field will, regardless of how many human entrants, always have 16 cars, the AI filling all available slots.
  • The AI setting, always a contentious issue, will have their aggression level set to 75 and skill level set to 75, that was the best compromise I found. Didn't find any them to be particularly annoying segment of the track, and they are slower than us so it'll almost be like a second tier/class of cars in the race. They rarely crash though ... :D
  • In any case don't treat them as if they arent there, because even a damage-less crash (remember damage is set to "Visual Only") remains a costly experience (in time lost if nothing else).

  • Pits are fully manual. This means you will still be driving your car inside the pit lane, and you must be the one parking it in your pit stall. Mind the entry spped and try not to crash close to the pit entrance, you can be DQ if you enter there spinning at high speed. Believe me, been there ... :dopey:

  • Strategy - Not sure but I think you'll need to refuel during this race. Tyres are also a tricky thing, I would drop the "simmetry option in the setup and go for the hard tyre on the outside and sft on the inside. Then again ... I really didn't test this so I may be totally wrong. There's a slight chance of wet weather in the middle of the race (fear it not, the car is very good using wets, and from what I could tell when I checked this the track doesn't create puddles of standing water).

  • Setups - A good setup is something personal, but both the car and the track make it even more so. This track has two vastly different sections (oval and road) and is even more extreme in both than Daytona. It's a give and take between oval speed and cornering ability so ... do as you wish. Again I'm not keeping secrets here, I will share my own setup with anyone wanting it, but I really think each person will go different ways to find "their" car.


  • LOBBY - will be open and invites will be sent a few minutes before 5 PM(UK and PT time, 6 PM in most of continental Europe). We must follow the schedule, because 3 hours later England and Spain will face off and it remains to be seen if Southgate will be able to emulate Sir Francis Drake's achievements against what seems to be - again - an invicible armada ;)

  • PRACTISE AND QUALIFYING - You don't have to take part in either of these! Just make sure you enter the lobby well before the end of quali, or else you won't be able to enter the race.
    • Practise will last 15 minutes track will be WET
    • Qualifying will last 15 minutes track will be DRY
    • RACE - This one you must enter! It will last 60 minutes (real time)

  • WEATHER (in Race) - Mostly DRY, but with a possible, mid-race shower. Details as follows:
    • 3 slots, first and last dry, second set to random.
    • sync to race setting (means each slot will last about 20 minutes).

See you Sunday in TEXAS! Yeeeh Hawwww :D
Time to present the 5th leg of this classic series.

After a 70's F1 race at Fuji, Japan, we will cross the Pacific and advance one decade. It's the EIGHTIES! And we'll race IMSA GTO beasts in TEXAS! So .... here goes, the



THE ...



(in 60 minutes)

That will take place next July 14th 2024

Lobby opening for all players at 5 PM (UK/PT Time)

(be ponctual, there a litle game of football starting at 8 PM ... ;) )

Cars racing this time will be from the IMSA GTO Class, but us humans will only be able to drive the fabulous


(Pictured: Jean Alesi, 1989 Laguna Seca)​



  • Private Lobby - Invite only
  • Fill vacant slots with AI - Yes (16 cars on the grid regardless of how many human players)
  • Wait for race ready - On
  • Rules & Penalties - On
  • Track Limit Penalties - On
  • Allowable Time Penalty - 30 seconds
  • Drive Through Penalties - Off
  • Pit Exit Penalty - Off
  • Competitive Racing License - Off

  • Track is "Texas Motor Speedway Road Course"
  • Rolling Start
  • Allow Auto Start Engine -Yes
  • Force Interior view - No
  • Force Driving Line Off - No
  • Force Default Setups - No
  • Force Manual Gears - No
  • Force Realistic Driving Aids - No
  • Allow Anti Lock Brakes - Yes
  • Allow Traction Control - No
  • Allow Stability Control - No
  • Damage Type - Visual Only
  • Mechanical Failures - Yes
  • Allow Ghosted Vehicles - Yes
  • Force Manual Pit stops - Yes
  • Pit Stop Errors - No
  • Tire Wear - Accelerated
  • Fuel Depletion - On
  • Force cool down Lap - No

  • Free Practise - Light Rain - 11:00
  • Qualifying - Clear - 12:00
  • Race - Variable (details below) - 13:00

  • It is July14th (in this series the date will always be "Current Date") so for this game it is a "summer" race.

  • Ferrari F40 LM

  • Will be set to "Same Class" so any and all cars from the GTO class can be present. The field will, regardless of how many human entrants, always have 16 cars, the AI filling all available slots.
  • The AI setting, always a contentious issue, will have their aggression level set to 75 and skill level set to 75, that was the best compromise I found. Didn't find any them to be particularly annoying segment of the track, and they are slower than us so it'll almost be like a second tier/class of cars in the race. They rarely crash though ... :D
  • In any case don't treat them as if they arent there, because even a damage-less crash (remember damage is set to "Visual Only") remains a costly experience (in time lost if nothing else).

  • Pits are fully manual. This means you will still be driving your car inside the pit lane, and you must be the one parking it in your pit stall. Mind the entry spped and try not to crash close to the pit entrance, you can be DQ if you enter there spinning at high speed. Believe me, been there ... :dopey:

  • Strategy - Not sure but I think you'll need to refuel during this race. Tyres are also a tricky thing, I would drop the "simmetry option in the setup and go for the hard tyre on the outside and sft on the inside. Then again ... I really didn't test this so I may be totally wrong. There's a slight chance of wet weather in the middle of the race (fear it not, the car is very good using wets, and from what I could tell when I checked this the track doesn't create puddles of standing water).

  • Setups - A good setup is something personal, but both the car and the track make it even more so. This track has two vastly different sections (oval and road) and is even more extreme in both than Daytona. It's a give and take between oval speed and cornering ability so ... do as you wish. Again I'm not keeping secrets here, I will share my own setup with anyone wanting it, but I really think each person will go different ways to find "their" car.


  • LOBBY - will be open and invites will be sent a few minutes before 5 PM(UK and PT time, 6 PM in most of continental Europe). We must follow the schedule, because 3 hours later England and Spain will face off and it remains to be seen if Southgate will be able to emulate Sir Francis Drake's achievements against what seems to be - again - an invicible armada ;)

  • PRACTISE AND QUALIFYING - You don't have to take part in either of these! Just make sure you enter the lobby well before the end of quali, or else you won't be able to enter the race.
    • Practise will last 15 minutes track will be WET
    • Qualifying will last 15 minutes track will be DRY
    • RACE - This one you must enter! It will last 60 minutes (real time)

  • WEATHER (in Race) - Mostly DRY, but with a possible, mid-race shower. Details as follows:
    • 3 slots, first and last dry, second set to random.
    • sync to race setting (means each slot will last about 20 minutes).

See you Sunday in TEXAS! Yeeeh Hawwww :D
Lets see if I could done less spins than usual...
See you Sunday!