OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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Amar, being one of the most knowledgeable and level headed members getting excited about something?!?! This NO news is the biggest news that we’ve heard in 6 months. Wasn’t Amar the first to show us the F2007 as proof of his credibility for the noobs?

Thanks for giving us some of your table scraps. I do appreciate your sharing info with us.
This is welcome 'news'. I haven't been a member here long enough to judge the validity for myself, but I'm going to go with the opinions of the moderators and other senior members here and get a little excited about some incoming information.

Thanks Amar, keep us up to date. 👍👍
Agreed, NDA:s is a pain in the ..., but are necessary to be able to test things. I have the utmost respect for amar. Just the small things we need to keep the faith and not resort to egg and rotten tomato throwing at PD. I've been reading these forums for a long time (GT4P-ish) but haven't bother to register until recently.
Just to help the noobs on here:

What I can work out is that the NDA which Amar is referring to is the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency.


So I think the following is happening/about to happen.

1. - There has been a nuclear waste type accident - hence the somthing cooking and the oven etc - which basically means were all gonna die - hence 'the price is high'.

2.- 'Baking' the accident/explosion will cause massive increases in temperature - and we will all be saying "I'm baking I am" or "cooking innit?"

3.- Gala Dinner - Amar was playing Bingo when he found out about this.

4.- Fiest - I reckon this is short for Fiesta which has just been launched so this could be a new DL car for GT5P.

Hopefully this should put you in the picture so to speak.


On a serious note I'm thinking a very imminent release date of GT5 possibly in the next few months.

My 'Oven' would be a driving seat/cockpit rig you can buy and a new G25 repalcement steering wheel would be 'baking' in the 'Oven'.

My Garla Dinner would be this

Date: 5th to 15th March 2009

Perhaps this will be a perfect time to show GT5 or additional updates?
I for one trust Amar when he says something; furthermore, I believe all of us here should be excited about this big news. PD have not kept silent because they want to cancell the GT franchise...they are working one some very impressive things, but as KY said, they want to surprise us.

And given Amar's hints I think PD will finally cash in on their promisses and deliver the goods :)

Personally, I'm thinking weather and damage...if they can pull that of...obviously more tracks and cars and subtle improvements, but if they can manage it, it gonna be WOW!

So thanks Amar, for giving us at least something to look forward to; we all knew it was coming, but it's nice to hear you say it...or not...or kinda...or...I don't know:)

We appreciate it Amar!
Amar posted this on gtsurgeons.com

"Zatovrenoj Polyphony Digital presentation GT5 and more of something (about what I can not pricati) exclusively for SCE employees and people from Sonyja.

Shown GT5 - who reportedly looks incredible - and announced some details of the game that will all make you fall on the floor. The only problem at this point is that it never does not mention, nor anywhere can publish even the smallest detail. But suppose that one of these news to be a fact of great series and as such potential online, while other news, nobody and not expected. A third story is the story for yourself

I would say, trust me, but simply do not. While some do not participate - and I am sure you will, but first I would like BTI, which will publish it, since you are this time of potential sanctions is truly huge - there is no price. Sorry"

So he's seen a presentation on GT5 but then says " I would say, trust me, but simply do not."

We trust you Amar:tup:
@Amar: From your post I get very important information I didn't have until reading it:

- There WILL be news.

- They're GREAT news

(and the best part)

- in a FEW months, E3 at the latest!

At this moment, I don't need more info. And of course, I absolutely respect the constraints of the NDA you must have signed. Expect no PM from me :)

oh, and by the way ... thanks! 👍 👍 👍
PS3 + GT5 + Easy-Bake Oven = Win.

My hands are sweating!! that sounds like huge news! Thanks for telling us that something big it's going to hapen!!
So he's seen a presentation on GT5 but then says " I would say, trust me, but simply do not."

We trust you Amar:tup:
It's a bad translation, what he said is: "I would say, trust me, but i simply can't" :)
Amare brate samo tako nastavi, pozdrav iz Srbije :dopey:
As others have said, we know your credentials Amar and I think anyone who has read any part of the GT forums will know that you are trustworthy.

NDA's are indeed fun. Having been involved with SI and pre-release FM09, all I felt I could say was "It's going to be great, you'll enjoy it." Without actually saying why the news is good news. It's frustrating, but no active member on here should doubt your news.
Can you smmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll.....what the kaz......is cooking?

I smell some tire smoke :)

GT5 out this year would not be nessesary welcomed with huge support if game was not finnished like we expect, but would totally blow up the bank if game was indeed finnished and maybe even would turn ps3 console sales up in europe :)

PD has size 110 people acording to website. Killzone 2 developer had 140 people to do KZ2. Though at this point i would not make much sense to add man power when existing work force know "what they are doing".
Oh my god i keep coming back here every minute incase there is any more info.

Must stay calm. Must stay calm. Must stay calm.

Oven, baking, buns in the oven, fiest, the gods - God of war?? thats due out soon.

Cool, well I guess we will just have to wait and see.


A lot is riding on this game for Sony with the economy and all. If GT5 is as good as we all hope, many sales of PS3's could follow giving a much needed cash injection for Sony. I think now starting with Klllzone, things will start to improve for the PS3, and the PS3 will start to climb higher and higher towards dominace. The 10 year life cycle is starting to play out now as it's speed is gathering :-)
Something so big is cooking, you can't even imagine the size of it.

And there is something else cooking, which you can't even imagine the price of it.

And the third thing is also in the oven, but you can't even imagine it's even baking. And besides that third thing there is something else in the oven, I'd say it's the oven itself.

Something Big = 3D

Something else that you can't imagine the price of = 3D HDTV

Oven= PS3 reformat or PS4
Disclaimer: this post is just wishful thinking:

Something so big is cooking, you can't even imagine the size of it.

Targa Florio? Isle of Man? Can't think of anything bigger, apart from the Mille Miglia

And there is something else cooking, which you can't even imagine the price of it.

This "price" thing got me wondering ... maybe spec IV with a few more tracks? La Sarthe, maybe? And I can't imagine the price because it will be free?

And the third thing is also in the oven, but you can't even imagine it's even baking.

Ok, something really unexpected is in the making for GT5. So, what don't I think GT5 will have ... hummm ... just one of these:

-free roaming, TDU style?

- bikes in GT5?

- a story line?

(to be honest, only free roaming appeals to me, I don't want bikes in GT5 and I couldn't care less about story lines, they just consume valuable resources best spent in a few more cars/tracks)

And besides that third thing there is something else in the oven, I'd say it's the oven itself.

Very cryptic, this one. The oven itself must mean GT5, but we all know that's what they've been doing. So, I'm sure amar means something here, but WHAT?

My best guess: GT5 will, in some untold way, be very different from each and every other GT game.

And I guess everything will be presented in the gala dinner in the weeks or months to come, but at the E3 latest.

At last, something I can understand :dopey:

And then you'll find out that day of the Fiest is also known even today.

What do I know now? LOL ... yeah ... nothing :D
btw did some one catch what amar posted yesterday, but he requested it to be deleted afterwards?: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=114505
No, and if I had I wouldn't post it knowing he can't say what it is. On a moral level it would be unfair on Amar who has been nothing but brillaint for this community and on a selfish note it could be very counterproductive in the long run. So IF Amar had posted something by mistake that he shouldn't and someone did read it without replying before it was deleted, forget you saw it.
A big THANK YOU to Amar! I'd given up on following the GT5/GT5P forums months ago as nothing new was coming out and I'd grown tired of all the crying and moaning about PD this and PD that. I knew I'd be back eventually, but I'm glad that this is how it happened, and I'm glad that it was Amar that brought me back. Perhaps I'll be buying that PS3 sooner than I thought!
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