OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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And the third thing is also in the oven, but you can't even imagine it's even baking. And besides that third thing there is something else in the oven, I'd say it's the oven itself.

The oven must be something about PS3 console itself....did Sony and Polyphony find a way to unlock the 7th core of the Cell processor?

And that is great news, especially the part when he says it will all be public in a few weeks or months.

That's the part that is killing me. I know we're going to get this heap of information all at once, and it's going to be awesome...but I don't know when it's coming. It could be 3 days from now, or, it could be the latest time, early June at E3. ooooohh the tension :nervous::crazy::gtpflag:
The oven must be something about PS3 console itself....did Sony and Polyphony find a way to unlock the 7th core of the Cell processor?


Of all the Cell's cores, one is used by the operating system / XMB, and one left unused to improve the manufacturing yield (i.e. many more Cell processors could be produced with one defect core, as opposed to none). Therefore, not all PS3s will have the unused core available as it may not be functional.
The old adage "no news is good news" is extremely frustrating in GT and I'm trembling with excitement at this tidbit of information! How soon is it coming? A few months away? Is there going to be another big update before GT5 is released?!

I feel like a little kid again!

Thanks Amar, I appreciate you cannot say much, but I guess everyone here is very glad to hear that there is some news on the horizon and things are looking up!

DAMN YOU AMAR!!!! I have been drinking coffee and redbull, cracking my fingers, reading every single word of this thread, doing anything possible to calm me down (even though coffee and redbull would never help lol). Why all this mystery???

Do you really gotta do this to me?? and most of us here??? God!!! HAHAHAHA

PS. What I mean is......THANK YOU!!! I was getting so bored of GT5P and now you gave me a reason to start playing already. I even started playing the old GT and GT2 with so much anticipation for E3!! :lol:
Why is June so far away???
Thankyou Amar for telling us there's some light at the end of this dark, lonely tunnel Polyphony have made for us.
Sounds very exciting, So a few more months of waiting, and we'll all be rewarded!! YAY!!
This post is mainly for amar to have a nice chuckle! I think whats "cooking" in the "Oven" is that amar and his wife/girlfriend are going to have a child no not twins but triplets:nervous::sly::dopey:. I'll give you a +1 rep for "lighting" the board up with this thread.
By the way, look at this quote of Amar's post: "... you can't even imagine the size of it".

We can't even imagine the size of it....hmmm....Can that be GT5, but a two-disk game. Remember those beautiful times of GT2 with an Arcade disk and Simulation Disk?? Imagine GT5 being so big and bulky it doesn't fit a Blu-ray disk?? OMG that would be insane! I know most of you guys must be thinking this is kind of crazy, but hey, this just popped into my mind, and I thought I would share it with you all. :dopey:
By the way, look at this quote of Amar's post: "... you can't even imagine the size of it".

We can't even imagine the size of it....hmmm....Can that be GT5, but a two-disk game. Remember those beautiful times of GT2 with an Arcade disk and Simulation Disk?? Imagine GT5 being so big and bulky it doesn't fit a Blu-ray disk?? OMG that would be insane! I know most of you guys must be thinking this is kind of crazy, but hey, this just popped into my mind, and I thought I would share it with you all. :dopey:

No because we are done with that. Blue Ray will get to the point it can hold 50-75gbs. That is enough space for anything.
Look, it is very simple....

Size: GT5 with all of the cars from all of the GT series...
Price: Online Racing leagues...that you can set up yourself. Not GT made events.
In the Oven: GT5 and GT Mobile
Oven itself: GT themed PS3 + PSP package...

The only problem is no release date yet. My guess is world-wide Xmas 2009

...just wishful thinking

I would be happy if I am right on any one of those guesses :)
The only problem is no release date yet. My guess is world-wide Xmas 2009

And then you'll find out that day of the Fiest is also known even today.

This tells me there is a release date set - only not published yet.

Which is probably the least exciting part of the entire post, given just how comically inaccurate GT release dates usually are :lol:

No because we are done with that. Blue Ray will get to the point it can hold 50-75gbs. That is enough space for anything.

We have that now. Dual layer BD is 50Gb. There is a 1Tb BD already, though I wouldn't go so far as to say it was commercially viable for the games industry quite yet.
Why does it feel like PD is today for us racing game fans like Area 51 has been for UFO fans for 50 years... :)
You don't have a PS3 yet, go back to your GT4 forum Mafs.:sly:

What the hell has that got to do with anything?? I don't need to OWN a PS3 to enjoy reading what's happening with amar's info for any developments about the full GT5 (which is when I will get a PS3). But thanks for spoiling it for me dude. 👎 I'm thinking of a lot worse to say but AUP prevents me.

Oooh, I'm Paulie, I own a PS3 which makes me better than you....oooh. :rolleyes:

Just to add, I'm always in the Wish list thread, wondering what else TVB puts in the lists.
i think @Paulie was joking, hence the smiley?

Anyways, i think the size refers to the amount of cars PD aimed to deliver : +-900!
for me it's enough...
Amar is the person that spoke with kaz in japan.. its normal that he couldn't tell all the secrets that kaz told him...
so i'm thinking that we will wait the best game ever....
Amar is the person that spoke with kaz in japan.. its normal that he couldn't tell all the secrets that kaz told him...

I did not speak with Kaz in Japan. First and the last time I spoke with him was 5 yers ago in London, prior to release of GT4: Prologue. I had almost an hour and so of talking with him, and he's probably one of the most polite and humble persons I have ever met. However, informations have nothing to do with Yamauchi.
A good number of Japanese people was like that when I went to Japan, until I went to a food court where they were screaming all over the place. :scared:
Believe me, it has. Amar is probably the guy that fom ALL the thousands of gtplanet members ... will be the absolute FIRST to play GT5 (at least, the PAL version).

Check how he was the first to play GT5:P PAL (even before it was released), and how he was so kind to share with us whatever he was finding:

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=103447 - World's first GT5P PAL hands on

or, before that, how he kept us with the most recent info about GT5:Prologue, sometimes even before it was posted anywhere

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=96425 - Official GT5:Prologue thread

Yep, he knows something he can't tell us, so the only thing he can tell us is that - whatever it is - is awesome!

And that is great news, especially the part when he says it will all be public in a few weeks or months.
Last edited by Hun200kmh; Today at 1:42 AM.
hum... ok! but if he knows something and it isnt the time to tell... why is he posting this!? :banghead:

i think people already know that he knows something... congrats to him! 👍
i really dont like speculations about GT! AMAR SHOULD HAVE TIMING.. and post what he knows in the right moment. we know that GT5 will be big, surprising, awesome... that isnt new.. nobody doubted that...
hum... ok! but if he knows something and it isnt the time to tell... why is he posting this!?

People are starting to whine that, because there's no news of news coming from Sony/PD, they must have all died, or they don't care about us, or they've stopped working altogether.

Even the news that there IS news should slake the thirsts of these people. Even though the news can't be specifically stated due to non-disclosure agreements (you can't say what you know, or you'll be fired and then sued), the fact there is some, regardless of whether we know exactly what it is, is good.
I think he posted because it's killing him inside that 1) there's new content that could be great but he can't speak about it with anyone and 2) he sees some of us wondering what is happening / doubting and would like to reassure us in some way.

I am glad of the post. Even if it wasn't informative or anything new, it made me feel more relaxed about GT things again. Sometimes, a lack of progress (with anything in life) gets disheartening and a confidence boost is appreciated! :)
the fact there is some, regardless of whether we know exactly what it is, is good.

I hope it is good.

What is good to some is not so good to others, like if they changed the direction of the game or playing around with different new franchises.

PD have never let me down (besides minor things) so I don't doubt them :)
Let me see he start a rumour and we have to wait several months for a answer?

Sorry but that is massive suffering! :nervous:
amar did say "at E3 latest". So the most we'd have to wait is until E3.
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