Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center

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well i got invites to go to the glasgow screening of this on tuesday tbh it does look like a rather intresting film
What you're saying here is that the quality of the story means nothing and only the name on the writing credit is important. How stupid is that?
Duke, what he's trying to say is that he's an obsessive, Johnny-one-note fanboy for whom his posts mean nothing and that his username should be titled with Banned.

Or at least, that's what I see subcounsciously. I could be wrong.
Apparently I don't understand the term selling out.

If it means making a living by being hired to do a job, said opportunity being given in recognition of past achievement, as opposed to trying to do something without oversight or backing in the hopes that the Universe will glorify it because it was Done By You (as you starve), I choose making a living.
well, the movie did surpriseing well and it got great reviews for it not being HIS WORK. it confounds me exactly why he would do this movie, but apperanty, it worked for him, and he saw something in the script that i didn't, still i can't believe this is the same guy who won an oscar for writing platoon.

oh, and btw, it's your opinion about the selling out thing. it's not a concrete fact. and also, and a writer-director sells out the second he picks up somebody else's script. now THAT'S a concrete fact.
oh, and btw, it's your opinion about the selling out thing. it's not a concrete fact. and also, and a writer-director sells out the second he picks up somebody else's script. now THAT'S a concrete fact.

Um, thanks for clearing that up. . . . :crazy:

And since you've shown tht you DO know where the SHIFT key is, how about starting your sentences with its use? Correct English is part of the AUP, and THAT's a concrete fact.

(Sorry, I just had to. . . . .:indiff:)

. . . and he saw something in the script that i didn't . . .

You had access to the pre-production script?
ive seen it,hard to explain it,rather emotional film,the one thing that was annoying was that the company had sent over the american print version and it kept jamming in the projector and caught fire 3 times!
oh, and btw, it's your opinion about the selling out thing. it's not a concrete fact. and also, and a writer-director sells out the second he picks up somebody else's script. now THAT'S a concrete fact.

Of course - your opinion is a "concrete fact", but someone else's isn't... :rolleyes:

Besides, as niky pointed out, Stone was directing other people's scripts as far back as 1997, so this isn't exactly a new thing for him.
We just watched this last night. It was a lot better than I expected and its just awful what people went through. This movie really shows what it was like for survivors that were trapped after the towers collapsed. I never even thought about what they must have went through trapped in there like that. :guilty: I was shocked that only 20 people were rescued from the debris. Yet in another way I am surprised 20 survived. The guys from the movie were 18 and 19 so they were lucky.