- 3,704
I heard in some magazine that all of the profits go to the familes of the victims
Oh thank god. For a minute there, I thought I suffered a stroke after watching this movie.DukeIf you get a chance, rent or see Natural Born Killers. You have to see it to believe it. In addition to being the stupidest, pretentious-est screenplay ever written, its filming style is guaranteed to give you a migraine by the time you're halfway through. You'll need to lie down in a dark room with a cool moist cloth over your eyes to recover.
Cause that's not what the movie's about. It's about 2 officers who become trapped under the rubble.OmnisI watched the world trade centers get hit and collapse in art class in middle school.
Why do I need to go watch this movie again?
nikyErrh... selling out? Just making a movie in Hollywood is selling out. But c'mon... can't a guy have any fun as a commercial talent in Hollywood? Considering this is the guy who wrote the screenplay to Conan the Barbarian (yes, I was surprised when I looked it up myself...), I doubt this would be the exact moment you could accuse him of selling out.
And this isn't the first thing that Oliver Stone has directed without actually writing it...
morganheadoh yeah? so you have proof that he has sold out before
Dude. Seriously. To paraphrase Tool:FamineHe's a Hollywood director.
I truly don't understand why you suddenly think Oliver Stone is selling out now when he's clearly been a whore for most of his career. He's just marginally more subtle about it than Michael Moore is.Maynard KeenanAll you know about me's what I told you (dumb ****)
I sold out long before you ever even heard my name
I sold my soul to make a record (dip**** man)
For you to buy!
Art is questionable.morganheadmaybe i'm not connecting with you guys the way i thought i would so let me ask a different question;
do you think the writer-director is a lost art in hollywood RIGHT NOW?
FoolKillerArt is questionable.
A writer-director combo can lead to one of two things:
1) A well-written story that comes out beautifully in the end because it has been untouched by the mundane hands of Hollywood execs and is a masterpiece. I find this to be rare.
2) An unstoppable train wreck of trash that could have been stopped or saved had the over-sized ego of the writer-director not gotten in the way. This also happens when you let the star, writer, or director executive produce a film (think Battlefield Earth).
And really, just because the guy decided to direct a movie about something he felt strongly about but didn't write does not make him a sell-out. Writing, directing, and producing a piece of crap movie about a popular topic (football) so that you pander to an audience and guarantee a box office is selling out.
I would honestly rather see individual writers, directors, and producers make a great film than a one guy take on all three jobs and end up with junk.
Besides, when you have a writer-director you get this and this, as well as this, this, and this.
Which brings up a good point, why are you freaking out over Oliver Stone when you have Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino, and Robert Rodriguez (as well as many others) who have all done things on other films and still manage to write-direct? I mean, do you think that Oliver Stone will never write-direct again? I mean, his agent handed him a script and he said, "I would love to direct this. I want to be a part of this," or something along those lines. Find me where he says that he is never going to write again and I will give you credit for feeling that he has been lost in this "art."
I just don't see the sin in this. Sometimes someone has a great creative spirit but not the vision or ability make it into an actual image. If this weren't allowed many great movies wouldn't have been created. You also have people who can read something and then visualize it as an image but they have absolutely no creativity.morganheadI get what you are saying, it's just the only reason i even brought this up in the first place is to protest the fact people like him are working off of somebody else's script.
You must either go out a whole lot or not really watch a lot of movies. It wouldn't kill you to own a guilty pleasrure or two. You don't have to admit it to friends, but owning them gives you something to watch when no one else is watching.i am very particuar about the movies i see. In fact, i only own two DVDs and they were both written and directed by the same person.
I didn't realize this was a movement or something to try and improve Hollywood as it has been going on since the days of Frank Capra and Orson Welles.i am feeling that this movement is failing because, in case you forgot, all five of the ocsar nominnes for best orignal screenplay this past year were written by the same person who also directed it
If you get a chance, rent or see Natural Born Killers. You have to see it to believe it. In addition to being the stupidest, pretentious-est screenplay ever written, its filming style is guaranteed to give you a migraine by the time you're halfway through. You'll need to lie down in a dark room with a cool moist cloth over your eyes to recover.
Just out of curiosity, do you feel the same way about every 9/11 TV special, every Katrina TV special, and documentaries such as Fahrenheit 911? How about movies like Pearl Harbor and Schindler's List? Spike Lee has a movie about Katrina on HBO next week. Those exploit great disaster and tragedy for profit as well. Heck, what about any war movie about real events in a real war?I refuse to see 'Flight 93' and there's no way in hell I'm going to see this movie. Making profit off 9/11 is not something I will willfully support. And, any movie made about 9/11 is going to only support one view point/political side. I always said that they should never make movies about 9/11, but I knew it would happen eventually.
and documentaries such as Fahrenheit 911?
Odd, my wife says the same thing.I can never take anything you say seriously from now on.
Oh god, I wish someone would have warned be before I bought it! What a CRAP movie!
I refuse to see 'Flight 93' and there's no way in hell I'm going to see this movie. Making profit off 9/11 is not something I will willfully support. And, any movie made about 9/11 is going to only support one view point/political side. I always said that they should never make movies about 9/11, but I knew it would happen eventually.
Because 'documentaries' and Farenheit 911 don't belong in the same sentence as each other, except to point out thoroughly and with great vigor that any Michael Moore movie is NOT a documentary.
Oh. While I agree, I wasn't attempting to make commentary about Fahrenheit 911. I believe I have bashed it plenty in other threads.Because 'documentaries' and Farenheit 911 don't belong in the same sentence as each other, except to point out thoroughly and with great vigor that any Michael Moore movie is NOT a documentary.
so what you guys are saying that hollywood directors sell out the second they make their first movie?
Actually the final score was 58-29. Not a surprise to me. For my pre-game thoughts, and soon post-game thoughts, read the college football threads.btw, UK lost 50-39. HA!
remember, it's not about what is written, it's about who writes it.💡
I don't know if you meant it to, or not, but this statement absolutely shoots your own argument right in the ass.remember, it's not about what is written, it's about who writes it.💡