One year after release opinion

  • Thread starter fernandito
IMO, effing brilliant! GTS can't really compete. Dynamic weather, night/day, huge track list, amazing cars plus excellent DLC.
And don't get me started on the engine sounds. Oh my God, 917K and 512M sound orgasmic! Don't know which sounds better although I'll probably give a slight nod to the Porsche although I'm a Ferrari fan.

Just the variety of disciplines is incredible too. From Go Karts to LMP1 and everything in between.

How this game didn't receive more praise is baffling, quite honestly.
And someone wants to tell me that GTS is the 'real simulator' :rolleyes:

And most of the PC Darksiders of iRacing etc say PCARS 2 is average too, many without playing it, although that explains itself lol! :P
GTS ist quicker, easier to get acustomed to. I really struggle with each new class in PCars2. In GTS the vehicles are way easier to drive. I do like PCars better though. Now I only have to fugure out how to not get hit with the loose Setup all the time.
As a side note, anyone know where I can race (track, date, time) at the highest ambient temperature possible? Tried Bathurst at 1pm in Summer, but only saw 29°C. Would love to do a mini enduro with some road cars, giving them a workout, and trying to stop them from blowing up!
Try Dubai Autodrome - I just had it show 42C (and 60C for track temp) for mid-June :)
So you guys are saying it's the best time to buy PC2? ... there is nice sale on PS Store so I'm tempted. Are there any graphical problems on PS4 Pro? I tried the demo and there were some weird things in replays.
So you guys are saying it's the best time to buy PC2? ... there is nice sale on PS Store so I'm tempted. Are there any graphical problems on PS4 Pro? I tried the demo and there were some weird things in replays.

Well I made this video back in April 2018 on my standard PS4, with the game on patch 1.04 I believe, and if you can find any major graphical glitches, then I'm a Hamster! :D

Annoyed by the insane choices for weekly sport races on GTS i went back to PC2 for the first time in 8 months this week.

I'm going to bore you all but so be it.

I use the DS4 and loved PCARS1 where i could play with diff and coast settings to allow me to use the controller. PC2 was alarming, the cars felt all over the place, just a mess.

Firstly what i liked;

- Great track list
- Superb car list including older race cars
- Superb sound, leaps and bounds ahead of GTS
- An overall UK feel to the game where you can grab a Caterham and buzz around Oulton park or Knockhill ... fantastic stuff

Now for the issues;
- Bugs, my god the bugs
- Atrocious AA, I am not a graphics nut but dear me, the flickering trees and brutal AA is massively distracting
- Lobbies are quiet, need to join a league for which i cannot commit
- Handling with the pad is excruciatingly difficult
- UI is appalling
- Bugs affecting settings was a major hassle
- Bugs that would turn off assists was the end of the line for me, just drove me mental
- The lack of grip going from qualifying to race under IDENTICAL conditions was infuriating. I was not alone either, others reported the same.

The game is just too big and too bold, they REALLY need to strip it back, remove rallying, ice, dirt, etc and focus on race cars. I switched to GTS which feel soulless but at least I can race and sport mode is sheer and utter genius for someone as time poor as i am.

In saying all that, this last week, as much as I cannot control the cars at all, I was reminded of why I love the franchise. Driving the GTO Lambo at Road America, great noise, great track, and the car feels alive.
I share a lot of those thoughts but after turning the game on and being greeted with the shockingly nasty AA (even the car interiors can look awful) it doesn't take long to forget about the game's issues and let the driving take over. Such a lot of fun to be had.

I think SMS keep biting off more than they can chew, but I'm still happily playing the game a year after launch, and I haven't even touched career mode at all.

As for the differing handling between practice and race... Well that's something I posted here a while back, and the response was the effect of driving in dirty air in a pack, and at first I was unsure, but now I think it's true. Perhaps it's a bit over the top, but once you make your way through the pack and have clean air the car handles more like it would in free practice. I commend SMS for trying to simulate this, as annoying as it can be.

Who knows what features the next game will have, I'll buy it regardless, and no doubt will be faced with bugs and other annoyances, but will end up still enjoying it I'm sure.
As for the differing handling between practice and race... Well that's something I posted here a while back, and the response was the effect of driving in dirty air in a pack, and at first I was unsure, but now I think it's true.

Not way that was the issue. I'd qualify 3rd, then in the race i simply COULD NOT CONTROL THE CAR, spinning at every turn. Mostly it was the assists turning themselves off between sessions, i need ASM and TC and suddenly it's gone.
Well I made this video back in April 2018 on my standard PS4, with the game on patch 1.04 I believe, and if you can find any major graphical glitches, then I'm a Hamster! :D

only PS4 Pro was affected, I searched some recent replays from the PS4 Pro and everything looks fine ... I didn't buy PC2 because of the bugs, but for $40 for Deluxe version, I can tolerate them.
Not way that was the issue. I'd qualify 3rd, then in the race i simply COULD NOT CONTROL THE CAR, spinning at every turn. Mostly it was the assists turning themselves off between sessions, i need ASM and TC and suddenly it's gone.
Well tbh it doesn't surprise me. These games can get crazy sometimes. And they promised less bugs this time around. Maybe pCARS3.
PCars2 is still really buggy. Multiplayer is unplayable and SMS have made absolutely no effort to make the UI/process for finding multiplayer games easier in the last 12 months

For time-trial and racing against AI, PCars2 is good, though.

My opinion after 12 months since launch

They launched Pcars 2 too soon for me trying to avoid launching it after GT Sport ..
For me this was the greatest mistake... It still needed optimization and polishing for at least a couple of months ..

Even with all the "issues" at launch it was quite less bugged than the first Pcars ... No invisible walls, no lost of FFB in middle of a session, better IU, better and easier FFB settings..

Yes, graphic side it seems a bit worse than the first pcars... But they changed 2D trees to 3D trees.. Livetrack and added dynamic resolution to improve the overall quality from the framerate... And I would say, yup... They achieved on a standard PS4 to have a more solid framework... With a game as big and consuming as PC2 I think they did a great job with the mediocre hardware PS4 have.

With the updates trough this 12 months they improved FFB,controller implementation, physics, livetrack, a lot the Tyre model, AI... Online stability and iron out some issues and bugs .

Now I can't be happier .. Lot of fun offline, a lot of content, cars variety and tracks... Lot of options to personalize the game..
Great ffb even on basic wheels like The T150

Yes... Online for casual racing isn't great, but really, for private leagues and streaming of the races it's great and the penalty system works really nice...

Is it perfect? Nope... None game is perfect.
But SMS achieved to offer me with PC2 the possibility to make me feel the thrills of a racing weekend with a lot of possibilities..

For me it has become the most complete racing sim on PS4..

So, good job SMS and hope to see you keeping improving in a future PC3.
Multiplayer is unplayable.

I've now done 100 online races since launch - almost all without problems. I presume you are referring to problems racing in random online rooms - I only race in private rooms for Leagues with which I have had almost no problems.

Personally very happy with the game one year on and feel that I have had good value for money! If my online friends continue to play the game then I will stick with it for another year at least - I think there are enough cars and tracks to keep me going for two more years!
A year in... Where are we?

Still the best track and car list in the business. Still an awesome weather and time of day/night emulation. Still a very strong contender for physics and tire accuracy, and depth of tuning options. Somewhat frustrating that the tire model can be changed without the slightest communication from the devs as to what and why they changed something so core after so late a time in the game's progression.

Still primarily a PC title. The features they had to drop to run this on a console have resulted in a title far less playable than the PC version, especially in online features and graphics. Graphic compromises I can of course understand, but the total whiffing on the online lobby system (that other console games don't suffer, so definitely not platform caused) shows a lack of concern about a fair percentage of their player base. On console, you cannot see total public rooms and players playing, you have no room titles, so each one is a crapshoot trying to find clean racing and a seemingly barren wasteland of hardly any rooms even if there ARE more.

Still disappointing to find how fragile the developers' egos are, to respond to criticism by turning their backs almost to a man on any form of communication with their player base. Patch notes are a joke, the player base is left to spend weeks trying to track down what is changed, fixed, broken or placebo. Perhaps if their first four patches didn't have such excellent notes, it might not seem so bad. But once you provide that amount of documentation, it is hard to accept any explanation why it is no longer possible. The lame excuse that it speeds up release time doesn't mean they can't provide detailed notes AFTER the release.

AI is still almost as unbalanced as ever, needing constant adjustment from track to track and weather condition to weather condition to provide consistent challenge. As are default tunes across cars. Some close to perfect OOTB, others that are nightmares without a custom tune.

For me, I find the driving experience in PC2 the best currently available (with the qualification of 'for console', I'm not familiar with PC sims) not for the physics and FFB (that's AC, for me) but for what you can do with that driving experience, with ToD and weather giving PC2 the edge over AC. But these are RACING games, with the emphasis on online racing. And here, after even a year, little is better than launch. Online bugs, disconnections, and a console lobby system currently the worst in the biz, PC2 leaves you with little to do if you cannot join an organized league.

I fear that SMS went for too much in this title, leaving themselves painted into a corner as to forward direction. AC had no weather, little ToD, so have something that is going to energize their base when added in ACC. But PC2 has all that. There is so little core that needs adding to what is already pretty much a comprehensive feature list. Livetrack, weather, ToD, PC2 has it all. But little of it functions flawlessly. Now SMS face the uphill battle of coming out with a new game that needs little but the features it already has actually working!

Me, I'd be only too happy to pay a full game price for little more than we already have but with refinements and changes that address its already War and Peace length buglist and lobby and netcode faults. But I have a doubt many will. For starters, most will need to see the reports of all the bugs fixed before they spend any more money for a title close to identical to the current one. That don't pay the bills, LOL!

So my main fear is, once again SMS will shoot for the stars, and prioritize new buggy features over fixing the ones they already have. The way forward is tough for SMS, especially in the console segment. They obviously have problems with issues that require utterly different code to the base PC version (their cloud replay limitation is a perfect illustration of this... console users need a local save option to overcome the limited console cloud size limits).

An utterly bug-free Project Cars would be a total market dominator. So little needs adding other than simple content (cars and tracks) and a redesign of the entire console lobby system. I would be only too happy for a PC2 SpecII update with even a half game price tag ($30) if it addressed the issues. But I somewhat dread what is more likely... PC3 with the same issues it currently has, with at least a year's worth of needed patches before whatever is added works properly (if at all).

If PC2 was as bad in the driving, physics and content department as GTS, I wouldn't feel so bad. But to come this close, and fail before the finish line only heightens the frustrations. We need a paradigm shift in SMS policy...

No new features unless they work 100%! No new features until the current ones work 100%! Just perfect what is so close to perfect..!
Congratulations you win the internet today Captain obvious.
If they can fix the bugs ,they do have the best breadth of offerings to the racing community imho.
Last time I looked both Apple and Microsoft had plenty of bugs in their latest software they’ve been working on the last twenty years.
I just think you have to have realistic expectations of SMS, they do pretty well for the resources they have.
A year in... Where are we?

Still the best track and car list in the business. Still an awesome weather and time of day/night emulation. Still a very strong contender for physics and tire accuracy, and depth of tuning options. Somewhat frustrating that the tire model can be changed without the slightest communication from the devs as to what and why they changed something so core after so late a time in the game's progression.

Still primarily a PC title. The features they had to drop to run this on a console have resulted in a title far less playable than the PC version, especially in online features and graphics. Graphic compromises I can of course understand, but the total whiffing on the online lobby system (that other console games don't suffer, so definitely not platform caused) shows a lack of concern about a fair percentage of their player base. On console, you cannot see total public rooms and players playing, you have no room titles, so each one is a crapshoot trying to find clean racing and a seemingly barren wasteland of hardly any rooms even if there ARE more.

Still disappointing to find how fragile the developers' egos are, to respond to criticism by turning their backs almost to a man on any form of communication with their player base. Patch notes are a joke, the player base is left to spend weeks trying to track down what is changed, fixed, broken or placebo. Perhaps if their first four patches didn't have such excellent notes, it might not seem so bad. But once you provide that amount of documentation, it is hard to accept any explanation why it is no longer possible. The lame excuse that it speeds up release time doesn't mean they can't provide detailed notes AFTER the release.

AI is still almost as unbalanced as ever, needing constant adjustment from track to track and weather condition to weather condition to provide consistent challenge. As are default tunes across cars. Some close to perfect OOTB, others that are nightmares without a custom tune.

For me, I find the driving experience in PC2 the best currently available (with the qualification of 'for console', I'm not familiar with PC sims) not for the physics and FFB (that's AC, for me) but for what you can do with that driving experience, with ToD and weather giving PC2 the edge over AC. But these are RACING games, with the emphasis on online racing. And here, after even a year, little is better than launch. Online bugs, disconnections, and a console lobby system currently the worst in the biz, PC2 leaves you with little to do if you cannot join an organized league.

I fear that SMS went for too much in this title, leaving themselves painted into a corner as to forward direction. AC had no weather, little ToD, so have something that is going to energize their base when added in ACC. But PC2 has all that. There is so little core that needs adding to what is already pretty much a comprehensive feature list. Livetrack, weather, ToD, PC2 has it all. But little of it functions flawlessly. Now SMS face the uphill battle of coming out with a new game that needs little but the features it already has actually working!

Me, I'd be only too happy to pay a full game price for little more than we already have but with refinements and changes that address its already War and Peace length buglist and lobby and netcode faults. But I have a doubt many will. For starters, most will need to see the reports of all the bugs fixed before they spend any more money for a title close to identical to the current one. That don't pay the bills, LOL!

So my main fear is, once again SMS will shoot for the stars, and prioritize new buggy features over fixing the ones they already have. The way forward is tough for SMS, especially in the console segment. They obviously have problems with issues that require utterly different code to the base PC version (their cloud replay limitation is a perfect illustration of this... console users need a local save option to overcome the limited console cloud size limits).

An utterly bug-free Project Cars would be a total market dominator. So little needs adding other than simple content (cars and tracks) and a redesign of the entire console lobby system. I would be only too happy for a PC2 SpecII update with even a half game price tag ($30) if it addressed the issues. But I somewhat dread what is more likely... PC3 with the same issues it currently has, with at least a year's worth of needed patches before whatever is added works properly (if at all).

If PC2 was as bad in the driving, physics and content department as GTS, I wouldn't feel so bad. But to come this close, and fail before the finish line only heightens the frustrations. We need a paradigm shift in SMS policy...

No new features unless they work 100%! No new features until the current ones work 100%! Just perfect what is so close to perfect..!

What he said, damn near every word.
So you guys are saying it's the best time to buy PC2? ... there is nice sale on PS Store so I'm tempted. Are there any graphical problems on PS4 Pro? I tried the demo and there were some weird things in replays.

Not only is it the best time, but if you own a PRO, the game runs significantly better. I had a standard PS4 and recently upgraded to a PRO. PC2 just runs smoother, looks better, and is more consistent in the frame rate. Hands down. =)
Newsflash. If you're expecting "utterly bug-free!" or "100% no bugs" from any modern, complex software you're living in cloud cuckoo land. Games would never get released.

No, I don't expect 100% bug free. I also don't expect a bug list that exceeds every other racing game out there. If you are somewhat in doubt of how PC2 stands as to unresolved and newly added issues (every update breaks something!), take a gander at Asturbo's posts on the official PC2 forum. Required reading for anyone before they start defending this game.

This is only the thread about unresolved or new issues for the latest patch one year after release. read the others (if you have all day!)

If that gives any of you optimism for the future, you have pretty low expectations.

As I said, this game's feature list and content list is damn near perfect as is. If only it all worked...
After a year its still a good game, content is good, cars are fun to drive, AI one of the best in my opinion they will give you a good race, online public lobby's I tend to stay away from (have done in other games aswell) but private lobby's work well.
Had two bugs from that bug list over a year so I must of got the lucky disc or the lucky ps4.

I bought it originally for the offline as I didn't have much time last year and with gt sport offering little offline content last year it was a no brainer for me, but its still kept me from buying gt sport.

Its worth a buy even just to mess around with the cars, defiantly had my moneys worth.
No, I don't expect 100% bug free. I also don't expect a bug list that exceeds every other racing game out there. If you are somewhat in doubt of how PC2 stands as to unresolved and newly added issues (every update breaks something!), take a gander at Asturbo's posts on the official PC2 forum. Required reading for anyone before they start defending this game.

This is only the thread about unresolved or new issues for the latest patch one year after release. read the others (if you have all day!)

If that gives any of you optimism for the future, you have pretty low expectations.

As I said, this game's feature list and content list is damn near perfect as is. If only it all worked...

The list from asturbo is not only the bugs of 7.0 version, but are all the bugs or issues that are in the game...

Yes, there are quite a few!

But don't think that it's the only game... If assetto and GT Sport users makes also a list of all bugs and issues... It will be very semblant to the list of PC2 ..

How more complex a game is, more easily it is that bugs and issues appear in the code.

Since launch,a lot of annoying bugs and issues have been resolved and fixed, and they let a very complete and enjoyable game..

Other games like GTS... Didn't even fix things in their netcode since 2013 and ported them to GTS (users that don't see each other on track)..
Together with new one's since launch like keep stuck on grid or autopilot that don't disengage..
That for me are real game breaking bugs..
And what is worse .. PD don't even have a forum where users can report and discuss with devs.

Are there perfect games? Nope.. And there will never be...
My earlier sentiments reveal where I stand on this game. I believe it's phenomenal for numerous reasons, some I've already stated.

I'm mostly an offline racer and I haven't encountered much of anything that I would call a bug.

I'm also fortunate to have been friended by some experienced and mature sim racers who have allowed me to join them online. Because I'm in America and most of them are in Europe, my schedule doesn't always allow me to race with them. But, I do often spectate them and I don't see bugs there either.

It would be foolish for me to say there are no bugs. I just haven't experienced them.

My biggest complaints are that this game is so hard (something I love) and that it ruins GTS for me, a game I previously liked a lot.
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Will go down as an underrated sim. Don't understand how a game that simulates tire heat, tire flex, brakes affecting tire temp, aero, weather, etc etc etc can be called simcade by the sim racing community.

Because a lot of guys in the simracing community never driven a real Race car. Simple as that

PC2 is for me the best sim in any kind of a way. Its everything I've ever expected from a sim. Hope SMS will add new DLC's in the Future.
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Cannot believe anyone is comparing the bugs in GTS to to PC2, come on man, PC2 was a mess, a complete and utter mess.

Well, each person is free to have an opinion on something.

Why don't compare? GTS was in development nearly 4 years, has a really big studio and considered on of the best racing games.

But if you focus a game towards on-line .. But "port" a bug like people that don't see each other on track that is in the netcode of the personalised lobbies since 2013 and GT6... And adding even new ones like keeping stuck on grid in race starts and autopilot that don't disengage in rolling starts... Having to re-open lobbies or doing restarts is annoying and game breaking.. At least for me in my opinion ....

That it's even not fixed after a year ... And that's for me a "mess" .

The Tyre model with the exesive unnatural wheelspin in such a basic model is also quite annoying that PD isn't able to fix it after a year..
Or that ffb from GT6 is better on low end and mid end wheels than the one GTS offers...

And yes, PC2, smaller studio, less budget, developing a real big game in 2 years on 3 platforms, came out to soon to avoid big games as Forza or GTS and quite buggy, even so don't would call it a mess really, because I could play online (and off-line) without mayor problems for example .. And SMS honestly listen to their community and did in my opinion a real good post release support fixing and polishing a lot.

For the rest, like I said, none game is bug free and if the users from games as GTS or assetto makes a list of bugs and issues and things to polish, sure they will be as "big" the list of PC2 is.

All that is my opinion and point of view in difference between some studios .. And of course you and everyone is free to have his own opinion and /or point of view ...

See you around :cheers:
I have both PC2 and Forza 7. I do find myself playing Forza more than PC2 simply for the car roster, graphics, overall feel and customization from races to cars...that being said PC2 is definitely more realistic for me in terms of race types, real car divisions, track roster and physics. They are both good titles in their own right.