Online Experiences?F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter The Jenius
A tag has absolutely nothing to do with elitism!

Let me speak for myself. I have a GTRP tag when racing online. This tag reminds me to behave sportsman like on the track. It also makes others or should make others aware that I try to race 100% clean and behave correctly on track. Sure I can race with a non tag, that's no problem either but Tags came with communities. Still the same driver but yes I enjoy the forum I'm at and I'm proud to drive for this community.

I can't see what it has to do with elitism. When I drive with the TAG I'm nothing more or less than any other driver online. Except, that people who think that I race unfair have to possibillity to address this at the community were I'm driving for.

See nothing wrong with that.

If that's the case the community should act! A tag means also a responsibillity and it is not a privilege!

Kind regards,

Of course, note that I mentioned myself that my problem isn't with the idea of tags, more the behaviour it can create with some people. The community really can't do much, you can't stop people using the tags. All that can be done is what was done for Prologue here - provide a thread with all the registered tags and if a driver was found to be driving dirty or displaying the wrong attitude, they were taken off. Doesn't entirely solve the problem though and personally I think its not needed now we are getting private lobby systems in these games.
I was simply saying the tags can create that behaviour, not that they are originally intended to be elitist. Surely you can understand that creating a reputation like that can easily be twisted? Not everyone sees those tags the same way.

Online racing on this game is ridiculous, doesn't matter what race I go on, where I start on the grid or what I do several idiots always crash into me and ruin my race it's an absolute joke, I can only have a decent race when collisions are turned off. Today I managed to avoid the usual mayhem but on the last lap some moron waited for everyone to come back round and decided to crash into me as many times as he could.

I'm praying PD have come up with some good ideas so we don't have the same thing on GT5 but it’s very difficult to get a penalty system working fairly, I don't expect it to be be perfect but I just hope it’s better than F1 2010.

Prepare to be disappointed, no game ever will solve this problem, you can't stop people playing how they want to, even if it means being idiots. The only way is to take it all seriously like iRacing.
If you can't take public racing, stick to private races.

Personally I'd just approach racing online in a different mindset, its no use getting all worked up about it. Just accept its going to happen at some point and attempt to avoid it. I find it amusing now when punters try their tricks, I eventually find the odd driver or two in public races who are willing to race cleanly, I've already added three people to my friends list just from playing F1 2010 online.
Try playing F1:CE, Ferrari Challenge, GT5:P....all these games have punters. GT5 will also have punters, if you want to have something 100% confirmed, that is certainly going to happen.

I had choices on which tag to use. I only picked TORC because it's a very local group and I know most of the members personally somehow. That and my email with my GTP_tag got lost and destroyed with spam and never to be used again.

When I race online I'm setting an example of the community I'm representing... In short bad GTP driver = Bad GTP drivers and it reflects on the forum as well.

It's very tempting to ram a bad driver who isn't following the spirit of the game, but if you can keep a level head and not ram the opposition 90% will treat you the same way. The other 10% are the a******* and only see this as a game.

OMG! Monaco online is a nightmare. Yesterday I was rammed by god knows how many cars, the next thing I know the car flew in the air and i landed on like 2or3 cars in the first corner, it was bloody or should i say oily since wings and broken pieces were all over the place. Grid was 10 ... survivors from first corner were 2 :crazy: I dare you to even try it with strangers ...
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This is a really frustrating one as the gameplay is actually pretty good, when you do find yourself racing some clean drivers who are at a similar level to you it can be great fun. My advice then is to stick with that lobby and put out friend requests to anyone else there, that way you've a chance of finding them again next time.

Overall its not as bad as GT5P, once its all settled down you won't have some malicious c*%t in a Clio taking every opportunity to barge anyone who comes close. Plus the load times are quite quick, so you don't have to wait an age for a race with said Clio and his mates, and if you do find yourself in a demolition derby you haven't wasted too much time.

The starts can be chaos though, as others have said its often better to start near the back of the field, that way you can take it easy and step around the rubble that is most first corners. If you're playing Quick Play or whatever its called then it is a random grid, so if you start at the front then you'd better nail it and cross your fingers. Earlier today I started on pole at Suzuka, I got away nicely and was ahead going into The Esses, took the first one well before some f&%ker did that police move on me, not sure what its called - the one where they flick one side at the rear and you spin like crazy. I heard him chuckling away to himself as he sped by but didn't catch his PSN, you know who you are :mad:
Not an ideal solution but maybe an option for ghosting for the first 30 secs or so.

To be set in the lobby by those who chose it. It would help deter the first corner punters.
Other than that meet like minded racers.
Guys although I skipped F1 out(I'm holding my horses one month more)I follow it with interest and I spotted this on another forum and though You've might have a laugh with it:
(specially at point 9 LOL)

Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 1. Host your own races

If it's been a while since you played an F1 game, you may only know a handful of tracks, or even one. If this sounds like you, set up your own lobby and make sure you only race on the circuits you know. If people don't like it, they can go elsewhere. You can also vote to skip tracks in Quick Race and it's entirely possible that other people will dislike the same tracks as you.

Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 2. Hang back at the start

This being an online racing game, there is always a pile-up at the first corner. Always. So simply try not to get involved. Pretend to miss the green light on the start line, or get over to the very inside of turn one and stay there. Everyone else will move to the outside of the corner as they crash, leaving you free to drive on through the debris.

Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 3. Sell 'em a dummy

It's a classic Nigel Mansell move but very useful online. If you're stuck behind someone and having trouble getting past, 'sell them a dummy' by pretending to go for an overtake on one side, before quickly darting back to the other. Be careful not to do this as they start braking, as you'll crash into them and cause all kinds of problems. Here's Mansell passing Piquet in the 1987 British Grand Prix - all kinds of awesome, only spoiled here by godawful commentary.

Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 4. Try not to hit anyone

It may sound obvious, but it's genuinely good advice. Knocking into someone and benefiting from the incident will earn you a ten second post-race penalty, or worse still, disqualification. Don't even think about going the wrong way round the track – the game will ghost you out and disqualify you too. Avoiding people for the entire race will also yield a trophy/achievement for being a 'perfect gentleman'. Who better to learn from then French gentleman Alain Prost - watch how he falls back as Senna blocks him in the 1993 British GP until he finally gets his chance. Online racing on F1 2010 is exactly like this:

Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 5. Use the pit time to get your settings right

There's nothing wrong with switching on the stability assists in a public game. While sitting in the pits for the 30 seconds before the race begins, push start and make sure your ABS and traction assist settings are on. There's no point in going out in expert mode if no-one else is. Private games may have strict rules, but anything goes in a public race. Oh, and make sure the auto-brake is off. It's going to be impossible to overtake people with it on, even if it does mean you can stay on the road better.

Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 6. Learn how to dodge idiots

Some people will do anything to spoil your fun. If you find yourself just ahead of someone you suspect may try to take you off at the next turn, make sure they don't get the chance. Try to get out of ramming range at hairpins by getting out of the firing line as quickly as possible and dealing with the corner itself a little later than usual. Another trick is to approach the corner wide, move to the inside way earlier than normal and slam on the brakes – they'll most likely miss you and fly past into the gravel.

Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 7. Try passing around the outside

After a few laps on any setting above medium, you'll notice low little grip there is under acceleration. You can use this to your advantage in a close battle. At hairpins in particular, you may find you've got better acceleration from attempting to pass around the outside of a rival. At worst, you'll wind up right on their rear wing for the next straight, at best they'll spin trying to outrun you on the exit. Time for another real-world example? Why the hell not. 1990, Mexico...

Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 8. Brake for the corners

Honestly, it sounds like I'm being patronising, but so many people online are just going as fast as they can and missing the corners by a country mile. So even if you're a complete newcomer, if you just remember to slow down for the turns and stay on the road, you'll pick up loads of places. And there's so much satisfaction in seeing the people who don't brake quit out.

Quite often, you'll be able to get past someone you're following simply by sticking to your normal braking point, even if they are playing properly.

Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 9. Stay away from the pros

If you're in the position where you're winning races comfortably and then someone joins who threatens that superiority, don't worry about honour or good sport, just go elsewhere. Personally I'd never shy away from a good race, but there's no rule saying you have to accept every challenge that comes your way. There are plenty of rooms full of noobs to beat if you're after an easy achievement/trophy for level 50 online rep.
Top 10 Useful Tips to Help You Win F1 2010- 10. Know where you're fast

Finally, if you get stuck behind someone who's almost as quick as you but not quite, don't go mad trying to pass them at every turn. You risk losing your front wing or getting a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct if you hit them. So wait until you get to a part of the track where you know you're much faster, then hang back a bit as you approach. Use the momentum from your amazing racing line to sail past them down the next straight. Then refer to point 6. Just in case.

While the lobbies are currently full of people who clearly bought the game to play it like Burnout, things should get better as more people get used to playing the game properly and fewer idiots go online to cause mayhem. But there's success to be had from these early days, so get out there are nail those achievements/trophies. Then look out for me online when you think you're ready. I'll be there.

Sorry if somebody already posted it...
I have been doing the 3 lap sprint races online because I cant connect to the custom racing, I heard there is a bug in the system ?
So I'm stuck with this for now, It's not as bad as some are making it out, the standard is improving and you can rank up fairly quickly.
The standard is variable, some races I'm winning easy and even lapping players, and on others I'm getting overtaken and struggle to keep pace with the leaders.

Yes its nightmare sometimes with all crashing especially when they crash in front of you and then you get a 10 second penalty for running into them... and if you drive round them instead you get a 10 second penalty for performing an illegal overtake !.....Though I'm not blaming the system for people's bad driving.

I've had some idiot's driving the wrong way round the track trying to take me out , but It does not work thier cars turn ghost image and they get dsq for doing it so the penalty system works quite well most of the time anyway.
I'm finding that Its best to race as clean and tidy as possible, If you get penalty's for corner cutting or causing crashes you risk having any XP points for that race taken off you, So its a good incentive to keep it clean racing.
Tip no 5 is not correct in the top 10 tips, but the other advice is good.
Using ABS just increase's the braking distance in the dry and you will get people running into the back of you, you need to brake as hard and as late as possible, and you can only do that with ABS off.
Same with traction control , full on will slow you down too much, medium is better.
You will also need to learn to drive with minimum downforce on most tracks, that's If you want to compete with the 'Pro's'.... Tip 9 .
I have been doing the 3 lap sprint races online because I cant connect to the custom racing, I heard there is a bug in the system ?

I thought the same until I discovered the list includes games that have already started and are on track so you cannot join. Frustrating as hell (pc version)
Amazing after you get clobbered and go airborn (a la Mark Webber). The first turn is sometimes like a bowling alley, but there are also good, clean races.

Anyone else notice some cars go before red lights go out?

I also notice that sometimes my car won't go when I accelerate at the start.

Of course then I get clobbered by the remaining grid behind me!
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Anyone else notice some cars go before red lights go out?

I also notice that sometimes my car won't go when I accelerate at the start.

Of course then I get clobbered by the remaining grid behind me![/QUOTE]

Yes this has happened to me as well my car would not start for several seconds on the grid .
In one race one car did not move off the grid at all during the whole race, maybe he lost connection but his car just stayed there.
In another race at Spa everyone started but then appeared to loose connection, because they all disapeared suddenly and I was left racing round on my own, then I was signed out of the Playstation network and had to restart the game.
On another ocasion I got stuck in the garage , with the notice 'waiting for players to join' except they never did and I realized it had glitched and I had to quit the game and restart it again.
You sure you had it in the right gear? Unlike F1CE you can't pull away in higher gears.

Yeah I wondered that too, but was in 1st gear; maybe a lag issue online?

I am sure the drivers behind me on a stalled start are surprised when they clobber me :)

Maybe they should have yellow flags at the start when cars don't move :dopey::sly:

Or have the driver raise his arm to signal other drivers behind 'I have a problem' :lol:
For anyone that wants good racing my PSN is Songoku1101 , I am very good, so keep that in mind if you want competitive not overmatched races.
I just raced my first online race last night through an invite from a friend. He had our cars set as ghosts so we didn't ram into each other.

Why not just set these online races to all ghost cars so all this PUNTING & ramming turmoil is no longer an issue?

I'm very new to this game, but it's a blast!! If for some reason the ghost option does not work in public races, could you please explain why?
The ghosting can be set by the host but it means you don't actually race. Its just hotlapping with a live ghost. (?)

When collisions are on you have to try to attack and defend positions like real racing drivers. Its much, much more fun, as long as you're racing someone clean and considerate.
The ghosting can be set by the host but it means you don't actually race. Its just hotlapping with a live ghost. (?)

When collisions are on you have to try to attack and defend positions like real racing drivers. Its much, much more fun, as long as you're racing someone clean and considerate.

Think we have to understand that this is a new game . and that i myself dont know some of the new track layouts so mistakes will happen. it will get better in time hopefully.
Got a couple online races in this am..........what fun!!!!!

Yes, I got slammed off the track a couple times rrrrrrrrr:banghead:

Could you guys answer a few questions for me?

Are all the cars set to be equal performance online?

Does your career mode ranking level play any role on your online ranking?

In career mode, when I save my car setups (I'm using the Suaber if it matters) they are never there when I come back into the garage. This happens both when exiting to the paddock and turning the PS3 off.

Is this a glitch in the game or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for the guidance here fellas:tup:
Could you guys answer a few questions for me?
Are all the cars set to be equal performance online?
The host chooses.
Does your career mode ranking level play any role on your online ranking?


In career mode, when I save my car setups (I'm using the Suaber if it matters) they are never there when I come back into the garage. This happens both when exiting to the paddock and turning the PS3 off.

Never heard of that one.
Could you guys answer a few questions for me?

Accurately? :sly:

Are all the cars set to be equal performance online?

Yes, being in a Lotus doesn't matter (I assume you're doing the 3 lap sprints) but it can be changed in custom GP's.

Does your career mode ranking level play any role on your online ranking?

I don't think so.

In quote.
Well reading this thread has convinced me. I gotta try the online experience. Been sticking to career to learn the handling and the tracks. Probably gonna make a fool outta myself/piss off some people. I assure you it will be unintentional.
See you out there.
PSN ID: KaffeineKeiser
One thing that I have noticed is that some kind of player matching system is in operation online.
Now I'm up to level 31, I am being matched mostly with players of a similar rank or higher in races, and I'm not seeing level 1-20 in the same race as me very often anymore.
This means I get to race with people of a higher standard and usually cleaner racing, So I think its worth it to keep battling on through rookie classes, and you get the rewards later on, The good players are out there, but you have to earn your right to play against them in the same room.
I found a group of locals that race clean and are pretty pacey too. Sadly there is the odd level 0 random who thinks crashes are awesome :grumpy: ...

But I found racing clean with a group of people doesn't just happen, it takes a while to know the other guys personality on the road so you can predict his moves.. Think of it as a football team, they take awhile to gel together.

The more you race the better you get at avoiding accidents... ...
The start bug happened to me too. Everyone else moved and I was stuck for about 2 seconds.
I haven't been racing online for much but 70 % of players met are noobs and I would love it if I can race with you guys PSN:sems4arsenal .I am a registered WRS meember and I try to follow these rules in any game.