Ooh Barracuda - The End of 'Christine' R.I.P

  • Thread starter Barracuda


Glad you're okay Matt, what happened?
We are glad you are ok Matt, shame about Cuda though.

Just a little word of warning guys, dont push too hard about what happened as it is quite personal and he may not want to tell you all. Also, he said something on facebook about his computer being broken so I dont know if he can even post back here.
I don't really think it's something he wanted posted publicly (on the forums), since he probably put it up on his FB for a reason.

I had a feeling that was the case... And I understand perfectly why he wouldn't necessarily want it plastered all over the internet.
It's been way too long, was a year since the accident on April 28th. Was looking through the pictures I have and it doesn't bother me too much anymore so I decided to finally wrap it up for everyone who followed this thread. It's been a mix of life and lethargy that I haven't posted it sooner, I barely go on my computer for anything but email and facebook anymore.

Most of my life I've dealt with varying degrees of anxiety and depression, I never wanted to bother anyone else with my problems so I just let it all turn inward. I didn't learn until after the accident that the best term they could come up with for how I am is Manic Depressive Bipolar. I had spent a good year or so planning how I was going to kill myself by the end of the day every day to no avail, some days were much worse than others, but I had good friends who kept an I eye on me and pretty much kept me alive. Almost every night I'd end up hanging out with them, smoking, then I'd just give up and stuff my face. I always wanted to smoke before I went through with it so I could have that wonderful feeling as I went out, but it had the opposite effect of changing my perspective and calming me down.

The day of the accident I was at school and one my classmates kept pestering me to buy two pills (trying my best to stay within the aup here). Having that same mindset of going out with a bang I finally gave in and waited to take them until that night. At about 10pm I drove to my friends parents house, took them, then waited for my friends to show up. They were running a bit late and I started to get really pissed off for no reason, they showed up and we started working on his brakes, then nothing. My memory is black from there with just bits and pieces. I somehow drove from there to my friends apartment complex, sat down on their porch, and that's when they finally noticed something was up. It turned me into a completely different person and amplified everything I had been feeling. They didn't know how to handle me, apparently I just sat there yelling at everyone for hours, I can remember snapping my phone in half and compulsively throwing it into the kitchen. According to them I stormed out of the apartment, got in my car, left rubber in reverse and almost hit a car, then stayed full throttle all the way out of the complex. There was an officer sitting across the lake on the other side of the college and he said he could hear me coming all the way around the lake. I turned off on a straight road that ran parallel to the college parking lot, still full throttle, and that's where I lost it. Looking at the road I was probably going close to 70 when I went off the right side of the road for about 100ft, slid back across the road as the ass end came out, into the bit of grass on the left, then the front right caught a concrete parking block followed by the rear right sending me up in the air then back down on the roof of the car.

I don't know if I cut the wheel, my memory comes back as I was in mid air. I felt a weird gravitational twist, heard a loud boom as it hit and my head smacked the roof, then heard scraping and felt it finally come to a stop. I remember looking around confused and coming to the realization that I was looking at my interior now upside down. I was able to pull the handle and force the door open then just sat there after I had crawled my way out. I remember wanting to run but I could already see the lights of at least 5 police cars on the side of the road I careened off of. My memory gets choppy again from there. I saw my friends standing there, the paramedics telling me to sit still and being shocked that I didn't even want to go to the hospital, the police asking me questions, then the officer putting me in handcuffs and in a kind tone telling me that he's not putting me under arrest and that they're going to get me some help. I remember a few bits of the ride, showing up at some weird place, sitting in the lobby while the officer kept an eye on me, a bunch of different people asking me questions, then waking up in a bed with different socks on completely disorientated. It felt like it was all a bad dream, but I got up, very cautiously walked out of the room, then went up to the counter and asked them where I was and that I barely remember anything. They put me in the psychiatric ward, I can remember one the people asking me questions about what I was feeling, not wanting to say anything, and him telling me "well we can send you straight to jail if that's what you want, you have to convince me why you're here and not there." They held me there for four days, put me on medication, then released me once they felt I was doing alright. I can't say I didn't lie through my teeth and do whatever they told me, but the meds took the edge off, and I didn't want to stay there any longer than they were required to keep me, I was more focused on making sure my life hadn't fallen apart.

My friends had followed me from their apartments and it's only because of them that I wasn't sent to jail. No DUI, no ticket, no points on my license, there's no record that anything ever happened other than me going to the psych ward. Injury wise I came out of the crash with nothing but a bruise on my forehead, I was luckily wearing my lap belt, but all things considered I'm lucky I wasn't seriously injured or killed. Karma gave me quite a huge break with the whole ordeal.

It wasn't easy after everything, but things got better. I took my meds until around December when I just kept forgetting and finally stopped. I feel better without them, I still have my bad days, but the medication never stopped them anyway. It will never fully go away, but I've learned to watch for things that trigger me, and know how to better handle myself when I do lose grip. I now have a good job as a lube/tire tech, although I definitely want to get some ASE's so I can get an actual tech job, and am the proud owner of a 1983 Volvo 245GLT wagon. Since I've owned it I've had to do a decent bit of work, rebuild the head, replace the rotors pads and calipers, replace the rack and tie rod ends, chase electrical gremlins all over the place, etc, but I still love it. I named her Roxanne so I always sing "Roxanne, please don't break down at the red light" haha.

Keeping this post from getting too long I'll wrap it up with some pictures of Christine following the accident and Roxanne.

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Er, wow. I NEVER saw that coming. I suppose the worse thing I could tell you now is that you're an idiot for rolling the Barracuda, but I'm saying that. Heck you could have been in any other car.

Yet again, I'm glad that you're fine and doing more or less (more more than less it seems) all right since the episode. And indeed pretty lucky you're still here. It also explains why you hadn't posted for such a long time.
I knew you were going through some stuff. But I haven't seen you on in a really long time. I thought the worst had happened.:nervous: But I'm really glad to see you're still here. Shame about the Barracuda. But perhaps it's for the best. It seems it was the event that set you straight. And you're a better person with a better understanding of yourself because of it. And your new ride is still cool. :D
It wasn't easy after everything, but things got better. I took my meds until around December when I just kept forgetting and finally stopped. I feel better without them, I still have my bad days, but the medication never stopped them anyway. It will never fully go away, but I've learned to watch for things that trigger me, and know how to better handle myself when I do lose grip. I now have a good job as a lube/tire tech, although I definitely want to get some ASE's so I can get an actual tech job, and am the proud owner of a 1983 Volvo 245GLT wagon. Since I've owned it I've had to do a decent bit of work, rebuild the head, replace the rotors pads and calipers, replace the rack and tie rod ends, chase electrical gremlins all over the place, etc, but I still love it. I named her Roxanne so I always sing "Roxanne, please don't break down at the red light" haha.

I was recently wondering what happened to you. That's good to hear.
Another one gone to the wreckers in the sky.

Glad to see you're still alive, hopefully everything keeps moving in a better direction for you.
Kudoos for your friends staying around to help you with your problems. 👍

Shame about the 'Cuda though.
I knew you were going through some stuff. But I haven't seen you on in a really long time. I thought the worst had happened.:nervous: But I'm really glad to see you're still here. Shame about the Barracuda. But perhaps it's for the best. It seems it was the event that set you straight. And you're a better person with a better understanding of yourself because of it. And your new ride is still cool. :D
Pretty much summed up my thoughts.

Very happy to see you're still around, Matt. I too, spent a couple days on here wondering if you were alright out there. 👍
Seeing that rear quarter, the car wasn't a huge loss anyway.. :) Sorry guys, I know some of you take cars way too seriously, but it's no use crying over spilt milk end of discussion.

Life means more than a car at the end of the day, and it's by ****ing up like this you learn and can teach other kids what not to do. By the sound of it you came out of it really well, just be happy for being alive and able to wrench on other cars.. :)
I'm sorry to bring this up, but something that troubled me for a while and just now came back to my mind makes me revive this thread. I know there's a certain thread for members that disappeared/you miss, but I reckon posting this here has a bigger chance of attracting those who know him, someway or another.

Does anyone know what became of Matt?
The day of the accident I was at school and one my classmates kept pestering me to buy two pills (trying my best to stay within the aup here). Having that same mindset of going out with a bang I finally gave in and waited to take them until that night. At about 10pm I drove to my friends parents house, took them,

My friends had followed me from their apartments and it's only because of them that I wasn't sent to jail. No DUI, no ticket, no points on my license, there's no record that anything ever happened other than me going to the psych ward.

Glad you made it out ok but I suggest you rethink how you tell the story and what you say within that story.
There may be no official record but many people still get themselves in trouble admitting to wrong doing in places like facebook or other internet based social sites (kinda like the GTP ;) ).

I'm not going to talk about the AUP side of the story either, not my place to do so anymore but I assure you that your attempt to avoid violating the AUP was not as successful as you might think.
If you're still reading this, you should thank God for you life, and also for the improvement in it that's come in the wake of the accident, both of which I'm glad to hear about. Sometimes when something shakes us up, it can turn out to be a catalyst for positive change.
Matt is doing well. He's got a Volvo that's pretty cool too, which means he has an awesome taste in cars.
I hope he scavenged and sold the Barracuda's rear window. Those are scarce as hell. Send him regards @Joey D, please.
I literally was just thinking the same thing about the glass when I was looking at the pictures.

This Cuda can be saved in the right hands. I've seen them come back from worse.