Opinion: Annoying people/ wannabes.

  • Thread starter S30T
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I don't like people from England. My cousin lives there and was visiting a few weeks ago. He dislikes it as well, and we got into the discussion.

Quick background on me: Im 19, and currently I live in San Antonio, TX. I think I've done a lot for my age. Ive lived in 2 different countries, I've been to over 10 (to include England), and have been to around 25 states. Thanks to my family and my job I have done a lot. I'm also gay, and fairly open minded. I was born in New York, have lived in Virginia, South Carolina and Santiago, Chile. I have a different outlook than most people. I have meet many interesting people and I consider myself well rounded. Thats said...

I am generalizing, so don't take offence if you live there. From talking to my cousin, other people on forums and such, their outlook is completely different. Since this is GTPlanet, lets keep it car related.

The driving age in England is 17, (16 for a moped, etc) - and gas is expensive. FWD "Hot Hatches" are the prodominent hot sellers/car of interest there. The roads are small, and hell, the country is small. From what I've gather, its expensive to own a car there. So for the most part, young people don't OWN cars (if they do its some underpowered POS) and have an annoying outlook on them.

The show Top Gear is pretty big over there. Thanks to the internet, its starting to catch on here. Jeremy Clarkson reviews cars, and spits out his opinions on them. People watch and share theres online.

After getting all hyped up on 5th gear, Top Gear, etc... they come on here and subject me to their BS. Sharing opinions on makes/models they've probably never seen and certainly havn't driven, telling me which drivetrain is better, etc.

Lets see: You don't own a car, you havn't driven many (if any) and you think what you say matters because we're the same age?

My breakdown of past/current cars:
'84 Pontiac Fiero, 3800SC Swap
'95 Mercury Cougar 4.6L V8
'97 Nissan Pickup
'71 240Z Turbo (Highly modded, over 300rwhp on pump gas)
'88 300ZX Turbo (Basic mods, over 230rwhp on pump)
'92 Acura Legend (Stock DD, 200hp manfr claim)

I started driving when I was 15. Legally. :) Got my license at 15 as well. I've driven a lot of cars, from MKIV Supras, a Ferrari 355, and a Lotus Esprit S4S to Honda Civics, Camaros, Mustangs, etc.

I've been to drift events, numerous drag races, SCCA and autocross events. I go to our local Z car meets and import meets nightly. I've taken classes at the BMW driving center and ridden shotgun with many greats.

If I feel inclinded to spit out an opinion, like many people I know, its usually with good reason. Unless you have creditials to back it up, STFU! I'm tired of all these know nothing kids trying to spread there bull****. Fanboys, ricers, youngins, etc.. Go find another hobby.
So... we're looking at a rant about the opinions of people from England not being as good as your opinions?
Our opinions are better than his 'cos neither of us is English...
So... we're looking at a rant about the opinions of people from England not being as good as your opinions?

Unjustified opinions in general. Little actual expirience and/or exposure to something, but no hesitation to share views on it.
lol what exactly is the point of this thread. Plus the cars you have owned arent any better than our underpowered POS.

I dont see what your ranting about because Ive never seen one of your posts before! Multiple accounts maybe?
Unjustified opinions in general. Little actual expirience and/or exposure to something, but no hesitation to share views on it.

So what's that got to do with English people and their cars - the predominant theme of the first post?
Famine is dusting off his #10 can of Whoop Ass...
I'm just gonna step back and watch for the fall-out.

BTW S30T, it is an established American viewpoint that everyone has a right to their opinion. Even if that opinion is dead wrong or un-informed.

It does make them an amusing lot to listen to though. Because, they so obviously have no idea what in the world they are talking about they sound like total idiots.
Would you wanna do that? No, of course not. You're smart enough to be embarrassed.
They obviously don't get the fact that "embarrassed" is a tiny re-arrangement away from "bare-assed", and theirs is hanging out.
Suck it up! Drive on! and laugh at the idiots.
So what's that got to do with English people and their cars - the predominant theme of the first post?

Its got to do with the fact that young people (17-23) in England have little automotive expirience (ownership), while people here regularly own multiple cars and powerful cars at a young age.
Its got to do with the fact that young people (17-23) in England have little automotive expirience (ownership), while people here regularly own multiple cars and powerful cars at a young age.

They do? I didn't know a single person growing up that owned more then one car per person.
Well I would have to agree that the average young brit knows tosh all about cars, but then there are plenty that do, but thats the same for every country in the world.
One must learn to walk before you run.

In 2000 there were 3,409 deaths in road traffic accidents in the UK, compared to 41,471 in the USA.

"Ah, but we have more cars!"

In 2000 there were 11.8 road traffic accident deaths per 100,000 cars in the UK, compared to 19.1 in the US.

"Ah, but we drive further!"

In 2000 there were 0.72 road traffic accident deaths per 100,000,000 vehicle kilometres in the UK, compared to 1.51 in the US.

"Ah, but we have more people!"

In 2000 there were 5.7 road traffic accident deaths per 100,000 population in the UK, compared to 15.1 in the US.

I think owning multiple, powerful cars at a young age in the US might just have its drawbacks.
They do? I didn't know a single person growing up that owned more then one car per person.

Then you must not know many enthusiests :D - Ive always had a daily driver and a fun car. The fun car usually lacks air conditioning, rides harsh, etc but is built for fun and to go fast. The daily driver has all the creature comforts.

Acura - Leather, decent gas mileage, air conditioning, heated seats, comfortable, roomy, automatic etc

240Z - Loud, hot, fast, harsh sports car, 5 speed

300ZX - Mix between the two, semi fast, leather, A/C, 5 speed, comfortable, small

Famine - Nice facts... but I've never had an accident. Learn to drive. Simple as that. Most people on the road don't care about cars. Its not a big deal. Its point A to B. Sure you're going to have the girl who applys her makeup while driving, the guy on his cell phone, or the fast food on the go guys. Oh well. Thats not me, thats not my problem. Don't be jealous cause we have it easier.
Most of my friends have a toy/and a DD.
I guess what I'm looking for is a qualified person to step up. Someone who is 19, lives in England and owns at least one DECENT car, if not two. Has paid for it themselves, pays insurance, gas, and has money leftover for a life. In America, its possible, and common. I see a lot of people from the UK posting rebutles, but no points being made other than "well, see... uh... cause..." - come on, show me up.
I don't like people from England. My cousin lives there and was visiting a few weeks ago. He dislikes it as well, and we got into the discussion.
Nice and generalised, good start to your GTP life here but I'll refrain from taking offense at this point.

Quick background on me: Im 19, and currently I live in San Antonio, TX.
I don't much like people from San Antonio.
discalimer: I don't actually know anyone from there so I don't really have an opinion ;).

I think I've done a lot for my age. Ive lived in 2 different countries, I've been to over 10 (to include England), and have been to around 25 states. Thanks to my family and my job I have done a lot. I'm also gay, and fairly open minded. I was born in New York, have lived in Virginia, South Carolina and Santiago, Chile. I have a different outlook than most people. I have meet many interesting people and I consider myself well rounded. Thats said...
Sounds interesting, but where does that fit into your post?

I am generalizing, so don't take offence if you live there. From talking to my cousin, other people on forums and such, their outlook is completely different. Since this is GTPlanet, lets keep it car related.
Yes I would say our outlook and opinions are generally different to thoes of a lot of Americans, but and opinion is an opinion, it's neither right nor wrong.

The driving age in England is 17, (16 for a moped, etc) - and gas is expensive. FWD "Hot Hatches" are the prodominent hot sellers/car of interest there.
Nope, "Hot Hatches" are not the predominent cars in England.

The roads are small, and hell, the country is small.
Yes it is, and there's plenty of countryside too, what does this have to do with liking English people or not?

From what I've gather, its expensive to own a car there. So for the most part, young people don't OWN cars (if they do its some underpowered POS.
So, what does drivign being expensive have to do with liking or dissli,king English people?

and have an annoying outlook on them.
Care to specify?

The show Top Gear is pretty big over there. Thanks to the internet, its starting to catch on here. Jeremy Clarkson reviews cars, and spits out his opinions on them. People watch and share theres online.
Yes, and they're popular in many different countries.

After getting all hyped up on 5th gear, Top Gear, etc... they come on here and subject me to their BS.
So you dissagree with their opinions, the opinions of a few TV presenter. You must not like the Ford Mustang, Cheverolet Corvette C6 or Dodge Viper SRT-10 then.

Sharing opinions on makes/models they've probably never seen and certainly havn't driven, telling me which drivetrain is better, etc.
You can actually see them driving the cars if you watch the show.

Lets see: You don't own a car, you havn't driven many (if any) and you think what you say matters because we're the same age?
How do you know this about me, because it's very wrong? I've owned 5 cars since getting my license and I currently own 2.

My breakdown of past/current cars:
'84 Pontiac Fiero, 3800SC Swap
'95 Mercury Cougar 4.6L V8
'97 Nissan Pickup
'71 240Z Turbo (Highly modded, over 300rwhp on pump gas)
'88 300ZX Turbo (Basic mods, over 230rwhp on pump)
'92 Acura Legend (Stock DD, 200hp manfr claim)
Congratulations, so what.

I started driving when I was 15. Legally. :) Got my license at 15 as well. I've driven a lot of cars, from MKIV Supras, a Ferrari 355, and a Lotus Esprit S4S to Honda Civics, Camaros, Mustangs, etc.
Great, so what.

I've been to drift events, numerous drag races, SCCA and autocross events. I go to our local Z car meets and import meets nightly. I've taken classes at the BMW driving center and ridden shotgun with many greats.
wonderful, so what.

If I feel inclinded to spit out an opinion, like many people I know, its usually with good reason.
Wheres the good reason here?

Unless you have creditials to back it up, STFU!
Well STFU then because you haven't provided any credentials to back up you opinion yet.

I'm tired of all these know nothing kids trying to spread there bull****. Fanboys, ricers, youngins, etc.. Go find another hobby.
So what, they're all over the globe, America, England, Japan, Australia. What is the point of this post, you don't like young lads who don't know much about cars, great, what does that have to do with 90% of the English population?

Like I said, I haven't taken any offense on this yet but your argument and reasoning is non-existant there.
I'm American, and my family always had just enough cars for all of us. My first car? 85 hp. The second, 125 hp (woooo!!!). The third, 115 hp.

Very few people have "fun" cars during their youth. I've seen bull**** fanboy opinons from people of all nations, so let's not single out the English.
Famine - Nice facts... but I've never had an accident.

Though 12 times as many of your countrymen - 3 times, proportionally - die each year from them.

In a country so big, it's astonishing you can actually hit each other at all.

Learn to drive

You're twice as likely to die - that's DIE, not "have an accident" - for every mile you drive compared to me.

Get some of your countrymen to learn how to drive, rather than just tossing them a Camaro because they can manouevre round some cones in the school parking lot, and maybe this will change.

Sure you're going to have the girl who applys her makeup while driving, the guy on his cell phone, or the fast food on the go guys. Oh well. Thats not me, thats not my problem.

Will be when she misses the intersection.

Don't be jealous cause we have it easier.


Easier and better rarely gel. Easier to get a powerful car? Easier to not respect it. Easier to die. The stats bear this out.

So rather than telling ME to "learn to drive", tell your compatriots - it might stop you copping a Saturn in the face next time Missy is late for her sleepover.

I guess what I'm looking for is a qualified person to step up. Someone who is 19, lives in England and owns at least one DECENT car, if not two. Has paid for it themselves, pays insurance, gas, and has money leftover for a life. In America, its possible, and common.

So, what we're looking at here is "the standard of living in the US is higher than the standard of living in the UK". Well, inform the Press Association. You're onto an economics major here!

But I'm still at a loss why your topic, which is ostensibly "stupid people shouldn't express any opinions", is in any way related to your hatred of English people. Did you just fancy throwing in some casual racism to get a point across?
I guess what I'm looking for is a qualified person to step up. Someone who is 19, lives in England and owns at least one DECENT car, if not two. Has paid for it themselves, pays insurance, gas, and has money leftover for a life. In America, its possible, and common.
WHAT???!!! There is no way in HELL I would have been able to have all of that at age 19! Not only are you stereotyping the Brits, but you don't even have all of the facts about people from your own country!!! This is simply astonishing!
My recommendation to everyone reading this thread is that we all just back away slowly.
Since this is GTPlanet, lets keep it car related.

Is this the OFF-TOPIC forum?? I'm guessing it means...OFF-CAR RELATED TOPICS.

Got my license at 15 as well. I've driven a lot of cars, from MKIV Supras, a Ferrari 355, and a Lotus Esprit S4S to Honda Civics, Camaros, Mustangs, etc.

ohhhhh lord...this is destined to be in THIS thread...:lol:

I guess what I'm looking for is a qualified person to step up. Someone who is 19, lives in England and owns at least one DECENT car, if not two. Has paid for it themselves, pays insurance, gas, and has money leftover for a life. In America, its possible, and common. I see a lot of people from the UK posting rebutles, but no points being made other than "well, see... uh... cause..." - come on, show me up.

what qualifies as a decent car, and also what qualifies as a good car? It seems like this is more of a pissing contest of whose got the bigger you know what between yourself and the average brit. But if you so wish I will humour you.
I guess what I'm looking for is a qualified person to step up. Someone who is 19, lives in England and owns at least one DECENT car, if not two. Has paid for it themselves, pays insurance, gas, and has money leftover for a life. In America, its possible, and common. I see a lot of people from the UK posting rebutles, but no points being made other than "well, see... uh... cause..." - come on, show me up.
Why does any of that matter? What does it matter if you own a Civic or a Ferrari? Owning a Ferrari doesn't mean you know more about cars, nor does it mean your a better driver, it generally just means you have more money. A lot more. I see a lot of people from America making crap arguments too, yours included. It doesn't matter where your from theres stupid people everywhere and theres smart people everywhere. How much money you have to spend on a car does not come into play when knowledge and intelligence are concerned. Yes it's expensive to own and run a car over here, but that has nothing to do with a persons opinion being valid or not.
I'll be taking Danoff's advise on this one.

Being 19 and having multiple cars that YOU paid for. Yeah, that's common. Please, not on the east coast.

I'm gone...
Yes it's expensive to own and run a car over here, but that has nothing to do with a persons opinion being valid or not.

Sure it does. That was my point. Without first hand expirience, you're opinion is worthless in my book. You can't afford to own a car in England at a young age because of circumstance. I guess this should have been an American vs England thread.

WHAT???!!! There is no way in HELL I would have been able to have all of that at age 19! Not only are you stereotyping the Brits, but you don't even have all of the facts about people from your own country!!! This is simply astonishing!

So you are saying it WAS NOT POSSIBLE for you to attain this... in Seattle? LOL - Based on your HP figures you posted, I'd say you're a Civic boy. Its attainable, and not all that difficult. Its called WORK. There are plenty of 150-250hp cars available for 2-5K all over the US. Its not hard to buy one.

England, this is not the case. And once you source a car, putting gas in it is a whole nother story.

And to all those UK defendants, stop trying to justify why NOT HAVING ACCESS TO POWERFUL/CHEAP CARS AT AN EARLY AGE. That makes no sense. Its all about personal responsibility and having options. There is no way less choice = better.

While we're on it, premium for the cars is running me 2.89/gallon. And this is outrageously high... :D
I'll be taking Danoff's advise on this one.

Being 19 and having multiple cars that YOU paid for. Yeah, that's common. Please, not on the east coast.

I'm gone...

Add the Midwest to that list.
either you type slow, or your scared to make a proper argument as you havent replied to my post.
Ok, so I'll start following my own advice in a minute...

So you are saying it WAS NOT POSSIBLE for you to attain this... in Seattle? LOL - Based on your HP figures you posted, I'd say you're a Civic boy. Its attainable, and not all that difficult. Its called WORK. There are plenty of 150-250hp cars available for 2-5K all over the US. Its not hard to buy one.

This drives me nuts. HP is not the end-all be-all of performance or driving enjoyability. Please stop talking, you're giving Americans a bad name. Buying a cheap used heavy peice of junk because it has enough horsepower for you to feel good about yourself does not make your opinions about cars more intelligent.
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