Opinion: Annoying people/ wannabes.

  • Thread starter S30T
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This drives me nuts. HP is not the end-all be-all of performance or driving enjoyability. Please stop talking, you're giving Americans a bad name. Buying a cheap used heavy peice of junk because it has enough horsepower for you to feel good about yourself does not make your opinions about cars more intelligent.


GTP has to get rid of some drama queens..:rolleyes:

Ok, so I'll start following my own advice in a minute...

This drives me nuts. HP is not the end-all be-all of performance or driving enjoyability. Please stop talking, you're giving Americans a bad name. Buying a cheap used heavy peice of junk because it has enough horsepower for you to feel good about yourself does not make your opinions about cars more intelligent.

What cheap used heavy piece of junk do I own? and once again, what expensive, new, light, low powered set of wheels do you drive?
And to all those UK defendants, stop trying to justify why NOT HAVING ACCESS TO POWERFUL/CHEAP CARS AT AN EARLY AGE. That makes no sense. Its all about personal responsibility and having options. There is no way less choice = better
What is your point, cars are more expensive in England so you don't like English people. Personally I think it's better not to let younger drivers have easy access to powerful cars, America does have a higher accident rate and fatality rate than England, as pointed out, if you want to call BS, then provide som eproof other than your thus far, rather odd opinion. Also, getting things cheaper does not mean your a more responsable person, your a more responsable person if you have access to a powerful car at a young age say just after you pass, but decde to buy the Civic instead because you don't want to risk an accident before your more confident behind the wheel., that is being responsable, not doing 100mph down the motorway is responsable, not being able to afford a TVR at the age of 19 is not being irresponsable. Less choice can = safer.With regards to cars I will say more choice is more often better, yes. But agian, how does any of this have anything to do with people expressing an argument or opinion, or their rights to do so?
So you are saying it WAS NOT POSSIBLE for you to attain this... in Seattle? LOL - Based on your HP figures you posted, I'd say you're a Civic boy. Its attainable, and not all that difficult. Its called WORK. There are plenty of 150-250hp cars available for 2-5K all over the US. Its not hard to buy one.

England, this is not the case.

You've been to England once and your cousin came a few weeks ago, and you've managed to form this absolute cast iron - and wrong - opinion from this?

Wasn't this thread about "Little actual expirience and/or exposure to something, but no hesitation to share views on it."

Now that's irony.

And to all those UK defendants, stop trying to justify why NOT HAVING ACCESS TO POWERFUL/CHEAP CARS AT AN EARLY AGE. That makes no sense. Its all about personal responsibility and having options. There is no way less choice = better.

Would you give a 2 year old a box of hand grenades? Why not?

You're just blanking the stats because they don't fit with your opinion. It is FACT 12 times as many people, 3 times as many per head of population and nearly twice as many per vehicle DIE in the US each year in road traffic accidents than the US. It is FACT that you are twice as likely to die for every single mile you drive in the US as I am in the UK. This says to me that your personal responsibility and options lead to more of your countrymen having little respect for their cars - probably as a result of not having to work as hard to get the licence OR the car - than mine.

Your argument seems to be that the standard of living in the US is higher than it is in the UK. No, really?

But tell me, how does this in ANY WAY relate to your assertion that the topic is about "unjustified opinions"?
Sure it does. That was my point. Without first hand expirience, you're opinion is worthless in my book. You can't afford to own a car in England at a young age because of circumstance. I guess this should have been an American vs England thread.
Opinion on what? The looks of the C6 Corvette? There's a lot of people that don't know a lot about a lot of things, yourself included. You still make a debate, you express an opinion on a matter, you debate it. I've had smart arguments with Americans and I've given up arguing with dumb ones, as I have with English people and other Europeans and people from other countries around the globe. Tell me, what do you know about the TVR Cerbera Speed 12?
You know, all the cars that this kids says hes had or got, could be snapped up for peanuts in the UK, and a skoda fabia VRS with a remap would trash each of them around a track.

As for kids affording cars at 17, I know a couple with Audi's and BMW convertibles, alot with corsa's and alot without a car. Especially if you live in big cities, you dont need a car anyway, and if you need a speed fix go to your local karting track.

Karting>>streetracing = speeding on highways.
come on guys..he just wanted to drag attention...you can tell by his very well explained/justified opinions :rolleyes:

You've been to England once and your cousin came a few weeks ago, and you've managed to form this absolute cast iron - and wrong - opinion from this?

Wasn't this thread about "Little actual expirience and/or exposure to something, but no hesitation to share views on it."

Now that's irony.

Your argument seems to be that the standard of living in the US is higher than it is in the UK. No, really?

But tell me, how does this in ANY WAY relate to your assertion that the topic is about "unjustified opinions"?[/color][/b]

Irony? Refute with something of substance. Tell me I'm wrong because you are that 20 year old guy with the fast car. Tell me you even own a car?!

I guess that will sum it up for me. The standard of living in the US is higher than the UK = Young people here have more first hand automotive expirience, leaving THOSE WITHOUT EXPIRIENCE with UNJUSITIFIED OPINIONS. Wait- thats what I've been saying all along.

So to all those, including yourself... stop posting safety facts. Stop mucking up the issue...

I have more automotive expirience than most people here (not all). I have yet to read something that makes me stop and think - wait, maybe I was wrong?
You know, all the cars that this kids says hes had or got, could be snapped up for peanuts in the UK

Well quite. The '88 300ZX - £800. £1,200 if you want a '92 Twin Turbo (285hp crank on standard petrol). The '92 Honda Legend - £495 for the 3.2 V6. The 24 ounce would be harder to come by as they didn't sell many in Europe at all.

S30T - I'm 28. Your rebuttal of it being "not the case" that you can buy 150-250hp cars for $2-$5k in the UK is the paragraph right above this one. Your opinion on this matter is ill-formed and not based on facts, ergo unjustified - hoisting you nicely by your own petard.

The safety facts are pertinant, but you're too stubborn to see it. You're twice as likely to die, for all your automotive experience, for every mile you drive in the US. Why? Anything to do with the fact that inexperienced teens find it easy to get hold of powerful cars?
What cheap used heavy piece of junk do I own? and once again, what expensive, new, light, low powered set of wheels do you drive?

Hi, I'm danoff. Welcome to the opinions forum. The first thing you'll notice in this neck of the woods is that we try to stick to our arguments rather than shifting them around in order to try to get in a jab at the other guy. Let's start with your first question.

What cheap used heavy piece of junk do you own? I don't know. I never claimed you did.

See that's what we're looking for on the opinions forum. People who can tell the difference between one argument and another. You said "There are plenty of 150-250hp cars available for 2-5K all over the US. Its not hard to buy one." I responded by saying that hp is not the end all of vehicle statistics. Any old clunker that produces enough HP for you isn't sufficient. There's a hell of a lot more to buying a car. You misinterpreted this, somehow, as me saying that your cars are junk.

I don't know how you did that, but it proves to me that you're not particularly intelligent. In the few posts that you've made in this thread you've bounced from one argument to another, never holding any particular line of thought for more than a few seconds. First it was that you don't like English people, then it was that people should care about horespower, then it was that people didn't know how to drive, or that cars cost more in England than other places. Reading your writing is like sifting through the ADD ramblings of a child who was raised on too much sugar or not enough ritalin. You strike me as the kind of guy who either got no discipline from his parents or too much.

I think you should know something. The contents of your brain, as they've spilled out here, are embarassing. The sad irony is that you're too dumb to realize that you're stupid.

So rather than claim that I called your car junk, or try to make a case that your car is better than mine and so your opinion is better than mine, I'd recommend reading a book, taking some classes, and learning how to think and act like reasonable person.

Just a bit of advice,
- Dan
So to all those, including yourself... stop posting safety facts. Stop mucking up the issue...

I have more automotive expirience than most people here (not all). I have yet to read something that makes me stop and think - wait, maybe I was wrong?

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yet another ludicrous claim :lol:

I'm just curious..what are you trying to accomplish in this thread son?

Once again, how does owning a fast car automatically make you a: a better driver, b: more knowledgable about cars and c: more responsable?

A big hint for you to just give up or go away is that not a single person is agreeing with you, not from the US or the UK or anywhere. Take danoffs advice.
Irony? Refute with something of substance. Tell me I'm wrong because you are that 20 year old guy with the fast car. Tell me you even own a car?!

I guess that will sum it up for me. The standard of living in the US is higher than the UK = Young people here have more first hand automotive expirience, leaving THOSE WITHOUT EXPIRIENCE with UNJUSITIFIED OPINIONS. Wait- thats what I've been saying all along.

So to all those, including yourself... stop posting safety facts. Stop mucking up the issue...

I have more automotive expirience than most people here (not all). I have yet to read something that makes me stop and think - wait, maybe I was wrong?

Wrong. It all depends on what you consider as a higher standard of living.

Poor people in america, are poorer than the poor of the UK.

In england, people get free houses, get money for sitting on theyre backside all day, get money to go to college, and free healthcare. Can the US boast this? Under 16's get free bus travelling, and come august so will under 18's. Can the US boast that?
Well quite. The '88 300ZX - £800. £1,200 if you want a '92 Twin Turbo (285hp crank on standard petrol). The '92 Honda Legend - £495 for the 3.2 V6. The 24 ounce would be harder to come by as they didn't sell many in Europe at all.

Where are you getting these prices?



And now gas, registration, insurance..... etc? :D
I guess that will sum it up for me. The standard of living in the US is higher than the UK = Young people here have more first hand automotive expirience, leaving THOSE WITHOUT EXPIRIENCE with UNJUSITIFIED OPINIONS. Wait- thats what I've been saying all along.

So a student in school for to be an automechanic that DOESN'T own a car has an invalid opinion? A young person that helped someone restore an old car has an invalid and unjustified opinion? Someone that has taken the personal time to study automotives has an envalid and unjustified opinion?

You do realize that they actually have a half-way decent public transportation system in England that let's a lot of people not NEED a car?

Look at Specialized on this forum, he can LITERALLY see his house from his job. He likes cars a lot and is looking forward to getting one. Not to mention has a good general knowledge, but he has NO NEED of one. Man, way to sterotype for the sake of stereotyping.

In england, people get free houses, get money for sitting on theyre backside all day, get money to go to college, and free healthcare. Can the US boast this? Under 16's get free bus travelling, and come august so will under 18's. Can the US boast that?

Except for the free bus travel, unfortunately yes.
Once again, how does owning a fast car automatically make you a: a better driver, b: more knowledgable about cars and c: more responsable

No, No and no. But I does give the person first hand expirience. Something that cant be made up with reading or watching a show.
I saw a hand grenade once ..it was smoking...so I jumped into a ditch...it blew up.... I cried....it was tear gas...I felt stupid for jumping into a ditch.

But at least I have a steering wheel that I let my lancestshire pudding eating leather wearing midget lesbians play with when they are not beating in
jello and worshipping the hot sauce gods . If you like you can borrow them .
In england, people get free houses, get money for sitting on theyre backside all day, get money to go to college, and free healthcare. Can the US boast this? Under 16's get free bus travelling, and come august so will under 18's. Can the US boast that?

Yuck, why the hell would any country be proud of that nonsense?

lol ebay :lol:

Try autotrader.co.uk mate. Ebay have bargains now and again, but most of the time its people who think theyre cars magical and worth alot more than it really is, and are hoping for a fool to come along.

Also you can pick up a evo 6 for 8 grand these days, another car that will spank each of yours silly.

Yuck, why the hell would any country be proud of that nonsense?

Were not proud at all, infact for the hard working people of the country its very demoralising and makes alot of people angry, but it helped labour win elections, and it could very well be one of the reasons for theyre downfall in the next general elections.

let me add that college is free for under 19's but people still get paid to go regardless.
Once again, how does owning a fast car automatically make you a: a better driver, b: more knowledgable about cars and c: more responsable?

No, No and no. But I does give the person first hand expirience. Something that cant be made up with reading or watching a show.

ROFL! You mean to tell me that the HP level of a car determines the drivers experience and knowledge. I'm going to fall off my chair here.

You really need to just shut up now. I'm just going to say it bluntly since this is the opinions forum and you need something of substance to hold your ground here. Just, do us all a favor and shut up. It's funny, but quite tragic at the same time.
Where are you getting these prices?


And now gas, registration, insurance..... etc? :D

Well, that 280hp 300ZX Twin Turbo would cost me less than the $5k threshold for 250hp cars you put - to the tune of about $3k less. Insurance can be had on a classic policy (car is older than 13 years) for the order of £300 per annum. I have no clue what "registration" is. That leaves about £1,500 for "gas" - or about 10,000 miles worth - without even reaching that $5k purchase price you put on it...

All this notwithstanding, I have just shown you that:

There are plenty of 150-250hp cars available for 2-5K all over the US. Its not hard to buy one.

England, this is not the case.


Unjustified opinions in general. Little actual expirience and/or exposure to something, but no hesitation to share views on it.


Unless you have creditials to back it up, STFU!
So you are saying it WAS NOT POSSIBLE for you to attain this... in Seattle? Its attainable, and not all that difficult. Its called WORK.
You have absolutely no right to judge me or my family like this. And what does my location have to do with this? I'm not the spoiled son of a Microsoft millionaire. For your information, I did work in high school, but not 30 hours a week as a bagboy. I did some web design here and there, did building and landscaping for neighbors (building toolsheds, decks, blowing leaves, mowing lawns). From all of this, I probably made about $2,000/year. Of course that makes me lazy right? I could have worked at the movie theater every second of my spare time. Oh wait, I had this thing to deal with called SCHOOL. I took a rigorous path through high school, in order to prepare myself for college. This meant tons of homework and studying. Having a set-schedule job would have severely comprimised my studies, which I valued far more than money (and rightfully so).

Now what did I do with the money that I did earn? I saved it. Socked it away for a rainy day. And guess what!! That rainy day is now!! As I sit in limbo between graduating college and getting that elusive, first "real" job (I also worked 20 hrs/week as a student, mind you) I've got some money to live off of for a few months while I search. That worked out well, didn't it? I'd rather have my lights on, and food in the refrigerator more than whatever car you're driving right now.
LOL - Based on your HP figures you posted, I'd say you're a Civic boy. There are plenty of 150-250hp cars available for 2-5K all over the US. Its not hard to buy one.
You'd say I'm a Civic boy? You'd be wrong.

My parents always had an extra car, which they graciously allowed me to drive, and paid for my insurance as well. I had everything I needed as a teenager, and for that, I am thankful.

You seem to think that everyone who isn't as well off as you should not be allowed to voice their opinion. That's jack-assery, pure and simple.
...and the ownage continues....
Erraticly trying to refute 10 posts a second isn't going to get my point accross. So I'll reply with this, and when I see something of substance, I'll respond again.

Saying you own a car that has more horsepower doesn't mean you're more intelligent, a better driver or more knowledgable. That said, owning a high horsepower car means you have first hand expirience with the driving dynamics of one, and what Ive been trying to say from the start, expirience has more pull than the magazine article you just read or the Top Gear episode you just watched.

There hasn't been one member from the UK to step up and say "Im 19, I own (Insert car/s) and I pay xx amount on insurance and xx on gas."

Instead, like I was directing in my first post, most of you are fanboys. You watch your Top Gears, you read your magazines, you surf the internet, and you play GT4.

Then we step into the real world. You own an underpowered, ill performing car, if that. You have no expirience when it comes to real world motorsports events. You live lusting after "cool cars" but don't own one and most likely wont in the forseable future.

If you want to continue posting, and think you have a real point, open up and go balls out.

How old are you? What do you drive? What qualifies you as a "car guy"?

14, Don't drive, I watch Top Gear is going to be the usual resume.

So before when we post our opinions, lets do what I did. Open the post with who you are, and why you think you're qualified, then say whats on your mind. Most of you will be embarassed because it shows what I've been saying is true.

I guess that pointing out you must hate yourself for posting unresearched, untrue claims as factual isn't "worthy" enough for you. Oh well. danoff FTW again. I do find it stunning that you see no connection between massively inflated road deaths and youngsters having easier access to powerful cars.

Oh, and most of us have our ages in our profiles.

And my (English) brother would just like to say:




To go with his mortgage-free house and two kids.
S30T your cars except for the ludicrous claim 240z are all crap so whats your point? The avergae hot hatch would give all your cars a good seeing to around a race track.


Hi, my names shaff and im a 19yr old plumber, I make 20k a year and drive a 330ci convertible, with 5 tvs, (ones in the boot) and Pioneer subs with a head unit and amps. When I brought the car it cost me £30K. Insurance costs me £5000. I dont care about racing, so I just cruise about in my BMW hence the drop top. Does that make me any better or worse than you?

Get your head out your arse,

Love Povertys friend.
There hasn't been one member from the UK to step up and say "Im 19, I own (Insert car/s) and I pay xx amount on insurance and xx on gas."

Can I ask if any other Americans can 'step up' and do the same?

All this notwithstanding, I have just shown you that:

There are plenty of 150-250hp cars available for 2-5K all over the US. Its not hard to buy one.

England, this is not the case.


Unjustified opinions in general. Little actual expirience and/or exposure to something, but no hesitation to share views on it.


Unless you have creditials to back it up, STFU!

Masterfully done sir. :)

So before when we post our opinions, lets do what I did. Open the post with who you are, and why you think you're qualified

Too bad you didn't establish that you are in fact qualified. Why you think you're qualified and what actually qualifies you are two very different things apparently.

Ok, seriously, I'm done now.
[sarcasm]Phew! I'm glad the original poster is ignorant/stupid enough only to try to incite the English members, otherwise I'd have been so hurt of his remarkably accurate portrayal of motoring life in the UK[/sarcasm]

I ask you...you seem to hold some kind of strange respect for people who have powerful cars - why is this? The vast majority of those who own powerful cars do not use the power on a regular basis. How often do you see people pootling along on motorways at 70mph (or people going 55 (or whatever the speed limit is) on freeways for you :) ) in BMW 5 series, Mercedes C/E classes, etc? Cars with several hundred horsepower, but even though they very rarely use more than part throttle you think they're driving Gods and value their opinion more than someone who may indeed be very well-informed and have previous experience of fast cars but doesn't currently own one?

I'm sorry, but I really do fail to see your logic here.

I'm 21, live in Scotland and currently do not own a car. The only car I drive at the moment on a semi-regular basis is my parent's car. It has a mighty 80 diesel horsepower. It isn't quick in straight lines, but where traffic and road conditions permit I drive it fairly quickly around corners - quicker, I'm certain, than those people pootling on the motorway would take the corners. Having copius amounts of horsepower on tap does not make you a good driver and it does not mean you use that horsepower, so I think this (along with the other comments left by others, who appear more educated/sensible/intelligent/sane than yourself) really does leave your 'argument' in shreds.
Man I find some Brits annoying, but most of them are kool and not annoying. I mean sometimes I get annoyed with them and their national pride for their cars and European cars in general, but I realize I can't let it annoy me that much because I know for a fact I annoy them with my nationalism for American cars and things. I do like some european cars though.

That said I would never make a claim that every Brit is annoyin and has no car sense what so ever and that Americans are better driver etc. . I own a fast car but I don't think that makes me a better driver off the bat than anyone else. And making a claim like that is like some one coming on here sayin all gay people are annoying and stupid. I find most gay people annoying and wierd most of the time but, I don't go on a rant about it I just go on my way and try to treat them as I treat normal people.

Can I ask if any other Americans can 'step up' and do the same?


I own a 98' Trans Am, my dad pays the insurance, I pay roughly $120 a month on gas and will pay the insurance once I have paid off the "loan" ( $2500 ) my dad gave me to get the car.

It won't make a difference cuz I don't agree with him at all and this guy is why Americans got sterotyped this way. He's out of it.
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