So you are saying it WAS NOT POSSIBLE for you to attain this... in Seattle? Its attainable, and not all that difficult. Its called WORK.
You have absolutely no right to judge me or my family like this. And what does my location have to do with this? I'm not the spoiled son of a Microsoft millionaire. For your information, I
did work in high school, but not 30 hours a week as a bagboy. I did some web design here and there, did building and landscaping for neighbors (building toolsheds, decks, blowing leaves, mowing lawns). From all of this, I probably made about $2,000/year. Of course that makes me lazy right? I could have worked at the movie theater every second of my spare time. Oh wait, I had this thing to deal with called SCHOOL. I took a rigorous path through high school, in order to prepare myself for college. This meant tons of homework and studying. Having a set-schedule job would have severely comprimised my studies, which I valued far more than money (and rightfully so).
Now what did I do with the money that I
did earn? I saved it. Socked it away for a rainy day. And guess what!! That rainy day is now!! As I sit in limbo between graduating college and getting that elusive, first "real" job (I also worked 20 hrs/week as a student, mind you) I've got some money to live off of for a few months while I search. That worked out well, didn't it? I'd rather have my lights on, and food in the refrigerator more than whatever car you're driving right now.
LOL - Based on your HP figures you posted, I'd say you're a Civic boy. There are plenty of 150-250hp cars available for 2-5K all over the US. Its not hard to buy one.
You'd say I'm a Civic boy? You'd be wrong.
My parents always had an extra car, which they graciously allowed me to drive, and paid for my insurance as well. I had everything I needed as a teenager, and for that, I am thankful.
You seem to think that everyone who isn't as well off as you should not be allowed to voice their opinion. That's jack-assery, pure and simple.