ORS GT | Season 2

  • Thread starter Oniichan
Lest we forget.

For Round 8 we head to Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps for a 32 lap race around this world famous circuit.


The following ORS Rules apply at all times during qualifying and racing.

- Two wheels must remain inside or on the white line at all times
- Drivers must ensure when entering the pits that they nor their b-spec driver cuts the white lines
- Drivers must stay inside pit exit line when exiting pits
- Regardless of position when overtaking the car in front has the ownership of the racing line
- Lapped cars must give way to leaders of the race and not become an obstacle
- Ramming not tolerated
- Foul language not tolerated
- Please keep text comments to a minimum while qualifying sessions are underway
- Text chat can only be used by stewards during a race

A full list of penalties and the points that will be applied to a driver for each penalty can be found by clicking the banner below.

If you do have an off be wary of the reduced grip level once you've rejoined the track. Also when rejoining, please aware of your position on the track relative to your fellow races. Drivers rejoining the track must give way to race traffic and not become an obstruction.

All drivers must ensure they have set their cars to meet required specifications (see page 1) for the race. Failure to comply can results in a point penalty, disqualification from the race to removal from the series (see infringement link above).

The following drivers need to ensure they are carrying the below ballast for Monday night.

Mustafur - 35kgs (1390kg)
Oni_chan - 25kgs (1305kg)
GTP_JTV - 35kgs (1315kg)

Failure to comply can results in 1 race bans to removal from the series.

If you failed to nominate a tyre by the deadline you will qualify and start the race on Racing Hards.


ORS Committee
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Hey guys sorry to my no show havent been able to sign online as changed internet companies and have been waiting for new one, Also tryed logging into the GT PLANET app for mobile but some reason doesnt work anymore so wasnt able to post anything so sorry MrChan. on another note baby boy has been born thursday just been :) will try pop back in here again or will see you when nets back up :)
Just want to share some concerns about a growing trend over the last few weeks, upon reviewing the fastest laps, a lot of them are not valid due to cutting corners or running wide out of the corners whilst carrying full speed. Please remember this is against the rules and penalties may be applied.

A frightening stat is it took me 30 minutes last night to find a legal fast lap from spa, in fact it ended up being the 5th of 6th fastest lap before it was legal.
Hey guys sorry to my no show havent been able to sign online as changed internet companies and have been waiting for new one, Also tryed logging into the GT PLANET app for mobile but some reason doesnt work anymore so wasnt able to post anything so sorry MrChan. on another note baby boy has been born thursday just been :) will try pop back in here again or will see you when nets back up :)

Ah so that is what has been keeping you busy. Well hopefully you can make an appearance now and then during GT6. Kids are hard work man. Good luck.

For Round 9 we head back to Japan for a 48 lap race around the Fuji Speedway F.


The following ORS Rules apply at all times during qualifying and racing.

- Two wheels must remain inside or on the white line at all times
- Drivers must ensure when entering the pits that they nor their b-spec driver cuts the white lines
- Drivers must stay inside pit exit line when exiting pits
- Regardless of position when overtaking the car in front has the ownership of the racing line
- Lapped cars must give way to leaders of the race and not become an obstacle
- Ramming not tolerated
- Foul language not tolerated
- Please keep text comments to a minimum while qualifying sessions are underway
- Text chat can only be used by stewards during a race

A full list of penalties and the points that will be applied to a driver for each penalty can be found by clicking the banner below.

If you do have an off be wary of the reduced grip level once you've rejoined the track. Also when rejoining, please aware of your position on the track relative to your fellow races. Drivers rejoining the track must give way to race traffic and not become an obstruction.

All drivers must ensure they have set their cars to meet required specifications (see page 1) for the race. Failure to comply can results in a point penalty, disqualification from the race to removal from the series (see infringement link above).

The following drivers need to ensure they are carrying the below ballast for Monday night.

GTP_JTV - 60kgs (1340kg)
X4rotorploxX - 35kgs (1390kg)
Oni_chan - 25kgs (1305kg)

Failure to comply can results in 1 race bans to removal from the series.

Now finally all drivers must make sure they submit their tyre choice for qualifying/race start by 12pm (Sydney time) Sunday using the banner below.

Once your tyre choice has been submitted you cannot change it. If you fail to nominate a tyre by the deadline you will qualify and start the race on Racing Hards.

Follow this link if you wish to see everyones submissions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...andMSHpfbkRaU0laeDlYYVhhZVE&usp=sharing#gid=1


ORS Committee
Well for once the kids went to bed early so I could race with you guys, great to be back. After not having driven the car since round 1 (I think), I was surprised at how well it handled.
I started well and was in 6th I think when cactass had a lose behind me and had nowhere to go which caused us both damage, lap 9.
I was going to hit toivo under brakes into the 1st gear S but floored it to miss him and went into the sand. Pitted behind cac and went on meds for 20 laps, catching cac along the way but pitting a lap after him.
Then it was a race to the finish. I ended up getting him and was 6th, but toivo caught the draft on the last lap and then overtook me on the line.
But very happy with 7th and that I didn't spin the car (besides when it already had damage)
My race went pretty care free. I felt I had the pace to at least challenge JTV - particularly when we were on the hards but after the first pit stop I probably lost 10 seconds to him as I had to put in 28L of fuel. After that I came out near a few Evora's and when I was gaining on Cactass into T1 I broke a bit late and dived for the outside of the track. I think Cactass saw I was braking way late and moved to the outside as well so it became very hairy but luckily I didn't lose too much time. After that it was pretty much just a race to the end. I was kinda expecting Musta to have to pit again and was hoping to be gifted another spot but he miraculously managed 22 laps on softs. So considering that Musta managed almost 2nd with no ballast and softs I'm pretty happy with my spot. Definitely would prefer to go back to Spa however =p
I wasn't planning on using softs as I forgot to select mediums as my starting Tyre, so I was forced to use hards at the start.

I knew i had to pit early(like around lap 12) if i was going to have an chance as the hard tyre pace will send me back quite badly compared to those that went on mediums, after i had a collision with Asuka I went in the pits at lap 6 brought out the softs and started pumping out consistent mid 37s, this brought me back up to the leading group, with MrT having a big gap over everyone else having selected the mediums for the first stint.

after he pitted he started catching me at around 2 seconds a lap and i knew he had softs as i was lapping around the best you could do with mediums. I knew i had to get a massive stint out of the softs if i didnt want to do another pitstop and as long as I didn't go over the cliff the tyres still had good pace compared to the other compounds, i got to lap 28 and MrT was a few seconds behind and i could tell I couldn't do any more laps on the tyre so I pitted that lap just as he passed me, put in 47litres(because I forgot to put in any fuel in my first stop costing me at least 6 or so seconds), then Oni started to catch me quite rapidly as he came out of the pits while I had done probably 5 laps by that stage, then at the end it was a 4 lap battle with oni shuffling positions and on the final corner i had a good run but oni had a really bad entry and I had to lift to avoid him which ruined any run I could have on him down the straight as the Lambos top speed is tragic and had to settle for 3rd.
My race didn't quite go to plan at the start, after receiving major engine damage on lap one and limped back to the pits for repairs, i then came out 46 seconds behind the leader (mrt). I thought to myself that my race would be over and the championship on the line come round 10. I was slightly annoyed over the damage incident but got over it just as fast. After all that is the nature of racing, nothing ever goes to plan lol.

Once i got my head straight and back onto the task at hand i decided to push every stint as hard as i could (still being consistent though) in the hopes i can catch people as they pit and slowly work my way up through the positions during the 48 lap race.

By lap 18 i managed to get up to around 4-6th position (can't remember) and decided to pull out my only softs to try get back on the podium. I was doing mid 37s the majority of the time i was on the softs for around 12-14 laps and starting making my way through the field eventually catching my target for the season title GTP_JTV and passing him. By the time i made my pass i knew i pushed the softs too much and needed to pit. JTV i knew was at the end of his tyres as well so we both pitted together for the final stint on mediums.

As we came out of the pits i was a good 4 seconds in front and made a charge to increase the gap between us. As i knew JTV had 60kgs of ballast he would require my draft to keep up. As long as i didn't make a mistake i knew i could pull away and take the Championship title.

During the charge i noticed a yellow lambo in the distance and against my better judgement i thought i could catch him for 2nd place on the podium so i got out of conserve mode and started pushing out higher consistent laps and eventually caught him with about 8 or so laps to go. By then both of our tyres had been pushed a bit to much and we got stuck together for a battle for 2nd. I tried to pull away but my tyres + 25kgs ballast wouldn't let me get on the gas out of corners and that nasty corvette understeer started appearing.

It all came down to the final turn with Mustafur and me almost nose to tail. But on my exit the rears slide and lit up causing Mustafur to let of the accelerator to ensure he didn't nudge me. After that it was a drag to the finish line. Mustafur pulling out of my draft a few hundred meters from the line, i thought he'd take the win but the top end of the corvette was just enough to keep him at bay by just the nose of the car.

All in all it started out looking like a terrible race but for me a great comeback and good way to take out the title. While i would prefer to have a battle with Jon side by side to the line in the final round for the championship, i'll take what i can get.

Great racing all! With my 50kgs for Nurb i'll ensure i don't get in anyone's way as there are still drivers battling for other positions throughout the field.


Red and everyone else - Qualifying will be held at Nurburgring GP/D for the finale.

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Nurb GP/F red
My race...
Red and everyone else - Qualifying will be held at Nurburgring GP/F for the finale.

Next Monday's race, the Final for ORS Season 12, is being held on the "Nürburgring Type V" track.
As this track is a combination of the "Nürburgring GP/D", and the "Nürburgring Nordschleife", then, why are we qualifying on the "Nürburgring GP/F", instead of the "Nürburgring GP/D"?
Why have drivers spend up to 30min qualifying (not to mention private testing time) driving around a track that has a significant section that is not included on the track raced on, once the Green Flag drops?
All this will do is breed confusion, and cause a pile-up 500 meters after the start line.

Good point Cac. I totally forgot that Type V uses the GP/D part of the circuit. With that said we will use the Nurburgring GP/D for qualifying.

For the Finale, we head into the green hell for a 10 lap race around the Nurburgring Type V. A reminder that qualifying will not be held on the Type V circuit but will be ran on the GP/D circuit.

The following ORS Rules apply at all times during qualifying and racing.

- Two wheels must remain inside or on the white line at all times
- Drivers must ensure when entering the pits that they nor their b-spec driver cuts the white lines
- Drivers must stay inside pit exit line when exiting pits
- Regardless of position when overtaking the car in front has the ownership of the racing line
- Lapped cars must give way to leaders of the race and not become an obstacle
- Ramming not tolerated
- Foul language not tolerated
- Please keep text comments to a minimum while qualifying sessions are underway
- Text chat can only be used by stewards during a race

A full list of penalties and the points that will be applied to a driver for each penalty can be found by clicking the banner below.

If you do have an off be wary of the reduced grip level once you've rejoined the track. Also when rejoining, please aware of your position on the track relative to your fellow races. Drivers rejoining the track must give way to race traffic and not become an obstruction.

All drivers must ensure they have set their cars to meet required specifications (see page 1) for the race. Failure to comply can results in a point penalty, disqualification from the race to removal from the series (see infringement link above).

The following drivers need to ensure they are carrying the below ballast for Monday night.

Oni_chan - 50kgs (1330kg)
mrtaital - 35kgs (1390kg)

Failure to comply can results in 1 race bans to removal from the series.

Now finally all drivers must make sure they submit their tyre choice for qualifying/race start by 12pm (Sydney time) Sunday using the banner below.

Once your tyre choice has been submitted you cannot change it. If you fail to nominate a tyre by the deadline you will qualify and start the race on Racing Hards.

Follow this link if you wish to see everyones submissions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...andMSHpfbkRaU0laeDlYYVhhZVE&usp=sharing#gid=1


ORS Committee

First off i'd like to say it's been a great season and i thank all of the drivers who attended this season for the finale to the ORS in GT5. Without all of you we wouldn't have such a professional and high caliber Australian/New Zealand racing series.

I'd also like to thank the stewards jasr73, mrtaital and asuka611 for helping out with the ORS and hope you will continue to do so in the future ORS seasons.

A special thanks to Cactass for being the man behind the scenes with me to structure the series and be a internal voice for the drivers.

Below are the results for the Driver and Team championships. I'd like to congratulate the top 3 of both the drivers and teams championship for a well deserved final podium. It's been great fun racing with you all nose to tail throughout the season and look forward to what GT6 will bring the ORS and the drivers.



For a full overview of all the final results please use the below banner for a link to everyone's results thanks to CacGraphs.

For the current drivers and any future drivers to the ORS. The new season will start in GT6 in the new year. So get plenty of practice and accumulate those credits.

Once again thank you all for participating and can't wait to race you all again in GT6.

R.I.P GT5.

ORS Committee
Hey Oni,

Congrats on winning the season! So you are the man everyone is chasing now... challenge accepted! :) Looks like things are extremely well organised for your racing series now. I look forward to racing with everyone again once GT6 is here and participating in more of your championships, it has been too long since I raced with you all.

Hey Xerx,

Good to hear you coming back to the online racing in GT6 and joining the ORS series. It's looking like the next season will be full of competition.

While i was the one everyone was chasing this season i can't say it was an easy driver. GTP_JTV had an unlucky round and a DC. Without that i think we would have been alot closer in points. Mustafur and X4rotorsploxX joined the series a few rounds in and managed to win the teams championship and Mustafur got 3rd on the podium so there is definitely alot more targets for you come next season. Also Toiv can't make monday nights now due to work commitments so if he was still around for every race i dare say that's the greyhound us rabbits would be chasing (yes i meant it that way).

I'll keep you all posted via GTP and PS3 when the new series will begin and which car we will be using. It will be a one make series so everyone in the same car.

Thanks for organising the series guys - Has been one of the more enjoyable leagues I've raced in. Pretty stoked we managed to get the teams championship. The goal was at least the top 3 in the teams so pretty happy with that.

Unfortunately I did rage quit last night. Never liked racing on the ring. Kept putting the car into the wall and was over it by lap 4 =\.

Looking forward to an ORS GT6 season!!!
Hi Lost,

Has been a long time mate, looking forward to getting GT6 and joining you guys online again.

I like the sound of another one make series too. Just looking at the new vehicle list, I like the idea of the Ferrari FXX (as it is a purpose built track car) or the new 2013 NSX Concept... Have to see how they drive first though. Anything you had in mind yet Oni?

Will any of you join the GTP WRS when it starts up again? I was thinking it would be good to get back into it again, I like the challenge of being pushed outside your comfort zone with some combinations they come up with.


I won't be joining the WRS (not my thing) but GTP_JTV is apart of the WRS council so he be good one to talk to about anything upcoming or future plans that he can give to the public.

NSX Concept apparently isn't in GT6 yet. I already have a car in mind so it's just a matter of knowing how much it costs and how it would drive in a series before i can lock it in. I'll give details next year on the car.
