ORS | SEASON 3 | Recommended List Championship

  • Thread starter Oniichan
Great qualifying session!
Close times at the top. If that quick 5 lapper was anything to go by I'm really looking forward to this season and the great racing ahead. 👍

Glad you enjoyed it mate. Previous series have been the same so i am sure your in for a blast.

Sounds like you guys had fun, can't wait to hear about it :)

Onii I can be on anytime tomorrow up until 4:30ish then I'm on nightshift again :(
After that I'm off for 5 days so should be able to hook up a time during those days.

No problem mate. I will be on tomorrow during the day to get your time as well as Rusty's, Xerxs and Rotas. I will get a time from Holland on Thursday.
I'll be on some time after lunch, either just PSN msg me if I'm on, or via these means let me know a specific time :)

Good drive last night aussiestig, onichan small frys and mike, bonson..

Seems as people had been driving the recommomended cars alot last 2 weeks with sports tires. I fell asleep for most of the qualifier so didnt get to watch much
Good drive last night aussiestig, onichan small frys and mike, bonson..

Seems as people had been driving the recommomended cars alot last 2 weeks with sports tires. I fell asleep for most of the qualifier so didnt get to watch much

Cheers mate but I haven't driven anymore then 1 hour in 2 weeks and when i logged on i just did seasonal events then logged off. I haven't done any testing at all. Just that 30minute practice was my first go in the M3 around that track using those tyres.

That being said.. im sure others were in the same shoes as me. Now that your back mate you can get some practice in to get back on top where you belong ;)
Cheers oni in the practice i was having trouble just keeping the eyes and concentration switched on as you probably noticed following me how on the straight illd drive into the wall lol. as an example. i Think in the qualifier i only got 1 clean lap hehe

So rusty so will definatly have to get used to the game again,
Cheers oni in the practice i was havin trouble just keeping the eyes and concerntration switched on as you probably noticed how on th striaght illd drive into the wall lol.

Yeah no worries mate. I know how much you hate that track also so being tired and on a track you don't like makes it worse. Thats why during the practice session i waited up for you to follow you so we could have our own little race just like old times ;)
Yeah no worries mate. I know how much you hate that track also so being tired and on a track you don't like makes it worse. Thats why during the practice session i waited up for you to follow you so we could have our own little race just like old times ;)

Yeah that was awsome mate cheers for that missed the little battles ...
i wasnt the only one going off on the easy corners 💡 made me feel abit better :)
Haha.. yeah i know what you mean mate. I couldn't find my rhythm all night.

Also to all. The track list is now up.
i was amazed tho at how far of the pace i was took me by surprise. did i hear Xerx is moving house did he get it all sorted ?? if so CONGRATS BRO WEN I MOVING IN, hehe
Onii it looks as if I missed you... PSN said you were on 0 minutes ago. I'm on now if your still around.
Will do.

and I'm done! Onii - Lost has my times :)
As predicted it looks like I'm a back-marker in amongst this competition!

Lost - thanks for that mate.
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Will do.

and I'm done! Onii - Lost has my times :)
As predicted it looks like I'm a back-marker in amongst this competition!

Lost - thanks for that mate.

Yes done oni sent you time via PM on Psn thanks broncos

good clean laps .👍

Thanks for that boys.

Oh and Taital. All races will be held on HEAVY damage including street tracks. You make a mistake you will have to pay dearly for it.
Thanks for that boys.

Oh and Taital. All races will be held on HEAVY damage including street tracks. You make a mistake you will have to pay dearly for it.

Please do Madrid whilst I'm in korea lol
Please do Madrid whilst I'm in korea lol

👍 haha I know the feeling :ouch:.

Just a question @ Onii... the track list that you posted, is that the order that the series will take or did you purposely leave the rounds as TBA so that the track location is also a surprise? :sly:
👍 haha I know the feeling :ouch:.

Just a question @ Onii... the track list that you posted, is that the order that the series will take or did you purposely leave the rounds as TBA so that the track location is also a surprise? :sly:

The track and car are picked from a hat on the night haha, were really mixing this up!
Awesome track list!

Qualifier went surprising well for me, since I hadn't driven any of the recommended list cars in ages.

Was cool how a few us up the front all got 1:35.7's, apart from Stiggy's flyer of course!
I just wish I hadn't stuffed my final sector, as I think he said he was .5 down on my time after the first 2 sectors.

Looking forward to the first round :)
👍 haha I know the feeling :ouch:.

Just a question @ Onii... the track list that you posted, is that the order that the series will take or did you purposely leave the rounds as TBA so that the track location is also a surprise? :sly:

Those are the tracks being used in the series. I just put them alphabetical order lol. We wont know what track we are racing on until race night. I'll be drawing each track out of a box each race.

The only thing i can tell you is the cars for each track.

VW Golf GTi
Autumn Ring
Circuit De Madrid

Audi R8
Cote De Azur
Fuji Speedway F

Nurburgring GP/F
Suzuka (weather)

JR Rocha's G37
Grand Valley East Reverse
The tracks for g37 made a little mess, r8 is a little to big for coat of azza

They are the most requested for the sprint tracks. So you can blame yourselves for that one :P

R8 is fine around Cote. After all they race F1's around there and we have ran GT500 cars there. I'm sure the R8 will be fine :P
Hey great track lineup Oni! I'm glad Lag-ina Seka didn't make it in...does nothing for me that track.
I would prefer to race Fiat 500's on the Eiger K trail than to drive LS.:D

Sorry I missed the Quali at 1, I was still work.
I will be on real shortly.
Those are the tracks being used in the series. I just put them alphabetical order lol. We wont know what track we are racing on until race night. I'll be drawing each track out of a box each race.

The only thing i can tell you is the cars for each track.

VW Golf GTi
Autumn Ring
Circuit De Madrid

Audi R8
Cote De Azur
Fuji Speedway F

Nurburgring GP/F
Suzuka (weather)

JR Rocha's G37
Grand Valley East Reverse

👍 Nice, gives me something to work with... now practice practice practice :)
Given I don't use these cars much offline let alone online!:dunce:

The tight tracks might give some surprising results given the damage on high :scared:
How long before the event until we find out what the combo will be?
👍 Nice, gives me something to work with... now practice practice practice :)
Given I don't use these cars much offline let alone online!:dunce:

The tight tracks might give some surprising results given the damage on high :scared:

The whole point of recommended and unknown races is to limit that practice thing.
Thanks again for hosting the additional qually last night for us late comers Oni - much appreciated.👍 Looks like I have a lil' work to do to get up speed with the front runners.:drool:

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