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I've been playing Mei a lot more these days and I'm convinced that she'll get some balancing in the near future. She's hitting way above her class as it is, mefeels.

Torbjorn is without a doubt the worst thing in the game. Honestly, what an aggravating character that takes no skill to play as.
Didn't play much these last few days... Got sucked into another Dark Souls III run and game time being scarce these days... :indiff:

Torbjorn is without a doubt the worst thing in the game. Honestly, what an aggravating character that takes no skill to play as.

But yeah, he's certainly annoying. Ever seen a Torb placing turrets on the moving platforms on Volskaya Industries? :lol: Then again, I think Widowmaker can shot his turrets down easily enough and there's always a Widowmaker. Or several Widowmakers.
I've heard a lot of complaints about him being ridiculous on consoles, since he has an aimbot when everyone else has to aim with a controller. On PC he becomes pretty simple to deal with once you learn to take out Torjborn and then the turret, which Widowmaker excels at on both fronts. D.Va is also pretty good since you can charge in close with defense matrix and take him out without much trouble.
I've heard a lot of complaints about him being ridiculous on consoles, since he has an aimbot when everyone else has to aim with a controller. On PC he becomes pretty simple to deal with once you learn to take out Torjborn and then the turret, which Widowmaker excels at on both fronts. D.Va is also pretty good since you can charge in close with defense matrix and take him out without much trouble.

Would Genji be another solution to Torbjorn since he can deflect?
Would Genji be another solution to Torbjorn since he can deflect?

Genji is a great counter against Bastion. His deflect can be devastating under the right circumstances.

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Would Genji be another solution to Torbjorn since he can deflect?

No, only because the turrets shoot so slowly, genjis deflect does very little against the turrets. Bastion on the other hand gets melted by genji if they aren't careful.

Pharah is a much better counter, along with Widowmaker as has been said. D'va is very effective, especially if the enemy team has a few turrets, then her ult can wipe them all out in one. Reaper is great, using his teleport to get behind and wraith form to escape. I've had some luck with Tracer behind enemy lines and harassing.

I don't find Torbjorn too much of a problem, find out where the turrets are, flank and destroy. If he molten cores, then you run! :D tough to go one v one with molten core up.
Would Genji be another solution to Torbjorn since he can deflect?

I know 2 other people have said this already, but no. The turrets aren't dangerous because of their damage output, they're dangerous because of their perfect aim and tracking, which actually makes them pretty hard counters to agile heroes such as Genji himself, so deflecting them isn't any more effective than just shooting them with any other character. Whilst we're on the subject, he's also not a fantastic counter to Bastion, contrary to what you might have heard - a halfway-competent Bastion can just wait out your deflect (possibly just attacking your fellow teammates in the meantime) and shred you to pieces.

On the other hand, whilst Zarya isn't a direct counter to Torjborn, she becomes pretty frightening since he can't prevent his turrets from charging your particle cannon. You could also hypothetically spam his location with your alt fire at high charge, but it's less effective than simply switching to Junkrat or Widowmaker.
This week's Weekly Brawl is Overly Defensive:


As a reminder, here's what's allegedly on rotation with bolded ones being ones we've already had and thus confirmed:

  • Arcade – More health! Faster ability and ultimate cooldowns! Faster respawn
  • Girl Power – Female heroes only. Sorry boys
  • Head’s Up!- McCree, Genji, Hanzo, and Widowmaker. Headshots only
  • High Noon – It’s high noon on Route 66. Headshots with McCree only
  • Highly Offensive – All offense heroes. Limited to 2 of the same per team
  • Justice Rains From Above! – Pharah and Mercy take to the skies
  • MOBA-watch – Unique heroes per team. No hero switching allowed
  • Mystery Heroes – On death you will respawn as a randomly selected hero
  • Overly Defensive – All defense heroes. Limited to 2 of the same per team
  • Show Your Support – All support heroes. Limited to 2 of the same per team
  • Super Shimada Bros. – Welcome to Hanamura. Genji and Hanzo only. Faster abilities, slower ultimates
  • Tanks A Lot – All tank heroes. Limited to 2 of the same per team
  • The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – McCree, Reaper, and Roadhog duke it out
  • We’re All Soldiers Now – Soldier: 76 takes command of the Control Maps
Anybody else play support? I'm a Mercy player and thinking of becoming a more prominent main for her...as Genji I feel I can't contribute enough to justify it - aside from absolutely wrecking a Bastion when necessary and it seems like dedicated healers are pretty rare.

Anyone else playing on PS4, also?
I love playing Mercy, I think she is a great character and very rewarding to play properly. I really enjoy Zenyatta as a hybrid support.

I picked up the PS4 version as I preferred it over the PC version.
I love playing Mercy, I think she is a great character and very rewarding to play properly. I really enjoy Zenyatta as a hybrid support.

I picked up the PS4 version as I preferred it over the PC version.
Nice, if you fancy some game (goes for anyone) - feel free to add me and we can tear it up sometime.
I kinda admire you guys for enjoying healers :indiff: I get utterly bored playing Lucio or Mercy. Dunno. I either gotta shoot stuff or at least take point and lead a charge. Which kinda sucks. I mean, I'm genuinely surprised by how many supports I'm seeing - basically never a match where I feel like I need to switch to a support. Those few matches I do end up playing support... Well, they're usually a lost cause. Can't get it done properly, it seems. Doesn't feel like I'm contributing much.

On the topic of mains, I don't really have one hero I focus on. Solider: 76 gets a lot of playtime on attack, Hanzo was (kinda still is) my go-to on defence, but I find myself playing as Junkrat more and more. As for tanks... Well... Reinhardt it is. I occasionally pick Roadhog and he's great fun and all - but I generally feel like Reinhardt does stand out big time because he's really the only character who's able to somewhat reliably protect his team.

Oh, by the way, I ought to confess my sins. If there's one a Torbjörn on our team on defence, let alone more than one, I like to pick Torb myself. It's like a game of tower defence :lol: Good thing he's not as cancerous on PC as he's said to be on consoles, though. Still, I recently got a good laugh out of a triple Torb team - the three of us ulti'd basically at the exact same moment: When the enemy team pushed into B on Hanamura.
I kinda admire you guys for enjoying healers :indiff: I get utterly bored playing Lucio or Mercy. Dunno. I either gotta shoot stuff or at least take point and lead a charge. Which kinda sucks. I mean, I'm genuinely surprised by how many supports I'm seeing - basically never a match where I feel like I need to switch to a support. Those few matches I do end up playing support... Well, they're usually a lost cause. Can't get it done properly, it seems. Doesn't feel like I'm contributing much.

On the topic of mains, I don't really have one hero I focus on. Solider: 76 gets a lot of playtime on attack, Hanzo was (kinda still is) my go-to on defence, but I find myself playing as Junkrat more and more. As for tanks... Well... Reinhardt it is. I occasionally pick Roadhog and he's great fun and all - but I generally feel like Reinhardt does stand out big time because he's really the only character who's able to somewhat reliably protect his team.

Oh, by the way, I ought to confess my sins. If there's one a Torbjörn on our team on defence, let alone more than one, I like to pick Torb myself. It's like a game of tower defence :lol: Good thing he's not as cancerous on PC as he's said to be on consoles, though. Still, I recently got a good laugh out of a triple Torb team - the three of us ulti'd basically at the exact same moment: When the enemy team pushed into B on Hanamura.
You'd be surprised at how satisfying it can be when you're the backbone of a charge. :D Similar to playing Reinhardt's shield, playing Mercy definently has it's benefits. Alternating between 'Power Up' and 'Heal' can win matches and of course her Ult can really shift the tide.

Plus, her secondary weapon can prove useful given that people don't expect to see a Mercy playing aggressively. Chipping away at the other team's health in control point can secure a decent amount of eliminations and still give you scope to heal big time.

Lucio, as I understand, is very good for an Attack/Support hybrid.
Good news for console players! Torbjorn's turret damage on consoles only is being reduced by a staggering 30% come mid/late July.

Perfect, on console he is ridiculous. The only change I wanted. Thank you based Blizzard.
I'm glad there are specific balance patches dedicated to one platform (set) than it being a global patch đź‘Ť
I'm glad there are specific balance patches dedicated to one platform (set) than it being a global patch đź‘Ť

That is pretty cool. Symmetra on the consoles, her sentry turrets do less damage due to the time it takes for a controller user to turn around compared with PC. So there are tweaks throughout the game like this. It's one of the reasons I picked it up on console over PC, I preferred the slower pace of the game on console (not that its that much slower), just a smidge more relaxing :D
It's amazing how this game constantly plays around with your tendancies and mains when you change things up. I started playing a bit as Zarya since I've never really messed around with her. I had great fun and moderate success as her, thinking that perhaps I should learn how to play her as a 'main', almost.

Then, I switch back to Genji. Suddenly, I'm Jetstream Sam - racking up eliminations and POTGs everywhere with win-streak in tow. Honestly, everytime I try and get competent as someone else I always end up back on Genji, his play-style just suits someone who's not a shooter person (me!) down to a tee.

Also, was checking my stats on MasterOverwatch and found something pretty interesting in regard to win-percentage:

1. Mercy - 58%
2. Reinhardt - 56%
3. Genji - 50%

...is it inherently easier to win as a support? I'd imagine that the higher % is due to being a healer for your team, that being said...surely it would even out over time? Pretty interesting none the less.
My worst character is easily Mcree, i don't know if its that i can't handle the high noon or that im just more suited to fast paced characters.
Also, was checking my stats on MasterOverwatch and found something pretty interesting in regard to win-percentage:

1. Mercy - 58%
2. Reinhardt - 56%
3. Genji - 50%

...is it inherently easier to win as a support? I'd imagine that the higher % is due to being a healer for your team, that being said...surely it would even out over time? Pretty interesting none the less.

If my experience in WoW has taught me anything, it is most people are not particularly interested in playing a support character, much less playing one well. The impact a support character can have is typically greater than a damage dealer.