Pain & Heaven: Finale - Volume One (8/2/12)

  • Thread starter Anathema
I noticed a spelling mistake my good man. Where Corentin calls John about Han's departure. Says "I think he can take car of himself". I'm assuming it's meant to say "care", right? Don't mean to nitpick, just thought I'd point that out.


Chapter XXVII:

I fear for my life now. I don't think that John was that worried or upset when I went after him.

The moment I did this to Emily, though... I began to feel a fear deep inside of me. He can be relentless... And he will never stop hunting me down. The military training he has... includes... assassination.

I need to hook up with Andrei for protection once he finishes his own mission.

Or... I will die.


“She's alive.”

“Oh, thank God.”

“She only has a mild concussion, and a broken arm. She's recovering, but not awake yet...”

“She's alive. All that matters.”

“So wait before seeing her. Is that acceptable?”

“I suppose.”

I could have lost her. I could not live without her, knowing she died and I did nothing to stop it.

Would have destroyed me. Again.


You landed in my life
Like a new and brighter light
That made all my past seem in the shadow
I always used to believe
That beauty was skin deep
But I need a new world to describe you

And the time that it took to take down the wall
Was the time that it took for me to fall
Hopelessly weak

No one can take you away from me now
Don't worry if they take me away
No one can take you away from me now
Don't matter how long we have to wait

The days before you came
Were really all the same
A greyness I used to call freedom
Endless nights out with the boys
The boasting and the noise
To think that I ever believed them

No one can take you away from me now
Don't worry if they take me away
No one can take me away from me now
Don't matter how long we have to wait

I don't care what they think
You're all I believe in
I carry you here
And there's something of you
In everything that I love

No one can take you away from me now
Don't worry if they take me away
No one can take you away from me now
Don't matter how long we have to wait

No one can take you away from me now
Don't worry if they take me away



“Remind me why we're here...”

“To catch the Russian.”

“No... why are we at the Nurburgring, of all places?”

“He's supposed to be here, racing, that's why.”

“Is that based on a 'what-if'?”

“Of course.”

“Oh, amazing...”

“Be quiet, you...”




“What in the hell is that...”

“Tommykaira ZZII. Concept. Only one in the world.”

“Then why...”



“My butt...”


“What's with all the supercars?”

“It's the Nurb.”


“Take it easy, Cory...”

“Don't call me that.”


“They're losing grip...”


The good times and the bad times. Life includes the bad and the good.

A bad time for me was when the U.S.S.R fell and I was out of a job as a Spetznaz agent.

A good time was when I was hired by the Boss to use my skills.

But... is it really worth it?

Sometimes I did question what I was doing for a living... Killing troops. Slaughtering innocents, all in the name of Communism.

This... shouldn't be hard for me. Killing a man and a woman. Easy.

But... two living legends? I killed the nameless ones... Will I become a pariah?



“There he is...”


“Get him...”






Well. They found me before I could find them and set a trap up.

Not good. Not good at all.


“Under control again.”



“Hello again...”



Really bad now. That car is one I recognize... One that I had rigged up to kill someone with.

He must have gotten it somehow.

Is this my past, coming back to haunt me?



“He's getting away...”

“Not if I can help it.”




“Alright... you win.”



“Em? It's me...”

“Oh... John... I'm so sorry...”

“Don't be. You're alive... that's what matters...”


I just sat and held her hand for a while, peacefully.

“Can... I do anything to help you?”

“No... they said... I... just have to... recover...”


“You... can... go... I need”


Glad that she's actually alright...

“John... is she..?”

“Fine. Been in to see her. Still a bit tired due to the medication, but otherwise fine and coherent.”

“Good... Listen... I want to help you.”


“Making a stand.”

“I was a Lone Wolf member.”


“Yes. However scary that may be. Why do you really want to help me?”

“There are some things that still need explaining... and I also... need an answer.”


“Why my father had to die like he did.”

“I thought it was your uncle.”


“...Fine. You're in.”


“Alright, explain.”

“Do... you know... the story behind... why... the Boss... wants John dead?”

“He sent you to do his dirty work, I know that much.”

“True... and you know... I'm ex-Spetznaz.”


“But... you... don't know... why...”

“No. Now tell me.”

“There... is power... in knowledge... Do you want... the power...”

“Yes. Now tell me.”

“You sure...”


“The Boss... is...”


The man named Andrei looked at us, blood dripping from his chest from the bullet wound, and gave us a look that will haunt me forever... one of a man who knew he was trapped by his own fate.

Fin Chapter XXVII
It's overused in many Race Stories, actually (a lot of ones from the past) and so I try to keep its use to a minimum.
Really? I've actually never seen it used. I've read a few, but not that many, I guess.

For my short race story (covers one race in a Nissan 300ZX) I've used the Eiger circuit. 16 cars, 13 laps.
Last edited:
A villain...on the ' a NSX.

Sounds familiar.
A villain...on the ' a NSX.

Sounds familiar.

Dammit, forgot entirely...

Had no intention of choosing an NSX, ended up being the car I faced. Sorry.

No way related on purpose.
Chapter XXVIII:

“You sure this is the place?”

“He runs here late at night. Always in a RUF.”

“The basically uberly modded Porsches.”


“I'll get in position, then.”

Lying on a rooftop overlooking a street racing course isn't my idea of a fun.

Despite having a Dragunov sniper rifle with me.

My job here was to be support – the guy we were going after was armed and deadly.

Only was supposed to reveal myself if things got too hot.

“You know why I stopped doing this?”


“I had to kill people in cold blood without giving them a chance. Shook me to the core when I realized exactly what I was doing.”

“You were a Lone Wolf operative.”

“Part of the job description... I know. Still...”

“Right... Let me focus then...”


“Get down, now.”


“Sniper. Hidden. Wait...”

“Don't get yourself killed...”

10 minutes later...

“He's gone. Found nothing but a shell from a sniper rifle and tire tracks.”

“Any idea who it was?”

“Yep. The Boss.”




The leg was beginning to twitch.

Ever since the accident, when they replaced my leg nerves and muscles... it's been harder and harder to drive.

I just want to finish... this job... and then I don't have a care. If death can take me in its cold embrace... then I'm fine with that. Just let me finish the task...


“I can see him from here.”



Pagani first.

Of course... it would be easier, if I didn't understeer into the first turn...

[IMG0374] (Photo appears to be missing, I have no idea why.)

Still stuck behind the Pagani.


Not anymore.


“Keep it up...”


The boat of an Aston Martin was next...


“Hmmm... So many British cars...”


That's a TVR Speed Six...


“That thing has a huge 🤬...”


“And too much body roll when stock.”

“How'd you guess...”


“Emily knows more about them than I do..."


“Good job, though...”


“There he is...”



Hmmm. There's an NSX that's actually persistent.

Usually I just win straight up, but... he's keeping with me.


And he's obviously modded the car...



“Where have I seen that NSX before...”





“I'm shoving him out of the way.”

“Be careful.”



“That's cheating... You'll pay...”



“You... WILL... PAY...”


“You think we should head to Cali?”

“Yes... I didn't get to see how Emily did. Lemme try to call her...”

Brring... Brrring.... Brring....


“Emily, this is Corentin. You sound terrible.”

“It's... because I am....”

“What happened?”

“Was... wrecked... during... the race. By... Federigo... Broken arm and concussion.”

“Where's John, then?”

“Out, fighting... back.”

“Do you have a security detail?”

“Yes...and a assault rifle... in my lap.”

“We'll be over as soon as we can.”



“What happened?”

“A whole mess of 🤬.”

“So... we're leaving?”

“Yeah. As in, right now.”


The dude was bulky, like an ex-wrestler.

His punch sure felt like it came from one.

Spun me to the ground...

“You slimeball. I always win, but I never cheat to win.”

“Reason... behind it...”

“What reason?”

“The... Boss...”

“Oh. That's the reason?”


“Well, prepare to die, you little scumbag... No one gets information out of me-”


“Urg... No... Too...”


“Ow... My jaw...”

“You alright...?”

“I'm functional. Hit me with a good shot to the jaw... Nice shooting, by the way.”

“Pick me up, and let me take his car. Might prove useful...”



“You know who it is.”


“Good. John just took out a member of our group. Let him know I want a face-to-face meeting – for keeps this time. Only one of us comes out alive.”

“You... wish...”

“I don't wish. I know. Tell him to be at Route 7.”


Last time, missed my chance but never again.
The further away you slip, the more I'll dig in.
All things come around again
and this time I'll be ready and waiting.
You can't imagine dedication
that I now possess.

There's no one left to save you.
Where you run I will follow.
I'll step by step re-arrange you.
There's nowhere to hide.

You'll never see me coming but
You'll feel the fear from my shadow.
With intensity, yeah, you'll bleed.
Before it's over you'll age ten years older.
Time flows like a river... deep.
I'm going to take you down.

There's no one left to save you.
Where you run I will follow.
I'll step by step re-arrange you.
There's nowhere to hide.

They say let the world change you
and you can change the world.
They'll bit by bit re-arrange you.
I can't change the world.

It's taken me years to get to this place.
I found you hiding inside a persona
you built from my pain.
Fortune has finally come and
Vengeance is mine I've won.
I'll take the world now by storm.

Do I let the world change me?
Do I lead or follow?
They'll step by step re-arrange me.
Let them all try!

If I let the world change me,
step by step re-arrange me.
If I focus on tomorrow,
maybe I could change the world!

Fin Chapter XXVIII
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Fixed except for one that appears to be lost...

Don't know how lol.

Also: Accepting Grand Prix White paint chip donations - for the "Fleet" of the sequel.
Just, read all of this in one go, I must say that it's very good, my second favorite of all of the Fanfics I've read.

Chapter XXIX:


“Emily? What wrong?”

“That... sick 🤬 called. He has... a challenge... for you.”

“Oh, great. When and where?”

“Tonight... at Route 7.”

“He'll be in that Z...”

“Someone... called... Rex... called as well.”

“My... cousin?”

“I think... so. Said... he has... your S2000... ready...”

“Then it's him. Where is he?”

“Coming... to meet... you.”

“...Thank you so much, dearest.”

“I love you too. Please... don't get... yourself killed.”

“I promise... I won't.”


Finally. Back in America.

Germany isn't all bad, but... their customs officials are worse than the ones in Japan.

At least no diaper dispensing machines.

“Where are we supposed to be going?”

“The Matthias Memorial Center. Emily is there.”

“Who is this Emily, anyway...”

“Very good driver. Was wrecked by a former friend of mine and John's. I think she's also John's fiancee at the moment...”


“They formed a relationship... Was good for them. And this happened.”


“Is that an S2000?”

“Yes... but not any I've ever seen...”

“Is this... Corentin?”

“Yes... who are you?”

“Rex van Druten. Emily sent me.”

“Relative of John?”

“His cousin, worked with him on the Calsonic team. This was his car before everything all started...”

“He had a normal S2000.”

“Owed him a favor, upgraded it. Emily is waiting for you...”


I made my way to the hospital with Midori in tow.

“Hey... That's Corentin's 3000GT...”

“Yeah... And look what's next to it.”

“Wow... that's one hell of an S2000.”

“Wonder who owns it.... Probably the woman with him you told me about...”


Later, in Emily's hospital room...

“Wow... Everyone's here...”

“John! Damn... it's been, what, three months?”


“You never came to pick up your S2000.”

“It's done?”

“It's the one in the parking lot.”


“You must be John. I've heard a lot about you...”

“This is Anna, everyone.”

“Good to meet you.”

“And... Here's Midori Harada.”

“I recognize that name... in a good way. Welcome... to the exclusive club.”

“This... is a club?”

“Yeah... Kinda sorta.”

“And... I'm sitting here, injured...”

“Shhh, dear.”



“That's the plan?”


“It's a trap.”

“I know that.”

“Next move?”

“Spring the trap.”

“You always did like being stupid...”

“Hey hey hey...”

“Jeez... They're like the Two Stooges...”

“What... I thought of... when they.. first came in.”

“John... the S2000...”


“Has 560 horsepower, is fully tuned. Amuse did it for me.”

“The tuning house?”

“Yeah. Wanted a test subject...”

“...At least it turned out well...”

“Scott Sharp – the Indy driver – had a hand with how the suspension and handling is done.”


“May be the finest car I have ever worked on.”


“John, just please... be careful.”

“Em... I will. I swear I will...”


I leaned over and kissed her... Fighting to ignore the feeling deep inside of me.




This car is... Godly.

No other word for it.


The fireworks going off in celebration of whatnot... didn't exactly set the mood. The car helped a bit, but...

This was the end. For one of us.

Could be me, could be Federigo.


There's the exit...

I made the turn, and motored up to the point where I was told to meet...




“So... you ready?”




Start line. The track was just a long highway.


“Ready... GO.”


Wheelspin. Not needed.

“You need to put up more of a fight...”


Focus. Think of Emily...


“That thing is that fash, huh?”


“Then again... I'm still leading...”

Into the tunnel. The Z still leading.



He could beat me. And... I finally feel... what I am doing... is wrong.


He drew even with me.






It's over. I know it's over.

I've lost...

And I cannot live... with what I've done.

He will never let up.

Dog my every footstep.

Never let me be in peace.



There's the turn. Looks a little like a stage for a rock band.

If I make it...

“John... I'm...


“I'm... so... sorry...”



“Goodbye, my old friend.”



Time... to see... my wife... again.






I stopped the car.


I walked over to where the car sat.

I saw the helmeted head of my best friend.

He was lying limply in his seat. Dead. The blood made it obvious.

“Federigo... I am sorry. Sorry for all the years.”

I grabbed my phone with shaking hands.

To take... one last photo... one last memory...

Of my best friend.





I have so much more to say, my brother.
Can you hear me?
A fool is left to live as the brave ones fall.
I swear if I were able,
I would have done the same for you.
But now you're gone and I wish I were too.

I spend all my time asking questions,
How can I pay you back when
the price you paid was so high, my friends.

If I were King of all I imagine,
I would trade all I am
to have you by my side.

If I were King.
I have too much time today, my brother.
Can you hear me?
I know where I am, but I still feel lost.

Please know that I am grateful
for the years you gave to me.
Everything's changed, but nothing changes
for you.

I won't waste my life asking questions.
I've seen the horror of war and
there's so much more for a man who's been
where I've been.

If I were King of all I imagine,
I would trade what I have
to have you back at my side.

If I were King of all I imagine,
we would both be back home
living the rest of our lives.

If I were King.

Fin Chapter XXIX

Special Thanks to Ibpomg95 for his amazing talent at driving into walls at full speed.

(Not really. Thanks for the help as Federigo.)
No problem man, though we've both had practice flying into things at full speed online, though I'm used to doing so in a Chevrolet Pickup with 913BHP. Bit different doing it in a race car that sounded like a vacuum cleaner! Still, good fun.

You have to admit though, the wheelspin made a good photo, and got one hell of a fast start. Haha!
Whoa. Great work in creating some sympathy for Federigo. 👍
No problem man, though we've both had practice flying into things at full speed online, though I'm used to doing so in a Chevrolet Pickup with 913BHP. Bit different doing it in a race car that sounded like a vacuum cleaner! Still, good fun.

You have to admit though, the wheelspin made a good photo, and got one hell of a fast start. Haha!

I remember the abuse I put on that Minolta with the little Evo 6... Was good fun.

And thanks so much for your help - and the timing shot on the photo where to two cars are sitting together was perfect, got the firework as well.

By the way... if anyone wants to know how I edit damage in so well... Photobucket's little squeeze tool seems to work wonders.

Whoa. Great work in creating some sympathy for Federigo. 👍

He was based off of a good friend who sadly did end his life too early. This story is dedicated to him.
Grand Finale of Volume One up tomorrow!

May be a bit large for a single chapter...

But the plot twist/reveals/cliffhanger are well worth it.
Grand Finale:

Life... is a precious thing.

Can be taken away in an instant.

The push of a button.

The beat of a heart.

And... the turning... of a steering wheel.

Why did he have to die?

Everyone dies. I know that.

One day even I will die.

But... Death should be natural.

You should not have to choose to end your life.


“Dad... why do people die?”

“It's part of life. The other half of life, you can say.”

“... Is there an afterlife?”

“We can only hope, son. We can only hope...”


I made my way to the hospital once more.

I didn't want to see anyone but Emily. Not tonight. Not after this... experience.

Fortunately... Everyone had gone to a hotel. Leaving me alone.

“Em... it's me...”

“You... Ok?”

“I wish...”

“What happened?”

“He decided to end his life by crashing his car.”

“Oh, John...”

“I loved him like a brother. Why...”

“Here. Lay with me...”


“John... I'm sure... he loved you as much. He just forgot it along the way...”


“And... He couldn't face you when he realized that.”

“...It makes sense, even though it hurts so badly inside...”

“I know... and... it may seem hard to say this to you, but... that's life.”

“I... understand.”


I took Emily back to my house the next day.

We got there to find it 100% intact.

Inside was a different story...


“Oh. There you are! Where have you been! I've been so worried...”


“That's what they all say. Good to see you Emily dear...”

“Hello, Mrs. van Druten...”

“Is.. that an engagement ring?”

Emily turned the brightest shade of pink...


“Awww... Why didn't you tell me? When's the wedding?”


“Sorry, John...”

“We're just... taking it slow.”


“She was discharged? Where'd they go?”

“Back home, apparently.”

“Idiot... without telling us, too.”

“Give the man a break... he needs it for once.”

“He obviously won, though...”

# Reports indicate that there was a high speed crash of a race car on Route 7 last night around 1 AM. The driver of the car has been identified as a Mr. Federigo Flavian, of Italy. There was a letter with him, but the police have not released its contents to us yet. More later.

“Well... that clears it up. Let's head out.”


I was relaxing with Emily cuddled in my arms.


“Goodness! What an impudent person. Let me see who it is...”

“Is John here? I'd like to kick his butt.”

“I'll kick yours first, you dirty Frenchman...”

“Mom... It's alright. They're friends.”

“You must have fallen in with the wrong crowd...”





“Don't start with me.”

“Well... This is a nice house, actually...”


“Yeah. It's me. Good to see you again, Mrs. van Druten.”

“Well... I suppose they're all right then.”


Took a long time to explain.

Everyone, though... did understand why Federigo chose his path, once Emily explained when she woke up.

“So... That's... how it ended.”


“...How are you still even going?”

“I don't know. Emily is one reason.”


Then... the call came.

“Who is this?”

“Take a wild guess.”


“Too hard? Well, it's yours truly.”

“Hello. What do you want with me on this fine day?”

“So upfront. Well... I'd like... to have a race with you.”

“...That's it?”

“Of course not, you idiot. Winner lives, loser dies.”

“Just like Federigo. Look where that got him.”

“Well, he obviously lost. He was supposed to flee...”

“He commited suicide.”

“...Not what I was thinking in the way of fleeing. It worked, though...”

“Enough of that. Where is this... race... you have planned?”

“Sarthe. Be there tomorrow, or this kid gets it?”


“One Midori Harada.”

“John... No... It's a trap...”

“SHUT UP! Anyway... You must have a mid-engined car. You can use Andrei's... Would give a nice... twist to this whole business.”


“Andrei Makarov. The guy I had killed once he lost to Corentin.”

“...Was he an ex-Spetznaz member...”

“You knew him, didn't you...”

“...I have one question for you? Explain to me... why you take pleasure... in killing loved ones?”

“I know you know the answer why.”


“Was I on speaker?”

“Yep. Got every word.”

“...That voice... Could it be?”

“What, Mother?”

“No. nothing...”

“What's the next move?”

“...I'm taking him on.”

“Why? He's obviously serious that he wants you dead...”

“I can answer. John... cares about people. He wants to honor their memories if they have died. He's... forever engraving their names and memories.”

“... So... your fatal flaw is... Personal loyalty.”

“...Call it what you wish. You are free to go if you want. Don't get involved in this again.”

“Sorry... We owe an obligation to you.”




On the flight to France, I remembered my memories of Andrei.

Was tasked with rescuing a Russian diplomat and her son.

The compound was a fortress.

Damn difficult to get in.

I was sitting outside, thinking about how to get in, when he showed up.

In full Spetsnaz kit.

I froze, until I realized he was a friendly. He had no weapons, and had his hands up.

“What... in the name of God are you here for?

“I owe an... obleegation to thees diplomat. I need to rescue her.”


We got in, and made it to the diplomat and her son.


“No... she can't be dead... NOOOOOO...”

“Andrei... Calm down...”

Then... a small voice.

“Daddy... is that you...”



I realized what he meant then. The diplomat was his wife.


“Andrei... has a son somewhere.”


“Long time ago... I met him. He had a wife and a son. His wife died.”

“And now he's dead.”


“You think... he needs someone?”


“...I'll think about it.”


At Sarthe...

The music was starting to get to me.

Was about death and dying, and the end of life.

How ironic.

“There's Andrei's car...”

As I remembered it. A one-off Honda NSX...

Beautiful car.

“You happen to be ready?”


“Good. Get in. Time... for the finale.”



Supercars. All this automotive beauty.

Fitting. Could be my last ride, and all this surrounding me...



Starting last just gives me the advantage.

More time to take my revenge...



Emily was beside me. We had agreed... if we die, we die together.

“Brakeless piece of junk ahead.”


“Track must have been... redesigned.”


No, not this early...

Keep it out of the sand. Don't get stuck.


“Heh... Will it really be this easy?”



Red rain is falling down...


“Thanks for the boost.”


“...Go ahead... waste your car up early.”


“Move to the inside.”




“Careful... he's being dirty...”

“Not during a race. I drive clean...”


“Afterwards is a different story.”


“But... this is a Ferrari!”


Red rain is pouring down, pouring down... All over me...


“That Lotus driver is actually good...”

“Especially to stay with all these supercars.”

All these details... Flashing by in the blink of an eye.




Our heads snapped back to see a flaming ball next to the McLaren.

“Oops... I happened to lie.”


Third now.

Saleen, Cadillac, me, and... a Miura?

“I... remember... something...”



Second car down.

“This is fun...”


The gap opened wide.


Just me, Emily... and the Saleen.

“You've put up a good fight.”

“Who... are you?”

“An ally.”


“You'll see.”



I've watched you from afar.

Taking on a giant.

I didn't have the strength to.

But... you did.

I admire that...


But... I still must win.




“Oh, you...”

Onto the straight for the final time.





“Where did they come from?”


“I must... still fight.”



Time... again... for life to be renewed.


Even the crane agrees.


“Well... I must say. Good try.”


“Just like every other before you who has tried...”


“They have also failed.”



“Sabotage... should have known. Well played, well played...”




“Ha. Ha. Ha.”

(Even his helmet shows that he's won... Look.)


Life goes on.

I... WILL... WIN.



So close, yet so far.



“It's no good, you must realize that.”



“For... Andrei.”


“For... Federigo.”


“One thing I did learn from you, Mr. Boss...”



“Cheating to win...”



“Is never a problem.”

“Well played, well played...”


I attempted to leave.

I was blocked by a McLaren.

“Hello again.”

“Pass me the gun...”

I stepped out of the car, M1911 in my hand.


Aghh.... The pain... in the chest....

I heard a door open.

“You think I'd let you get away with a performance like that.”

“NO! Don't kill him!”

“Stay... backkkk.....”

“Emily, you can't do this!”

“Ahhh... Corentin. How good to see you again."



“Anna as well? This is like a reunion of old friends..."


“Em... stay's not worth it...”

“You're 100% right. It isn't worth it.”

“Why... do... this... all...”

The pain was immense...

But... I could still see clearly.

The Boss... Removed his helmet.

Revealing... a face.

One I had thought gone forever.

The face... of my father. Steven van Druten.


No... This can't be true...

No... He is dead...

No... This is not real.

“I assure you, this is the real me.”


“Yes. And now... You understand.”


“This was all a scam, designed to get my revenge on my ungrateful spawn.”

“I... can see... that... even... at... the end...”

“You don't seem to mind death... Odd.”

“It means... seeing... those... you love... again. Federigo... Andrei... and now... Corentin... and Anna.”

“You believe in that mythical junk about the afterlife? Another reason you will die.”

“Em...Emily... I'm.. sorry...”

“No... John...”


Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.

I saw a helmet stop at my father's feet.

One with a Japanese flag on it.

I heard two pairs of approaching footsteps.

“John... there's still... time... for us...”


“That's... imposs...imposs...”

“Yes. It's very possible.”

“You... You... You...”

“Me. The man you had killed.”


“Is true. I cheated death, much like you did. I came... to finish the job.”

“... Good play. Good play...”

“I wish. I'm dying... and so is my son...”

“I wonder how he's alive. I poisioned him...”

“Blood transfusion.”

“So you're dying as well.”


“Too late.”


Thud. Thud.

“Well... I win. I think.”




“Urg... You... Not even... a famous name...”

“Ronnie... Peterson.”

“...Another... person... I had killed... just like you...”



“John... I'm fine...”

“Well... Ugh. Getting too old for this...”


“I am sorry to say...”



“What the?”

“I'm... not... dead... yet...”

“How... are you living?”

A meaty thud echoed around the cars.

“John...*cough*... I'm sorry...”

I felt something hit the side of my leg.

The M1911... The one I had taken from Grandfather's body.

“Give... me... the strength...”

“Let... me help...”


Bit difficult to follow, but hey, that's the third time I've said this, so it might just be my lack of a working brain.

Anywho, great story overall. Was a pleasure to help with the photos.

There's a memorial site located in El Capitan.

There... the great racing drivers are laid to rest, and their names are inscribed on a wall of champions.

We try to honor their lives and names, even as the memories and faces fade from our lives.

Ayrton Senna is buried here. Dale Earnhardt lies in state here.

Five names stand out for me among the many.

I may lose some memories of you along the way, but... You'll be with me forever.

Corentin Baudoin.

Federigo Flavian.

And... the name of Midori Harada and his father.

Plus... the name of Ronald van Druten. My grandfather.

Never have I seen a family give so much up so that one man could live.

The tears cascaded down... as I finally understood the meaning of self-sacrifice.

My hands were taken, and I was led away.

“John... life goes on. You know that...”

“Yes. I must... go on too.”


~Anna Romanov would live after her shot to the spine. Would go on to be the head of the Corentin Baudoin Racing School (located in Japan), despite being paralyzed from the waist down. Alex Zanardi gave her a specially built car to use once he learned of her condition.

~Makazuda Yamamoto, Midori's uncle, would later leave Calsonic Racing to focus on his family. He did rejoin the team as the manager after a 3-year hiatus, saying “The call of racing... is too strong to ignore.”

~Han Tzu won the WRC Championship for two straight years, until he was discovered to have been cheating and was subsequently fired from the team. His wereabouts afterword are still unknown. It is believed he has become a street racer once more.

~John van Druten became the only rookie LeMans winner in GT Association history when he was tabbed by Pescarolo for one last effort to defeat Audi while still injured from the gunshot wounds. He succeeded in a brilliant fashion. After that win, he went back into the Super GT series, driving a privately run Honda NSX (the Super GT series expanded worldwide.) He also bought a majority interest in the Amuse tuning company, and helped develop the winning tuning formula with Honda S2000 and Nissan Z purpose-built cars. After winning the Super GT series twice over a three-year period, he curtailed that portion of his racing operations to focus on Amuse and also the Corentin Baudoin Racing School. Married Emily after his LeMans victory.

~Emily Rostock survived her injuries. She continued on racing sporadically, while supporting John in all his endeavors. Started a Honda/Lotus partnership under the Amuse banner due to her love for Lotuses, which culminated in an excellent business relationship and many tuner cars. If you see a brightly colored Lotus racing around a track, it's probably a Amuse design by her.


Special Thanks:

Polyphony Digital and Kazunori Yamauchi, for producing such great games to keep me busy in life;

The amazing people who created Photobucket's editing tool, because without that I'd be left with crappy photos;

SanDisk, the makers of my many USBs, because these things are built like tanks and never seem to die, whatever form of abuse I put on them;

Certain Hollywood movies, including Twelve Rounds and The Blues Brothers; some of my many ideas came from there. (No thanks to Disney, however.)

My girlfriend, for providing inspiration for Emily (She happens to be blond, though...) and support for me throughout this;

Ibpomg95, for your excellent work with putting up with my crappy mic and American habits, plus the amazing rooms you host;

Finally, all of you - the readers. If I didn't have your support, I would have quit doing this a long time ago.

This fanfic is also dedicated to my good friends and relatives who have passed away this year. May my mind always remember your names - maybe not the memories, but at least keep your names in my memories forever.
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Cheers for the mention. Thank you for providing a battering ram (Evolution VI) for me to push into many Minolta drivers with my Chevy. 2,850kg of car with a total of 1,400BHP is something many drivers have felt the wrath of.
I just read all of this start to finish...what a masterfully written, engaging story. The GTPlanet community never ceases to amaze me with its fanfics, and this one is definitely among the greats. :cheers:

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