Pain & Heaven: Finale - Volume One (8/2/12)

  • Thread starter Anathema
Chapter XXII:

“Well, where the hell is he?”

“Don't know. Took off after he lost.”

“Amazing. Just great...”

“W...What do we do...?”

“No idea, besides finding him.”


I drove, and drove, and drove.

Finally, I stopped on a deserted stretch of road.


No idea how long I was sitting there.


“What in the name of God...”

“Hello again.”


“...Federigo. What do you want...”

“Namely, for you to die.”

“Hmmm? What did you just say?”

“Preoccupied thanks to your loss at Fuji, I see. You always were susceptible to mental pressure... and the rev limiter we had installed on that GT-R also helped a lot.”


“Silence won't help you now... You don't get it, do you?”


“Alright, you need a lesson.”


I... admired John for his style of racing and how he never let anything (or anyone) bother him. The Silent was his nickname. Ice-cold, but not unpleasant.
I wanted to... be like he was. I couldn't.

When he left, I dominated until the series was reorganized – my only advantage left was being a 4WD racer. I fought a losing battle with the Calsonic team, among others.

When John came back, he was a changed man. He was still silent, but he had lost his demeanor. Was more susceptible to emotions. And... when I went on a drinking spree, he cared for a girl more than an old friend.

And then... I lost at Tsukuba to that very same girl.

“Inexcusable,” the boss had said.

“To get your reputation back... you must... defeat... Emily Rostock and Corentin Baudoin. Van Druten is MINE. Capture him alive.”

I am obeying that to the letter.


This... can't be true.

“Don't think I'm lying.”

You idiot... you just gave me information. The problem is... how in the 🤬 can I use it?

“Ah... your... transport... arrives.”


“Welcome to your final ride.”

“You... really believe that?”





He wasn't joking. I had to fire three shots – and peel out of the highway like a bat out of hell.


The rear window shattered as the guy in the Jag fired his pistol.

“I can replace that... but not a friendship, or these wasted years...”



“This is where the shootings occurred?”

“About. We found two shots from a gun that appear to match the size of the M1911 bullets you mentioned. Also... Two witnesses mentioned seeing a race car and a black sedan leaving the area at high speed.”

The police were helpful enough. But still incompetent. No one had noticed the white Skyline leaving, like I had. I had an idea of where he would be going, but... it wasn't a good one. More like... an old hideout in the bad old days of the 1990s JGTC.

Having a rich father does help, even if it may only be for paying medical bills, bankrolling, and free race cars.

I left and made my way to the “Hideout”. So aptly named... and still had that smell of fish.


“Druten... Where in the hell are you...”

Hmmm... Was he not here? My guesses are usually correct... But, I may be wrong.

A surgically repaired nose does help somewhat... blocks the smell of fish. And the smell of burnt rubber.


An anonymous tip had led us to this location, and we had called the police after finding the... evidence.

“He was here... He had a M1911.”

“Hmmm... Doesn't add up.”


“There were three cars – look at the skidmarks. Two, I might understand. I recognize the Skyline's markings, and there was some heavy luxury sedan as well. Still...”

“What is it...”

“I don't get this set of markings. They're slicks.”

“As in... a race car?”

“Yes. But... why...”


Pain. Lots of pain. The wasted years.

I seriously began to doubt myself whether I could go on... after a betrayal like that.

It hurt me deeply... that someone would turn so evil like that.

But... I also realized... maybe it was ME who had turned bad.

I heard an approaching car. Sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it...

Druten... Where are you...

Nowhere, 🤬. Thought you were dead, and now you've come to finish the job Federigo started? Nice.

“I'm just here to talk."


“Seriously. You wonder how I found this place?”

“...What exactly do you want...”

“Where are you, anyway? Well... I want to offer you a deal.”

“...What exactly do you mean?”

"I... I mean... WE - as in my father, extended family, and I - know of the issues you are having with Federigo.

I had a clear shot on him, and he still couldn't see me.


This is a long - but totally true story.

"I thought you were... incapacitated."

“I... mainly am. Prosthetic legs included. Alright... Here we go. There's... a rivalry that stretches back to the 1950s at stake. Calsonic, or my grand-uncle to be exact, founded a tradition in the 1950s. There's always been a rivalry between our family... and two others. We believed one line to have died back in 2005... until we found you again.”

Lineage has no place in motorsport... The Andretti Curse still exists, dammit. :indiff:

"And... exactly what does this have to do with me?"

You used to drive for Calsonic until 1995. My father still remembers how good of a driver you were. We can't offer you a position in the racing team, due to security issues and this... fighting familes thing, but...

"Name what you want. And about this family rivalry..."

“Well... It just got escalated. My cousin has been found dead, poisoned. She drove in the GT300 class for WedsSport...”

“Ah. The Celica team...”

“Correct. Cusco Racing, also in the GT300 class, had to let go of their driver because of a medical ailment... which never manifested itself before. We believe that this... family... is trying to assert their dominance.”

“Much like the Mafia and their dons.”

“Ouch... that's a harsh but accurate description. Federigo... is the frontman for this... attempted empire of racing. There is someone working behind the scenes, but we have been unable to ID him or her YET.”

“So... you think I'm a casualty of this, just by having a historic name?”

“Sadly. Plus the new... rivalry with Federigo.”

“You still haven't answered me...”

“We want you to... act like you normally do. Your talent is good enough to win against everyone, except maybe that damn vindictive Russian... He's second-in-command to the Boss.”

“You still don't get it... What's in it for me?”


"You do know that if I won on that Fuji race... I would have been driving for Cusco?

“Yeah... We sorta set that up. Otto's a good decoy man.”

🤬. He fooled me good...

I'll contact the Cusco racing team to tell them you've accepted. But, remember... Be careful. Both sides are playing for keeps here.

"Fine. I'll play your game."

“... Alright. You obviously understand what you're up against – I hope. There are some... factors... that may be a problem. Tell Emily, Corentin, and Han about this - and no one else.


Almost. I had almost done it. He had gotten me with a shot, though.

The pain was immense, but I was functional. Hyped up on painkillers, maybe.

“So... the plan is in motion?”

“Yes, but not 100% in the way you wanted, sir.”

“But... it's working?”


“Then we make sure it works right.”

Fin Chapter XXII
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Nice chapter, had to read it twice to follow, though (but that's probably my feeble brain power...). Good read though.
I didn't think I did a good job on this chapter... Felt I could have done better.

I will do better on the next chapter, and I might rewrite this one...
It's a bit hard to read the yellow text, but...🤬 really has gotten real. 👍
Nice chapter, a bit confusing, but nice momentum build up. I have to agree that yellow is not the best color to read on a white background though.
The families fighting brings the suspense in this story to a whole new level 👍 great job. Amazing story so far.
Chapter XXIII:

“Em? It's me.”

“Oh, thank God... Where have you been! I was so worried...”

“Hiding out. Meet me at the Akagi Fish Warehouse. Corentin knows where it is.”

“Alright... I love you...”

“I love you too.”

I hung up, and sat there. Still questioning what I was doing.

Common sense dictates that if the stakes are this high, you back off. At least in my book. Survival is more important than saving face.

But... There's a sense of... pride... in me that is saying not to back down and not to give up.

They all arrived within half an hour.

“You idiot... you got us all lost twice.”

“Excuse the feeble brain power of an old man, dammit.”

“Look on the bright side... John's here...”

“Please... tell me you brought some food.”


“Can't... breathe....”


Ahh, sushi and burgers. After not eating for 10 hours, that felt good.

After I told them all that had transpired, I took note of their faces.

Emily was... a bit hard to read. Worried, but also able to keep her composure together.

Corentin was... stoic. Like a sentinel. Not conductive to compassion.

And Han was, well... plainly, shocked.

“Wow... all that happened to you? Crazy.”

“Not unexpected, but the methodology was there.”

Emily had been generally silent, but I could tell she was concerned for me.

“What do you all suggest we should do?”

Automatically... we looked toward Corentin.

“You know... you ARE adults, dammit. You can make your own decisions...”

“True. But... we welcome your... wisdom that comes with age. We're still young compared to you.”

“Not sure whether to accept the compliment or take the insult. But... I say we follow Midori's plan.”

“I don't trust him. At all. He's been a 🤬 all these years to me, and now he wants to help? That's BS.”

“... I can't help but shake the feeling that... he's being truthful about helping. Still being a bit cautious...”

“...Still thinking.”

“Does your head hurt?”





“Good... the number is right. This is Mazakudu Fukuda, from Cusco Racing. You are... Mr. Johnathan van Druten?”

“I suppose. I was told you were offering me a ride...”

“Yes, indeed. Have you heard of Seoul, South Korea?”

“Yes.” Spent a week there for... a crash course in Communist operations. Those Special Forces guys were insane...

“Well, the next race on the event calendar for the Super GT series is in Seoul. We've managed to get a new Subaru design approved and ready, and we just need a driver.”


“And on monetary terms... you keep all your race winnings. That's your salary.”


“Pleasure doing business with you. I'll be at the race.”



“Who wants to go to Seoul?”


“Race. Super GT.”

“Then he was truthful.”

“How can you tell that?”

“I could hear your conversation. Recognized his voice, even through a phone..”

“Well... count me out. I have a WRC race...”

“Fine. I'll go with you, then.”

“I think I can take care of-”

“Security and safety issues. All due to this 🤬 we got caught up in. No one goes alone anymore.”


“Besides... now that it's proven, I have a few old contacts that might be able to help us out...”

“Oldboy networks. Amazing.”


Boats. I don't mind them. I don't get seasick.

Some people, however, do.

Like the... tourists... that were on the boat with us.

Every minute... someone would puke over the side of the boat.

Come on... it's a short trip...

“Hey... wake up, Mr. Daydreamer...”

“I'm functional, just... at peace.”

“It is serene. Looking out... you can see for miles.”

“Nice to get away from the roads and highways for a little while.”

“Better than flying, at least...”


“Come on. You don't think flying isn't scary?”

“When I'm with you, no...”

I gave him a playful smack on the knee.

“Em... you know... have you ever thought about... life after all this blows over?”

“Together, you mean...?”


“Well... I'd hoped to just be together peacefully, like we were... I was getting a little... upset... about the traveling everywhere.”

“Mhmmm. I hate it too – but... we really can't stop doing what we are doing. I don't have a job.”

“You're driving a race car...”

“Not a steady job anymore is what I mean.”

“And... you think that's a problem?”

“Yeah. Some people consider it one when planning for the future.”

“Well... I don't. I love you, and that's all that matters. Seriously.”


“Of course, you troll.”

“Well, then...”

Black box.

Opened it...

And there's the ring.

“So... will you marry me?”

“Oh, yes...”


Successful rally run.

But... my 🤬 hurt from Han's damn Legacy. What kinda suspension is this damn thing running, anyway?

“Is there a pillow somewhere for my butt?”



We made our way to the airport, where my private charter jet was waiting.


“You know... I've been thinking.”


“As much as I... enjoy being with you, Emily, and John... I kinda feel left out.”

“What do you mean?”

“I... seriously don't feel like... I belong in your group.”

“Now... No need for that.”

“Look. It's been nice driving with you. I'm a man – not a child. I can do my own thing.”

“I never said you couldn't-”

“Then let me go.”


He drove off then.

“What... did I do wrong?”

Fin Chapter XXIII
A bit of a slow chapter, but an interesting read anyway. 👍
Another great chapter. I love it! 👍


awesome keep it up!

Tyvm, and I definetly will keep this going.

A bit of a slow chapter, but an interesting read anyway. 👍

This chapter was originally intended to bring the plot along.

Somehow along that way, I got bored with the Han dude and decided to basically axe him from the story until the next volume...
Well, I'm entered in a computer security program at my local college, and that means that I will not be able to post & finish the next chapter until Friday.

Hope you're still all around by then.
Chapter XXIV:

I feel like John did... Like I failed. Miserably.

What did I do wrong? Did I fail Han?

I really don't know.

I feel the same way when I wrecked my first rally car... that poor Nissan Bluebird.


I ran into a telephone pole by accident, but I was crushed emotionally. I loved that little car...

But I had to move on. And doing so got me where I am today.

However... Some days... I wonder.

What would have been...


I laid out a course map with the planned race route.

“Hmmm... Long straights, one traffic circle turn, course tightens at the end before the finish line...”

“It's going to be a matter of slipstreaming here... Our Subaru is down on power by about 25 horsepower, but we're lighter by 50 kilos...”

“That makes up for it well enough?”

“Yes... But we wouldn't let you drive it if we doubted your skill.”

“I hope I will not dissapoint...”

“We have faith in your ablilities. You do know that Federigo is racing here...”


“Well... Just to let you both know on the side... Many of the team members know what happened and who did it. They all want revenge, and don't mind if you damage the car.”


“So go for broke if need be.”


We are jigsaw pieces aligned on the perimeter edge,
Intelocked through a missing piece.
We are Renaissance children becalmed beneath the bridge of sighs,
Forever throwing firebrands at the stonework.

We are Siamese children related by the heart,
Bleeding from the surgery of initial confrontation,
Holding the word scalpels on trembling lips.
Stand straight, look me in the eye and say goodbye, say goodbye.

Stand straight, we've drifted past the point of reasons why.
Yesterday starts tomorrow, tomorrow starts today,
The problems always seem to be, we're picking up the pieces on the ricochet.
This is the ricochet...

Drowning Tequila sunsets, stowaways on midnight ships,
Refugees of romance plead asylum from the real.
Scrambling distress signals on random frequencies,
Forever repatriated on guilt laden morning planes.

We are pilots of passion sweating the flight on course
To another summit conference, another breakfast time divorce,
Screaming out a ceasefire, snowblind in an avalanche zone.
Stand straight, look me in the eye and say goodbye, say goodbye.

Stand straight, we've drifted past the point of reasons why.
Yesterday starts tomorrow, tomorrow starts today,
The problems always seem to be, we're picking up the pieces on the ricochet.
This is the ricochet...

Are we trigger happy, happy, happy?
Russian roulette in the waiting room,
Empty chambers embracing the end.
Puzzled visions haunt the ripples of a trevi moon,
Dream coins for the fountain or to cover your eyes.

We reached ignition point from the sparks of pleasantries,
We sensed the smoke advancing from horizons,
You must have known that I was planning, considering an escape.
Stand straight, look me in the eye and say goodbye, say goodbye.
Stand straight, we've drifted past the point of reasons why.

Yesterday starts tomorrow, tomorrow starts today,
And the problems always seem to be,
we're picking up the pieces on the ricochet.

This is the ricochet,
I'll be seeing you again on the ricochet,
Will you show me the pieces next time on the ricochet,
I'll be seeing you again on the ricochet,
There's a problem, there's a ricochet...



A designated driller has to satisfy the expectations of 24 other players, plus fans and coaches. He's got all that weight on his shoulders. Can be too much, especially if he misses.

Hmmm... That quote fit for this situation.

How am I supposed to do this? It's just... not natural. Purposely being allowed to wreck someone...

It goes against who I am as a racer.

It may be an enemy... But there's a fine line, a code, a credo... that should not be broken.

“Despite what the team is saying, just keep your head up and drive as clean a race as possible.”

“On it.”

Count on my... love... to keep me focused.

I drafted my way up to the Woodone Supra.


“Don't push it too early. 10 laps may seem short, but it'll go by quite fast. Make your move when you need to,”


It did take me a bit, but at the end of the first lap I managed to catch the Loctite Mugen NSX...


And pass him entering the straight.

“Nice work, John.”

I looked ahead...

“Calsonic has a driver for the race?”

“It's me. Draft and I'll let you catch the 🤬's ahead.”



“Thanks for the assist.”

“No problem. Keep your head focused, though...”


Outside of Fuji Circuit, abandoned section:


“Why did you want to meet me here?”

“No one... will know.”

“Right... this place isn't used at all. Now... what's bugging you, Cory...”

“... I feel like I've failed my biggest student, Anna.”

“...What did Han do...”

“He left. He's on his own.”

“And... you feel like this is your fault?”


“Come. I can help you.”


“Well well well... Look who's showed up...”


“We'll see what you're really made of.”


“Nonono... That's not how things work...”




Was not expecting that like that... I was thinking of a spin-me-out kind of thing that he was going to do.

Tactics. If I make my move, he's going to overdrive to try to wreck me. I need to sit and wait for that...



“What are you doing...”


Damn... We had caught up to the au Cerumo Supra already? Amazing what the power of drafting can do.


“Little idiot, don't hold me up now...”




“Guess again.”


“🤬 you...”


“What form of glue did you use for the bumper?”

“Nice word games... but the only game that matters is follow-the-leader FOREVER?”


“You do know, you don't have enough power...”


“Ummm.... Maybe I'm wrong. But... Let me recify that...”



I saw the flash of silver in my rearview mirror.

It was a gun...

Is this the end of John van Druten?




Missed me... but didn't miss the car.

The right rear tire disintegrated, and I almost lost control...


I righted the car after smacking the wall, and pointed it toward the finish line...


But... I was too late.


Fin Chapter XXIV
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Chapter XXV:

How... can I face the team... with such a dissapointment?

I limped the car back into the garage... to find a sea of grinning faces.

“What the...”

I got out and was basically mobbed by a large army of insane Japanese.

“While you extricate yourself, let me explain.”



“Or maybe not right now.”


I later learned that Federigo had been stripped of his win because the car had been found to have a nitrous line implanted in it – it was discovered when he pulled into the pits and an official saw it leaking out of the car. I, therefore, had won.

Was still a bit in shock when Emily finally came over.

“How are you?”

“Alright, I suppose. Still can't believe it.”

“Neither can I... but it wasn't unexpected.”

“Was thinking he would try to cheat... with a gun like he had or otherwise.”

“He had a gun?”

“He missed me, but hit the car.”

“Oh, John...”

“Em... I'm fine. It'll be OK...”



“So, you bought a new car I see.”

“Wih the money from the old one, yes.”

“I liked that little March...”

“It was nice... but then some clown in a NSX ran me off the road.”


“You still have that R33?”


“The blue one...”

“...Hmmm. Good question. You need it?”


“What for?”

“We're going after the Russian and the NSX.”


“I think that's the one.”



“It won't be ready for the next race?”

“Nope. The suspension was completely destroyed, and we have just one car.”


“I can drive instead.”



“Ahh yes... We're good friends with them. Should be an easy thing to do. Next race is at Laguna Seca.”


“The organizers of Super GT want to get other nations interested – there is a Lamborgini Diablo actually running in the GT500 class. Well... Sorry to cut this short, but I have a team to run. See you in Cali.”

Outside the team HQ:

“Em... I'm worried.”

“John, I know... but... I love racing as much as you do.”

“That's not the problem... Federigo's the-”

“I know he is. But... I really want to try to do this.”

“Just please... promise me you won't get killed.”

“I promise.”

We kissed and held each other tightly for a while.


“Why a Beetle?”

“I've always liked them...”

“You should have gotten the RSI model or something. Not this old tin can.”

“I seem to remember you had a cantakerous Renault Turbo 5 that was like this...”

“Point taken. Where are we going?”

“Germany, you thick-skulled orc.”

“Still addicted to Lord of the Rings, I see.”

“Of course.”


The cars were loaded in the WedsSport jet, and we were ready for takeoff.

“John? You there, kid?”

“Yes, Corentin.”

“Alright... a few things. First... if you need me, I will be in Germany.”


“I'm following a lead, plus getting some psychiatric help.”

“Is that what you think of me...”

“Well, you do have a psychiatric degree... Sorry about that.”

“No problem. The other bit of information?”

“Han's on his own.”


“Yeah, I know... But, don't worry. He should be able to take care of himself. I think.”

“Very reassuring.”

“Oh yes... good job fighting Federigo. He'll be in California next.”

“It's Emily's turn...”

“Oh. Well... tell her I said good luck, and be careful. You might not hear from me for a little bit.”


“And remember... Your-”

Lost him.



“What now?”

“He's going to Germany. And Han's gone solo.”

“...I sorta guessed what he did...”

“We just have to continue on.”

“I suppose...”


A flash of silver can be seen from the top of a road overlooking a certain airport.


“Well well well... Looks like he's continuing on. May have more guts than I thought originally.”

“You theenk he weel take the bait?”

“He already has... How goes your half of the mission?”

“Exceellent. I just haf to get to Germany again to deel with the pesky Frenchmann. Your leeve, Boss.”

“Go on, Andrei. Make me proud.”

“Eet weel be done.”

“It better be...”

I shouldn't be worried. An ex-Spetsnaz member always gets the job done...

Which reminds me. I need to get on with my task. The ungrateful spawn will die... both of them.



We passed the point of no return
How can we make amends?
All alone, I watch the candle burn
Burnin' at both ends

Nothin's ever gonna change
Can tears wash away this pain?
Tears in the rain

Here it comes again
I'll never know the reason why
I cry these tears in the rain

The time has come to make a stand
We've waited much too long
Nobody's gonna lead us by the hand
How could we be so wrong?

We lost the chance to play this game
Tears wash away this pain
Tears in the rain

Here it comes again
I'll never know the reason why
I cry these tears in the rain

So many times, I've wondered why
We still play this game
Tears in the rain

Here it comes again
I'll never know the reason why
I cry these tears in the rain

Tears in the rain
Here it comes again
Oh, I'll never know the reason why
I cry these tears in the rain

Tears in the rain
Tears in the rain
Tears in the rain
Tears in the rain


Fin Chapter XXV
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Intentional double post, reason being is that I have a lot to cover.

First things first, I need someone to stage a race for the fanfic with me for Chapter 29.
The requirements for that are: A Nissan Pitwork Motul Z '04 (Federigo's ride.)
Will be running on SSR7 for that.

Second thing... Is there enough interest for a sequel? I was thinking about a 5-year difference (from 2005 to 2010/2011/2012.) I have an idea of how I'd like the story to continue... But the only thing I can reveal for it is that there's a death at the end. Sort of a story of revenge and actually getting to the top through any means possible. Will not tell you who dies, I'm hoping it's not too easy...
Revenge could be a good theme for the sequel. A 5 year gap is ideal.

As long as you end with a cliffhanger, a sequel will pop out from your mind.
I'll be willing to volunteer for the hiring. It has been quite a long while since I have taken part in any of these. Of course, though, when is this going to happen? I am moving on the 30th and might not have internet for possibly a week. I would like to take part, though.

Do what you want if a sequel. If you felt it unfinished, make one. It is also a good way to improve.
If you want to write it, go ahead, do a sequel. 👍
Hmmm... Well, I do know one car that will be in the sequel... the Amuse S2000 GT1 '04. Now my favorite car in this game.
Chapter XXVI:

California. Such a sun-filled place... Hot girls... The many hot rods... and, of course, the druggies.

“Hey, want to buy a pound of crack, buddy?”

“Weed for sale...”

“I thought that the government was doing something about this...”

“It's called 'push papers and do nothing about real-world problems.' At least the GT Association does do some things...”


We had decided to spend the day together before the race.

It was a really nice time, despite some minor differences...

“Vanilla is still better...”

“No, it's chocolate...”

“I'm wrong... You are even better than both flavors.”

“Oh, you...”

The thing is... it felt so good that day, that I had the worst feeling that something bad would happen tomorrow...



“Found it. God, this is a nasty garage... Why did I ever put it in here...”

“It runs, at least... What did you have done to it?”



“Everything. All it needs are some go-fast stickers on it, and you have a freaking race car. It's even better than John's N1...”

“He acts so ice-cold, just from watching on TV how he went after Federigo...”

“When he's focused, nothing escapes him...”


Laguna Seca. I've only ever been to this racetrack once with the JGTC. I finished third then, and had a deep respect for the “Corkscrew” after spinning out twice going through it.

Emily, however, has driven here many times, and actually likes the track more than I do.

“I never said it was bad...”

“I know. But... the Corrkscrew will throw you for a loop if done wrong.”

“True, how true. Wish I had driven here more when I had had the chance.”

“There'll be more chances...”


“Ready up, Miss Rostock?”



I had gotten this car as a gift from my old rally team as a retirement present.

Little did I realize that this car had held a terrible secret: It was originally a GT1 Class racecar at LeMans – and it was considered to be cursed. The only race it was in – the driver died during the race from still unknown causes. He crashed, and was thrown from the vehicle, dead.

The car, though... was completely fine. As in, 100% fine. It was impossible. How can you crash and die, without having a car damaged?

I locked it away after I learned of its history – and I had forgotten about it.

Why Anna wanted it was beyond me.

Unless... it had something to do with the Russian...



Here we go. First JGTC race.

The jitters I sometimes got were coming on in full force.

First time... since I met John, and he asked me to marry him...

I had a weird feeling... I couldn't place it.

But... EM. FOCUS.

The race is starting...


Going into the first turn, I snuck inside of the Xanavi GT-R – which happened to be the other factory Nissan team in the race.


“Yeah, I'm here. Can't make it too obvious...”


“Also, don't overdrive already... And warning you, he's right in front of me...”

“I'm on it. Keeping cautious.”


“Hello again... come to play?”

Overdrove the corner again.


“You're making this easy for me...”


“Thanks for the boost, just like Johnnyboy does...”

“He's more man than you could ever be in your pitiful sham of an existence.”


“Harsh words... Then again, I'm in front of you...”


“Take it easy. Don't annoy him too much...”

“Don't worry, dearest...”

“Impossible not to...”


“Back already? My, you are good..”


“And obviously just as big of a pain...I can fix that.”


“You never told me I was the son of a murderer! You killed an innocent man...”

“He was better than me. You never understand...”

“Explain then, old man.”

“I... NEED... the edge. To always be on top is my dream.”

“So... you kill a man by sabotaging his car to win.”

“Yes... Where are you going?”

“Away. I'm done with racing. I cannot race... knowing I am the son of a man like you.”




“Oh God...”


No controlllll....



John... Help me...



I felt a blow.

Then... darkness.



“Dear God...”


Life it seems will fade away
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost this can't be real
Can't stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye


Fin Chapter XXVI
Whoa. That cliffhanger has me hooked!

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