Pain & Heaven: Finale - Volume One (8/2/12)

  • Thread starter Anathema
Chapter XVI:

Seeing Harada being taken out of the car on a stretcher was a sobering, but slightly funny experience – I disliked the guy and enjoyed seeing him toasted, but then another part of me was concerned for him. However much I may dislike someone, seeing them seriously hurt is never a good thing. There's a credo...

Federigo pulled in and got out.

“Hahahaha... the kid finally overdid it.”

“... He's seriously hurt. Where's the humor in that...”

“When people get hurt, the fun stops and the seriousness begins.”

“Who gives a 🤬? He's a asshole.”

That may be, but still... Deaths in racing aren't good for the sport.

“You think he will recover?”

“No idea.”

We were silent for a while.

Suddenly, a man came over to us, wearing a headset and a Calsonic racing uniform.

“No gloating, Freddy?”



I kicked Emily's leg, and she looked at me angrily, but I seriously didn't care, and I hoped that my expression was telling her to shut up right now. I recognized the man – but I hoped he did not recognize me. These people from the past... do they LIKE popping up at the worst times?

“Of course I'm gloating. Inside, that is...”

"As can be expected as much from one like you these days. Where... did you go wrong, Freedy?"

“Is... there anything we can do?”

“No. Leave them to it.”

“No... no... You sick person... What have you become?”

The man just stood there for the longest time, and after a while we left and headed back to the hotel.


“That... really shocked me.”

“Winning like that... is excellent.”

Federigo had already begun his... celebration, as evidenced by the bottle in his hand. Was that his third?

“At least he'll recover... I think.”

“Maybe... that isn't a good thing... for me, at least. He'll be out for blood this time...”

“You sure about that?”

“Yes... That cost him a lot. Hehehe...”

I was afraid to ask, but I had to.

“Why does he hate you?”

“I have thrashed him so many times – it was only after I had spun him out to win at Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway that he began to truly hate me. That was so damn funny...”

Idiot. So that's how this started.

“Well, why did you spin him out?”

“He was in my way, and pissing off a veteran racer. Not the way to race.”


“Don't think because that you are a veteran, you get instant respect – I had that drilled into me a while ago.”

“Is that so... This is coming from the man who has never shown any compassion for anyone in his life. Pitiful.”

Even from across the table, I could smell the pungent spirits on Federigo's breath. Corentin looked ready to kill.

I whispered to Emily that it was time to leave before the fight escalated. But...

“Hey, waitress... can you get me another drink, and then let's go to bed for some lovin – wouldn't that be nice, baby? I've got the 🤬 right here.”

Emily looked furious, and moved to Federigo – but Corentin got there first. What Corentin did next shocked me, though. He slapped Federigo across the face, then slammed his head down onto the room's table. Five times. He was out like a light.

“For some, discipline is a lesson. For others, it is a lifetime. Now shoo, all of you.”

Much later...

“Damn... Never thought I would see that.”

“He still hasn't changed – I had thought he would have by now.”

“Some people...”

After that, we drifted off into silence and the temptation of sleep.

Next morning...

My neck was as stiff as a board when I woke up. I went for the medicine cabinet – but soon realized that I was in the hotel. Damn reality setting in. Emily had slept next to me, and I had used all my formidable self-control to avoid... Gah. Not appropriate for printing. Or the Internet. Usually.

I flipped the TV on, and put on HLN with increasing disgust.

~In the news today... War continues between the drug cartels of the Tokyo streets – along with illegal street racing being a problem. Should something be done to stop this all, Mike?

~Maybe... but the problem here is two-fold. Being a street racer is synonymous with running drugs – we even have street racers prevalent in the United States. Granted, not ALL are drug runners, but I'd say... about 95% are.

~Why so high of a figure, Mike? Is it due to the rise of video games such as Gran Turismo, Forza, or even Grand Theft Auto? Remember... Share your views with us by calling 1-800-HLN-NEWS now!

~That's an easy one. Kids these days get... inoculated by these video games, and become real-world versions of the gaming characters they play. That also includes these so-called 'track days' that places like Trial Mountain and Infineon hold – they all lead to racing, and therefore drug running. We're taking calls now... First caller, who are you?

“John van Druten, from Dapplering, Wyoming.”

"Isn't that where Trial Mountain is... Well, looks like a defende-"

“Are you forgetting Yosemite National Park as well? That's right there too.”

“Good point... So... You live by a racetrack... What's it like?”

“I live on the outskirts, away from the track... because I dislike the people that come to it.”

~You mean the druggies.

“Usually. But... the track has done a good job of stopping it... Just as thourough of a search as airline security does, and they DO make you strip naked. True story, bro.”

~Hahahaha... that's funny... Give me a moment to recover... Ok... I have noticed something... do you street race?


~Uhmmm... I think that you're wrong there... No street racing is legal.

“Do you really want to call up the GT Association and tell them that?”

~No... But that's not the point. The poi-

“It is completely the point. Why is there the misguided idea that street racing is illegal? You have to obtain permission from the GT Association to do so, and the hassles you go through are no worse than a member of the Senate!

~You must be a fanboy. Are you so blind that you don't know about... what is it called again, Jenny... Wangan Midnight?

“Yes, I know about it, unlike you. They DO follow the rules of the GT Association – Special Stage Routes 5, 11, and such were built for that express purpose! And you're also wrong to say that drug running and racing are synonymous – the FIA, NASCAR, and the GT Association all ban those who do drug run!

~Well... Do they have the power to... ahem... stop these runners?

“If the national health care plan that Nancy Pelosi pushed through and the laws allowing the use and sale of drugs that Hillary Clinton created were not signed by President Flaming Bush, then yes, they would have the power to stop them! I also seem to recall your name being mentioned as a 'celebrity supporter' of both of these bills a few years ago...”


“So... Can you refute that?”


~Next caller, please.

Little idiot. He couldn't do jacksquat for his arguments. But... my mood got better as the show went on.

#Yeah, um hi, I just wanted to let you know that you are an idiot because you're hating on something that you helped endorse.

~You little... Next caller.

#🤬 you, damn little endorser idiot.


#Oh, and the hair is gay... just like you and Justin Bieber.

Ahh, good old American mudslinging. What fun.

I eventually made my way to the lobby and had a crappy Contintental breakfast of old doughnuts and stale cream cheese. Makes me wish for my mother's cooking – no, wait. Hers can be worse sometimes... especially that 'scrapple' junk. I swear that it's hazardous to your health – pig intestines and the like? No.

Emily came down when I was finishing, holding a laptop. A pink Mac.

“Where did you...”

“It's mine – was in my bags.”

Foresight. I don't have a laptop – I'm an old school desktop user. Sure, it's the newest Linux... But I still get odd looks anyway. Stupid Windows geeks... They think it's the greatest thing. It's not.

“Anything new?”

“Yeah... 38 new e-mails...”

She trailed off, and when she didn't respond I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down.

“Tastes like... cardboard.”

I don't have anything against cardboard – it's better than their doughnuts, at least. I wondered if they had stolen the mixture from McDonald's... It tasted the same.

Emily gasped, and I nearly spilled some of the coffee down my shirt.


“Read this.”

She handed me the laptop, and I read with a mixture of horror – and disgust.

“Dear HKS Racing Team;

I, Oda Takehayashi, have been arrested on charges of drug smuggling and other unsavory crimes. I do not deny that I had a hand in some of the charges, but only SOME. Most of this evidence was manufactured by none other than Federigo.

Corentin is leader. He'll be funding out of his own pocket – Federigo is banned.”

Damn. Not good. But... I don't believe that. Federigo is a good guy...

“...So... What do you think?”

“...I'm not sure.”

I need the money and winnings from being a member of HKS. What without a job and all... I can't use my mother to bilk all my payments, can I?

“I think I will stay.”

“I'll need time to think.”

Just then, Han came running into the breakfast room – wearing only boxer shorts.

“Hey! Did you get this e-mail from Oda... Oh 🤬.”

He ran back up as Emily was leaning her head down on the table, laughing her 🤬 off. I was smiling... but I was more serious because I still had no idea what to do.

Han did come back down, wearing decent clothes... but I still barely noticed it. I silently walked off as Emily began to tell Han off...

Outside the hotel...

I sat down on a park bench somewhere in Seattle. The two-mile walk to where I had gotten was refreshing, and it gave me time to think.

“Sigh... Shouldn't have trusted the fool. Shouldn't have done jacksquat at all – otherwise I wouldn't be in this mess at all.”

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the small family coming up the path.

“MOM! I don't want to go home! I want to play with the ducks still!”

“Yes, after you had been bitten by one...”

“Hey, Mom... look at that man sitting there. He seems so... lonely and sad.”

“Rose... He's probably looking that way... because he's homeless and doesn't have a job.”

“But don't other hobos live with each other?”


The woman was red-haired, and the children both had jet-black hair, like mine. Odd... they seemed... like insubstantial people, sort of... ghost-like.

“Some don't. They do prefer solitude sometimes, like me.”

“Hey! He can speak!”

The mother drew her kids closer, even though I made no motions whatsoever.

“I assure you, miss, that I am not a hobo or homeless. I do have a house and a job...”

“Well... then why are you sitting here, all alone?”

Dammit. That kid HAD to phrase his question like that.

“Because... I feel like I truly am alone in this world.”

Then I felt the vibration of my phone and answered it.

“Van Druten here.”

“This is Corentin. I want you to head out to the Grand Canyon with Han – tell Emily, too. Han will need moral support from others besides me, because... This is being RACED along the Grand Canyon. One mistake, and you're dead. His arch-rival in rallying is his opponent. Go help him out.”

“Fine. I'll be there.”

I hung up to find the family... gone. Absolutely nowhere in sight – or otherwise.

Fin Chapter XVI
HLN News sounds a lot like the Daily Mail and Faux News. :lol:
Laughed so hard at HLN news part. :lol:

My personal vendetta against Nancy Grace.


Chapter XVII:

I eventually made my way back to the hotel within 30 minutes.

Han and Emily were there, apparently in a state of panic.

“Where were you, dammit?”

“Just at the park.”

“Corentin called us and told us to get ready for some race in Arizona...”

“The Grand Canyon? Yeah... He called me to tell you.”

“Wait... What? The Grand Canyon?”

“He said something about a rally there... and a challenger of yours, Han. Any idea who or what he means...?”

“Oh 🤬. No...”


“Well, besides that if you fail, you're gonna roll down the Grand Canyon and die... it's a pink slip race. Against my worst rival.”

Come to think of it... Corentin had said something like that.

“He didn't say it was a pink slip race, though.”

“Your pardon?”

“Corentin called and explained to me...”

She wasn't paying attention. Odd.

“Oh... Ok. When do we leave...?”

“He said... As soon as you get back and are able to do so.”

“Ok. All the cars?”


Later that day...

“Jeez... It's too freaking hot here.”

“It's bad for the Lotus...”

Emily's Carlton had overheated. Twice. I exhausted my ready supply of cash for some coolant, a few cases of water, and some good quality ice-cold lemonade.

Songbird was fine, thanks to the oversized intercooler. Han's Legacy was alright. But Emily's Lotus... was basically getting screwed over every two hours. At least we had made it.

“So... where is this fool...”

“Hello, Cold Soup. Stuck on the tarmac recently?”

“Manninghem. What do you want this time?”

“Besides the title to your car, pitiful excuse of a Subaru as it is, the contract with a rally team.”

“Heh... That's not a given, you idiot.”

“It is, you damn fool... See you at the finish line!”

That rotbag excuse for a human being walked off.

“That's your rival?”

“Yeah... Timothy Manninghem. He's an Evo fanboy. He sees my use of a Legacy as an insult – never mind that I have a STI.”

Reminded me of the guy with the RX-7 from Infineon.

“Well... All I can say is; Don't let the pressure get to you. I can't help much in the racing department.. I suck at dirt racing. He doesn't have a second car, does he?”

“Not that I know of... He might own some Supras, though.”


“Han... Please. Don't worry. You'll do fine, ok...”

“...I guess.”

He got in his Legacy and drove to the line.

“Poor guy... he lets the pressure get to him.”



This is it. What very well be my final race.


Manninghem, of course, gets the first position. And they had the damn 5-second collision rules, too.

He rocketed off the line, and I followed.


His Evo 4 had some SERIOUS body roll, and I wondered... was this his new one?


Road driving techniqes sometimes help in the corners, espeically when faced with the driver's worst enemy – spectators.

“Watch it, you damn idiots!”

Oh lord. The cliffside section. I still stuck with him closely – I don't want to trigger the five-second penalties.


That sheer drop.


“Ahh, 🤬!”


I lost a little ground on the hairpin turn, but was able to keep it together.


“How is he doing?”

Corentin had pulled up in his Mitsubishi GTO.

“Stuck behind that fool still.”

“It's really hard to pass here – especially in the drop sections. But... in the safe sections... Look, he's got him now!”


“What in the... where did he get green wheels?”

“Hahahahaha... So damn tacky...”

They went through the switchbacks, and suddenly...


“Did he just hit him?”

“No... He got pressured into making a mistake. Not good.”


Ahh damn. My precious pelvis. (@Hiroto Matsuda reference.)

The Legacy felt fine, unlike my 🤬 posterior.

I really hate these hairpins... belong on a circuit track, and enough of these idiots who want pictures!

OK. Focus. Lap 2 of 3. Calm down... Feel. Don't think.



Han was doing a tremendous job to even keep the car from flying off the cliff.

“He's at a disadvantage... They have the same general weight, but... the higher power does hurt him a lot here. He's having to back off in the cliffside sections to keep from killing himself.”

“I seriously want to have a talk with the GT Association, the safety regulators, and the National Park Service. This is unsafe as 🤬.”


“I know. I've driven this once. I won't ever drive it again.”

The action had mainly just become a follow-the-leader game.


“Oh 🤬.”


“I can't see crap! What's going on!


I fought the wheel like my life depended on it. It kinda didn't, but the spectator's lives did.



Third lap. Time to make my move...


After I pass the damn creepy-🤬 face there.

(Author's Note: Holy 🤬, I've never noticed how creepy that is... Anyone ever noticed or even cared?)


“Jeez... he's close.”


“He does this sometimes – he'll wait until the last lap. It's not a good idea most of the time... especially here.”

“Can he do it?”

“I can only hope so.”

“Look! He's got him on the jumps!”






Finally. I have this thorn in my side beaten. ONCE, AND FOR ALL.


I crossed the line, satisfied.


“Excellent job!"

“Well done, my friend.”

“Han... I knew you had it in you, ever since I met you. Congratulations.”

Then, the red Evo IV pulled up and a... crying... Timothy got out.

“Han... I'm sorry for how I've acted... Here... Here.... Here are the ownership papers...”

“Tim... Keep it. The Evo's yours – I don't want it, and it'd be sitting in a garage for the rest of it's life. You got anything else, instead?”


I nearly died of laughter at seeing a 6'4” inch kid cry to a 5'7” inch “short dude”.

“Ummm... Tim... The press...”

“Oh... Oh yeah. Ummm... I have two Supras I don't use anymore – one's a black 1997 one, tuned by an HKS shop in Wyoming... and an unused white 1991 Twin Turbo 2.5 R. You can have both... All I need is this baby... I'll have the Supras sent to wherever you want.”

What followed was too damn graphic to record... but let's just say he found a new way to make love with a car. True love.

“Come on. Let the man live it up... Well... you know what I mean.”

Then a man in a tuxedo stopped us. He had a heavy Japanese accent.

“Excuse me... but you are Mr. Han Tzu?”


“I am Mr. Fujiwara, from Toyota's WRC arm. As you may have learned, the prize for this race was not money.. but a WRC contract. Well... I had thought that you both didn't have the right... personality for the job, but... you acted... nice enough and didn't rub it in his face. I... am proud to ask you... to drive for Toyota in the WRC series, beginning now.”

“Toyota has a WRC arm?”

“Yes... We're stuck using a Corolla set and some old Celicas... But I trust that you will find everything satisfactory. I'd like to meet you again in about... 2 weeks. In Japan. The corporate offices of Toyota – we are on Google maps if you really can't find us. Sorry to cut this short... but I have to fly, supposed to be in a meeting with the racing heads later today. See you soon.”

Han just stood in shock.

“Yep... I know Fujiwara. He planned this entire gimmick all out...”

“Han... You know what just happened, don't you...?”


Some random techno music began playing, and the moves begun.

“Good lord. Ok... John, Emily... head to Seattle again. I have some business, then we head over to Japan. You want to go?”

“Always wanted to, just never enough money. We have enough now, though.”

“Good. Then I pay it all. See you all!”

We stood there, mouths agape, as a cantakerous man in his 40s laughed his 🤬 off as he drove into the sunset.

“He's missing his... cowboy... hat...”

“Oh, ha ha ha. Let's roll.”

Fin Chapter XVII
Someone called Fujiwara works for Toyota? Sounds familiar...:embarrassed:
Since I'm feeling bored with nothing to do but play GT5 and MW3, I'll post the next chapter.


Chapter XVIII:

(Dat French dude's perspective.)

It's been a long and hard road for me. I grew up in the streets of France – the 'slums', if you will. Dirt poor... lived off of the streets until I was ten.

Then... A loving, elderly couple took me in and provided me with a start in life. I worked my butt off getting through high school and my college degree.


One day, I secretly drove an old Alfa Romeo that the couple had bought. I was hooked.

(Pic coming once I get a mem card reader for my PS3.)

That was a fun little car, and I caught the attention of a Japanese race car driver driver by the name of Mazakudu Harada. He was a driver for Chaparral for some reason, and he helped me to become what I enjoyed – a race car driver. One of the best rally drivers in this world today.




I partnered with Renault to win 2 WRC Championships, until my retirement from professional racing in 1996. I then began to give back to racing for what it had given me – mentoring young drivers, like Han.




I began running a base out of Chamonix, France – until I was asked by HKS to help form a racing team for them. I agreed, with some misgivings...

And now... they have come to fruit. Oda's been arrested... but why? Doesn't appear to be a reason...



(Emily's viewpoint.)

Finally. Out of that stifiling heat. The Lotus had overheated only once, and I resolved to go get a bigger intercooler with my race winnings, like John and Han had.

Within three days, we were back in Seattle.

The Supras had both been delivered to a warehouse in Seattle, as that Manninghem dude had promised. Might have been a former fish market, the smell was still bad...

“That's the same one I had raced before...”

“Yeah, it is. Wow... Really odd.”

“Manninghem must frequent Rex's garage. I'll ask him about it...”

“They are nice cars, even though they are Supras...”

“You want them?”

“You serious, Han?”

“Yeah... I don't need them... I have my Legacy and STI. You can have them.”

“Pshhh... I hate them – even though the black one is an excellent car.”

“Ummm... You still sure, Han?”


“Ok... I guess... I'll take them?”

“That's fine. You'd put them to use. They'd rot in here if I owned them.”


My phone then rang.


“You here in Seattle?”


“Good. I've chartered a plane that will take your cars, plus your persons. It leaves in... 1 hour.”

“Why the...”

“Sigh... you kids are so damn lazy. Well, it's the only one I could find available. So take it, or wait another few days. Your pick.”


I hung up.

“Well... We leave for Japan in one hour.”

John was silent, while Han began going nuts.

“Only one freaking hour? I have no time to celebrate any more!”

“Han... that's what planes are for. Besides... your 'celebration' is what made us take three days getting back here.”

“Hmmm... I suppose my mom can take car of the house for a little while longer...”

“Oh... I forgot about that. You think that she's going to be OK with it?”

“She'll be fine. I'm more worried about how my house is gonna look, actually...”

I gave him a quick smile to cover up my own worries. I've never been on a plane before... I came to America on a boat. I'm scared of flying...

“Em? Is something wrong...?”

“I...I'm worried... about flying...”

“Em... You haven't flown? Ever?”

“No... And I'm scared to death...”

“I haven't either, actually. It'll be fine... I promise.”

He's so calm and composed... I can't help but agree with him.


Later, above the Pacific Ocean...

It was 10:23 PM. Night had fallen, and I was half-awake.

Emily was sleeping curled up next to me, using my shoulder and chest as a pillow. Han was lying flat at a 180-degree angle. Didn't know that airline seats do that, but sure, this was a private jet. Corentin was somewhere. I couldn't see him from where I was sitting.

But... Emily is so cute...

It's hard for me to show emotion, but this girl turns me to mush inside. I truly love her. I really do.


“Hmmm? Oh... Sorry...”

“No, no. No problems... But...”

“Something... you need to... say?”

“Yes... It's so damn hard, though...”

“I... understand. I know... you love me. I love you too. Sure, it's been... two weeks or so?”


“Well... I really do love you too.”


“Just rest. Please.”

“Em... I... love you... with all my heart...”

“I know, dearest... Now... please... sleep.”

She nodded off, and I did so as well.

But... My last thought that night was...

“My dearest... I love you.”


John and Emily obviously were forming a relationship. That's good for them... John is a kid with some issues from the past – I do know some, but not all.

Best to leave well alone.

Tokyo is a nice city and all, but the street racers are a pain in the butt. Pissed me off one too many times with their challenges. Running a car built for dirt and snow racing might sound like a bad idea, but in the city, I'm quite effective. Drifting isn't as fun as rallying... but it's just as good as showing off to the crowd.


“Morning! We have arrived in Tokyo! Here is your breakfast.”

“Please... 🤬 off. It's 6:00 AM.”


“Em... Can you get off my chest so I can sit up?”


It had been a good night, I suppose. Emily and I slept quietly, her head on my chest again, while Han snored like a freight train on crack. No idea how Corentin had been, but judging by his choicest swearwords, it hadn't been a good night.

Tokyo... beauty combined with the urbanite. And the Wangan racers. You've got your wannabes – and then the professionals in their 800 HP monsters.

“Here... take these. I took the libery of obtaining passports for you two.”

“Thanks... forgot we needed them.”

“Technically, as a member of the GT Association, you DON'T need them... but the police here are real stringent about things like that. All of the cars also need to get a special license plate, like this one:”

“Designates a 'visitor' to Japan. And likewise with the passports... it's not really needed...”

“Why have they been like this recently? I remember when I was here, it was nothing like this.”

“They lost half their military forces – including helicopters – to some small, mysterious object. Unknown what it was or is. Might have been a Communist Chinese prototype of a superweapon."”

That did make me recall a news story about that from before... but I thought that it was a spoof. Guess not.

“So... We need to get the cars checked out by immigration, like at the race tracks?”

“Yes – even I do. They should know it's me by now...”


Half an hour later, also half-awake...

“Gah... I've tried speaking to you in English, French, and German. Can't you understand that I don't speak freaking Japanese?”

“I really want to YouTube this... Yelling at a kiosk... too funny...”

“He could have let me do it – I know Japanese. Hard-headed old coot...”


The Lotus passed fine, and the one customs agent actually took a picture, because;

“Haven't ever seen a Lotus sedan. This is going on my Facebook...”

Han's Legacy passed (even with those god-awful green wheels) and my Skyline went right through.

But... Corentin was still yelling about it not accepting his registration. Was kinda funny, actually.

“Sir... Sir... You are...”

“Mr. Corentin Baudoin. You need to change your machines...”

“That's a free diaper dispenser, you know...”

“... 🤬 this 🤬. I hate this place...”

“Well, we finally got your papers done. You're free to go.”

“Then why... oh, never mind. 🤬 this place.”

“You're welcome.”

“Come on, you lot... Get out of here before I lose the rest of my sanity.”

“Well... where to, then?”

“Hmm... Good question... go explore. Have fun – but be at this racetrack by tomorrow morning. I'll be there, and you all should as well.”


We each went our seperate ways – Han said he was going to go visit some relatives, and whereever Corentin was going was only known to him.

“What do you want to do, Em?”

“Oh... I don't know. Howabout... we just drive around?”

I mulled this over.

“Ehh... better idea than anything else at the moment.”

“Alright. Just follow...”


Downtown Tokyo is fine and all... but I prefer the outskirts. A lot more peaceful...



Songbird was whooshing through the mountain passes we had found, chasing a 180SX built for drifting and Emily's Lotus. The guy was friendly, and just wanted someone to race with.



I do hate drifting, but... this guy was good at it.

Definetly didn't have the power of either of our cars, but he made up for it with his skill and general knowledge of the mountain passes.



It was a reddish-colored 180SX, the 'new' SR one. Emily was able to stick with him, and nearly tandem drift him, but I was just gripping to stay close. I'm not a fan of drifting – seems like a show for the crowds and nothing else. But... having no crowds, this was just a demonstration of art – and what he enjoys. The engines roared throughout the pass...

The mixture of song... so beautiful.

The bass growl of an angry Lotus, the middle pitch of an SR20, and.. the high, clear note of a RB26 'long block', like a song...

Damn beautiful. The screaming tires, the blips of the throttle, the wheels sawing across the road...

This is what bliss is, as a racer. Pure bliss.


“Hey... Mom... Dad... I'm home! How are you all!”

“Han... Ess that... you?”

“Mom... Yes, it's me.”

“Ooh... Han... Goot to be home. Wieng! Han home!”

“Li... Ees true?”

“Come see.”

“Han... Ees goot to see you again. We see you on TV and we cannot believe it!”

“How goot you have gotten.. in your dream.”

“Thank you both.. it means so much..”


Damn. Been far too long since I've been to Tsukuba. Same people running it, same trackside girls... And the same unsavory types around here.

The ricer boys looked at me and my boat of a car.

I looked at them and their 'Ricer-trash.”

Their leader smelled of pot and other junk, even from 20 feet away.

“Yo! Old man! You and your piece o' 🤬 ain't gotta chance 'gainst our beasts!”

Inside... I was laughing at them. Those poor cars... I could just hear them wishing to be scrapped.

“I'll see you, and raise you a bottle of Necry'gk Omyg'r wine.”

“Ha! You don't even got the greens to pay for that trash, daddy.”

“And I suppose you do...?”

The apparent lieutenant spoke up.

“We've thrown every peeny we got into these cars!”

“Can it, Yamada! Now... You don't got no shizz on us, daddy.”

I had to snort at that one. I decided on a little.. test.

“How much HP are those... things... cranking out?”

“Uhhh.... 'Bout 270. With NAWSSSS.”

“Alright. And how much do you weed-eaters think that this GTO has?”

“Uhhh... I dunno.”

“Over 500. Now... If you think your little ricer 🤬-piles can win, then let's go. Right here, right now.”

“Ummm... Erghhh...”


All the stoners got in their ricebuckets and ran off in sheer terror.

“Ha...Ha... Hahahahahaha...”

I love doing this to people... But times have changed. Things need to be done. Gotta get to work...


The guy we had met had known Emily's family from back in California. He was nice enough, but his broken English made it slightly harder to communicate. She wouldn't tell anymore information, either.

“Gah... Tyres are dead. Must get fresh ones.”

“Alright. Where do you live...”

“Up on mountain. Follow.”

I admittedly was slightly tired – so just taking a little break from touge racing would be nice.

A day later, in the morning...

“This is a very nice place. Up here.. it's quiet... and peaceful.”

“The view is amazing, too...”

“My family... bought this touge section. It passed down to me and cousin. He... takes care... of road and other stuff. I usually just race.”

The tea was some minty thing, grown on the mountain. Perfectly done... and I couldn't drink it like coffee, like I usually do at home. John was being absolutely courteous to our host – whom I had not seen since I left high school. What a nice, peaceful morning.

“So... how have you been?”

“Alright, I guess. Working... 9 to 5. Every day of week.”

“Hmmm... At least you HAVE a job, in these times.”

“Yes. Is good thing. Enough to fund my car.”

There was a gas station run for his private purposes, and a store for the community as well.

He's definetly set up.

“But... Is lonely here. No one to race with. Is boring after a while.”

“... I know... how you feel. I was once like that...”

“Emily... you understand? No one comes here...”

I DO understand. I worked alone, and it did get very impersonal. Always a professional attitude toward my job. Sometimes... I feel cold and distant from my clients... but that's how it has to be.

But... to live alone, up here, with no one to share it with?

It's madness. Utter madness.

Just then, John's phone rang.


“John. Been trying to reach you... but Corentin wants us at Tsukuba soon. Like in... 30 minutes?”


“Alright. See you there.”

He hung up.

“Em... You ready to leave?”

He realized his mistake, and grimaced.


“No, no. I understand. If you must go, then go. Is not insult to me.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. If you have more pressing... concerns, it is not problem.”


“Please, not worry. But... can you come again, sometime soon?

“Yes... we will. Definetly.”

Fin Chapter XVIII

(Big thanks to Ibpomg95 for the very excellent 180SX shots, along with the zaniness of that room... One Amigocan against 5 Brits. Brits are gonna win.)
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You would think that their weed habit would eat into their funds for car expenses. :lol:
I go away for a day and come back to two chapters to read! Both were very good as always. Keep up the good work FireEmblem!
Very nice story you're writing here. I've been reading for a few weeks now but only just got a GTP account I may be able to help with photos. I don't yet have a 180SX but I play a lot and I'm a good drifter. Add me if you want my help. PSN; lbpomg95
I've got a Carlton. It's still stock, just got the oil changed and the engine overhauled. If you can use it, i'll be happy to share it.
Great chapter!

“They lost half their military forces – including helicopters – to some small, mysterious object. Unknown what it was or is. Might have been a Communist Chinese prototype of a superweapon."”

Aha, I get this reference, I think. :lol:
Chapter XIX:

Ahh. Tsukuba Circuit. The 'track too tough to tame', as numerous Americans would call this Japanese beast of a circuit. Darlington, however, is NOT Tsukuba.

Small, but with hidden depths and surprises, this track is a pain in the butt.

But... all I know about it comes from books. John or Han might know about it.

“John? Can you tell me more about this place?”

“Uh... Oh jeez. Been too long... But... This place has a notorious history for being a make-or-break racetrack. Small, but well-built, Tsukuba will eat you, spit you out, and... wax your mustache.”


“That's what Rex – my cousin – once told me, word for word.”

“But... does he have a mustache?”

“No, but he IS balding.”

“Hahahaha... really?”

“Oh yeah. Best car tuner I know. But.. also sometimes a pain in the butt.”

We had arrived by the time he had finished telling me about his cousin.

Half an hour later...

We had had to suffer from the same crap the security pulled on us at the airport.

By the time I had gone through, my arms ached from their vigorous pat-down – the dude felt like he had had brass knuckles on.

“That... hurt.”

“I know. Same issue as in the airport, I'm guessing.”

“Figures... Do you know where we are going to meet him...”

“Somewhere at the track. Didn't say anything else...”

We walked around for over 20 minutes after parking the cars, looking for Corentin or Han. Emily's decision, not mine.


“THERE you two fools are! Where have you been?”

“Looking for you!”

“Figures. Well... I got challenged to a race. But... due to my having a completely overpowered car, one of you two has to do it instead.”

“Too easy?”

“Yes. These fools would get murdered – unless my tires wore out. Which, in 10 laps, is quite common here.”

We looked and saw a few Subarus, a R34 Skyline, and two Mazdas.

“Well... they DO have good cars...”

“True. But... they're all stock, just looking at them.”

“Oh. Then...”

“So... Which one of you wants to do it?”

“Em? Your choice.”

“Ummm... I'll do it.”

“Alright. Han is still visiting his parents, and he'll be around sometime later. Have you ever driven here at Tsukuba?”


“I have.”

“Alright. I'll be watching from the booths, and John – you teach Emily the track. With the both of you?”


Emily nodded, and headed over to her Lotus.


“I guess... I'm real nervous...”

“Don't be. You'll do fine... I know you will, and you know you can.”


10 minutes later...

“You're doing fine.”

“Are you just saying that to make me feel better?”

“No, seriously. Better than I ever di-... could do.”


She was actually doing fine... I had always hated Tsukuba, which is why I gave her the choice on who would drive. She was still nervous, but was getting better as the day went on.


“Remember, that in the first turn, try to apex late due to the length.”

“Got it.”

There was a slight creaking sound coming from the car as we entered the short S-bends, but it sounded and felt fine.



“Good entry and exit. This Dunlop Corner... roll off the throttle and try to just go through the turn.”


Perfect. She really had gotten the hang of this – and her aggressiveness wasn't present as much.

“Same thing as on the first turn – middle apex, good exit. The turn-in and entry speed don't matter as much here as exit speed does.”


“I'll remember that.”

Down the straight, and into the sweeping right-hander...


“Careful... Don't want to lose it here.”


The creaking noise sounded again, but... it seemed fine, although Emily looked a little worried.

“Alright kids, bring it in this time by. The pit crew needs some practice.”

“On it.”


We went into the S-bends, and the creaking noise returned. Except... this time... it didn't go away.

“Em... What's going on...”

“I don't know... AAAAGGGGGHHHH!”

“OH, ;censored:!”


Blackout into silence.


“Where... am I?”

“You are in the Tsukuba Infield Care Center.”

“What... for?”

“Just checking you out after your crash.”


Oh. Wait... Now I remember... 🤬.

“How is Emily? The... girl I was with.”

“Oh, she's fine. Just shaken up. Unlike you... You have a fractured metacarpal in your left index finger.”

“Ok, that's great... Can you spit it out in English, please?”

“You broke your index finger of your left hand.”

Oh. Amazing. Is that why it hurts... and in a splint?

“Can I get out of here now?”

“Sure. We were just waiting for you to reachieve consciousness.”


Damn idiots with their fancy terms for simple things.

I walked out of the 'care center' to see Han and Corentin standing there, looking worried.

“John! You alright?”

“In pain, and with a broken finger, but functional.”

“That's good... as much as we could have hoped for.”

“Where's Emily?”


“Over here.”

I walked over to where I saw a flash of red standing next to a mass of what appeared to be junk metal and... car parts? What the... OH. Now I understood.

“Em... Are you... alright?”


“Can it be fixed...?”

“They... said it can... but... it will take... a long time...”

“Em... I can help...”

“I know... you can.”

She just hugged me tightly, and I held her for a long time.

“Em... what are we going to do, then...?”

“I need a new... car... for the time... being, I guess...”

Han and Corentin came over.

“Well... Uhhh... I might have a cousin who can let us borrow his car for tomorrow if needed...”

“Good idea, I suppose... What is it?”

“I think it's a modified Skyline...”


“GT-S Type M. Should be good enough...”

“Hmmm... I'd have to look at it first...”

“We can go classified searching, if you'd like...”

“That... would be nice. In the meantime... can someone attempt to get this restored?”

“I'll send it to the Warehouse, with the Supras.”

“Okay. That sounds... good...”

Later, at the hotel...

“Jeez... These mental patients want too much for their ricebuckets...”

I was browsing through the Internet, while Emily looked through a Japanese AutoTrader listing book.

Nothing but rice for the entire first page of Google.

“Hmmm... That seems nice, but... it's an 4WD.”


“Eew. Jaguar Type-S. Ugly and heavy.”

“More ricebuckets...”

“Hey... That seems nice... But, way too much for a Silvia.”

“Gah... when will the madness – Oh. Oooh....”

“Nope, nope, and nope...”

“When is your birthday?”

“Uhmmm.... in two weeks, why?”

“Nothing... But... I may have found what you are looking for... Here.”

She took the laptop, and settled into an expression of shock as she saw it.

After a while, she looked up with a questioning expression.


“Yes. I think it's a good fit.”

“Lightweight, MR, tuned... maybe. I didn't think that these were sold in Japan.”

“Apparently an import.”

“Hmmm... I wonder who's it was...”

“You like it?”

“Yes, I do. Can you take me to see it...?”

“After your race, remember?”

“Would this qualify?”

“It's not Japanese. That was a restriction Corentin had found out...”

“Oh. So.. we rely on Han?”

“...Yeah. Hope...”

Outside the hotel...


“What the...”

“He let me borrow it. All he asked was that you take good care of it.”

“It seems nice...”

“It's been basically stripped down to a track car and nothing else – get a pillow or something. My 🤬 hurts so much from just driving it for a little now...”

“Alright. So... Tomorrow is the race?”

“Yeah. I'll be right back with a second surprise.”

Han ran off into the night.

“What the hell is he doing...”

“He met with the Toyota manager today, remember?”


“Ok... When you were out, he met the manager. I don't know how it went, though...”

We waited for about 20 minutes, and then...


“Good Lord...”


“I signed the contract to drive for Toyota's WRC arm, starting in two weeks.”


“Great job, Han!”

“Thanks... it means so much, coming from you two. Even though I've only known you for a short time... you both are very good friends.”

“Nohomo man-hugs only, please.”

“Oh, be quiet...”

Fin Chapter XIX
Sounds fun. I doubt the system software update helped with that. Any particular shade of red for the Nissan, or does it not particularly matter?
Hey I was wondering if you could use the Honda S2000 race car you showed in chapter 12 I think? I got one if you want to use it for the story.