Pain & Heaven: Finale - Volume One (8/2/12)

  • Thread starter Anathema
Will be away for a bit due to constraints and Memorial Day Weekend. Expect the next chapter within a week.
Hello, many new plot characters.

Will be away this weekend, so expect new chapter on Tuesday.


Chapter XIV, Pt.1:

(This chapter is mainly done through the eyes of a new character. Had to split this one due to size.)

It's been a long road ever since I was born. My family escaped Communist China when I was only five – but the experience of getting to America and living a life where you can be anything has stuck with me all my life. That's why I want to be a professional rally driver.

When I came to America, I got interested in rallies from watching TV, and it always seemed to show the same car – a red and blue Renault.




The driver of that car became my inspiration for becoming a rally driver. He came from the slums of France, and became the best rally driver of his time. I bought an old Subaru WRX STI when I was old enough to drive. I tried my best at rallying from a young age, but I didn't have the skills then to compete well.

Then... One day I met the driver of the Renault... Corentin Baudoin. He gave me advice on what to do – follow the same steps he had himself taken; Become good at tarmac racing before making the transfer to dirt.

I retired the STI last year, and bought a new Subaru Legacy. I used my winnings to upgrade it to be able to do a mix of dirt and tarmac racing without too many problems.

That's when I met Corentin again. This time he wanted me to drive for HKS in rallying because of his retirement. I immediately accepted, and I've been driving for HKS for six months now. They take care of everything, leaving me to focus on my passion.

My name is Han Tzu, but everyone calls me 'Hot Soup', after some character from a book with the same name. I'm 25 years old, with an unquenchable thirst for racing.

When I was contacted by Corentin about a team meeting, I was surprised. I didn't know that there were other members at all – I usually raced alone. Hopefully some good can come of this...


I was sitting at a point in Seattle well known for a street racing hangout.

There were other drivers around, but none that I was told to look for. Some ugly French thing...


And some green Dodge from the seventies.


The other Subaru drivers in the area were razzing me for picking a Legacy, but I knew that this thing could beat them all straight up. I had reworked the balance of the car for a mass of settings I controlled from inside the cockpit, and could adjust them for any situation. Drift, grip, dirt... you name it.

Until I saw a white Nissan Skyline coming down the boulevard. Just by looking at the nose of it, I could tell it was tuned far beyond my Legacy's modifications. And the growl of the thing's engine – it was like music. Sweet, sweet music.

I could have gotten a Skyline for rallying, but I had grown to like Subaru's products (even if they are part of Toyota) and went with this Legacy instead. Importing Skylines into America also takes a lot of money, and I didn't want to spend more than I had to.

I got out of the Legacy and waited for the GT-R to come in. This was the guy Corentin had told me about. White Skyline with a really distincive sound. Front license plate – a Japanese license plate - of 21-12. He had also told me about some girl in a Lotus sedan – never heard of that one before.

But... when I got out, I almost fell down in suprise. A red-headed girl had gotten out of the left side – which didn't make any sense for a second, since older-model GT-R's are right-hand drive.

Then the driver got out of the right side. Short, black hair with the front spiked up – slightly-above-average height, and a white and red button-down shirt with blue jeans. This was the guy I was told about.

I caught his eye, and he said something to the girl, then came over.

“You drive for HKS too? I was told to find a blue Subaru Legacy...”

“Yes, I'm the one you are looking for – and you're the guy I'm looking for.”

“Oda tell you who I was?”

“No... Corentin Baudoin did.”

“Ooh, the famous rally driver?”

The girl had a gentle voice, and the guy had a soft one as well.

“Yeah... And now that I think of it... Do you mean Oda... something... from the D1GP series who drives that HKS-sponsored Silvia?”

“Correct. John van Druten.”

“Emily Rostock.”

“Han Tzu, better known as Hot Soup.”

We shook hands, and then the Emily girl asked a question.

“Did Corentin tell you about a.. team meeting?”

“Yeah... but not here. This crowd isn't the best. He told me to go... to their distribution center here. Come, I'll show you.”

I got in the Legacy and fired the boxer engine up, waiting for John and Emily.

They got in, and that sweet music wafted from the GT-R again.


Hmmm... Hot Soup... Can't say I've heard of him before.

“You think he's on the level?”

“Yeah – he had an HKS badge on the fenders of the Legacy. Although... That's not a really good indicator... But... I trust the guy. Let's follow...”

Hot Soup – or Han Tzu – took us through a winding section of the city.

“Almost there – wait... Is that... 🤬.”


“Stay put a min.”

Then we saw the object of Han's attention – a blue race car.


A CALSONIC racing car. A GT-R, too.


Dammit... This little idiot. Why does he have to sit in the middle of the goddamn street with that thing and toment the living crap out of me?

I tried to motor the Legacy around the JGTC car, but the driver got out and came over.

“Hey... little man, what's up... Can't win a dirt race still?”

I ignored his tauntings and moved onto the sidewalk.

“Hahaha... little Chinese-American baby man can't get through... Poor little man...”

“HEY! What are you doing? Oh.... Damn, it's YOU again. Is that him?”


My tormentor snapped his head around.

“Hmmm... a GT-R? Wow, you have good friends, Runny Soup... or should I say, Runny Nose.... Hahahaha...”

“Shut up, Harada...”

“Oh, so the little man wants to play, huh? Well... I'll pla-”

Chuff. Chuff.

I heard a whoosh of escaping air, and looked to see the right-side tires of Harada's race car slowly going flat. I looked back at the white GT-R to see a smoking gun pointing out the right-side door of it.

“AUGH!, you little medieval :censored:weeds! What are you doi-”

“Move the damn car.”

Harada's face suddenly froze in a sculpted grimace of astonishment, then full-blown anger.


“You're Harada, right?”

I heard Emily speak out again.

Harada was silent, then he screamed and ran at the white GT-R, attempting to kick it. He hit the tire – and also hit the wheel. He screamed again and fell to the ground in pain. A hand waved from the GT-R to move forward, and so I did, leaving Harada crying in the dust.


Didn't think I'd see him again. Guess I was mistaken. Same idiot from Trial Mountain – but where did he get that Skyline from?

“Han...John... – is this the guy you told me about, John?”

“Shinichi Harada. Absolute blowhard. Drives for Calsonic. Loves tormenting me. He know you or something?”

“I had a run-in with him at Trial Mountain not a week ago. Damn idiot lost to the both of us.”

“Don't try to mess with him – he only bothers annoying me because I lost to him once.”

“How did he get that thing, stealing it?”

There was a sharp intake of breath, then;

“No... but... just wait until we get in to the meeting. Then we need to discuss.”

Later, in an office building somewhere in the middle of downtown Seattle...

“Jeez... He'll do anything to stop you now – especially after this.”

“Guys like him don't seem to be much of a threat.”

“You'd be surprised... Ok, good, everyone else is here.”

Three other drivers filed in, and I recognized Oda immediately. Still had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. A guy with brown hair liberally streaked with gray winked at Han, and the third driver I couldn't recognize because he didn't take off his helmet.

“Everyone... please take a seat. Now... I'd like to introduce you all, now that we're all finally here for once. I'm Oda Tayatabayeshi, but just call me Oda. Too long of a last name... 🤬 my mother for marrying my dad... Now, go around the table and say your names, beginning to the left of me...”

“Corentin Baudoin, past rally champion.”

“Han Tzu, also known as 'Hot Soup'.”

“Emily Rostock.”

“John van Druten.”

Corentin gave a start, and the helmeted driver leaned back, then spoke as he flipped his visor open.

“Federigo Flavian.”

I froze. That was a name from the past... And not a well remembered one.

Then Oda began again;

“Good.. now that that's done... Who is racing this week, besides me – if you are, tell where and when so I can send a crew team out with you.”

Han spoke first.

“I'm racing here in a sanctioned street race this weekend.”

“This is the one I told you to enter...?”

“Yes, Mr. Baudoin...”

“Please, you're old enough to call me Corentin... Win it, and I told you you can go for your ambition – I think you are ready.”

Han was in shock for a moment, but covered it up quickly enough.

“Thank you, Mr – Corentin.”

“Don't mention it... for all my contacts, skills, and other fun stuff my age is showing... Can't drive like I used to...”

“Ahh, shut up, you old whiner boy...”

Emily then said;

“Just like Jeff Gordon when he was young, right?”

Federigo apparently smiled... because all we could see where his eyes – those same piercing-gray eyes from long ago. Those gray eyes... that had cost him so much.

“Just like if Corentin was his twin.”

We all laughed at this.

I was next.

“We don't have any plans right now...”

“HKS needs a driver for the events after Han does his race and Federigo his. Would either of you be willing to do it...”

I looked at Emily.

“You can do it... I don't have my car right now...”

Crap, I had forgotten already.

“Yeah... I'll take it.”

Corentin then asked me what I was driving, and I explained.

Federigo nodded, and told me it would be a bit of a hard one – but I should do well.

“You're against... oh jeez, I don't know – but it's a big one. Corentin WOULD be driving it, but...”

“Broke my wrist earlier and don't want to risk it. I'm the oldest driver for HKS...”

“And the most goddamn...”

Federigo started and trailed off, and we all laughed because we could generally guess what he was thinking.

Oda spoke up again.

“Awesome... Meeting adjourned... because I leave for New York. John, Emily, Han, Federigo – contact Corentin if you need anything – but not for beer, Flavian.”

“Damn... you ruin everything, Oda.”

Later that day...

I was shocked to see Federigo Flavian again – and this time on the same team. My mind flashed back to a memory in the summer of 1994...


“Gah... It's too hot in these United States.”

“Italy isn't much better this time of year, you know.

“That may be...”

I was in second place in the point standings, and Federigo was fourth by the fifth race. His Alfa suffered due to less power, but he made it up with unmatched driving skill. Infineon – although it was a new track – was magic for his style as he captured the pole with a time almost five seconds faster than everyone else – and in the race, he led all 60 laps. I could do no better than finish second, two laps down.

After the race, however, he had an ...altercation... with some members of the points-leading team, Raybrig, and their driver, Hayata Makino.

“You cheating Italian scumbag... No one humiliates us like this ever again...”

“Maybe... learn the track like I did, suck-🤬 losers...”

That got him nearly killed. Five against one – even so, he took out three of the crewmen before he got KOd. He had a broken arm and leg, numerous gashes (Hayata had had a knife) and many bruises.

He was out for three races until he could come back, but by then his championship hopes had been lost. In the season finale, we had a terrific duel in Suzuka. Lap after lap we took after each other. 75 laps of dueling – and in the end, he edged me on the final turn – but he took the win, and I took the championship. We created something new that day – the 'nose-to-nose' burnout, but more importantly, a lasting friendship.

At least until my 'dissapearance' a year later.

Fin Chapter XIV, Pt.1
Nice chapter. 👍 I just found the bit with the GT-R's tyres getting shot a little hard to follow, though.
Woops. Failed the title (Was supposed to be Chapter 14, not 14.5... which happens to be this chapter.)


Chapter XIV, Pt. 2:

“You want to know about Midori Harada, right?”

“Yeah... He seems like a 🤬-hole.”

“He is, belive me. I first met him after I had begun my tarmac racing career.”


I was just about to start a race at Twin Ring Motegi, back in 2003. Was on the grid in fourth. A man came up to me and asked if I wanted to go double-or-nothing on the prize money. It was a really small prize, and I was just racing for the experience – I was getting better and better each time I raced. He was driving a stock Skyline – or so it appeared to be. Therefore, I accepted... starting this entire mess.

That was the beginning of a nightmare. On the fifth lap, he sent me crashing into a wall. It was only cosmetic damage, but after the race he came up to me and asked for the money.

I told him I didn't win any, since 6th gave out no prize.

He then hit me with a hard right hook and I went down like a sack of bricks. Didn't remember anything after that.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital recovering from a broken leg and a broken jaw. That alone cost me almost all of my money. I resolved to forget him, but he kept – and keeps – popping up just to piss me off.


"Hmmm... Interesting."

“Yeah – his dad, who is nothing like him, is the team manager for Calsonic; he just has him in the car because there's no one else to drive it...”

“That's... sad. There's got to be someone who is capable of driving it.”

“Nope... So he gets it.”

I kept silent, because I knew Harada's dad. Had been my team manager when I drove. But... that's a really stupid decision. I didn't know why he'd do that... Especially with all the talent in the racing world today.

“So... You want to see the... amazing... city of Seattle?”

Emily nodded.

“Alright... Show us around. Don't got anything better to do, I believe.”


Emily was holding three shopping bags, I had gotten myself a HKS baseball cap custom-made (really to hold back my head mop of hair...), and Han had given us basically the guided tour of this city. Kinda dirty... and I still could not figure out why the King Dome was still in existence. I resolved to actually do something and find out what WAS truly going on.

We retired to the nice, fancy hotel HKS had rented – and they had an old arcade game section. I decided to play Super Mario World, and Han soon joined me. Emily had gone to bed after watching us sit there for two hours – and yet we continued to play.

(Author's note: This is an actual transcript of a conversation that happened in real life while playing this game. Me and one friend wanted to finish the game in one night. Involved a good amount of energy drinks, pizza, and Sour Skittles.)

“Damn... It's been too long... thank Miyamato for the 'Top Secret Area'. Every damn time... I need it.”

“Yes... These controllers... NO! 🤬 wigglers... Stupid cape...”

“Or is it that we're getting so tired, we're failing so badly?”

“Nope. Bowser is calling my name tonight...”

The next day...

“Wake up, you two mental patients... It's 10:00 AM...”

Holy 🤬. I staggered into a sitting position. I think I had fallen asleep when we had reached the Choco worlds... World 6? Can't remember... Good Lord... I feel like I aged 50 years last night...

Han looked like a zombie – bloodshot eyes and strikingly dark circles under that. Maybe that was mascara? Couldn't tell in my wasted horrendous state.

The game was still on... and somehow we had gotten to the Special Zone... but the third level had eluded Han. I knew an old trick – get a blue Yoshi (the flying one) and collect shells throughout the level. Pain in the butt, but well worth it. Too much effort. I just shut the console off and sat back down.

“Sigh... Emily... we still do have another day before the weekend... Oh. Where did you...”

She had on a dark red dress – I had never seen one like it, plus I had never seen Emily IN a dress to begin with. She looked like a million dollars. God, she was gorgeous. I had to control myself...

“Yesterday, while you were drooling over your custom-made hat.”

“I think you look nice.”

CRAP. Not what I wanted to say...

She just smiled and blushed, then kissed me and walked out.

And, yet again, I was left to ponder the mysteries of the human woman's mind...


“I'm nervous as hell.”

“Han – you'll do fine. You're not wasted."

We were standing in the makeshift pitlane for the street racing, waiting for the start of the race. The sun was just starting to go down, and the track was cooling down. Good for grip... But still not good for my state of being. Still felt like crap.

“Ugh... you don't understand. I've always wanted to be a rally racer... and if I don't win this, I can't enter the rally event near here that Corentin was talking about.”

Emily then walked up.

“I took a look at what they're all driving – only one big challenger. So no worries – just drive with your head on straight, be patient, and take your time.”

Han was chewing on his fingernails for a minute. Little bits of fingernail started dropping to the ground... Reminding me of how felt in my first race. But... I couldn't remember it.

“Han... Just calm down. Focus your... chi

“Yeah... You're right... Hey, how do you know Chinese culture...”

“Psychology major. I get a diverse group of people as my clients.”

He nodded, and then laid his head in his hands.

Within about 10 minutes, the horn sounded for the drivers to get in their cars and start the warmup laps.

He got his firesuit zipped up, put his helmet on, and got in the Legacy, all the while shaking like Michael Jackson's moves.

We stepped back as that boxer engine fired up with a unique sound, and he drove out, following the pace car.

“Do you think... that... Han and the rest of the people are... trustworthy?”

“Han is – and I believe the same for Federigo. Not sure about Corentin, but Oda is generally agreeable.”

“Except for the smoking. But why Federigo?”

“I know him from way back. He's fine... but still a hard-blooded Italian. Might get into trouble sometimes...”

“You online? Just checking.”

“Han... Stop worrying...”

“I can't....”

“Just calm down...”


#Three... Two... One... And they're off! Clean break throughout the first turn...


We were standing in the HKS pit box, watching their race monitors. Han stuck with the NSX...


And made a nice, clean pass entering the first hard left-hander.

“Nice one, Han. Keep it close...”

He then stuck with the 3000GT closely.



The driver swung wide, and like a dart Han moved that Legacy inside for 4th.

The team cheered, and I smiled. He had a very light hand on that car, and it responded to his commands with the slightest touch. Sure, it was early in the race – but he had that car down to a science. I'd never seen anything like it.

The black FD RX-7 was next.


Instead of jumping past him on the bridge section, he just sat and waited for his next opportunity.


He drew close to both FD's, then struck in the quick right-hander. Risky move, but well worth it.


“Han... Be careful. Don't take too many risks.”

He made his next move going into the street jump section – the turn beforehand.


Now only the white Infiniti stood in his way.



Slam. There goes my butt again. Not good on the suspension – but I couldn't help it.

I drew close to the Infiniti, and when he blocked my first move...


I slipstreamed him, biding my time.

Follow his line closely. Trace him – wait for the opportunity to present itself.

The words that Corentin had told me a long time ago echoed in my ears, and I followed that decree to the letter.

“I... have... you... now...”


I left him behind at the bridge.


I crossed the line exultant and joyous.



The entire pit crew was doing a victory dance – well, except for Emily and I.

Han pulled in grinning from ear to ear, then jumped out of the car with a giant smile on his face.

Emily and I embraced him along with the rest of the team.


“Did... what?”

“Won here...”

I looked at him.

“You mean... you've never won here before.”

“Nope! Was a perfect 0 for 5 before... Oh...🤬.”

Suddenly, a blue race car roared up. A familiar race car...

“So... Excellent job, I suppose. Winning a race for rookies is fine and all...”

“Dude... Just 🤬 off. Seriously.”

“Oh... I suppose you think calling the cops on me is fun, little girl...”

“Only when morons like you are involved.”

“None of that... I know there are better ways to do things now...”

That didn't bode well, since he displayed a pistol on his hip.

“Harada... Just go somewhere else and play your little games. I don't have any problems with you – but you have problems with us. Mutual benefit means that you leave us alone, and vice versa.”

I guess he considered this for a minute before responding.

“Maybe I can leave the girl and this Han guy alone. But... I can never forgive you for who you are or what happened in the past.”

And with that, he just drove off.

Something... just isn't right.

Emily was standing, puzzled, while Han was still dancing around.

“Sigh... I don't know what he meant this time. I really don't.”

“Hey... Don't dwell on it. Just be patient... Relax. You're up soon.”

“I guess so... Something just is bothering me. I need to find out more about my past.”

Silence for a minute. Then...

“You mom, maybe then?”

“I'll try talking to her first, I guess... But after my race.”

Fin Chapter XIV, Pt.2
Getting PS3 this Saturday, so expect the final 10 chapters to be mainly done with GT5 photos (If I can get the right cars. May stick with GT4, getting the backwards-compatible version...)
Chapter XV:

Harada had rattled me. I knew about everything of my own past, but no one else should know that. I told no one of my past – how had he learned ANYTHING about me?

I was in a trance until Emily poked me.

“John...Something bothering you now?”


“Don't lie to me... I can tell something is bothering you. Deeply.”

“Just... this crap with Harada.”

“Don't let it get to you. He's playing mind games with you...”

“I know. Still doesn't stop me from pondering it...”

“Well, try to focus... Corentin and Federigo are watching.”

I sighed.

“That doesn't help... Just makes it worse with the pressure. If I did feel any pressure.”

“Pressure like this doesn't bother you?”

“No. But 'mind games' do.”

“Well, keep your head up. I'll be watching from the pits.”

“Will you be on the radio?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Well... I like having you offer advice...”

“Or is it because you like me, and love the sound of my voice?”


“The answer is no, then.”

She walked off steaming as I went to get in the GT-R in a sad state. Why must women have the most odd mood swings?

Songbird fired up perfectly, and I motored out onto the track with nary a glance at the other cars – until I got to the starting line.


“ word...”

The lineup explained why Corentin originally was going to do it – this was another race like the one back in Infineon. Supercars, the lot of them. This was a technical course just like Infineon – and I was confident I could win. Maybe not EASILY, but still win.

The rolling start got me toasted on the first straight, but I attempted to outbrake enering the first turn.


That Italian supercar with the terrible brakes couldn't hold the line, and I snuck inside him.


Somehow the Mercedes missed a shift, and I pressed the advantage and attacked the corners.


I went over the 'jump' section, and caught up to the tuned Porsche thing – a RUF, as it's known.


He blocked me very well – a obviously experienced racer. That rear-engined machine was nearly perfect throught the turns.




What is wrong with me? John affects my moods so strongly... One minute I love him, the next I snap at him. I really don't like it... How can I be around John like this?

I'm still not sure if he likes me or not... I think he does, but then he'll ask one question and I'll lose my cool and get frustrated with him. I can't help it!


From what I could see from the race monitors, the yellow Porsche was holding John up slightly. He obviously had the better car, but the other driver knew his machine inside and out, and was using that knowledge to foil John's attempts at passing.

Finally, he made his move.


He made the pass, and then caught the other Porsche, and the blue supercar as well. But...


There was a yell from the crowd, and I saw the Porsche cutting across the Skyline's bumper and nearly pass the blue supercar as well.

“Damn... That was close.”


John was able to recover enough so that he passed the Porsche when its driver drifted wide through the turn. He just had the blue thing left...


The sleek, blue lines of the supercar followed by the beastly white 'Godzilla'. I suddenly had a deep-seated conviction that something bad would happen to John in the middle of the race.


I recognized the supercar. A Nissan R390 Road Car, but for all intents and purposes a race car with a little less power than the actual version used in LeMans.

Songbird was - I hoped - the equal of that monster. We were evenly matched on the straightaways, but he was slightly better in the turns than I was. I made up for it with the excellent braking capability of Songbird.


I ducked inside on the hard right-hander – the same manuever as earlier when I had faced the Italian supercar. However, the driver – who was very capable – came right back.


“Over the jumps and through the turns, to the passes we go...”


We were carrying so much speed that we went airborne near where the yellow RUF had cut me.


The shock threw him to the left, scraping the wall. I went right, onto the inside. I did slow down a large amount due to my crappy racing line I was forced to take, but I was able to hold the pass.


He recovered and tailgated me. I have never liked it... But I don't mind pressuring others. Being pressured... reminds me of the past.

“No... Must empty my mind....”

I wasn't trying to block him, but entering the final sprint to the finish...


He drifted left due to his slipstreaming run he had gotten, and went so far over... that he rubbed the wall again on the same side.


I whipped my head around just in time to see the left front of the R390 shred itself, due to the damage from the tire that had just blown.

A piece of the body embedded itself in the left-side mirror of Songbird, shattering it and nearly taking the mirror clean off.


I got across the line as the R390 limped across and stopped on the side of the track. I didn't feel any elation this time... I felt terrible inside, like I had cheated to win.

I came back around to where the R390 was sitting, smoke pouring out of the left side. The driver was just standing there – he didn't seem mad when I pulled next to his car.


“It's nothing. I can have it fixed.”

Something about the guy seemed familiar... And the accent.

“Is there anything I can do... I'm really sorry for blocking you...”

“Don't beat yourself up – the earlier wall scrape did most of the damage. I'll need to have a talk with the course designers...”

“I remember you from somewhere...”

“All around town, on the posters and such?”

I started, then looked at the man with dawning comprehension as he pulled up his firesuit legs to expose a prosthetic.

“Kenji... Yamamoto?!”

“Yes. Good to see an up-and-coming racer here – I was actually doing a test for Nissan on this car to see what the effect of a LeMans-type suspension setting does on city streets; there is a plan to make a LeMans street car in the works.”

I was standing in shock until the wrecker truck came over.

“Oh... Here's $50.”

I snapped out of my trance.

“What's this for?”

“Your mirror... It's cracked now...”

“Oh...Oh yeah... Thanks, I guess...”

“Don't mention it. And... if you see a black Ford GT with white stripes around, tell me. I got a score to settle with the fool who decided to paint it like that idiot Akane's...”

“That's a stock color.”

He looked at me with a nasty expression.

“You're too smart for your own good. Watch it... or the White Knight may find it's way around to you sometime.”

He left in the wrecker, and I drove off into the pits.

Emily was standing back from the rest of the team as they mobbed me. I tried to catch her eye, and she just nodded and mouthed later.

Then... a Italian race car pulled in and Federigo got out.

“Still got that old rattletrap?”

“Good job with the win, John. Good to see you still have the spirit. Oda is pleased, and Corentin is impressed.”

“I still feel like I cheated...”

“You always did berate yourself. To take your mind off that... Why don't you stay and watch my race?”


“Good. Take a seat... and Emily too. Is she mad at you or something...?

I hung my head for a second.

“I don't know.”

“Well... Don't dwell on it. Ask for her forgiveness and say something nice to her. Always works with my wife.”


I went over to where Emily was standing impatiently.

“Em... I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you.”

Her face softened, and she smiled slightly. I could now see that she had been crying.

“No... It's my fault... I was worried about you – I had had a premonition that something bad would have happened to you... during the race.”

I drew her close, and when she didn't resist, I kissed the top of her head, trying to comfort her.

“Em... it's going to be fine. We have each other now...”


“I know... Now... Please... let's go sit down and watch...”



That young fool. Always happens – girls. Always ruins guys. I was lucky and met my wife a long time ago – and we fight like an old married couple.

But... I must focus. That Harada idiot... I wonder if he'll destroy his car for the 5th straight time.

“I'm not losing to you again, old man...”

“Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.”

“So you think.”

“I don't think – I know.”

“We'll see about that...”

Hahaha. Idiot. I've been doing this for forever. Only 2 championships in 11 years racing – but I always am a contender every time I drive out onto the track. Same car, all these years. – never destroyed it or damaged it beyond repair. Permanent 4WD. 550 horses. Not as much torque – but that's because of the 30/70 power split between the front and rear wheels.

The sanctioning body changed the rules after the 1998 season – the only drivetrains allowed are MR (usually the Honda NSX) and FR (Supra's, the new Skylines, etc...)
Some of the older cars that are 4WD have been grandfathered into this rule on the condition that if the car was destroyed in a race, you must abide by the new rule. My own Alfa is an example, one of the last left.


Midori was starting last, as usual. I was still wondering why his dad was still putting up with this kid – he was only in the driver's seat because there was no one else suited for the job, except maybe Mr. Harada.


(John again.)

Midori easily caught up to the Castrol NSX and the Falken GT-R – which was a test car for the reintroduction of 4WD vehicles, as the announcers told us.


But... he got loose off of the jump section, and caromed off of the front of the NSX.




I thought that he was done for the day, but he decided to keep going.

He blew by the Falken GT-R like he was standing still, even with all that damage.


“This is it, you 🤬!”

There was a loud crunch, and I realized what he had done – slammed into the NSX.



He somehow kept going, even with THAT damage. The NSX was wounded badly, and was trailing smoke slightly.

Federigo was next in his path.

“Mhmmm. You mad, Midori?”

“You... will... LOSE.”

“Maybe some other time. Right now... I have business...”


The crowd went wild as Federigo dove inside.


He passed the Subaru easily, and...


SOMEHOW got under the FTO as well.

“Amazing – how did he do that?”

“Federigo is a good racer...”

Midori screamed something in Japanese, and tore after him.


The FTO driver just pulled off to the side and let Midori pass.


He attempted to spin the Subaru, and caused him to run into the wall.


“Not again... EVER.”


Harada somehow made that damaged piece of junk catch up to Federigo's Alfa.




There was a crunch, then a louder one. Emily and I jumped up past the pits and stood on the center island of the pits and track, staring at the mangled remains of the Skyline sitting strewn across the road.


Fin Chapter XV
And there's the microwaved Calsonic Skyline again. :lol:

Great chapter as always. 👍
Best part of the whole chapter:

Bwahahahahahahahaha. Never laughed so hard. :lol:
Nice chapter FE10. Really waiting for the XVI.
And there's the microwaved Calsonic Skyline again. :lol:

Great chapter as always. 👍

Thanks. Will add on PSN today when I get on (still can't play GT5 online, though.)

That will probably not improve his mood. Nice chapter.

Thanks as well.

So, the guy in the skyline is dead?

That will be seen in the next chapter.

Best part of the whole chapter:

Bwahahahahahahahaha. Never laughed so hard. :lol:
Nice chapter FE10. Really waiting for the XVI.

Good to hear that my style of writing can be humorous as well as sometimes a little morbid.

The next chapter's release date is in two days.
Good to hear.

And... in case anyone didn't know, my Gioteck Online Essentials Pack I ordered (containing a mic, trigger grips and the all-important HDMI cable) I should be playing GT5 online sometime this week (hopefully tomorrow.)

Stuck playing MW3, and only JUST hit level 44... but with a gold CM901.

So, should see you on track sometime soon! (I hope.)
Was going through the forums and happened upon this earlier today, just got done reading it all and I must say this is a fantastic and exciting story! Really looking forward to the next chapter!