Pain & Heaven: Finale - Volume One (8/2/12)

  • Thread starter Anathema
Not this time, sorry. No teaser photos, either. But... you can guess from the most recent chapter, somewhat.
LONG chapter.


Chapter XI:

While we were waiting for Emily's race to start, I was awarded my prize of $5,000 for winning. (What else?)

“Hmmm... There's been so much money for prizes lately.”

“I know... Kinda odd, usually it's only like $500-$1,000 per race. Don't know where the extra money is coming from.”

I pondered that in silence for a while.

(I had my suspicions... but they would violate the AUP of the GT Association.)

Within 10 minutes of that, we were told to get ready and get out onto the track.

“Another rolling start... they need to stop doing them.”

“Hmmm... The track configuration has changed.”

I was startled out of my reverie by this statement.


“They swapped the course configuration – you just ran on the Sports Car Course. It's been changed to the Stock Car Course.”

“What's the difference?”

“It bypasses the really long sweeping left-hander that you beat the Mercedes-Benz on. Not much different from the other configuration.”

I slowly digested this information.

"Does that mean... it still sucks?"

Then a voice I recognized from earlier issued from the radio unit.

#Hey baby! I'm back again! I'll beat you this time!”

“Good Lord, did he really – yep, he did.”


I looked forward and saw the same white RX-7 from earlier in the first position. (I did this while gripping the seat... the car was waggling from Emily's rage.)

Emily looked murderous as she muted the radio unit.

“I am going to kill him...”

As soon as the race began, Emily floored the gas and I held on for dear life. She swung by the Australian Ford sedan on the outside, even before the first turn or the pit lane ended.


She then dove under the purple GT-R in the first turn, barely even braking. I was cursing under my breath as I tried to find a handhold. These damn 5-point belts.. I've never appreciated them this much before. All the while, she remained silent and as still as a statue.


I shut my eyes on the next manuever. Emily dove to the inside of the NSX...


And also passed the Evo on the same turn with the same manuever.


“Holy :censored, Emily, you trying to kill us both?”

“No. Be quiet.”

She was snapping at me, and I really did think that she'd end up killing us both if she kept this up. (Oh lord... just like my mother used to do when she was mad...)


The Lotus roared as it caught up to the RX-7 in an instant – or that's what it felt like, although it was only a single straightaway. Emily looked absolutely deranged as she chased the Tony guy.

It felt weird... but... I was fearing... for my... life.


He managed to hold her off through the turns ahead... But he was pushing the car to it's limits due to Emily's hounding him like a dog on the blood scent.


I guess the strain was too much on the car, and he nearly spun out. Fast as thought, Emily darted inside.


She had him finished then, but she continued to pour it on with reckless abandon.


"Mein... Gott..."



I dared speak.

“Ummm... Emily... you can ease up, you're over seven seconds ahead.”

She did visibly relax a bit, but she remained silent. Didn't slow down a bit, though, from what I could tell.


“Ok, Emily, that's it. Slow down before we both die.”

She glared at me, but reduced the speed from insane to a near-insane velocity.


As we crossed the line and came in after the cooldown lap, Emily had an unreadable expression on her face.

She pulled the car in and parked next to my GT-R. I undid the belts as fast as I could, and practically ran out of the car.

Emily walked over to where I was sitting on the ground, leaning against the GT-R's tire. I had gotten my iPod in my ears and was listening to The Wicker Man from Iron Maiden, trying to calm down. Her driving had shaken me to the core, and I needed to unwind.

“John... I'm sorry... I just lost it. Tony has been pursing me for years... and I wanted to make him so mad he'd forget me, so I tried to beat him as badly as possible. Do you forgive me for scaring you to death?”

She seemed... apologetic and understanding.

“I suppose. But don't ever drive like that again.”

“She definetly won't.”

The voice that came from behind us was full of suppressed rage.

Emily whirled around to face a red-faced Tony standing next to his RX-7.

“How could you possibly humiliate me any more badly? I lost all my reputation here because of you, you little :censored.: Go burn in hell.”

“Go 🤬 yourself.”

“Oh, so the little spitfire wants to play? Sure, now that we're on even ground – hey, who's this little dirtbag of a man here? This your new boyfriend or something?”

Emily was getting as red as her hair, and I assumed that she would snap in a minute. I carefully eased open the Nissan's left front door and surreptiously reached for the glove box, hoping I had had the foresight to put my ex-military issue... item... in there.

It was, and my hand closed around it. I kept my hand shielded from view as the confrontation escalated.

“Look, you gonna keep being a fat :censored, baby? Don't run with this hustler – come with me!”

“You're a hustler yourself, you dumb, retarded womanizer who thinks he's the world's greatest ladies' man, who also has never had a girl in his whole entire life!”

Emily had yelled out the last part, and everyone had looked over. A few guys with Silvias were pointing and laughing at Tony. He noticed them, and his expression grew ever so more murderous.

“Ok, you little 🤬 - so you think you're smart? I'll go kill your damn worthless parents, then kill you.”

He suddenly pulled a knife from his jeans. I saw Emily stumble and fall – he darted for her – and I pulled my MP9 machine pistol out and fired a shot into the air.

Tony froze in place. In fact, everyone in the area looked around for the source of the shot, stunned. All eyes were now on us – and our confrontation.
Emily began to inch away from him, and he made a motion toward her, but this time I had the gun pointed at him.

“You – Tony, or whatever your name is – get out of here. NOW.”

“Never. She's my girl – and I'm not having some white trash take her from me.”

I shifted my aim slightly and shot right over his left shoulder. All the practice as a shooting champion in my youth paid off along with the military training, and I didn't hit him. Rustled his shirt, maybe.

He looked shocked, and froze in place, his face as white as a sheet.

I repeated my statement, and he wavered on his feet without saying anything. I said it again, and he swayed a bit.

Emily had, by this time, gotten behind me.

I repeated my order one last time, and Tony swayed a lot more, then... threw up, right all over the hood of his RX-7 while fainting onto the ground.

“Oh lord... that's gross.”

Emily was on her knees, shaking with suppressed mirth.

“Come on, get up... Don't want any more problems here....”

Crap. Here come the track authorities. Am I screwed?

I quickly threw the gun into the still-open glove box, then reached inside the GT-R and shut that. I was prepared for the worst.

The officials looked askance at the still form of Tony, sidestepped the barf, and addressed Emily, who was still on the ground, shaking in laughter.

“Mrs... Rostock?”

After a minute, she looked up again.


She still was giggling uncontrollably, and I took charge.

“I'll speak for her, since she's... uhhh... incapacitated at the moment.”

“Fine with us. This is her prize money of $3,750 she has won... Are you by any chance, Mr... van Druten?”

“The one and the same.”

“We have a letter for you. Take it as well as the cash.”

I accepted the package from the official, pulled Emily upright and onto her feet, and opened the box.

“Just money...”

“Hey... why did I win less than you did?”

I hadn't noticed that, but she had won less than I did.

“Good question... Did you see the field of drivers I faced compared to you?”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

(Well, maybe not. Might only be getting 70% of what male drivers make. But I wasn't gonna tell her that.)

She had recovered fully by then.

“Open the letter, then.”

I did so, and I read with a growing mix of dread, curiosity, and excitement.

“Dear Mr. van Druten (and Miss Rostock):

I am Oda Tayatabayeshi, current member of the HKS USA informal racing team. I do drive a HKS-themed drift car, though – I'm a professional drifter myself.

I belive that you, Mr. van Druten (and Miss Rostock) have very good skills as a racer, and I would to meet you (both) sometime later today to discuss driving for HKS. You (both) are very talented drivers, and I'd love to see you race – but not without having a.. guiding hand, the correct term is, in your efforts. In short, I'd like to hire you (both).

Meet me on Route 281 outside of Infineon – in the outskirts, the forest road. (You should know where I mean, Miss Rostock) in 45 minutes. I hopefully will see you there soon.”

We both looked at the paper in shock.

“I've heard of him... He's been the dominant racer in the D1GP series for the past eight years for now.”

“Do you trust him? I think that this was originally only meant for me – see how it looks like he's added you in in points.”

“Yeah... That's odd. Unless... He just composed this.”

“How can you tell?”

“Look what's sitting up on the hill over there.”

I looked, and was a little shocked.

“Well... Do we believe his letter?”

She thought for a minute.

“Yes. I think we can trust him.”



“I think they've gotten the letter and noticed us.”

“Probably so. I'll head to the rendezvous, then.”

“You do that. I'll see you in Seattle within a week.”



We made our way to Route 281 with only the GT-R – Emily wanted to drop the Lotus and all the money off, and I couldn't argue with her.

Along the side of the road, we noticed a car sitting there, waiting.


“That's his car, alright. Didn't think it's street-legal, but sure.”

I parked behind him, and we both slowly got out. A guy was leaning against the back trunk, smoking a cigarette. He had a HKS firesuit on, and a odd black-and-white trimmed helmet was lying on the wing of the Silvia.

“You must be Mr. Oda Tayatabayeshi.”


He took a long pull on the cigarette, then threw it to the ground. Emily made a face of disgust as he did this.

He noticed that, and said;

“I'm entitled to my vices, aren't I?”

“That doesn't bother me – littering does.”

“An excellent point, but I'm not doing anything about it. Now... You are Mr. John van Druten and Miss Emily Rostock, am I correct?”


“Of course.”

“Alright... You may have guessed that I sent that letter not 30 minutes ago, and I did see that you noticed me and a friend sitting on the hill outside the racetrack in our cars. Good observation, and the correct one.”

“Who was the silver car's driver, and how did you see us?”

“Binoculars. A friend, and one you will meet sooner, rather than later. Now, to business... I, as a representative of HKS USA, would like to hire you both for our racing teams. There's only one other like-minded member at the moment – due to some unforseen circumstances, we needed to rebuild the informal team into a formal one. You'd both be under a free-range contract – you race where you want, as long as I or another team leader approves the venue. You keep all your race winnings and trophies and such – we just want visible faces for the next generation of racers.”

He paused for a moment, then continued.

“The idea behind this was to take young talent, give them a ride, and see what they could do with it. I know from... past experiences... that you, Mr. van Druten, are an excellent racer. Miss Rostock has untapped potential, and I did not see it until earlier today. Since you both have your own tuned cars already, we don't need to go pick one out for you. We also pay for all the travel expenses – food, flights, and such. And Mr. van Druten – your cousin Rex knew about this, since he's the one who contacted us originally. I do hope you both accept.”

I looked at Emily, my decision already made. She gulped, silent as a mouse, then slowly nodded.

“We both accept.”

“Excellent! Here is the contract, you can read through it. Also... this is the communications phones we use, you both get one.”

I read through the contract, which didn't have any hidden catches at all – I'm good with legal issues because I worked in the legal department of my office job.

Emily took the phones and looked them through. Nothing wrong with those, either.

“Do you have a pen?”

“Here. Sign there...”

We both signed, and he accepted the contracts.

“Ok... The next team meeting is in Seattle, in a week... You'll meet my friend with the silver car, along with the other team member. I, unfortunately, have a D1GP event that day in New York, so I cannot make it. Good to meet you two.”

With that, he tore off in the Silvia.

We looked at each other in silent agreement, and headed back to Emily's house. (The agreement? More like an understanding of the question "What the hell is going on?")

Fin Chapter XI
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. ;)
Just to let you know - I will be away from Friday - Sunday night.

Expect the next chapter Monday morning.
One day late, but up. (I'm sick though - throat sore as hell, and ears are screwed up.)


Chapter XII:

Emily was quiet for the entire drive back to her house. I was still a bit anxious about the entire thing, but I trusted Emily's judgement of how it went. But something made me trust the Oda guy. He didn't seem like a liar or idiot – when I read the contract, I inferred that HKS just wants publicity, and this guy was the PR gopher.

I pulled into the driveway, and Emily got out.

“Wait here – I can't tell if my dad's back or not.”

I waited for a little bit, then I heard two voices yelling. I got out, concerned – but the yelling died away.

Emily came out – and motioned me to stay put. She then went back in.

She came back out of the house with three bags full of clothes and other items.

“What's going on...”

“Don't ask. Get in the car. We're going to your house.”


“John, I love my father and my mother dearly. Don't you?

“Maybe... if I still had a father who I hadn't spoken to in ten years.”

I walked out and sat in the Nissan, rattled. I hated any mention of my father – I still have not ever forgiven him for making me go through all the pain I dealt with. I shouldn't have snapped at Emily... But I couldn't help it.

Emily walked back out a few minutes later, and threw her stuff in the trunk of the Lotus. She motioned for me to lead, though were we were going, I had no idea.

Later that day, on the road...

Without paying attention, I had driven back toward my house without even noticing where I was going for the past five hours.

Emily had stayed silent the entire time, and she was obviously very mad with me.


John really disliked his father, but I still don't understand WHY. They obviously had a falling-out, but over what, I couldn't fathom. That last comment he had made shocked me – his mother had seemed so nice when I had met her.

What had happened to this guy?




Damn... John is going to love this thing when I finish it. I haven't worked on a full-bred race car since 1995, but still... This is a masterpiece. All I have left to do is dial in the power upgrades and suspension, and then I can get the Supra back for my customer.



This is a beast, waiting to be let out of it's hidden lair. Hopefully he can use this... tool.. wisely.



I pulled into the familiar driveway of my own house. The Supra was exactly where I had left it, along with my mother's Buick besides it.

The garage opened fine, and I motored the GT-R back to where it had started from.

The car still amazed me. I appreciated whoever had tuned it even more ever since the Infineon race – for without that, I would have been toast.

I went inside after opening the door for Emily, and stopped short.

WHAT... THE... HELL...

Emily was giggling uncontrollably at the changes that had taken place while I was gone for such a short time. Doilies on every couch and conceiveable surface. The place was covered in fake, purple flower decorations. My computer desk now had a vase with tiger lilies in it. But... what got me was Bangles, dressed up in a purple sweater and matching hat.


“Not much, John. Why do you ask?”

My mother had appeared at the top of the stairs, wearing a dress with printed... pork chops... on it.

Emily fell to the ground laughing. I guess I was getting redder and redder in the face, because my mom then said:

“Well, it makes it look nicer. All my friends have complimented me on what a nice house you have.”

I just looked at her and shook my head. I paid the price of having my mother do something good for once...


John's mother has got to be one of those laidies who imprint their personality whereever they go. It was so funny, I couldn't help myself. When I recovered and got up, John had went somewhere while his mom was now watching TV.

I got up after putting my bags in the other guest room (The one that had been untouched – or at least not reached yet) and went back into the living room.

“Do you know where John went?”

“Probably getting a drink to calm himself down. Only time he ever does drink.”

“Why, though? He should have been laughing about it.”

“He usually doesn't react that badly. But... My guess is that he was going to try to impress you – are you mad with him right now?”

Her calm acceptance of me got her my trust.

“Not really... I thought that he was just heartless when I asked him if he ever cared about his mother and father like I do.”

“Oh, great... Never ask him questions like that... The subject of his father is a touchy one.”

I was a little unnerved now, but I kept going.

“He said he had never forgave him... for past pain he made John experience. Is this true?”

She sighed, then responded.

“Put it this way – I only stayed with Steven because of John. I would have left a long time ago myself. Steven was... not the best father, put it that way. He hated anything to do with racing and would beat John if he was near anything involving cars, racing, or even mentions of the two. Although... he never said why, but he always had a gun with him. Said he had a lot of past enemies.”

I was surprised at this.

“Maybe... That's why he won't speak about it to me.”

“Don't ever try to ask him about it. EVER.”

I was really upset now, but I couldn't tell why. What is wrong with me...?


I reach for the bottle only to drown my troubles when the pain is unbearable. It was 4 years since I had last had a drink, and I choked down the brew with tears forming in my eyes. This isn't how regular life is... and it never will be the same for me. Or maybe this was the bottle talking.

After I had recovered, I checked the time. Found out that three hours had passed, and now it was 10:30 PM. I went upstairs and just fell into bed, not caring anymore. Emily and my mom had gone to bed, so I just lay there, staring at the ceiling.

The next morning...

Ugh. I feel like crap. Damn hangovers. That was only two beers... but they were some potent Texas beer called Shiner Bock, I think. I slowly got out of bed, feeling every ache and pain all over. I looked over at the clock. Only 8:32 AM... Still, I better get up. Not going to want to get out of bed again. MUST. GET. UP.

Emily was still in bed, but my mom was up and running the house like it was her own. Breakfast was made, and everything was spotless. I shuffled over to the computer, and began playing some Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

I was failing so hard because of my hangover, I stopped playing and went to the sink. Or was this after I hit my head on the monitor? I don't know.

“What are you doing?”

I ignored my mom's question and filled the sink with ice-cold water. I then plunged my face into it.


I had lain awake last night thinking about my talk with John's mom. I had learned a lot – but knowledge can be bad – or even dangerous, sometimes. What had made John so angry with his dad?

When I woke up, I was in a cold sweat. Some of my old nightmares had troubled me last night. I shakily got out of bed and went into the kitchen.

John's mom was making breakfast, while John had... dunked... his head in the sink, which was full of water – I was guessing cold, because he looked totally shocked as he came back out and got a towel.

“You awake now?”

“Yeah... Hate doing that, but it cures hangovers.”

She wasn't lying then... he HAD been drinking last night. But... he looked gorgeous with the long black hair. Damn...

“Well... we going to Seattle today?”

“Not yet. I have to take the Supra back.”

“Oh yeah...”

“You want to come with me after breakfast?”

“No... I'd like to stay this time.”

“That's fine.”

He seemed a little upset for a moment, but it passed.

After we had breakfast (pancakes and Italian sausage), John headed out in the Supra.

I decided to explore the town of Dapplering, Montana, as Mrs. van Druten said it was.


Fudge... I really did screw up this time. She's afraid of me... Shouldn't have drank, but I needed to. I'm not an alcoholic in any way... but I needed it that time.

The Supra felt a lot different than the GT-R – slighly more twitchy, now that I was used to the GT-R, but workable nonetheless. A good example of what a car that I've hated for so long now can be.

As I pulled into the shop, I noticed a race car that I didn't recognize sitting in one of the garage bays. The general shape of the car seemed familiar, though...

Rex came out of his office a minute later, saw me, and quickly shouted orders to some of his workers in a language I didn't recognize. Sounded like Russian, though.

The three workers threw a tarp over the race car before I could see anymore of it. I was a little mystified, but I let it pass.

“Hey, John... I see you brought the Supra back – and just in time, too. The owner comes in three hours for it.”

“It wasn't yours?”

“Of course not – I was tuning it for someone. He noticed it in the race you ran in on Saturday and got suspicious. He told me he was coming today to check on it.”

I just started laughing – this guy still had the same nutjob personality he'd always had, even after ten years.

“Well... Ricky's Camaro is ready for him.”

“I thought it was junked...”

“No, his project car – remember the 2000 Camaro he told me to work on? It's finally done.”

My mind flashed back to when Ricky had told me he bought a newer orange-colored Camaro SS as a project.

“If he was in any condition to drive it, he would appreciate it. I can take it to his house, if you'd like.”

“Maybe... I'd like you to see how it feels – I don't think it's my best work, the thing was hard to tune...”

“Yeah. I'll test it. And... I can go visit Ricky.”

Crap, I had forgotten to visit him in the hospital. Not good.

“Good idea. And about the S2000 – I'm improving it.”

“It was fine the way it was.”

“ A little bird once told me that if you can make something better that seems to be perfect, it isn't perfect. That, and Oda told me to upgrade the S2000 for you.”

“How did he... Oh. You really are an asshat, aren't you?"

I had forgotten that Rex was the one who had contacted Oda in the first place.


“Well... Thanks, I guess.”

“You'll love it. Here are the keys to the Camaro – it's right over there.”

I looked in the direction, and saw a god-awfully colored Day-Glo Orange Camaro with a shopping cart handle on the back of it.

“Before you say a word, the damn thing needed it to stay glued to the road. No freaking rear weight, even after I dropped the power output – he must have got it used from a drag racer, because of the crap that had been done to it...”

I got in the thing and fired the engine up. It had a growl like an angry dog – not pleasing to me. I hit the gas like usual in the GT-R, and somehow did a 360-degree spin.

Rex came over.

“Crap... Hit the little red button on the console twice, then try again.”

I did so, and was rewarded with no wheelspin – but a lot less power to the wheels.

“I installed a power breaker switch – it controls the LSD and TCS settings.”

“Alright, I'll tell Ricky about it when I see him.”


The thing felt like a land yacht, but handled well enough. It was apt to understeer to a point, then snap into oversteer.


It was alright, but limited by its capabilites.



“We have movement.”

“Excellent... find out where he is going... and then eliminate him. Oda has taken a step against us, and he will pay – but they will pay first.”

“On it. We'll do it tonight.”

“That is fine. But do not fail – the boss is getting impatient now. Godspeed.”

Fin Chapter XII
DK is not the only one nervous around here... I'm nervous too..

EDIT: 1996th post (birthday year)
Last edited:
The boss is the one who ordered the guy in the SL to hit John when he was with the S2000. John did beat him back in Infineon with the GT-R. The guy in the SL has now been ordered to follow John who is now found driving the red Camaro and kill him.

Hope I'm right. :lol:

2000th post! WAAAAHOOOOOOOO!
The boss is the one who ordered the guy in the SL to hit John when he was with the S2000. John did beat him back in Infineon with the GT-R. The guy in the SL has now been ordered to follow John who is now found driving the red Camaro and kill him.

Hope I'm right. :lol:

2000th post! WAAAAHOOOOOOOO!

Close, but no cigar.

Boss won't be shown truly as he truly is until later.

And gratz.
Here again with the next installment.


Chapter XIII:

(Starting with Emily this time.)

This town seems so nice and quiet. The racetrack had been closed until the weekend, and there was no sign of traffic. A small town, not many people around. So... peaceful. The only thing that seemed out of place was the giant hospital in the downtown area – heck, the hospital WAS the downtown area.

I asked a guy walking by me about the hospital.

“The company that does racetrack safety ordered a hospital to be built if we wanted to keep the racetrack. The community loves the track like it's a child – of each and every one of us.”

I decided to go check it out. Might be some racing history in there, because the track and its attached museum were closed.


I motored this giant rolling turd to the hospital parking lot. It was a fine car for Ricky – but not me.

Rex obviously had tried his best, but the thing was a piece of junk when it was assembled at the factory.

I walked in and got another shock. I saw Emily browsing the racing history wall on the left side with an expression of pure interest. I carefully made my way to the counter and asked the receptionist where Ricky was located.

“He's in room 233, third floor. He might be asleep – I don't know.”

I made my way silently to the elevator, and got in.


Was that John? I thought I had caught a glimpse of him going into the elevator over there.

The receptionist noticed me and motioned me over.

“You looking for the guy that just went in there?”

“Yes, if you don't mind.”

“He asked for a... Ricky... Robledo, who is in room 233, third floor.”



I made my way up to where Ricky was. As I walked in, I was prepared for the worst. He had a full body cast, but wasn't on a respirator or anything like that.

“John... I itch.”

I had to laugh at that. That's his biggest complaint?

“Damn... this is so annoying. Can't move well – even if I could, broken legs don't help.”

I sat down beside him.

“You in any pain?”

“Not really, anymore. They got me running some morphine and such to kill the pain... ach. Damn padding. Soooo... itchy....”

“I can't do much about that, besides pour Drano into your suit thing. Listen...”


I had to take the stairs, and was out of breath by the time I got to the third floor. I went to the room the receptionist had specified, and stood in the doorway. I could hear two low voices, one of them John's, the other not one I had ever heard – but the one I assumed to be this Ricky dude.

“You mean... Rex really got the car done?”

“Yeah... I gave him my winnings to pay for it. I know you don't have the money now, because of being in this rattrap of money-grubbing fools, but I can manage.”

“But... That's yours! Keep it!”

“No, I don't need it... I really don't.”

I slipped away in tears. He gave his winnings up? He needs that to live! I can't pay for his life... But maybe he DOES care.


I went home with a sense of goodness inside me. It felt good helping Ricky out – and giving him some company. Poor guy had no one all this time...

I drove the Camaro to Ricky's house, put it in his garage, and walked home. Only about two miles – but it was a easy walk – all downhill, actually.

When I got back, my mom had left for some random thing she did with her friends. Emily wasn't around, but her car was here – so I assumed my mother had taken her with me.


I made my way back to John's house with my head in a fog. Due to John's harsh words on his father, I had inferred he cared for no one but his mother anymore – and maybe me. He did have friends, and he did care about them. It amazed me that'd he give up his winnings to take care of a friend – he needs the money to keep his house, pay the bills, and such! Either he didn't care and was banking on his getting a lot of winnings – or taking my money – or he just does things for friends.

It took me about two hours to get back, and the sun was dimming by then. The Buick from earlier – I was guessing that this was Mrs. van Druten's car – was still gone, but my Lotus was still there.

I let myself in the house.


I had decided to make dinner for my mom and Emily to be nice – my mom would have had a meal ready, but she was still at her whatchamacallit event thingy. The chicken had been barbequed to perfection, the pasta dish was ready, and I was working on the salad when I heard the door slam.

It was Emily, and she looked like she had been crying.

“Em... What's wrong?”

She didn't appear to hear me at first, but she finally responded.

“You... you... you gave up your race winnings... for your friend?”

Oh, amazing. How had she found out? I wasn't going to tell her I had done that...

“You don't approve?”

“No... It's... just... I had thought... you didn't care about.... anyone... especially your mom... or even... me...”

“Why would you – Oh... damn. That's... my fault for making you feel that way because of what I had said about my dad...”

She came up the stairs and pressed close to me.

“It's ok... I had talked to your mom, and got the... impression... that you both didn't like your dad.”

I put my arms around her carefully. She didn't pull away, so I just held her close.

“He... was a hard man... to like, if anyone could like him.”

“I understand now, though... you do care. I... was at the hospital... and listened to your conversation...”

“Then I did see you there. Ricky would have liked to have met you... he's fine, or as fine as a guy can be after he nearly died. Even with the bad sense of humor.”

“Hmmm...? He... nearly... died?”

Oh, right. I had forgotten that she wasn't there – I think.

“Didn't you hear about the guy... who had crashed his Camaro?”

“Not... really.... That was him...?”

“Yes... He almost died from the crash. Someone in a red... Mitsubishi something... pulled him out of the water.”

She looked up into my eyes, and gently nuzzled my chest. I held her a little more, then she broke off. She wasn't mad – she just looked... a mixture of tired, content, and sadness.

“You want dinner?”

“That'd... be nice. You made... it all?”

“All except the salad at the moment... Let me finish that...”

“Can I help?”

“Sure... Do you mind setting the table for three?”

She shook her head, so I opened the cabinets and let her pick and choose.

After I had finished the salad, I heard the door open and slam shut again, then my mother's voice wafted up the stairs, complaining about how they had crappy food and other nonsense.. I looked over at Emily and gave her a quick, knowing smile. She grinned back, then sat down and waited.

My mother came up with her shopping bags in one hand, and a coupon for a local diner in the other hand. She stopped short with astonishment after seeing the food and the immaculately set table.

“Wow, John... you do impress me sometimes.”

“I try...” (I hope, I wish...)


“That was an excellent meal. Let me help clean up-”

“No, no, Mrs. van Druten. John and I have it... Go rest... you've had a long day...”

“Well, I suppose you're right... but I catch you doing any funny business with my son and I'll tan your hide. You've been warned..."

Emily and I burst out laughing as my mom stalked away.

We got everything cleaned up by 8:00 PM, and we both headed off to the shower and then to bed – but only after Emily had given me a kiss.

The next day...

I woke up feeling a lot better about myself, but rudely awakened by something vibrating on my desk. At least now, Emily understood me a little better. But... That phone I had gotten from Oda was flashing. And vibrating. And annoying the 🤬 out of me. Already.

I picked it up and read;

Where were you yesterday? I was told you weren't there... New meeting this morning, instead. - Oda

Dang.... I had forgotten about the meeting. I got up and told Emily about this (she was already up & ready – and it was only 7:30 AM. And I seriously thought... a few days ago she slept in... What's going on...)

“That's why I had gotten up – mine went off as well. I was going to get you up... but I suppose we have to go, don't we?”

“Yeah... Is getting breakfast on the way there fine with you?”


She gently kissed me as I went into my room to get ready.

We took just the GT-R for now.

An hour later...

“McDonald's coffee still sucks. Tastes like wet cardboard.”

(Editor's Note - This is from real-life experience. Totally serious.)

“We should have gone to Drunkin' Donuts.”


It took us only two hours total to get to Seattle. The sun was still coming up, for some odd reason...

“Jeez... Last time I was here was for a Packers-Seahawks football game. It's changed a lot since then... The King Dome is still standing – I thought it was destroyed, though.”

“I read about that too... I wonder why...”

The HKS phones began ringing again. That ringtone was retarded as can be...

“Alright... You there yet?”


“Excellent... there's a... blue Subaru Legacy parked around here – like half a mile down the road. The driver is one of the other members, and he'll show you around.”


Emily hung up and gave me a worried look.

“You nervous?”

“Kind of...”

“A blue Legacy... Haven't heard of any racers owning or using one... He didn't say what year, though.”


I motored Songbird down the road, and sure enough, at the end of it, was a blue newer model Subaru Legacy with gold wheels sitting in a rest area.


Fin Chapter XIII