Pain & Heaven: Finale - Volume One (8/2/12)

  • Thread starter Anathema
John has got to weigh (a) the necessity of having a car for work and such, over (b) an intense dislike.
Oh, you'll see.

It won't figure AS prominently, because I can't find the right setup for drifting it (either too much power or not enough.)

It will be back... in one form, or another.
Chapter VII:

(Back to John again. Really short one, sorry.) If you are dissapointed, THIS should make up for it.

This... Emily Rostock... intrigued me. She seemed very nice, but she also seemed to know what was going on inside my head – at least as far as I could tell. And this... GT-R... Is this some kind of sick joke? The EXACT copy of my first car, which was a 1991 Nissan Skyline GT-R N1. That one I know got demolished – went to the wrecker. But... Seeing this...'copy'... again makes my head spin.

The only thing that I could tell that was different was that this one had gobs more power – my old one was nearly stock. Same growl of the engine and exhaust.

Emily's car was also a mystery in itself. The tuning methods were nearly identical to Rex's, plus that name... Roger Peterson. I knew I had heard that somewhere before... But how she knew him, I had no idea. Emily was hot, for sure, but she had a kind heart and a good head on her shoulders...

It seemed like no time at all, but in reality the drive took only half an hour. When we got to my house, I pulled the GT-R into the garage. I popped the hood, and was amazed. It was in immaculate condition – like it had never been used at all. The dash gauges had said only 10,000 miles – but I was stunned at how... perfect... the car was. Smooth as the day it was created...

Then I remembered the Supra and Emily. I went back outside after closing the garage, and Emily was still there, sitting in her Lotus. She had that glassy-eyed look my mother gets when she is thinking hard. The official who had driven the Supra here had left, which puzzled me – until I noticed the note under the wiper blade of the Supra with the key attached to it.:

“Got a ride back, don't worry.”

At least that cleared THAT up. I then tapped on the window of the Carlton, and Emily jumped. I hid a smile, because my mother acted the same exact way. I opened the car door and let her inside the house.

“Wow... this is nice for a guy who lives alone.”

I snorted.

“That's the way Bangles likes it.”

“Where is she?”

Obvious hiding spot number one: under the end table in the living room. And sure enough, as soon as I called her name, she came running out at full speed – into Emily.

“Awww... she's so cute.”

“Took me forever to find her when I first got her. Hid everywhere...”

“How old is she?”

“Only two years, if I remember right.”

After I made a simple dinner (Simple, in my book, is a chili dish with fried chicken – one of the only good things my mom taught me) she just sat down with me.

“Hey... what is really bothering you?”

I looked into those bright blue eyes.

“Just... I wonder if there isn't some psycho running this world sometimes.”

“Well... Can you tell me why you feel that way?”

This was going to be hard...

“...Alright. I didn't tell the full truth – when I got hit in the S2000, I think that someone was trying to hurt me so that I couldn't compete, or at the very worst, kill me.”

She was silent for a minute.

“Do you have any enemies?

“Not that I know of...”

She sighed under her breath.

“Wait... That idiot in the GT-R today, Harada. What about-”

“This happened yesterday.”

“Oh... I have no idea then. For all my skill as a professional psychologist-”

“Hold it... there are amateur psychologists?”

She punched me in the leg – I deserved it. One of Ricky's bad jokes...

“Sorry. Had to say that – a friend taught me it.”

“Well at least you have friends.”

And with that, she walked into the guest bedroom and shut the door. I was left to ponder that cryptic last word she gave me...

Fin Chapter VII

Special treat: This helluva song.

To be honest I found that joke funny. I still have trouble imagining Emily as being pretty because Emily is my sister's name. :yuck: Infact that's a lie, I just see the name as Emma and I can imagine it. ;) Nice chapter. 👍
To be honest I found that joke funny. I still have trouble imagining Emily as being pretty because Emily is my sister's name. :yuck: Infact that's a lie, I just see the name as Emma and I can imagine it. ;) Nice chapter. 👍

You can imagine the name as what you like. It was the first thing I thought of (after my girlfriend's name.) She wouldn't have liked that, though.

My dad usually does those crap jokes, so instantly I remembered of him :lol:

How true - that's where I got this one from.

Dads and their crappy jokes FTW! 👍

Also, 100 posts of thread. Wow, made it this far (this time.)
Just to let you all know - Chapter 20 is the endpoint for Volume One. The Conclusion is a separate Volume.

I felt the need to split it due to the inclusion of five extra chapters (it's the way it turned out, now bumping it up to 30 chapters total) and the... epicness of the conclusion (all 5-10 chapters of it.)
No photos... Can't find ones I like.

Chapter VIII:

I got up early. I had figured I had really pissed Emily off, and so I decided to take a little drive. I went into the garage and looked at that GT-R. Was it really a dream?

Nope. It still was there.

I fired the RB26DETT up, and took off around the streets.

God, this is a blessing. Or maybe not. Just like in the past...


Ugh... last night was horrible. I never sleep well in someone else's house – especially with a mad cat laying on my head. Barely got any sleep. Still... John meant well, but... He's got some issues that he needs to deal with. Something is eating away at him inside – something bad in the past? I don't know.

I got up and walked into the kitchen. No coffee made, nothing ready. I didn't notice anything odd – except his cat meowing at the door.

“Sigh... you obviously didn't get to go outside, did you?”

I let her out, then looked for some breakfast. Cereal... crap. Pancakes... crap. Bleh... What does this guy eat? I made a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich, and sat down.

“Damn... this is a nice table.”

I didn't see this until now, but it was a black marble table. Never heard of that before.


I downshifted and apexed the corners. The GT-R's engine sounded like the song of angels as I sped through the El Capitan area. I let instict take over – late brake, then nail the apexes and hit the gas out of the turn.


“Sigh... Why isn't he up yet?”

I looked in his room after knocking. What I saw shocked me. It was immaculate – neat as can be. Guys that live alone... aren't usually neat, in my experience. Dresser, end table, bed – all perfect. A sudden desire to look in his closet (for skeletons) overcame me.

Suits, ties, clean white shirts... Just like the career office worker.

But... something blue in the back caught my eye.

I pulled it out and gasped.


I wanted to name this GT-R “Songbird”. The name fit well – but I had never NAMED a car before. Only old men with children do that – but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I realized an hour had passed, and I decided to drive home. The car responded to the slightest touch – if ever a car could be perfect, this would be it.


“No... this isn't possible.”

I was holding a racing firesuit with “CALSONIC” emblazed across the front, with your affilation stickers all over.

I knew my uncle had once said;

“Calsonic... is a very stringent racing team. Only the best are allowed on their racing teams. I used to be on one myself – until I was injured in late 1992 and some kid named John...something-or-other... took my place. Best damn kid I ever met – so nice, but so intense when he raced. After he won the 1995 JGTC and DTM series', he dissapeared. Don't know what happened to him.”

“But... Why did he leave if he was so good?”

“The answer is in your question – dominant racers don't make a lot of friends. I'm not as good as he was – I did have a few good friends, though. He had none – not because he was mean, but because no one could touch him.”

I don't remember why I had asked Uncle Louis about his past racing career – for at that time my dad came home and kicked Louis out, saying “You are corrupting my daughter! Get the 🤬 out of this house!”

That day was also the day I bought my Lotus.

I heard the garage door – or at least I think that's what it was – open, then a engine that I recognized as that GT-R's.

John must have been taking it out for a drive.


I walked in with a sinking feeling. Was Emily still mad at me?

There was a plate in the open dishwasher, and the peanut butter was still out.


I froze. Was he going to get mad that I was looking through his stuff? You can never tell with guys.


I put the peanut butter away, and booted the laptop up. Hmmm, new message from work...


I got the racing suit back where it was, just in time to hear cursing. I ran into the living room, where John was swearing under his breath.

“Really? REALLY? Goddamn idiots...”

He looked up and saw me. I guess I looked scared or something, because he froze. Well... I kinda was. Almost had been discovered snooping.


“Hey... sorry about last night. I guess I was mad because I don't like it when people take my job less than seriously.”

“That was my fault. Guess I was uptight...”


Ok, good. Glad that she isn't raging. But I am.

“What's wrong now?”

This really pissed me off. 8 years of loyalty, excellent service.

“...I got... fired.”

“Oh no... Why?”

“Something about an anti-racing policy I never heard about before... New management decided to enforce it starting this week. That's what just got me fired, for racing these past 2 days. They must have seen it on TV...”

She sat right next to me with her arm around me. That froze me for a second – she must have some feelings for me. I don't know how to respond to that, because... I never have loved anyone?


“Shh. I can help you out if you need money.”

I thought about that for a minute.

“I don't need any money, really... I just need something to DO.”

She sat up, pondering the problem.

“Ummm... Why not... go racing?”

She seemed... worried. Nervous. That was the best way to put it. I thought for some more time.

“Maybe. I... I really don't think I can.”

“But you're good! I saw you yesterday, and you used to-”

She quickly fell silent, but I had automatically guessed what she had somehow learned. She looked really afraid. I wasn't angry – just that I had no desire to live the past again.

“Well... Since I'm guessing... that you might know I used to be a professional racer at one point. How do you know that? I never tell anyone about my past."

She told me about what her uncle had said, and how she had found the firesuit that I kept as a reminder of how things could have been different.

“Ugh... there isn't any easy way to say this... but... there's been a lot of stuff that's happened in the past that resulted from me taking that ride. I nearly died from it – and ever since then, I've tried to resist the call of the race – but I couldn't do that this weekend.”

She was silent for a minute.

“Well... Can you tell me? I won't tell a soul.”

“Hmmm....Not that I don't trust you, but this was really bad. I...I...can't tell it. Or... at least... right now.”

She nodded.

“I understand...”

My mind still flashed back to that fateful day, against my will...

It was a long day, the longest of that week. Late summer of 1995. I had been pushing myself to the limit in order to keep my massive lead in the points standings in the JGTC. Me and Rex were working overtime on the setup for the Fuji race – a place where I had never won at. Always something bad had happened in the two prior years I had raced – a blown engine, then a crash on the final lap. A win here would give me enough points to win the championship for the third year in a row.

But... something very bad happened during the race.

There was a massive wreck on the third lap. A Toyota Supra had rolled over after being spun out on the front straight. The car was destroyed, and the driver died instantly. Something... inside of me had broken, because it happened right in front of me.

I saw him dying. I tried to get him out of the burning car, but I was too late before it exploded into flames. But... I couldn't save him.

That day, my father had secretly come to the races. After I had finally won the race, he stormed into the victory circle. He accused me of not doing enough to save the driver of the Supra. While everyone else was in shock, I knelt down and said that, “In my mind, you are right. I will retire after this year.”

I did as I said, and dissapeared from public view. I can still see the eyes of my father, so... accusing.


Emily didn't say anything for a while when I was reliving that nightmare. Finally... she spoke.

“I know how you feel.”

“What can I do about it?”

“Go amend what you think was a wrong into a right. Although I don't know...what happened... I think that the only way you can stop this feeling is to amend it, even if you don't tell me what had happened.”

“I... guess.”

“I'll be there with you, every step of the way.”


“Well, because I like you, and you need a friend who can drive just as well as you can. Trial Mountain does not count.”

And with that, she threw herself in my arms and kissed me.

That felt... oddly good. I don't know why, but it did.

After a while, she broke off and just looked at me.

“So... you want me to come with you?”

“I guess. I need to call my mother to come over to care for Bangles.”

“Ok. I have a good idea of where to start – if you want to listen to me.”


“Let's go to my home... track, I suppose is what it is. Infineon Raceway.”

That was said and done. I packed my bags, and within an hour I was headed on the long drive to California – I was driving the GT-R, and Emily was driving the Lotus.


“Alright... he's still at his house, from what we can tell from the tracker on the Supra.”

“Something doesn't seem right... I wish I had a visual, though.”

“We can do a house check if you'd like.”

“Do it... Something... just isn't right.”

Fin Chapter VIII
That's a great chapter! That sucks that he wasted 10 years o his career. :( this reminds me of when Jacky Icx killed Stefan Bellof and retired from sports car racing.
That tracker has something to do with the Mercedes, so obvious. :lol:

Good thing he used the GT-R.

Well, of course. Everyone knows that a Mercedes is used by the 'bad guys' in any race story. Just continuing the tradition...

The tracker that the... unnamed... are using is this one:


I also suppose I should post a teaser photo, just to keep you all guessing (for my own amusement and pleasure, I might add.)

