Pain & Heaven: Finale - Volume One (8/2/12)

  • Thread starter Anathema
Still looking for it...:scared:

Don't worry - it IS somewhere in my house. Where exactly is the problem.

Skython - Yeah, I know... But, I've loved the track since the original GT (along with the ones that have been in every GT - Grand Valley, High Speed Ring, etc..)

And John's music tastes reflect my own tastes. So... You might see Queensryche, Rush, and Anathema sometime soon in the story... :sly:

nitrorocks - Thank you very much.

By the way... I never use nitrous in my GT cars (any of them.)

Chapter IV will now commence.


Chapter IV:

Well, I blew it. Just when I realized I needed money for Ricky, I dropped out of the race that I could I have paid his bills with if I had won. I'm usually not that big of a bonehead... But I can still be one sometimes.


Oh, you fool... Prepare to crash!


As I was lost in my thoughts, something slammed into the side of my S2000. I almost crashed into the bridge I was going over, but I just got my senses back enough to steer away.


Some Mercedes-Benz had hit me, but for what reason I had no idea. Until he tried to run me off the road again.



He shoved me into the right bunker and I lost control.


After I had stopped spinning, thanks to the sand area near where the Mercedes-Benz tried to make me crash, I got out and inspected the damage to my S2000. The left rear was crumpled inward, and the right side door was smashed in. There was a trail of brake fluid leaking as well, which didn't bode well.

I realized that I was only around 10 miles from the nearest auto parts/body shop, which happened to be the one my cousin Rex owned. The shop is a HKS shop, one of the original franchised ones in the United States. We go back awhile – I've known him since I was five. A good dude. Knows a hell of a lot about cars and car tuning.

I pulled in with fluid trailing from the left side, and my gauges telling me I was overheating as well. I was prepared to pay a really high repair bill with my race winnings – until I remembered that the money was for Ricky. Dammit... why did the fool have to go get himself almost killed?

Rex was working on some riced-out Nissan Silvia, but he recognized the S2000 immediately. He came over to where I was leaning against the driver's-side door of the S2000.

“Hey! John old buddy, what brings you back here so soon? Something happened to the S2000?”

“...Take a look for yourself.”

He walked around the car, stopped, and swore.

“What did you do?”

“Got ran into today.”

“...Wow... That's some serious damage....”

He got down and looked under the car for a minute or two, and got back up and out whistling.

“Not good. The left rear suspension is broken... And your brake line has cracked in the same location. I can fix it in... three weeks?”

I exhaled heavily. I don't have another street-legal car, and I don't have the money to get one anymore after I paid for Ricky's medical bills. There also isn't a bus service from my house to my job, and a taxi is too damn expensive these days. I used to use one for a while until they began charging a buck a mile. 60 miles a day? No way.

“I don't have the money for a rental, plus I don't have the money for repairs.”

“Don't worry, John. I won't charge you for this... Plus... I think I have a loaner I've been working on that you can use. See over there?”

I gave him a nasty look after I saw what he meant.

“Really? That's what you have in mind?”

“Yep. Only thing I have available that I've tuned. Well... except for Ricky's project I have for him. But I haven't finished the tuning yet. Only thing I got available – no lies.”

I thought for a few minutes.

“...Fine. I'll take it.”


He handed me the keys, and I gave him the S2000's spare key. I got in the.... unmentionable car, and headed home. God, Rex does know how to piss me off while doing a favor at the same time as well. He's a great car tuner – otherwise I wouldn't trust him to fix the S2000.

I could hear the turbos whooshing as I drove home. Despite my hatred for this... kind of car, it was an excellent machine. A very good example of Rex's skill with cars. No oversteer, and it felt light as a feather when turning. Just as good as the S2000 is, but with more power.

As I turned into the driveway, I noticed a black Buick sitting where the S2000 usually is. That obviously means... my mother had come to call. Could my day get any worse?


I haven't seen my mother in three years, ever since my dad died of a heart attack. She does have a key to my house, so she wouldn't be sitting in the Buick.

I went inside the house. My mom was sitting in the living room, watching TV while petting Bangles.

“There you are. I've been waiting since this morning for you to get back. Where have you been? You NEVER do ANYTHING on Saturdays. You sit at home, watching TV just like I'm doing. And why did you race today? I hate it when you do that.”

I sighed. Obviously, while she was watching TV, she had caught the race I was in. If there is one thing she doesn't like, it's me risking my life – or so she says every time I drive. Prototypical worrywart American mother.

“I did it for Ricky, not for any glory or money for myself,”

“Well, I KNOW that, but that doesn't make it any less safe.”

Here it is, the age-old safety argument. For the past three years, we've argued about this ever since my dad died. She keeps telling me to take a taxi each day, and I keep explaining to her how much it is. She still won't listen, though.

“Can we discuss something... else?”

“Of course. I set you up with a daughter of one of my friends. She's at that Trial Mountain thing for tomorrow's races, I think. Just like you. Her name is... Emily. Emily Rostock.”

Oh 🤬. She's tried to do this a few times before, but never this advanced. Another reason I live alone – I hate when people do stupid things like this.

Just then, my cellphone rang.

“You pick it up, John. Good to see you getting a call for once.”

I snorted and picked up the phone.


“This is the Trial Mountain Racing Association. We were informed that you decided not to run in tomorrow's race. However... We need a 6th driver for the final event. There's a $10,000 cash prize, by the way. Also a prize of a car, too. Although... I think you declined earlier?”

“I have no interest in money for myself or other cars. Give me a minute to decide.”

I turned away from the phone, and looked down for a moment.

“John, I'm surprised at you. That was very rude.”

“You're obviously going to say don't do it, right?”

“Of course not. Emily is at the track as well. Go meet her. Do something with your life. You need a strong woman in your life. Go make babies.”

Screw that. I was laughing inside at the last thing she had said... but she obviously wasn't going to relent, so I just gave up.

“Are you still there, Mr. van Druten?”


“So... Yes or no?”

“Fine. I will be there.”

“12:30 in the afternoon. And thanks for doing this.”

He hung up, right as I said;

“You're welcome, you money-greedy bastards.”

Fin Chapter IV
What is the horrible car! Come on! I'm dying here! :lol:

And is it wrong that I laughed at where you found your USB? I mean, I've heard people lose candy, TV remotes, and pencils in the couch, but seriously? :lol:
Never trust a dark-coloured Mercedes. :scared:
This is getting better and better. But poor S2000..

It will be back - but better. (That's a hint...)

Nice! I want to know what the mystery car is...

It's black...

I saw the pic of the Buick and i thought that was his loner car, because it has a turbo, but then i read on....

And a FR drivetrain. Not a second Buick (although that would be cool.)
It is a Japanese car, though.

What is the horrible car! Come on! I'm dying here! :lol:

And is it wrong that I laughed at where you found your USB? I mean, I've heard people lose candy, TV remotes, and pencils in the couch, but seriously? :lol:

I've lost worse in odder places - phone in a library's bathroom (:dopey:) and other rediculous places.

Alright... It's time to Guess the Mystery Car!

Winner recieves... Having their fanfic character (or themselves) in a cameo sometime in the story, driving a blue Nissan!

Hints are above, but reposted below:

~Black is a color option...
~FR drivetrain.
~Not a second Buick
~Japanese-made car.
Just read this from start to finish. Excellent story, looking forward to the next updates. :D
Toyota Supra?

Correct! We have a winner!

PM who you want the cameo character to be (I have the chapter pre-written, photos taken, and everything...)

Your character will be driving a Nissan R390 Road Car... :scared:
Correct! We have a winner!

PM who you want the cameo character to be (I have the chapter pre-written, photos taken, and everything...)

Your character will be driving a Nissan R390 Road Car... :scared:

So the winner of a question gets to be in the story?
Wow, incredible photo-editing work. 👍
The wheel didn't smash totally right.. but I'm pleased with it. I also spied something green in that photo... Didn't notice it was even there.