Pain & Heaven: Finale - Volume One (8/2/12)

  • Thread starter Anathema
Well, of course. Everyone knows that a Mercedes is used by the 'bad guys' in any race story. Just continuing the tradition...

The tracker that the... unnamed... are using is this one:

I also suppose I should post a teaser photo, just to keep you all guessing (for my own amusement and pleasure, I might add.)

I feel like giving you the next chapter early (to show my amazing generosity).

Hope you enjoy - this one has some photos in it, unlike the previous one (for now.)

I am probably going to reflush certain parts of the story with some GT5 pics once I get my PS3.


Chapter IX:

I still had time to think over this insane weekend on the long car drive to Infineon – it had been a span of three days and all this crap had happened. Ricky's crash, my loss of the S2000 for three weeks, my two racing wins, and Emily liking me for some reason... And the loss of my job.

I was still trying to make excuses in my head for why I decided, against my better judgement, to go racing for money. I knew I wasn't being rational at all – I may be a good racer, but can I do it for money?

I never race for the money or prizes – I race for the fun and feel of racing. The joy of racing – as the great Ralph de Palma once said,
“I'd rather be dead than second.”

I'm not a win-at-all-costs kind of racer, though.


Oh no. I wonder if I pressured him into doing this – but I couldn't control myself – I wanted him and only him, without a care in the world. Usually I can control myself – but I couldn't this morning.
My mother drilled it into my head that,
“As a psychiatrist, control is always the key.”

I had forgot that somehow and acted instinctively without thought. I hoped I had not doomed John and me to some horrible fate – I did feel bad for the guy, but I think I went a little overboard.

It's a good thing we were in seperate cars...


After a long 4-hour drive, I finally got my first glimpse of Infineon. I had never been to the area before – and it looked amazing.

“Damn... This is a nice area.”

#Hotter than Montana though. Still in the middle of a dry season, so conserve water or get yelled at by the hippies in the area.

Sigh... Hippies. Druggies, the lot of them.

“Where are we going first?”

#I guess... my parents' house. Just sit in the car... but be patient.

Something in her voice warned me to be wary. She pulled in the driveway first, and I parked on the street. It was a two-story Colonial with brick. Generic. Tasteless. Yuck. My own house wasn't much better, but I had a better location...


Oh no. What am I doing? Probably the worst thing to do would be to bring John to my parent's house – unless my mother is there, because she's the one who started this all with John.

I got out of the Lotus and knocked on the door.

“Emily.... How are you, dear?”

“Hey Mom. And I'm fine. Where's Dad at?”

Excellent. Mom answered the door first. Hopefully my dad isn't around.

“He's at work today. What's up, dear?”


“Well.. You know that guy you tried to set me up with?”

“John van something-or-other. Yes... why?”

“He's here right now.”

“Ooh, where? Oh... the white car in the street?”

“Do you want to meet him? He's very nice.”

“Doesn't he have a job?”

Oh great... John's mom must have told my mother a boatload.

“He literally was fired this morning for racing yesterday and the day before that.”

“Oh... That's bad...”

Her expression led me to think that I was lying... but I don't lie.

I motioned to John to come in.


Alright... Hopefully, I'm safe. And welcome. Or both. I've been in situations at my own house before where I couldn't come in until my mom could get me to prove who I was (which usually meant a strip search...)

I walked up the drive and onto the porch. I could see Emily hugging someone I assumed to be her mom, so I waited for a minute.

“Mom, I'd like you to meet John.”

“Hi, Mrs. Rostock.”

“Hi, John. You're Mary's son?”


“Well... you seem like a good man. I think you two will be a perfect fit.”

Emily shot me a don't-say-a-🤬-word look.

“Uh...Mom... We need a place to stay for the night.”

“Sure, sure. Come in and have a seat – don't be strangers!”


“...So. That all happened to you this weekend, right?”

“Yes... Well, at least me. Haven't been that shook up life-wise in forever.”

“Hmmm... Well... You are welcome here – at least from me. Emily... Maybe you should go do something together. Your dad should be home in 10 minutes, and I don't think you and John should be here when he comes.”

“Yeah... Good idea. You going to try to smooth things out?”

“Of course. I love you, you know...”

What's going on...

“I DO know, Mom. Any suggestions on what to do?”

“Go do some racing – you both like that, I guess.”

We both left after that – but in the GT-R, leaving the Lotus there for the time being.

“Your mom is... a lot... different... from mine.”

“She can be annoying at some times, but she has a kind heart and good intentions.”

We rode in silence for a few minutes.

“Alright... where to?”

“Ooh... Good question. Try... Infineon Raceway. You've never been there before, and they hold free practice sessions all day.”

“Infineon it is. Tell me where to go...”

It took only 15 minutes from Emily's house to Infineon. I had heard stories about how big a game-changer the track is – plus the two main configurations. The gate officials were a lot nicer than the ones at Trial Mountain – we still had to be searched, though.

“Do... you want to rotate driving?”

“That'd be nice. You go first – it's your car.”

Within 10 minutes after that, I was on the track with Emily as my co-driver. Good or bad decision, I didn't know.

“Alright... This is a very technical course. Be careful – there isn't much runoff room or room for mistakes here. Very unforgiving course.”



“Ok, first is a uphill right-hander after the bridge.”

I braked accurately, while hitting the apex carefully. I was taking the course a bit carefully to start. I decided I'd ramp it up later.

“Next – a quick left-right. Careful about the right-hander – the crest can really- 🤬!”



I had carried way too much speed, ran off the track, and nearly hit the wall. I got it under control, using a method I had learned when I was younger – off the gas, downshift, and steer with a minimalist approach.
Emily had her hands over her face.

“Emily... We're fine. Look.”


“Ok... Ok... Now, another crest and a long, sweeping left-hand turn.”


“A quick straight, then a sharp right-right set.”



“Now... a set of S-bends. Be careful on the final... Oh God.”


Emily screamed as I overshot the turn onto the convenient runoff section, taking out a traffic cone in the process. Evil traffic cone...


I got it down into the final section using the return-road located there.


A simple, sweeping right-hander, then the dreaded 'Turn 11.'


I swung a little left to get what I thought would be a better angle into the turn. Emily screamed again as I pegged two more cones, almost hitting the barrier there that would have killed us both.


Totally not caring about what just had happened, I completed the lap.


It had been a productive hour. I had gotten a feel for the course, and Emily showed me some tips from her past experiences here a few times. I felt like I had been able to learn the course reasonably well.

Also... I had one-upped my mortal enemy, traffic cones.

Score: Me - 3
Cones - 0

As we were leaving, an official stopped us.

“Hey, you two – we are holding a 'Monday Madness' racing event tomorrow. Would you like to participate? There is a cash prize for each event, $5,000 per win.”

I looked at Emily, and she nodded.

“Yes – we'll both be here tomorrow, despite your... borrowing of the March Madness name."

“Sigh...You need to use seperate cars, though. Do you have a second?”


“Here, fill this out, then.”

After Emily had filled her car's details in, we headed back to her house.


“Dammit... he ain't there!”

“Uh oh... what do we tell-”

“We don't say a word! Keep your trap silent!”


Fin Chapter IX


John's R32 isn't the first one to run wild at Infineon...;)
I have a T-shirt somewhere with that on it - I had it custom-made.

That, and it was a former GT5 clan I was in.
Chapter X:

After we had driven back to Emily's house, her dad was still not back. We ended up crashing within 30 minutes of that – me on the couch, and Emily in her room.

The next morning...

“Wake up, sleepyheads! I made breakfast! Eggs, sausage, and bacon!”

Oh, great. What time is it... 6:30 AM? My iPhone doesn't lie – I think.

Emily's voice wafted down from upstairs.

“Mom... It's 6:30 in the morning.”

“So? Breakfast time!”


I'm kind of used to getting up early – I usually wake up at 7:00 AM. A half-hour earlier isn't that bad, actually. I got up and got dressed, then went into the kitchen. Emily's mom had made a giant... FEAST... for breakfast. Two plates full of sausage and bacon, and a massive omelet.

I took something of each and sat down.

“This is very good, Mrs. Rostock.”

“I'm glad you like it. Emily doesn't like getting up in the mornings, as you can tell.”

“I'm used to getting up early, so it doesn't bother me.”

After I had finished my excellent breakfast, I was going to watch TV while I waited for Emily. But...

“When is this race being held today?”


I pulled up a list of times on my iPhone, and the first one was at 9:00 AM.

“Hmmm... It starts at 9:00, but we aren't racing until... 10:00.”

Mrs. Rostock thought for a minute.

“Maybe I need to go get Emily up – She'll sleep to noon if she has the chance to.”

“Really? She doesn't seem like the person to do that.”

“Oh, she will... believe me.”

Mrs. Rostock went upstairs while I waited.

Within 10 minutes Emily came down, fully dressed.

“Already dressed?”

“Some girls... don't take five hours to get ready.”

She went into the kitchen.


“Well, I wanted to make sure you were well-fed today!”

“Mom... I'm not a sumo wrestler!”

I was laughing my head off at this point...

After a while, things calmed down and I waited. Emily came out with her food in her hand and sat with me.

“John... just be patient with my mom, alright?”

“I actually don't have a problem with getting up this early. I'm used to it because of my former work schedule.”

She sighed, then put her arm around me while still eating.

“The only reason my mom is acting like this is because you're around, alright? She never is like this – unless we have guests over.”

I thought about that for a minute.

“My mom is the same way, now that I think about it. I do understand – it was just funny hearing you yell – it doesn't seem like you can.”

“Hmmm... It DOES seem that way, I guess. Just get ready for the race...”

And with that, she went back into the kitched with an empty plate and me wondering if I had screwed up real bad.

After that, we made out way to the track – which was clogged with traffic. Apparently this is a big event, I guess.

I mentioned that to Emily.

“Yeah... it's always like that on Mondays.”

I was thinking that she was still upset at me for earlier.

The official waved us into the pits. We got out and waited. I passed the time by seeing what cars I could recognize. Some BMW's and Mercedes-Benz's, a few high-end Lotuses, a Renault Clio, and... a Jaguar XKR. The SAME one from Trial Mountain.

“See that Jaguar...”


“He's the same one from the race I replaced Ricky in.”

“Oh, ok. You think he'll be a prob... Dammit. Don't say a word.”

I spun around to look where she was looking – and I saw a white Mazda RX-7 coming into the pits.

The driver got out and yelled,

“Hey baby! What's up, sweetheart?”

“Ok, Tony. I'm not your freaking 'baby' or 'sweetheart'. Now get the 🤬 out of here!”

“I know that, but do I care?”

This dude was the epitome of the punk kid – piercings, green spiked hair, a doorag... The prototypical American trash.

“Just get out of here...”

He got in his riced-out RX-7 and drove off.

“That's a crime to that car.”

“Augh... he's a damn 🤬!”

I dared to ask a question.

“Who is he?”

“A guy who has been trying to date me ever since I moved here. He bought that car just to chase me. His name is Tony Bousch.”

“So... he's a 🤬?”


Then an official ran up to us.

'Your race is starting, Mr. van Druten.”

“Got it.”

I was heading to the GT-R when Emily called after me.

“John, wait!”


“Let me ride with you, and then you can ride with me.”

I mulled over that for a minute, and decided.

“That would be nice.”

On the starting line...

“I hate rolling starts.”

“Look at your competition... oh dear.”


A Viper, two Mercedes-Benz's, a AC Cobra, and a Pagani.

“Well... I just got to drive harder, then.”

The flag dropped and I was off. The Viper had a huge acceleration advantage due to his power advantage.


“Stay close, make your move quickly.”

I used the curb for my pass.


“No... the Viper has failed me.”

I tucked in behind the AC Cobra, waiting for it to make a mistake.


I passed him under braking after he went into the grass where I had earlier.


“This thing is getting too old...”

I tucked in behind the Pagani.


“Gah... You Japanese fanboys. This is the Italian Era!"


“Hey, what gives! You can't stand a chance!”

He tried to shove me off the track when he realized that he couldn't shake me.


Finally, he gave up.

“Ok, you can have it...”

I instantly went for the first Mercedes-Benz.


I went on the outside, and Emily covered her eyes. I made it stick, but barely.


“Emily... you can open your eyes now.”


I set my sights on the Benz in front of me.

I accidentaly overdrove the turn, nearly hitting the Benz when I overbraked.


He still was blocking me from passing on the straight. One lap to go.


I tried to fake him out going into the first turn, but it didn't work.


I decided to be patient, and I sat back and waited for the golden opportunity.




Going into the long left-hander, I got my nose under the Benz.




I had him from there on out.


It was no contest once more.


I crossed the line, and only then did Emily uncover her eyes.

"It's over?"

"Yeah... You missed it all."


As I pulled into the pits, I was congratulated by a mass of other drivers.

“Dang... you did it!”

“Did what?”

“Beat that German driver in the gray Mercedes-Benz... He's been winning all the races this past week.”

“Ummm....Well, thanks.... I guess...”

I asked Emily if she still wanted me to ride with her, and she nodded.


“Dammit... I lost to the Druten guy.”

“But... he's at his house.”

“It was him, I'm sure of it.”

“Someone is going to pay for this mistake...”

Fin Chapter X
So they are tracking the supra that he got on loan from the car the German must be the guy from the car shop...right??
Another GT-R R32 victory at Infineon! :D ;)
I miss Infineon so much. :( I play GT4 because of Infineon, Fuji 80s/90s, Motorland, and other things that I can't remember.
Another GT-R R32 victory at Infineon! :D ;)

You really love GT-R's, don't you?

So they are tracking the supra that he got on loan from the car the German must be the guy from the car shop...right??

That's what I'm thinking..

Rex is not German. And no - he is not the other guy from the car shop. Don't know where that came from.

But... you are correct that the tracer is on the Supra.
Rex is not German. And no - he is not the other guy from the car shop. Don't know where that came from.

But... you are correct that the tracer is on the Supra.

Ops, I didn't read it fully what Shoe67 had written.

I meant that the German should be the one who asked for some guys to put the tracker in the Supra. Am I right?