
A Street fighter pack?! Does that really fit in with the demographic of people that regularly play pain? I would be kinda shocked if it did. The cast of that old Howard Stern show ‘Son of the Beach’ would seemingly be a more typical choice. Maybe that’s too obvious and they want something out of the blue.

It’s amazing how the gaming industry can miss deadline after deadline. They do this for a living and should by now have a good guess on when and how to make announcements. If all of us regular Joe’s missed deadlines like this, we would be fired.
I want to agree about the deadline thing, but I rely on proprietary software at work all the time and that stuff never rolls out properly.

Anyway, the way this sounds is that it was good to go when a lawyer at either Sony, Idol Minds, or whoever the outside party might be, called up and told them to stop.

For example, if it is the Street Fighter pack then it would likely be the fault of Capcom.

Tech delays are a whole other story and after the AP issue they quit giving dates until beta and QA was finished at it was pretty much just being verified by Sony.

This was beyond the point when a development issue should have created the problem, and thus is, for once, not the fault of the development team.
I'm not so much concerned with why things happen. It really needs to be a DONE deal before you make an announcement. PD for example seems to have figured it out weather we like it or not that they just say it will be out when it is done. I don’t know…is it better to have incorrect information then no information at all?
I'm not so much concerned with why things happen. It really needs to be a DONE deal before you make an announcement. PD for example seems to have figured it out weather we like it or not that they just say it will be out when it is done. I don’t know…is it better to have incorrect information then no information at all?

Good point, and Apple is another great example of a company that prides itself on keeping a lid on just about all developing software and hardware until it's ready to be released... but I can also understand why companies almost have to reveal their future plans and offer release dates. Just look at all the criticism and heat PD get's for the lack of information about their upcoming products and updates!

The video game market, perhaps more than any other has such a huge fan base of Internet savvy young people hungry for information about their favorite games, and or all to willing to go to extraordinary lengths to spread ridiculous rumors and wild claims about games in development. Positively for games they like, and negatively for games/platforms they don't.

Not only that, but if the developers don't release info on the games they are making and when they are expected to be available, they will almost always get flamed by hordes of bitter fanboys.

So in a sense they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. :indiff:

If they don't they risk seeing multiple false rumors being spread about their games, of which they end up being blamed for if the game doesn't hold up to all the fanboy generated hype (Killzone 1 is a great example of that), and or if it isn't released when people claimed it would be.

On the other hand, if they do, and the games are not released on time, or are missing features that were originally discussed, then they are equally vilified.

Basically developers are forced to pick a poison.
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I'm not so much concerned with why things happen. It really needs to be a DONE deal before you make an announcement. PD for example seems to have figured it out weather we like it or not that they just say it will be out when it is done. I don’t know…is it better to have incorrect information then no information at all?
I agree here. They would be best to keep a lid on things, even if they are now waiting until Sony gives them the date.

But PAIN is attempting this community game thing where they are involved with us. Much of the stuff in the Movie Studio is coming from ideas we have made on their site. The Fun with Explosives single-player add-on was at the demand of fans. PAINLabs is designed for fans to test out ideas they have and give feedback on the site. If you look at their ad announcing Kenny, Tati, and Yeoney and where Kenny is showing his Web site there is a friends list on the left. Those are all user names from their site.

If you visit their site, or even their posts on the PlayStation Blog, you will see they have this very good back and forth going on. For example: I made a comment about how I look forward to his nuggets of information. Travis Williams, producer, responded directly to me and said, "Nuggets? I'm going to give you the whole breast!" To which I said that I like a good breast, but am more of a leg man, and he then responded that I would be getting my legs soon enough (God, I hope he didn't mean thunder thighs Chun Li).

So, they have created an incredibly awesome experience where they are open with gamers. At the same time, it has bitten them in the ass a number of times regarding dates. I suggested last time around that they hold off on date announcements until Sony actually has it ready to install with nothing left to do but upload on a server and he said that he is working on a better balance.

Anyway, I hope they learn to quit giving us dates, or if it isn't their choice put the blame on the right guy. That is the other thing I have to give Travis Williams credit for; when something goes bad he stands up and says, "I am the public face of this game and its producer. Blame me. The buck stops here."

By the way, they put up a video of the new Crate-tastic mode that is coming.
I bought the new Movie Studio environment and David Hasselhoff characters. It is offcial, they are awesome. Especially the third board for the Movie Studio. Aliens are invading and they have tractor beams you can ooch into to put you back into the air.

Oh, and every mode has tanks that you can aim and fire.
More news.….aspx

The next Movement….
• Posted by Travis Williams

So it’s been a year now… actually a little over a year since PAIN was released on The PlayStation Network. I can’t actually believe all you cats are still here. That makes me proud actually. Some of you are old faces and some of you are new faces. Whatever age your “face” is, I want to profoundly thank you guys for sticking around and making PAIN the success it is. We honestly could not have done it without your support and input.

Christian Phillips, the Senior Director of San Diego Studios, calls PAIN our “red-eyed bunny rabbit.” It made sense when he explained it to me. We seem to always be the product all sorts of new experiments that are tested on before they make their way to another game. We are the lab rats of the PlayStation Network. I guess by extension, so are you (our customers). We may have soap in our eyes all the time (hence the red eyes), but we try to have as much fun as we can in the process. PAIN is always a “work in progress,” so I want to tell you about what we are doing post the Movie Studio expansion.

The Next Update:
The next update is happening next month. I won’t say when but it will be sometime next month. The moment we have approval from Format, I will post the date.

Replay Editor
In the next PAIN update, you all will FINALLY get to share your PAIN runs with the rest of the community. The advanced replay editor will be part of the next update. Check the screenshot section of the site soon to see shots of the editor. You will be able to save Game Data (to see a perfect replay) and then save a version to export to XMB or directly to YouTube. You can even control camera angels and the speed of the replay.

Improved Jukebox
We now play AAC tunes and you can also access your jukebox from inside the mode. You no longer have to exit out of a gameplay mode to hear music. We have also removed the R3 shortcut so you don’t make that mistake while playing.

Reindeer Ed
Look at him! He’s so CUTE! It’s Ed in a Brand new costume! He has new lines, new poses and the same capitalist attitude. Reindeer Ed is the PAIN team’s gift to all you PAIN players. Happy Holidays! He will be patched into your normal PAIN games and will come unlocked and ready to play. See, I told you I would come through.


Ao No Kutsu
When we were taking suggestions for the next pay character, a lot of you wanted a Sumo wrestler. Well, here you have it! MEET Ao No Kutsu -- that’s Japanese for Blue Shoes. I am sure you guys can agree that my man is definitely “The King.” I can’t stop laughing at “Kutsu,” he’s the bomb.


Be on the lookout for quite a few NEW Labs this month. I am sure we will have enough of these to keep you busy until the New Year.

So before you ask the other question… yah, I know the one… I will answer it for you. Online multiplayer is in the final stages of testing and although we felt pretty good about it in America, the other territories needed more time to set up environments and prepare. This means it will be released in January. We worked hard to try to get it done for this year, but the demands of a worldwide ship date just didn’t work out in our favor.

Coke will be back in the next update to tell you guys all about Online Multiplayer and all the new modes that come out at the same time. If you are nice, he might even tell you about the new Environment. Yes… we are BACK in Beta testing.

The PAIN Train keeps on rolling...

Have a Happy Holiday season everyone! I’m going on vacation. Ao No Kutsu has left the building!!
I got saturday set up to bring the internet back in to my life at the new house. I'll finally be able to catch up on a few things here since my ps3 hiccup last month.
Well, the PAIN team gave us a small Christmas present.

Here is a small taste:

And if you are looking at Reindeer Ed, that is great, but the video itself is the real treat. We now have video editing and exporting capabilities, including uploading to You Tube.

All the camera cuts and the slow motion of the tower falling were done by me in game. It is a simple, yet nicely versatile editor. Enjoy the vids on your PS3 XMB or on You Tube, or you can do both as it does not exit the video editor until you tell it to.
New news from the PAIN! team.

Back From The Dead
• Posted by Jason Coker

My Peoples, my good buddy Logan recently asked for some screens of the Zombie pilot you all voted on ages ago. It’s been a long time coming, but here he is in all his undead glory:




I think you’ll all be pleased with him, but we have a problem and we desperately need your help: He doesn’t have a name yet. We thought about it and thought about it, but we couldn’t decide on a proper, PAINfully inappropriate name. I mean, what do you call an insane old school military veteran zombie pilot with a bum leg that actually pops off at the knee when he bangs into stuff? “John Smith”? Tough call, eh? So it’s time to take it to you, the people who make this wacky game possible.

If you haven’t noticed yet, the website’s current poll contains some of our favorite names so far, so please get your vote on and help us make this rather important decision. As you know (I hope), PAIN is the People’s Game. You guys decided to make this character, so you might as well be the ones who choose his name.

If you are curious or want to vote, here are the names:
  • Capt. Rod N. Shank
  • Capt. Rod N. Bermuda
  • Major D. Creppitt
  • Captain I. M. Stank
  • Lieutenant Deuce "Doo-Doo" Brown
  • Major Skidd Marx

Also, for those who didn't see the trailers we have two new modes coming, Fortress and Darts. You can see the trailers here:

And online is on its way. Last month they released the game in Japan and are waiting for Japan testing to clear so they can roll out worldwide online.
PAINalympics - Going for Gold
Posted on Apr 30, 2009 by Jason Coker // Associate Producer, PAIN

Hi folks, In May, we will be releasing the Sore Spots add-on for PAIN. Check out a preview:

(click HERE for trailer)

Not only does Sore Spots continue the rich tradition of the silly fun that is PAIN, Sore Spots also includes a new multiplayer Mode that I’d like to introduce. It’s called “PAINalympics”, and it’s where two to four players can compete in the following events:
  • Horseshoes – There are four giant horseshoes floating in front of the launcher, and your task is to snatch them and try for a ringer. You have four launches.Whatcha gon’ do?

  • Bull Ride – Imagine a large group of mechanical bulls, each atop a large column. Launch, grab, and hold on to as many bulls as you can. Ready to ride, cowboys and cowgirls?

  • Rope Kick – Test your Ooching skills by launching and grabbing a rope that you have to hold onto and swing on, knocking down as many of the characters in the area as you can in 30 seconds.

  • Balloony Bin – You have 45 seconds to push, pull, drag, or otherwise force balloons into trash bins. Extra points for the red ones!

  • Stack Whacker – All you have to do here is knock down a wall of boxes in as few launches as possible. If you’re good, you can probably use some exploding objects to help do the job more quickly.

  • Anvil Toss – Snatch an anvil out of the air and chuck it as far as you can. Watch out for the cherry bombs and exploding chemicals on the floor, though!

  • Relay Race – Keep your Pimp Slap Hand strong and smack, smack, smack your way to the finish line in the best time…and don’t forget the baby powder!

  • Punt Ball – Knocking a ball through a goal is sometimes a lot harder than it seems. Extra points if you hit the characters who are dancing between the goal posts.

  • Swing N’ Dunk – Grab the ring, swing, release…wait for it…wait for it…Oooch your character through the basketball hoop. Harder rings grant a higher reward.
Sore Spots is headed your way on Thursday, May 14th, and we’ll be releasing Ded Baron, a new launchable character, the following week. At the same time as Sore Spots, though, comes a little bonus – You’ll also be able to get a free download of another beloved PlayStation personality, which you may have just read about. He’s a little shy, but here’s a screenshot that will give you an idea of who we’re talking about.

See you in Sore Spots!


Anybody still playing this? It's been a while since I've played it, but it's such a funny game. :)
I play it some, but I have gotten a number of of games in the past few months for extremely cheap and they have drawn my attention away a bit. I think when I got Rock Band 2 was when I stopped playing PAIN as much.

Plus their online multiplayer requires a minimum 1.5mb down and 256kb up connection, which I don't have, so that prevented me from jumping in on that.
Here is my very first uploaded video "ever".
I made this video.
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