
Am I the only one who misread the title as "Palin!!!" and expected a political debate?
Yeah, it is still about massive carnage (did you hit the switch on the pirate ship yet?)

I did and yeah lots of barrels went kaboom but was it supposed to make the ship come off the tracks

I don't know man. I got about half (maybe more?) of the trophies in Abusement Park and After Hours last night. Not harder, just different.

Really...Maybe I will think differently once I get into it more. Or you're just the...

So, have you checked out the names of things and the hidden signs?

I hadn't seen those yet, how blind am I? :dunce:
I did and yeah lots of barrels went kaboom but was it supposed to make the ship come off the tracks
I don't think so. All I know was that after hitting that switch I was trying to get in the tunnel and got blasted halfway across the board by a cannonball.

I hadn't seen those yet, how blind am I? :dunce:
free roam camera. First thing I did. Also a key to finding all the switches.
amusement park is fun!
I took a quick look to the trophies. they are looking diffucult. are they?
Yes, the producer admits that they are designed so that trophy whores can't get them without learning how to play the game properly, thus realizing it is much more than a mini-game.
I should have the 100,000,000 trophy shortly. I also have Grenade-A-Maid.

And one of my favorite signs says "The Fast and the Pre-Pubescent" ROFL! I'm having fun with hot&cold, haven't tried clown toss.
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I got PAIN in the Park last night. Once I finish playing with all my new toys I'll go back downtown to snag my D-Town Destruction, and thus my 2 mil club. While there I will work on the other Downtown trophies and probably get the Affliction Addiction trophy while there.

I'm finding it funny that the trophies most people online are calling too hard are the ones that I have the best chance of getting some golds on.

I need to ask Jeremy Ricci how he got the clown on the roller coaster.
Getting the clown on the Roller Coaster just happened while I was working on getting the "blow up the clown 500 times using ed".

I had a LOT of pimp slaps, and he shot up in the air after being launched by rocket ride (the one next to the spinning thing with people throwing up). When he flew straight up, I just pimp slapped him to the roller in short, it's pretty much just chance.
Thanks for the explanation. I almost had that happen, but the timing was off for a second. I'm guessing that is the trick. I wasn't sure if it was Clown Toss or After Hours where you were supposed to do that.

Ceiling Fan, is Grenade-a-maid cumulative or in one go?
Looks like there may be a trophy glitch. I got the 2 mil trophy, but my D-town Destruction, which is required for the 2 mil trophy, did not register. Others have complained about it too.

Although, one guy said he got his D-town destruction and not the 2 mil.

I earned Pain in the Park first then D-town destruction. I wonder if the error shows up if you do D-town first, or if it doesn't record the 2mil trophy.

I may just try earning my D-town destruction again to see if it shows up then.
Ceiling Fan, is Grenade-a-maid cumulative or in one go?

Cumulative. But they have to be direct hits, if you knock something into a crate it won't count toward the total.

Got the 100,000,000 points one, still need 2mil on Aftermath for 2milclub. Anybody find any stuffed ninjas? Apparently there's one on every AP mode, only found one, by chance. Also got a H&C Platinum (easy mode :dopey:)
Something just different about this addon, personally I am not enjoying it as much as I did the original. It's still good just not as fun as I hoped, don't know why.

I do like the painlabs, look forward to weekly updates to it.
Cumulative. But they have to be direct hits, if you knock something into a crate it won't count toward the total.
I knew they had to be hit by you. Cumulative is doable.

Got the 100,000,000 points one, still need 2mil on Aftermath for 2milclub. Anybody find any stuffed ninjas? Apparently there's one on every AP mode, only found one, by chance. Also got a H&C Platinum (easy mode :dopey:)
I have found three stuffed ninjas so far: Abusement Park - inside the water tower. Pull the top off first. After Hours - back side of the volcano on a ledge over looking the log flume's path leading into the drop from Butt Crack Rock. Clown Toss Normal - Behind the sign for the Tilt-a-Hurl.

By mode, they mean one on every difficulty as well.

Something just different about this addon, personally I am not enjoying it as much as I did the original. It's still good just not as fun as I hoped, don't know why.
Let me address this.

PAIN! has two ways to play it.
1) Create a chain reaction of destruction and watch the madness happen. This is good fun to watch. But the problem is you can destroy the whole board in a giant chain reaction and barely break 1 million points.

2) Going for the goal/points. The key to points is a multiplier. Multipliers only add up based on what you do to yourself. Most of my points come from multipliers in the 20s and even 30s and 40s. It is a breaking point in the points game. I have noticed that any time I approach 2 million I may stop just short, but if I break it I will possibly get plenty more because so much has happened to me at that point that just bumping something will roll in a few hundred thousand points due to my multiplier.

I agree that Downtown was a great balance between the two, but the high scores were created by some crazy mutants. I remember it took me forever to first get 2 million points.

Amusement Park focuses more on number 2. I got over 2 million points in the first night. Now, I think this is less by design and more by necessity. In the Amusement Park the scenery moves, not just some NPCs and vehicles. The Havok engine could possibly have some issues if they all exploded on top of that. Would the developers have loved making stuff fly everywhere? You bet, but I think they were limited on how much they can do. Notice in PAINLabs that while there are probably a thousand blocks to go flying around it is in an open board.

All that said, I think that Amusement Park could definitely use some more blow stuff up fun, but from a strategy standpoint I feel it is better than Downtown. They shifted the balance just a bit.
I spent some time with the new PAINLab this weekend. It is basically the Brock Lee Feets of Fury ride. But it does give you a good chance to practice with tshi ride and learn the tricks that you can perform. After playing with it in PAINLabs I found myself getting some good points bonuses off of it in the Abusment Park.

Also, fixed my D-Town Destruction trophy glitch and then went on to snag Affliction Addiction, Glutton, and Grenade-a-Maid trophies.

Oh, and there is a rumor in the Interwebs, that started in Game Informer, that Sackboy from LBP will be an upcoming DLC character.

Also, on the PAIN blog the producers have been saying the next add-on we see will be another environment that is already in testing, and will bring back more of the feel of downtown for those who didn't like the balance shift in Amusement Park.
i would just like to say that i haven't played Pain in a looonnnggg while. Recently i bought the Amusement Park and haven't stopped laughing my @$$ off! This game is fun as hell and the trophy support really adds alot to the game. It's good to see a game not take itself so seriously :)
I didnt see a demo for this anywhere.
There isn't one.

The style of gameplay doesn't exactly lend itself to being able to have a demo.

I suggest it to anyone who can both enjoy sophmoric humor, and look outside the box as the general surface mechanics of the game can be boring quickly, but when you embrace that it is actually a kind of puzzle/strategy game it becomes both fun and challenging.

It is definitely a love it or hate it kind of game. Before plopping down $10 I highly suggest finding someone with the game or watching plenty of the videos being put up on You Tube.
Good job Foolkiller. I cant get any trophies in Pain. I reeeeeeeally suck at this game. It still fun. I'm not understanding the point of Pain Labs, but you cant beat free addons.
Good job Foolkiller. I cant get any trophies in Pain. I reeeeeeeally suck at this game. It still fun. I'm not understanding the point of Pain Labs, but you cant beat free addons.
It takes some practice and learning. Proper understanding of the Ooch is a definite.

The main goal of PAIN Labs is that the developers have some stupid, non-theme-related ideas, so they put them out once a week for us to play with and give feedback. Feedback is being done on their community site, that you can access in-game, via comments to the blog posts. The feedback is used to let them know what we like so they can incorporate it into future modes and environments.

A side effect I have found is a great way to practice certain skills.

The Brick Wall one I used to practice my drifting and grabbing by making it into a Jenga style game. Also, grabbing and throwing explosives at the walls is good practice as well.

The Brock Lee ride one I basicaly used to get used to how that ride reacted to things. I now try to incorporate it into nearly every launch in the Amusement Park.

This latest one is perfect for practicing good Ooch control, and even a little move that involves grabbing the ground and ooching around to change direction when sliding away from the main play area. Most of my points come from being on the ground as it is and this will definitely help me to increase those.

Or in some cases it is just fun to hit a brick wall low and watch it fall over on a mime. 👍
New area coming.

Best guesses are next month as that is PAIN's 1 year anniversary.

+ Posted by Travis Williams // Sr. Producer, SCEA

I remember telling some employees before that game development isn’t a democracy. I said at best development should be a benevolent dictatorship. I held that opinion because oftentimes when you get too many cooks in a kitchen, it does spoil the soup. Oddly enough I haven’t felt that way with PAIN for quite a few reasons. This message board has had a lot to do with how we design PAIN.

PAIN design is liberating. We don’t have to worry about context, story, logic, or even reality. In a lot of ways, PAIN development is about as chaotic and creative as you can be. So before I dig into what’s next, let me thank all of you for buying PAIN because it really has granted us freedom to try new concepts.

November is an exciting month for us as we are launching the next environment for PAIN. It’s called Movie Studio, and it’s our take on the wackiness of movie making.

So to directly contradict my earlier statement … PAIN development is (at least somewhat) a democracy. We have listened to what you wanted and tried our best to make sure all the things that you wanted are in this area. That includes (but isn’t limited to):
  • More than one launcher location (There are three that you can dynamically switch to)
  • Single Player Fun with Explosives
  • New Cratetastic Mode
  • Unlockable FREE Character
  • HORSE Mode
  • Bowling Mode (With all new distractions)
Movie Studio is the first area that we created after hearing all your input (democracy again). Amusement Park was started before PAIN was released (and took quite a while to make). Movie Studio was made in a third of that time, and I think it shows how much better we as a team have gotten at this since the original PAIN area.

We also have a new single player mode in the Lot called CRATETASTIC. I think you will love the mode if you were in any way a fan of Spank the Monkey. Take Spank the Monkey and replace the monkeys with explosives. This mode gets hectic because you can switch launch locations.


We heard everyone comment about the lack of a free character with a purchased area so we kidnapped Buzz and locked him up inside the Movie Studio. Unlock the Afterparty area and get enough points, and he’s all yours.

Bowling and HORSE are also back. There are no mimes in this Bowling mode, but I am confident you will enjoy what we victimize instead.

You can thank your collective outrage for the Fun with Explosives inclusion (democracy + demonstrations = action). The Movie Studio just entered testing when Amusement Park came out. You all really went off about the lack of Single Player FWE inclusion. I called Jeff and told him how I wasn’t willing to explain why it wasn’t in Movie Studio. The funny part was how we all agreed that it was our favorite mode. So the designers burned the midnight oil, and it was added to the content push.

Lastly, you always vote for the PAINdemonium like areas as your favorite modes. So instead of doing two of these, we made three of them. Strangely enough they are easier to design than all the other modes. We thought it might be a good idea to give you more than what we usually do.

Watch the movie. Check out the screenshots and most of all, keep making your opinions heard. It helps us make better content. Stay tuned for the next couple weeks too. We will have some more cool content to share with you.

…and GO VOTE! I sure am.

Also, if you go the link they have a video. The Hollywood sign has been changed to say Morningwood. :lol:
This HAS to be the most awesome thing to ever hit PAIN. If not video games in general.

A Very Special Message from David Hasselhoff
+ Posted by David Hasselhoff // "The Hoff"

Hello everyone, it’s your friendly neighborhood David Hasselhoff here. I know you’re probably wondering “What in the KITT am I doing on the PS Blog?” right? Well…settle down…settle down! I’m here to let you know straight from the Hoff’s mouth – I’m coming to PAIN! And it hurts so good! Don’t believe me, PEOPLE Magazine just broke the story and I’m talking about it on my blog.


What am I doing in PAIN you ask? It’s the Movie Studio! What’s a movie studio without The Hoff? You can now put The Hoff into a launcher and fling me into harm’s way – exploding crates, cars, people – everything is fair game. And best of all, you’ll never even put a scratch on this mug of mine!

When I was first approached about PAIN, I really didn’t know what to think. I mean, it’s great to think that someone would want to put me in a game, but THIS game is all about flinging people into walls, smashing them into cars, and spanking monkeys. While I wholeheartedly approve of the monkey spanking, I wasn’t too sure about the rest of the game. When I finally got my hands on PAIN though, everything changed, and I “got it”. If anybody can understand silly fun, it’s me.


I am a man of many emotions so when you throw me around the Movie Studio, I need to express myself. What better way than in song! So to commemorate my invasion onto the PS3, I made a cover song of Culture Club’s “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me” exclusively for PAIN. I’m really happy with the way the track turned out. We definitely brought something new to such a classic, well-known tune, and when you hear it, you’re going to like it. Sure, you know David Hasselhoff, but this song is like nothing I’ve done before.


So, after a lot of hard work by a bunch of talented people, Hoff Day is coming on Nov. 6! I’ve got the keys to the Movie Studio … who wants in? After all, do you REALLY want to hurt me? Wait….don’t answer that. Just go download The Hoff and play PAIN!
And here are the links to his blog and the People magazine article. They have videos. This is going to be one of the premium characters they discussed in the past, he has multiple outfits and will likely cost $1.99.,,20235089,00.html

He voices himself and did a cover of "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?" just for the occasion.

It is time to hassel The Hoff.

And in case you didn't catch it on the story his character and the new environment will be available on next Thursday November 6th.
Because my game play is mostly comprised of multiplayer with my son.

You know I’ve been such a stain lately. I just started folding again last night with the new ‘life with playstation’. I hadn't folded anything for a couple of months either.
Because my game play is mostly comprised of multiplayer with my son.
Depending on what multiplayer game, there are trophies for those too. Some require use of one specific character though.

You know I’ve been such a stain lately. I just started folding again last night with the new ‘life with playstation’. I hadn't folded anything for a couple of months either.
I looked at the team stats last night and you are still in 8th. I really think only two or three of us are still doing it regularly.
I suck too much to win trophies. The Hollywood map looks impressive :) I wonder it that comes with its own trophies.
Yes, they are allowed more trophies for each DLC they provide. It would only add a couple though.

I will be sad to see my trophies drop from 50%.

Honestly though, some of them are just for scoring an accumulated number of points (100,000,000 points accumulated is an easy gold) or playing certain modes a number of times.

EDIT: Confirmation of new trophies from the PAIN Blog's newest post.

Please HASSLE the Hoff
• Posted by Travis Williams

When we first started working on PAIN we knew that launchable characters were going to be extremely important in PAIN. We thought of quite a few people who we believed “fit the PAIN bill” these were archetypes and personalities that we would enjoy seeing in the launcher. Some of these characters we wanted in the launcher because they were funny. Some of these people we wanted in the launcher because we simply disliked them.

Some celebrities we wanted in the launcher because we just plain ol’ HATED ON them. There is nothing like rampant jealousy to fuel creative juices. From the very first PAIN brainstorming session we thought of celebs we wanted in that launcher. The very first one that came to mind was DAVID HASSLEHOFF!

Why Dave? Well…

He has a talking supercar!
He hung out with (INSERT HOT FEMALE CELEB name here) on the regular.
He rocks the charts (in Deutschland at least).
He rocked one of the all time sweetest mullets (back in the day)

Even now he has a #1 Variety show!

But try as I might I couldn't hate on him for long. He's the HOFF for cryin out loud!

We could certainly do some damage though... Could he bring the PAIN?

Oh yeah.. Hoff’s so getting in our launcher!

When we went to see Hoff about PAIN I was sort of nervous because you never know what is going to happen when you tell someone you want to toss them into harms way. To my surprise he got it instantly. I’ve dealt with quite a few famous people my whole career and I can tell you honestly that David Hasselhoff is top tier. His voice over session had me (and the rest of Production) in tears. I wish I could play you the entire reel.

David was even cool enough to record a song for us. He covered “DO YOU REALLY WANT TO HURT ME” of Culture Club fame. Props to Christian (The San Diego Studio Director) for REALLY making this happen.

So 2 years (and a righteous jam session) later I give you: THE HOFF! The Hoff comes with three iconic outfits you will definitely recognize. Different poses and lines while in the air. We even gave him his own Playstation Trophy (GETTIN’ HOFF) It’s GOLD because that’s how he rolls. The Hoff comes out the same day as the Movie Studio environment for PAIN.

Thanks for being a good Sport David.. I’m still not getting into your car though.


Hit The Hoff up at his HOFFSPACE tell him "Silly Man" sent you.
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The Movie Studio has been delayed.

Here we go AGAIN….
• Posted by Travis Williams

I never like giving you bad news everyone. Especially so close to launch. The reason this news is coming now is because we always try our VERY best to remove issues before you see it. This time we simply weren’t able to overcome them. I am not going into a lot of specifics about what is causing the delay but as our customers I owe you as much transparency as we can.

With the Hollywood Studio expansion we had quite a few content inclusions. The Hoff was one of them but we actually had more to announce. We believed that we would have the clearance to release this content and proceeded with our final QA clearances. We were through format and ready to deploy when legal issues about this content came up.

We were trying to get all the content/ legal issues squared away so that we could release and we held out even until yesterday. Unfortunately, we couldn’t clear all our issues in time to deploy worldwide on Thursday.

So what are we doing?

We are removing the content (that you haven’t seen yet since it hasn’t been announced) and developing a patch for this content so that when/if we are allowed to go forward we will be able to do this seamlessly.

We will then submit the PAIN Hollywood Studio back to QA and Format and out to you all as soon as possible. Coke, Jeff and I are making every effort to make this process as rapid as possible.

In our efforts to move with more agility in PAIN it comes at a price. We seem to always be at the mercy of our dates and it honestly really REALLY pains us (no pun intended) to delay our launches. So much was done right with the Hollywood Studio that you have no idea how much it disappoints us to delay our launch. There is nothing technically wrong with what we have developed, but we are a business so content and legal issues are very real and must be respected.

Let me see if I can field some of the questions I know you will ask:

Q: How long of a delay is this?
A: As short as possible. I am trying to make it less than 2 weeks. I will have a better idea 3-4 days from now.

Q: What is this content?
A: Now if we could say what it was we could release it.

Q: Does this affect online play?
A: We are still testing online play and the new pay modes. This shouldn’t delay online.

Q: Does this delay Hoff’s release?
A: Yes, Hoff is part of the Hollywood Studio content release package plan and will come out the same time.

Q: Is there a PAINLab release this week?
A: PAINLabs uses content from all areas. We were set to make a new Lab using Hollywood Studio “parts” so we will not release a new Lab this week. HOWEVER. We will re-release all 8 PAINLabs this week. ENJOY.

Q: Can we get something FREE because you are LATE AGAIN Travis?
A: Okay I PROMISE to give you something FREE for Christmas. I have some ideas.

Q: Are you ready for the WRATH of your customers?
A: * Deep Sigh * Where did I put that asbestos?

Rumor is that the issue was a Street Fighter IV characters pack. But if that was a separate thing then I am guessing it is one of the parodied movies.