
hummm...I don't know, will it be better then downtown? I don't see the little bits of falling and exploding objects.
Didn't someone say something about not enough stuff falling and exploding?

Even in that video you see the city streets littered with debris. I know it’s early but I’m looking for carnage that looks like a bomb went off. So far it looks like target practice without some of the chain reaction destruction that we’ve grown to love. I know I will have fun with the new levels, but I hope we can destroy and wreak havoc on everything in the level.
Even in that video you see the city streets littered with debris. I know it’s early but I’m looking for carnage that looks like a bomb went off. So far it looks like target practice without some of the chain reaction destruction that we’ve grown to love. I know I will have fun with the new levels, but I hope we can destroy and wreak havoc on everything in the level.

From what I gather it will have eight fully functional rides, various people walking around and in carts, exploding teddy bears, etc, etc.

Just seeing how the cars fall/fly off the flat rides (spinning tea cups and whatnot) I imagine that you will see plenty of chain reaction carnages as they fly into the roller coaster and other rides. You can hit switches that make stuff happen, like the pirate ship fire its cannons. You know that will cause havoc.

Also, as a reference, here is the original PAIN! trailer. They don't show the huge destruction there either. I think showing what you can do would just be giving too much away, as getting real big damage requires a few tricks.

And I unlocked Block Party and Demolition last night. Now I just have to figure out how to get the trophies for them. That box tower is tough. And there is nothing more fun than throwing a box labeled Live Puppies.

Also, I am pretty sure how to launch the guy and the truck, but I have to actually pull it off correctly. I think I need one of the midgets and I was using The Dude.
Also, as a reference, here is the original PAIN! trailer.

How about that? It does look like a barren wasteland compared to what we actually got to play with. I hope the same will hold true in this case.

GT5P and PAIN are the only two games that I play currently so I NEED this new level to be good.

Why is there only three (maybe TB is catching the bug) here that are playing this game?
You should get more games.

I know Jeremy Ricci plays it. He is on my Friends List and I've seen him playing it a lot lately. He also messaged me, asking how I got my 5 million.

I think the problem is that it looks like a $10 game that is basically just a Jackass wannabe. Until someone plays it they don't realize just how complex of a puzzle game it is, just wrapped in a sophmoric humor package.

I spent an hour and a half last night trying to figure out some of those new trophies. To date, I only have ideas, I haven't actually gotten any yet, but it was my first attempt. I was more focused on unlocking everything.

I was hoping to find a list, because I keep forgetting what all of them are, or get them confused between layouts. I guess I need to hand-write my own.
Why is there only three (maybe TB is catching the bug) here that are playing this game?
I'm itchin' to get back into it, but lately haven't played much.

For anyone who is yet undecided about buying Pain or not, this is how it was for me - I bought it, downloaded the game and then the update. After 10 minutes of playing, I thought "Why did I waste my $10 on this?!?" After another hour and a half (and just starting to understand the physics and gameplay) I now realize just how well done it is. I highly recommend it as a stress reliever if nothing else.
You should get more games.

We're still playing ball up to four nights a week. It's a time factor that limits me so when I play I just stick with what I enjoy or what I need to complete. I generally focus on a game until it is finished or in GT5P case I have online to keep me busy for as long as we need to wait until GT5 is out.

BTW when do we get to start up FFL talk? It's not all that far off ya know.
For anyone who is yet undecided about buying Pain or not, this is how it was for me - I bought it, downloaded the game and then the update. After 10 minutes of playing, I thought "Why did I waste my $10 on this?!?" After another hour and a half (and just starting to understand the physics and gameplay) I now realize just how well done it is. I highly recommend it as a stress reliever if nothing else.
This is the step that everyone must overcome. It is not just a shoot your guy at something and laugh when he farts. It is a puzzle game.

And the "only one level" thing is old and completely wrong. It came with two layouts and now has four, as well as three (now four) total modes of play. Each layout is more than just some stuff moved around. Each layout has its own challenges for a reason. They are different. Oh and each game mode also has different difficulty levels, which create different layouts, planning, and strategy.

It is an extremely complex and intelligent puzzle game, but it is wrapped in a humorous shell.

BTW when do we get to start up FFL talk? It's not all that far off ya know.
Funny you should mention that. I plan to do it sometime this week.

It would be nice if everyone had a PS3, because EA is talking about a possible PSN/XBL FFL game/app.

I'll probably stick to Yahoo! It's free.
Funny you should mention that. I plan to do it sometime this week.

It would be nice if everyone had a PS3, because EA is talking about a possible PSN/XBL FFL game/app.

I'll probably stick to Yahoo! It's free.

Funny haha :irked:, after last years most points = last place junk I really need to get a second season underway to let that unforgettable become forgettable.

Another thing about PAIN. Is the intro song one of the best songs EVAH for a game?!?!
Funny haha :irked:, after last years most points = last place junk I really need to get a second season underway to let that unforgettable become forgettable.
Well, now you have your chance.

Another thing about PAIN. Is the intro song one of the best songs EVAH for a game?!?!
I even downloaded the MP3 from the PSN.

Although, when playing I now listen to these two songs

Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World

Hawaiian Suppa Man

They just seem
I hope that updating progress and price of amusement park expainsion will be less PAINful :P
Regarding the weird updating screen:
It’s not a loop it’s updating every relevant file.
So the progress meter is for each file, not the whole update.

And for pricing someone mentioned only having $6.99 in their wallet and he assured them they had enough.
That box tower is tough.

A pirate hook and the reset before you hit the tank will make life easy.

He also messaged me, asking how I got my 5 million.

I got a 3.8 mil shot last night that I seemingly didn't deserve. I really don't understand the scoring sometimes. That shot ended with a multiplier of 5, but yet I could get up to a 20x and only muster a million out of it.

Although, when playing I now listen to these two songs

Still dreamin of da islands brah?!?!
A pirate hook and the reset before you hit the tank will make life easy.
I had it down to four last night with Nigel, but the way I spun caused the box I was holding to fly into the tank after my reset.

The trophies I am missing right now are:
Block Party
Dick's Balls - stupid football
Shoot Le Toot - I think I have the idea worked out.

Block Tower - I was down to four.
Chimey Sweep - I was so close, I took a bad bounce off the lip of the third chimney.

I got a 3.8 mil shot last night that I seemingly didn't deserve. I really don't understand the scoring sometimes. That shot ended with a multiplier of 5, but yet I could get up to a 20x and only muster a million out of it.
Sometimes you get what I like to call a chaos moment where a number of things all collide and bang off each other, creating massive amounts of damage at once.

Still dreamin of da islands brah?!?!
Where do you think I got the CD to pull the MP3s from? But yeah, Hawaiian Suppa Man, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and What a Wonderful World just add some flavor to PAIN!
So wait, Pain now has trophies too??
They are in-game trophies. The ones in the Trophy Room. These unlock stuff and basically give you challenges beyond the typical earn points mode. They are what make the game an actual puzzle game, and not just a silly time waster.

That is also why every layout, even though the environment is the same, is actually a different level. Each layout has its own set of challenges.

Also each mode has its own set of trophies.

But when the new environment comes out there will also be an update that will add in PSN trophies.
One of thee days I'm going to have to give this game a try. Right now I'm too busy trying to get through and improve my skills on other games... but the more all you all talk about this game, the more interesting it sounds.
One of thee days I'm going to have to give this game a try. Right now I'm too busy trying to get through and improve my skills on other games... but the more all you all talk about this game, the more interesting it sounds.
Just be sure to actually attempt more than just the sandbox stuff. Way too many people get it and say, "Is that it?" When in all honesty, no it isn't it. There is a huge learning curve and tricks to doing some cool stuff and having fun.

And then some people just enjoy making the proctologist sign flip you off and the Hotel Coral Essex sign say Hot Oral Sex.

But in all honesty, how can you not go wrong with playing bowling, using yourself as the ball? Especially when two frames replace the pins with mimes.

And there is the straightforward, but uber-difficult Mime Toss, where you grab a mime and throw him through multiple panes of glass.

And then you do get to Spank the Monkey.
The question is: with the new (free) Platinum Club update you get to take a shot at spanking four monkeys at once.

Let's see you do that.

The only monkey I'm willing to spank is my own thank you very much! :D
IGN has details on the new Amusement Park

July 15, 2008 - If you thought you knew the hurt you could dish out on characters by flinging them into panes of glass, exploding crates and mimes, you haven't seen anything yet. At E3 today, we were shown the latest sections of Pain within the Amusement park, and watched as the various characters propelled themselves into roller coasters, log rides and tilt-a-whirls. We wanted to see some of the newer modes within the game, and got a definite eyeful of how much destruction you'll be able to do to your characters. One of the modes that we were shown was Clown Toss, which was somewhat similar to Mime Toss, but the clowns would bounce up and down on barrels like trampolines. This made it somewhat trickier to grab and throw them into explosive barrels scattered around the environment, and every now and then we'd have to readjust the catapult and how we'd fling the clowns into new targets.

Along with this mode, we were introduced to a new Pain mechanic known as the Pimp Slap, which is exactly what it sounds like. Depending on the number of explosive crates that you run into, you'll collect a number of pimp slaps. When you want to use them, you hit a button, and a hand brushes across the character onscreen, flinging them in another direction. Virtually an extra Ooch on top of the standard Super Ooch that you have available, skilled players can use this to propel their characters into new objects and rack up much higher scores. What's more, this Pimp Slap can be used to help or hurt players when they play one of the multiplayer games, such as Call Da Shot, a new game mode being shown within the Amusement Park.

Pain is leaving downtown and expanding to the Amusement Park and Pain Labs.The concept of the mode is simple, and feels like a more evolved version of Horse for up to four players: Player Two picks two to four targets that Player One has to hit. The larger number of targets and farther away from the launcher it is, the more points the player can receive. They can use a top down map to plan out their moves, which will mark these spots on the prospective launcher's maps as well. There is a catch though – Player One will have only two launches to hit all of these targets, so they'll have to truly be on with their aim. Once these have been chosen and the dare has been placed, the other players then bet on whether Player One can hit all of these targets. However, if Player One feels like they've been given an impossible assignment, they can make Player Two "Eat It," forcing them to take the dare back and try it themselves. If Player Two fails at this, Player One gets half the total points of the dare and the control rotates to new players in the next round. By the way, did we mention that each player will have a pimp slap that they can use to deny a character from landing into a target? Yeah, that's going to cause some serious competition in the game.

Apart from that, we were shown some new elements, such as Hot and Cold, where players have five chances to fling themselves into a number of exploding bears. As they make contact with each bear, they'll have to determine what the target bear is by visual cues that say anything from ice cold to burning up. If you manage to nail the right bear, the mode resets and you then aim for a new target. This, and other modes within the game, will all contribute to Pain's 17 trophies. However, players don't need to feel as though they will be forced to download this additional area, because they can still acquire trophies within the original game.

That's going to leave a mark.Before our demo ended, we were shown the newest addition to Pain: The Pain Labs. When Pain was initially announced, the developers stated that they would be able to put out a large amount of content within a short amount of time. However, it took a bit longer than they were expecting, but they were still getting a large number of great ideas from the Pain community. The result of all of this is The Pain Labs, an open environment where all of the pre-existing Pain assets will be gathered together and used to make demo modes for fans to try out in generic test bed environments. Every week, a new Pain Lab will be updated with brand new gameplay generated from fan suggestions, such as a Jenga-like mode known as Cinderblocks where players try to rip cinderblocks away from three large towers without knocking the entire structure down. This is extremely tricky because the air is full of explosive hazards. Another example was a wind tunnel environment to show off air currents within a level and how it can impact a launch. Since every Pain Lab will replace the previous one, there should always be fresh content for fans to play, and if the development team gets a lot of positive feedback, they will take those features and turn them into new modes for future updates. So stop thinking of sadistic level ideas and start pitching them!
New official update on the Pain labs.

Dropping (Mad) Science
• Posted by Travis Williams

Greetings from E3, my peoples. It's been a lovely week in the City of Angels, and I'm headed back to San Diego to continue work on the Amusement Park. With all of the fantastic announcements from SCEA's press event on Tuesday morning, you just KNOW we couldn't let the week go by without announcing something new for the world of PAIN. Enter "PAIN Labs".


If it's true that all geniuses are a bit insane, PAIN Labs are going to give you a glimpse into the Idol Minds of madness. You see, all of the modes and layouts in PAIN are products of sick, twisted experiments in taking objects from the game environment and placing and using them in different, often new and unusual ways. Take Mime Toss, for example -- Once the Grab mechanic was finalized, the Design team at Idol Minds was experimenting with how to use it effectively. After several attempts at chucking different objects and what not, throwing mimes through panes of plate glass proved to be fun, challenging, and hilarious, and from there it was a matter of perfecting placement of the panes of glass for the different levels of difficulty.

OK, so how does this relate to PAIN Labs and what the heck are they? Well, Mime Toss and every other Mode you play now came from such experiments and lots of trial and error. So, what if you were able to see some of that? Wouldn't it be kinda cool to see some of the bizarre things that Idol Minds does with PAIN behind the scenes. Well, with PAIN Labs, you'll see just that.

Basically, PAIN Labs are going to be very small areas where Idol Minds practice their bizarre craft. Ever wanted to throw an exploding teddy bear at a huge stack of precariously stacked cinder blocks? You can do it in PAIN Labs. Ever imagined launching a character into a group of bicyclists riding around a track...with a clown on a pogo stick thrown in for good measure? OK, you should probably seek help for that, but even so, you can do it in PAIN Labs.

The real beauty of the Labs is that we'll be bringing you a new one every week or two, and they will be completely free. In addition, we're hoping that all of you will give us feedback here on the site and let us know what you like/dislike, what works/doesn't. what has potential/doesn't and so on. In all likelihood, we'll end up putting out some stuff that will end up as new Modes or maybe even a whole new environment. This could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship, folks. I'm telling you -- it's gonna be good.

So when does this all go down? Coming live to a PS3 near you when the Amusement Park Add-on drops later this summer. Holler!


So, we basically get free mini-games every week or two. How sweet is that?
I have the MGS4/80 bundle, and I didn't get PAIN for free! :( I bought it for $5.99 or whatever at the summer sale, too.

I've only played for a couple hours last night, but my high score is a paltry 732,xxx - haven't even broken 3/4 of a mil yet. On that one I used the bowling ball to knock down the el tracks so the subway crashed, but although I got a few shots over half a mil after that, I never did as well again. And even though I didn't know about the skitching trick to rack up points, the bowling ball does a pretty effective job of closing the second street, so traffic stops coming by before too long.

I've managed to snag the swinging-beam cable a few times, but never grab on properly. Unfortunately the 'grab' function seems pretty fussy so it's hard to nab stuff. On my 700k run, I flew to the bowling ball (Stylin'), grabbed on to it and rolled down, letting go as I came up the back side of the ball and getting a good arc back toward the scaffolding in the middle.

I got a lot of 'unlocked' messages but it was getting late so I didn't go into the Trophy Room to see what all I got. But I'm nowhere near breaking a million, let alone multi-mil.