
I keep forgetting to mention FK that I recently blasted past your aftermath score. It seemed kinda low, you must not be trying that hard.:sly:
I keep forgetting to mention FK that I recently blasted past your aftermath score. It seemed kinda low, you must not be trying that hard.:sly:
If it involved the crate on the scaffolding you may be upset when the next update comes out. There is apparently a glitch where if you grab it and let go as you hit the street you immediately get shot up into double-digit millions. Last time they fixed a glitch they removed all unrealistic scores.

What is your score?

I hit over five million this past weekend though. I felt proud of myself.

Although some of the legitimate high scores are close to 16 million. I saw a guy talking about how he did it and basically he shot through the subway twice, hitting as many of the boxes as he could and getting his multiplier up over 20 before landing in the street and ooching in front of cars.

My newest thing has been FWE. I have managed to unlock PAINful mode on that and got up to 88 crates in that. The high scores there (over 1,000) are from getting a chain reaction just right so that crates are exploding at a rate that just matches the bonus crate drops, basically making it never ending explosions.

I need to practice more but I am trying to play through the Metal Gear Solid games. I think I have some more time for PAIN! down the road as multiplayer won't be out until the new level comes out.
If it involved the crate on the scaffolding you may be upset when the next update comes out. There is apparently a glitch where if you grab it and let go as you hit the street you immediately get shot up into double-digit millions. Last time they fixed a glitch they removed all unrealistic scores.

What is your score?

I hit over five million this past weekend though. I felt proud of myself.

Last time I looked in the aftermath online rankings they only had you listed at something like 1.3m, which had you ranked in the 9,000 and something range. I had a 2.3m or so shot that bumped me up to the 4,000's.

My newest thing has been FWE. I have managed to unlock PAINful mode on that and got up to 88 crates in that. The high scores there (over 1,000) are from getting a chain reaction just right so that crates are exploding at a rate that just matches the bonus crate drops, basically making it never ending explosions.

For some reason the single player FWE keeps locking up on me and I haven't had a chance to play it. Do you have to unlock the 'cow man' to use in that level?
Last time I looked in the aftermath online rankings they only had you listed at something like 1.3m, which had you ranked in the 9,000 and something range. I had a 2.3m or so shot that bumped me up to the 4,000's.
Aftermath and I didn't get along for a while because I couldn't find the tricks as easily as I did in PAINdemonium. Now that I know where some of the good reactions are I am playing it more.

At least I think I was in Aftermath when I broke 5 million.

For some reason the single player FWE keeps locking up on me and I haven't had a chance to play it. Do you have to unlock the 'cow man' to use in that level?
Others complained about this and they suggested deleting the game files and redownloading the updates.

They actually looked into the bug and after a day said that they now guaranteed that redownloading the game would fix it.

You don't have to unlock Ed to use it. I'm surprise you haven't unlocked Ed yet. It is easy. In PAINdemonium there is a grab crate just to the left, on a regular explode crate, so you grab the grab crate and the other one explodes, shooting you up and if you time it you should come down on Ed so you can let go of the crate as you come down. Do it whatever the required number of times is to get him.
Others complained about this and they suggested deleting the game files and redownloading the updates.

As in, starting the game over deleting the game files or is that update stored separately?

You don't have to unlock Ed to use it. I'm surprise you haven't unlocked Ed yet. It is easy. In PAINdemonium there is a grab crate just to the left, on a regular explode crate, so you grab the grab crate and the other one explodes, shooting you up and if you time it you should come down on Ed so you can let go of the crate as you come down. Do it whatever the required number of times is to get him.

Ah...that might help. I think you have to blow him up 12 times.
As in, starting the game over deleting the game files or is that update stored separately?
Your game save is separate from your game files. So, I assume you can delete your game files without losing your game save. You will probably have to redownload all of your add-on chracters as well.

Ah...that might help. I think you have to blow him up 12 times.
It is actually quite simple.
Your game save is separate from your game files. So, I assume you can delete your game files without losing your game save. You will probably have to redownload all of your add-on chracters as well.

I'll give it a go this weekend.

It is actually quite simple.

How did we actually play games before the internet? :dopey:

[speech to children] Back when I was a kid we didn't have the internet to learn cheats. We did it the hard way! [/grumpy old man]
I just downloaded Pain last night. So far I'm up to a staggering 1.3 million (I think). I don't think that's too bad for only a few hours of playing.
So, I know we are all busy playing GTaIV or MGS4, or whatwever 4th in sequence game we are playing, and I know the PSN is giving us the MGS Database this week and that alone is awesomeness, not to mention whatever new stuff will show up in the store. And if you are me you had a birthday and got two new games, so those are distracting you, but in all of this gaming fun and stuff I think we should all take a second and load up PAIN!

Why? Well, I'll let the Playstation Blog tell you:

New Updates Bring the PAIN
+ Posted by Travis Williams // Sr. Producer, SCEA


My name is Travis Williams and I am the Senior Producer for PAIN for the PlayStation Network. It’s been a while since I last posted on the Official PlayStation blog. Every time I have it’s been a great experience. You all have shown me “da-love” so I wanted to make sure that when there was something cool to share with you that I would be back. I want to tell you what we’ve been doing with PAIN and why you should pay attention to us in the months to come.


Before I continue let me say welcome to the new PAIN users that have come via the Metal Gear Solid PlayStation 3 bundle. We’re happy to have you. Between your covert world saving missions you might want to take some time to pass a little gas. I won’t tell.


Ahem…. Where was I? Oh yeah….

Tomorrow, the 19th of June we are releasing our next free update to PAIN. This will be a two-week process where each week we release new features and content to PAIN. This is a two-week process because we are perfecting our content delivery process. We have always had this goal with PAIN that we should be able to move faster with our content delivery than most games. If you are a normal PAIN blog reader you might laugh at that comment. They have been waiting for months for us to pick up the pace. Some of them were wondering where I’ve been lately.

While we are not completely done with this exercise I believe we have come a long way in making sure that the PAIN content delivery process is ironed out. In the coming months you will see new modes, characters, environments, and content options that everyone has been asking (or demanding) since we released in November (in the US). The great part about all of our future work is that it is worldwide. If I knew it was going to be this hard I would have shut my face before making such bold comments.

Oh well.. at least I am finally makin good right? Right?!


So what’s in the 6-19 update then? Here you go…

Jukebox Play – Now you can play your own tunes inside of PAIN. If you have some time go back to my previous blog posts and you will see where you users took us to task about including this option. So it’s DONE.

New Downtown Layouts – We have new configurations for downtown. Demolition and Block Party. Go to the trophy room after your update and you will see how to unlock these areas. You can also play these areas in HORSE now too.

Multiple Character Selection – Many of our players wanted to play two player games with different characters. So there you go.

Logo Skip – Now you don’t have to wait for the logo sequence to get right to the game.


The next PAIN update will happen a week later… This will include…

Nigel – A nod goes out to Sony Europe for helping us make a hoodlum the right way. Nigel will be available for download.

Platinum Club – If you are awesome at PAIN and earned all your Platinum medals then you will get brand new layouts for Spank The Monkey, Mime Toss and Fun with Explosives. You even have an exclusive leader board. Now that’s elite. If you are in the Platinum Club trust me… you have skillz.

That’s all for now. The PAIN content train is gaining speed. I’ll be back next month to tell you all about our brand new “Abusement” Park and how we are still as ridiculous as we were when we made Downtown.

I really should have more supervision… *Evil Laugh*


So, we should step into PAIN! next week as well.
Looks like it's finally time to fire up Pain once again. Looking forward to the new layouts. Still no news on the new map release date?

Looks like it's finally time to fire up Pain once again. Looking forward to the new layouts. Still no news on the new map release date?

I believe the official word is soon. But they have hinted at next month.

They are also talking about wanting to get into a regular content update pattern now that they are aware of what kinds of bugs creep up in their development process. This update is actually two weeks later than initially promised due to a huge bug that popped up in final testing.
yay...I get a complete lock up at the press start button screen. I'm off to some deleting and redownloading.
yay...I get a complete lock up at the press start button screen. I'm off to some deleting and redownloading.
You are having no luck with PAIN! updates.

I assume you got it working?
I did like you mentioned and deleted the original file and redownloaded. Everything is running like a champ now and I like the updates.

Blockparty seems much more challanging to get a high score.
Hey guys, since i got a new HDD, yestruday I re downloaded PAIN. Some Patch came out, now i can play some custom tunes, and 2 new modes or setups for the current map. It also mentioned I can have new sling shots locations. How do I unlock the two new modes? And how can I switch slingshot locations?
Hey guys, since i got a new HDD, yestruday I re downloaded PAIN. Some Patch came out, now i can play some custom tunes, and 2 new modes or setups for the current map. It also mentioned I can have new sling shots locations. How do I unlock the two new modes? And how can I switch slingshot locations?
Post 41 has the info on the update. There will be another one this Thursday as well.

To unlock the new launcher locations you need to go to the Trophy Room to see what it tells you you need to get the new trophies and they will unlock the new positions.
This looks like a fun game that I will have to try out for sure. I didnt see it on the free demo list.
They don't have a demo. The developers have actually openly discussed a demo on their own blog and on the Official Playstation Developers Blog. The nature of the game doesn't really allow for any kind of plausible demo.

There is no list of features that could be limited, no levels to keep it limited to, and a timed demo of just the main gameplay would be entertaining enough that people would feel no need to purchase the full version just for some extra game modes and unlimited time.

It is free in the MGS4 80GB bundle.
Oh thats not bad at all. I still plan on just getting the 40 gig PS3.
Most new PSN exclusive titles run in the $9.99 range.

The ones that cot more are slightly more flushed out, like Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, or also available as Blu-Ray, like Warhawk or GT5P.
I just unlocked me some Demolition

And you bought Nigel I see.

I really need to go try the new modes. Part of me is really wanting to hold off for the PSN trophies though. They said they would add stuff for that and I'm already dreading trying to hit that 5 million mark again.
Bloody right I've got Nigel

The new modes are very challenging to get legit high scores. BTW I believe there are four different ways to unlock Demolition. I didn't do it the way I saw a youtuber do it.
Because the latest blog post got over 1,000 comments they said they will release videos and screenshots of the Amusement Park level on the PAIN! and PlayStation Blogs this Thursday.

I suspect the Thursday tie-in will mean a video on the PSN as well.

First playable version will be at E3, and they will tell us more about it then.

I'll link the post with video and screenshots when they go up.

@Everyone: Well now the forces of evil (who shall remain nameless) are telling me I can't show the video till Monday. But I will show screenshots on Tomorrow. GRRRRRR. It will be on the web before the PSN. I will let you know where to go!


Posted on 07.02.08 11:05 AM by travis williams

That is what I get for trying to bring new info as soon as I hear it.
And here we go.

From the PAIN! blog.

On the Way to the Amusement Park
• Posted by Travis Williams

A month after we shipped PAIN we (Sony Computer Entertainment America and Idol Minds) got together to plan what we would do next. I don't mean another game; I mean how we can take what we have in PAIN and raise it to a new level. Ordinarily that wouldn’t be such a daunting task. However, our timing was condensed due to the demands of our community for more content. We all heard the "One Level!" comments from a lot of you. Even if it was true from a graphic content, it certainly wasn't true from a design and scripting standpoint. We all agreed that gameplay innovation in PAIN was less about a new environment and more about the events and tasks performed therein.
So in those meetings we started to further define what makes PAIN…PAIN. I know it's a strange thing to do AFTER you ship a product but I don't think you have a fundamental understanding of a product like PAIN until you put it into the hands of others. When I say others, I mean gamers like you all. Now when I say that, I don't mean to imply that we had no idea what we were building. What I AM saying is that when you make a product you know what you mean to "say". It is only when you get that feedback from others when you realize if what you "say" is actually understood and largely agreed upon.

So we took a look at the times you were posting for Mime Toss. We looked at the number of Spanked Monkeys…I am not going to mention the ridiculous PAINdemonium scores, but even the ones in the realm of believability suggested that PAIN was something that everyone understood. I would even venture to say that in some cases gamers understood PAIN better than we did.

…so back to that meeting.

In that meeting we discussed the prime skills in PAIN. The ones that we felt you needed to master in order for you to be good at anything we would throw at you. That was really important because it also influenced the way we would construct anything else. Anything else meant modes, characters, and especially environments. Many of you would have preferred that we made more than one initial environment in PAIN. While that might not have been a bad idea, I can assure you that it wouldn't have been as dynamic as what we came up with next.

I will spare you all the details of the "spirited" conversations we had and focus on the salient points that emerged from those meetings. Those fundamental truths that we agreed must be part of the PAIN landscape. The skills most needed in PAIN are: Drift, Ooch, Grab, Throw and (most of all) situational awareness. The best PAIN players are great at improvisation. PAIN is great at randomness so you have to be ready to "play it by ear" to be good.

When conversations began about what modes would be represented in the next area it really came down to asking ourselves what skill sets do PAIN players currently have? What does it mean to someone when you say "I'm really good at PAIN?" The modes didn't matter as much as the skills involved. Your experience in the Downtown area needed to be applicable to everything we do in the future. So we went about choosing which modes would stay intact. Which modes would we tweak and which modes would be replaced with something a little more exciting.

We even went a step further and just asked you which modes you liked the best. It was somewhat shocking to us that the mode you liked the best was the one that took the least amount of time to do. PAINdemonium? Are you kidding me? We weren't expecting that! It was at that time when we really starting thanking ourselves we included a poll on the site. BTW: This was the reason we made two PAINdemonium levels in the latest update. So we knew that going forward giving you goals within our crazy areas was going to be appreciated.

We also took a look at the scores for Mime Toss and knew that whatever we were doing there you seemed to get it as well (too well). The same went for Fun With Explosives. If we were going to take theses modes a step further we would have to figure out what you liked about them and make sure that was present while adding something new to the mix. That's where the idea of Gold.. Ahem Platinum Club came from.

We also had to keep in mind that everyone who plays PAIN is not an Ooch deity. We had to make sure that the PAIN philosophy was intact here. That philosophy being…

Funny and PAINful to watch. Easy to learn, but difficult to master.

There needed to be a significant difference between the inexperienced PAIN player and the expert. If you are good at PAIN by now you know what I mean. Watching someone play PAIN who knows what they are doing is actually very impressive. Observing the newbie play PAIN is almost unbearable (if you are able to score golds). You want to snatch that DUALSHOCK®3 from the noob and show them how it's done. Personally, much like a lot of players, I am content with being good at a game and not God-like. So rest assured you don't have to be an awesome incarnate to enjoy the new content. However, if you happen to be, we still have challenges for you.

Okay…now that we knew the mission we now had to build it.


The Amusement Park has had many different incarnations before we decided on the final format. It had to represent what we know of the PAIN play style and add layers to it. It wouldn't do to have another level like Downtown. We needed to move beyond that area. We needed to step it up. That meant…

More moving parts.

More ways to move around.

More community Interaction

Different ways to move around

A different launcher

A multi-leveled environment

Longer PAINful runs


Oh and….less time between new content updates

There are other changes to be sure. These are some of the larger ones. Each one of these changes made us go back and revisit how we achieve things. The majority of the larger changes are there to make sure multiplayer is fun and non-abusive. The single player changes are there to prepare you for the world of hurt you will experience when you challenge other people online.

A few modes escaped tweakage. Most did not. The new modes I think you will enjoy and will give you more than enough in the way of challenges to keep you busy. We even went back into Downtown, and made sure that any of rule changes in the Amusement Park were echoed in Downtown. We didn't want you playing with different rule sets.

So in the coming weeks we will be sharing with you all the new PAIN area. All the characters you will see and the modes of play involved. I'm pretty excited about the amount of content in this add-on. It's more than the original PAIN release and I think it finally faithfully represents what you should expect from us from here on out. If you like PAIN you're going to love this. If you love PAIN already. Well….I hope you have a change of underwear.

See you at the Fun Spot.

And two other screens.

