- 34,119
- Mile High City
The consequence of having unprotected sex is getting pregnant/having a child.
Getting pregnant!=Having a child
That's what abortion is for.
The consequence of having unprotected sex is getting pregnant/having a child.
I saw this coming three posts ago. Isn't this essentially what our entire abortion debate was over?Getting pregnant!=Having a child
I saw this coming three posts ago. Isn't this essentially what our entire abortion debate was over?
^^ I'm not sure if that's a compliment, or if you're saying i'm off-topic....
It does directly deal with parental permission, by saying that the government should have no partaking in who has one, and should likewise have no say to make parents consent.
There's an inconsistency there. If you say they are too young to understand the decision, how can they make an intelligent one?
So where does that leave abortion? With Science.
Science says it is not a human being until a certain age, and that is what the government should go by. Not religion, not moral, but whether or not it is a human being. Science says it is not a human being, for many reasons.
I remember a certain male child of mine (who shall remain nameless) running away from home at 9 because I was trying to make him bathe (lucky for me this isnt a thread he is likely to get involved in J)They can make her do a lot of other things against her will too. Like chores, school, bathing, hygiene, church, sports and the like. How is this so much different?
Maybe it's a way the parents use to show their daughter the consequences of sex.
Pregnancy is the consequence of pregnancy that is being dealt with by having an abortion. A parent can choose to let their child face the consequences of their actions or choose to pay for them to get around it and go on with life like nothing happened.
No, like getting pregnant when you don't want to. That's the problem. an abortion is a fix to a problem that shouldn't have to exist if personal responsibility is taken.
Because it isn't simply an unnecessary medical procedure. It's a personal life decision.
I have one living right under my roof. Fortunately for me this was never an issue we had to deal with but it was one I was always prepared from the time I gave birth to her. Its something that we talked about a fair bit and she knew that if she got into that situation she would have my full support in whatever decision she made and I knew that she had the maturity to make that decision. I dont know what or how I did it but somehow I managed to bring her up to be a mature, intelligent and morally sound human being. I sometimes think it is just her way of rebelling, she doesnt want to be like me JAnd like all personal life decisions, the parents have to give consent. Find me any girl under the age of 16 that can truly weigh the long-term consequences of personal life decisions.
This is also a medical procedure that requires signing legal forms that many adults have trouble understanding, and you expect a teenage girl to be able to? Then you are also expecting these young girls to understand that there is a chance they can die. They are freaking out, obviously too scared to tell their parents, and are reacting out of fear. You expect this girl to completely understand the medical risks that go along with any medical procedure as well as the few risks that go along with abortions?
There is a maturity level at issue here and if they aren't mature enough to get a tattoo, see certrain movies, smoke, drink, vote, or select any other medical procedures then why would they be mature enough to make this decision?
I don't remember asking my parents for permission to go to a particular college (even though I was 15 when I applied and 16 when I attended). That's what I'd call a personal life decision that minors can make. One that has many consequences for the rest of their life - and so it is one that must be made by them and cannot be made for them.
I actually did force Jack to have his second head removed against his will J and am currently deciding if I should make him get a boob job.Parents cannot force their children to get fake boobs, rhinoplasty, liposuction, or attach a third arm or a second head.
Once again, why I don't want kids. I'll worry too much about a daughter and I fear a son will be like me. I can't count the number of times I nearly burned down the house in the name of scientific experimentation (age 8: yes bubble gum burns - age 16: yes, hydrogen gas burns).