Paris Hilton going down

  • Thread starter TheCracker
:rolleyes: Oh puh-lease!... I really hope you were being sarcastic there.... It seems a celebrity can't do anything whatsoever without drawing some form of silly criticism. Contrary to popular belief, even people like Paris Hilton are human beings at the end of the day, capable of real emotions and real fear. Do you honestly think that she is deliberately 'posing' in that picture? To think that requires an incredible amount of cynicism and a lack of empathy (and I mean empathy, not sympathy) that is really quite amazing...

Yes, but at the same time she did the crime and when I heard that she was going back to jail it did put a smile on my face. The law should apply to everyone, and it annoys me when people with money buy their way out of trouble.

Meanwhile I still think it’s a cop-out that she’s serving her sentence in the medical facility. Uh-huh, medical condition. Suuuuuuure.
Hence why I said empathy and not sympathy. I completely think she should be going straight back to jail (as is pretty clear from my original post in this thread). What I don't believe, however, is that Paris Hilton is playing to the cameras in the photo shown above. Either way, I reckon this will be one hell of a wake up call for her and other celebs who feel they can flout the law and get away with a token fine...
any bets on when Lohan does her stint in lock-up?

Too edit this a bit further, I seriously think that Paris believed she'd never go to jail. She's honestly that stupid. To see her completely break down as a result of her own actions, is shadenfreud.

My follow-up thoughts, are that after she serves her sentence and gets out, she'll have to "struggle" with years of therapy due to the her incarceration. I can just see the Oprah Show where she "comes clean" and admits the personal trauma she's endured since the "Traumitizing events".
Hence why I said empathy and not sympathy. I completely think she should be going straight back to jail (as is pretty clear from my original post in this thread). What I don't believe, however, is that Paris Hilton is playing to the cameras in the photo shown above. Either way, I reckon this will be one hell of a wake up call for her and other celebs who feel they can flout the law and get away with a token fine...

Medical condition. Geez.

Time in the slammer will do her good. Maybe she'll learn she can't be a spoilt little brat to get her own way.
I'm sure you'd be completely composed if you were being taken to jail in a cop car with the whole country watching you, right Duck?
I'm not saying her reactions are an act, but I will say that the whole country probably wouldn't be watching her with such scrutiny if her parents and her hadn't made it so incredibly obvious that they didn't think Paris should go to jail when for the law that she broke. As Der Alta said, I wouldn't think it is too far a stretch to think that both she and her parents expected her to get away consequence free from her actions, and in my opinion she deserves to get what came to her; especially the shock that she so obviously received when she learned she couldn't weasle her way out of her jail time. She brought the nation's scrutiny on herself, so she gets no sympathy from me.
I have no sympathy. I mean, she's purposely facing the camera when she's crying. Not covering up her face, nothing. What an attention whore.

Kind of hard to do so when there's about 60 million camera on every square inch of the rear of the cop car, and your hands are behind your back.

Might want to think of wording your reply better next time, and think of what she's limited by if she tried to cover her face.

And what does it matter? Tons of people have cried when being put into the back of a cop car. I've seen enough episodes of Cops and stories to conclude that.
Breaking News: Paris Hilton out of jail - Blames God for imprisonment (Article)

US heiress Paris Hilton has described as "traumatic" the time she spent in a Los Angeles prison for violating probation on a driving ban.

Appearing on CNN's Larry King talk show she said: "It was a very traumatic experience but I feel like God does make everything happen for a reason."
No honey, I think you'll find the reason you went to jail was entirely your own fault. Nice try, but trying to shift the responsibility for your actions on to God is pretty lame.

Hopefully the claim that she intends to be a "more responsible role model" is a back-handed way of accepting responsibility for her own actions, although she doesn't explicitly say it. The sooner she takes responsibility, the better for all concerned.
She says she's going to drop the 'dumb' act and stop partying - what skills does that leave her with?
No honey, I think you'll find the reason you went to jail was entirely your own fault. Nice try, but trying to shift the responsibility for your actions on to God is pretty lame.

Funny, considering how she found God just before being jailed...
She gave up sex, she's giving up being dumb and now she's giving up 'partying.' Those were her only talents. She's going to be awful lonely and broke.
:lol: I wondered why she was so happy...

For anyone not getting the reference, that photo has become infamous for being 'Paris Hilton with a bible'

Ha, the joke is on you then, because that isn't Paris Hilton... that's her sister, Glasgow.

As I understand it, there are no bibles in Glasgow Hilton.

Sticky fingered Scots and that...
I firmly believe Paris isn't as stupid as she acts. If you've ever seen an episode of "the simple life" you'll get what I mean. She's acting, and not even particularly well. Jessica Simpson on the otherhand has a severe brain cell deficiency.

I'm of two minds on this. On the one hand, I think she's being picked on because she's high profile. I doubt a normal person would do jail time for her offense. On the otherhand, I'm sure that she considered herself to be above the law - as many celebrities do. So from that point of view I really like to see celebrities have to pay the price for their actions.

And, of course, the post-prison enlightenment is more of the act.
It's true. I hate to admit it. We were given a DVD as a gift and figured we might as well watch it. Some of it was actually quite funny. Mostly it was mindless and trivial. But one thing that struck me was that Paris was saying things that were too stupid, even for her. I realized part way into it that she was just putting on a show. It's hard to guage how stupid she really is.
On the one hand, I think she's being picked on because she's high profile. I doubt a normal person would do jail time for her offense.
For breaking probation and drunk driving? They would arrest you and auction off your car for good measure. Her particular example was overplayed to a great degree, but I'd say the judge throwing the book at her just made her abide by the law like everyone else. Perhaps a little bit harsher than a normal person (I doubt a normal person would get more than a month in jail), but she was out in 3 weeks anyways.
I absolutely hate the way the media fawns over talentless, pointless and irrelevant tramps like Hilton. To be perfectly honest it disgusts me.