Parnelli's GT2 stories.

I couldn't agree more.:) Still, it IS nice that this story is still chugging along! And here I thought BOTH our stories were dead... Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter and um, that's pretty much all I had to say... except for this... guess what's the word? THIS is the word!!:dopey::lol::D:P

see at this link:


sorry, i STILL have no idea how to embed youtube videos in my posts!
sorry, i STILL have no idea how to embed youtube videos in my posts!

It's tricky. I figured it out one day. You gotta look at how the letters & numbers are arranged...can't just put a link up and put YOUTUBE /YOUTUBE around it. It's hard to explain, but like I said I figured it out one day by studying how one of the links that "works" is arranged once it appears on this site. I had to delete some of the URL characters I believe.
It's great to see you back 👍 :cheers: I'm worried you might leave GTP like AAZ, TMM, sucahyo and co :nervous:

Cool. I'll get on it then. Can't believe I started this thing about 2 years ago!

Yeah. It's amazing how time flies. I was still in high school back then, and I can remember reading your posts/stories in between classes, grinning in front of my laptop at your silly jokes :lol: The other kids probably think I'm mad lol. Now I'm already in Uni (which explains why I post very sparsely these days) and we're only 2 months away from GT5's release!
Parnelli, I just reread your entire story up to now and I must say... you are a definite genius! And I must say, nice touch with the way Graham manages to get out of trouble! almost.... (Heh, he avoided Tiffany but got caught by little Princess!:lol::lol:) But at any rate, keep going! And if I may offer a small suggestion? Do a chapter where Graham finally gets his car to be RM'ed. That would be so cool! (And potentially dangerous to Graham.:) after all, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF TIFFANY FOUND OUT ABOUT THAT?!)
Well thanks, I appreciate that gtmaster08. I keep getting little nudges and hints here and there, and as it turns out, am very inspired for another chapter. Let's get going.

To recap, Graham and his daughter Princess are still in Grindy, about to make the journey back to Rome for the final leg of the Clubman Cup. Graham's wife Tiffany, who stayed behind in Rome while Graham and Princess were up in Switzerland, has seen a newspaper editorial detailing her husband's win in Rome, and knows all about Grindelwald, too. Looks like there could be trouble for Graham.

Finally, GT2's Grindelwald Racing Coordinator (Helmund Günter) seems to think that Princess is actually a "princess", and is debating whether or not anything should be done to accomodate her royal presence. Little does he know, she's royal alright: a royal pain in the ass for her father.


Going back to Rome

After the race and fanfare, Graham was not looking forward to going back to Rome. :indiff: He much preferred Switzerland. Not only that, but it was now his fourth day without his favorite Starbucks drink, which was (let's face it) driving him CRAZY! :crazy:

Unfortunately for poor Graham, there was nothing he could do to avoid his withdrawl symptoms. :( Drug addicts and alcoholics, for instance, have tons of support groups like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous to try to help them overcome their addictions. There is also a well-documented history about how evil and awful drugs/alcohol can be. The drug addict knows about all of this from the get-go, therefore, he or she makes the choice over and over again to use, knowing there's ultimately this huge safety net to help them overcome.

Graham, on the other hand, had none of this! There was (after all) no such thing as a support group for those addicted to Starbucks drinks! :lol: Therefore, Graham had no idea really what was happening to him! His sleep patterns were off. :boggled: His mind was having trouble focusing. Only when actually racing was he able to bring his anxiety to benefit, for all this nervous energy was now fueling him to succeed during the actual race!

After the race at Grindelwald, Graham went to get paid. :mischievous: His favorite part, of course, was
watching Helmund Günter cut that check! Sweet!

At this moment, Princess was staring at daddy, even more anxious to watch him get that money. For this reason, Graham had to be suddenly discreet.

"Princess, I need a moment alone with Mister Günter here, can you scoot?"

"Um, okay. What-Ever..."

"Thank you."

Günter took notice of this. This "odd" behavior. The princess's concierge was surely a bit rude to what was basically his boss. How can such rudeness be tolerated!?! This was none of Günter's business, though, and he had other duties to attend to. Graham Wellington was certainly something of a character, and Günter enjoyed the man's company, but he was also a pain in das hinter! :P

"So Günter. I'm going to ask you a bit of a favor" Graham intoned once Princess was out of earshot. "We are...obviously in a bit of a bind. As you've noticed, I'm travelling with my royal subject. Um, and our secret slipped, so that certain townsfolk here now know that she's a princess. This is...ahhhhh....a delicate situation".

"Say no more!" says Günter. "I shall help you travel under zah strictest of confidence back to Rome, sir. As GT2 racing coordinator, my powers are limited, but I can assure you I can at least protect this American princess."

...which is why Graham and Princess were now travelling in style, in a big, black Mercedes Benz limousine! Equipped with all the finest: plush leather seats, a moonroof, a very polite driver just like somebody out of the movies, a small wet bar...

"DAD! OH. MY. GOD. But what? HOw? How did you do it???"

"Get in my young princess" Graham offered! "We are off to Rome!"

"OH MY GOD JUST WAIT TILL I TELL MANDY! And Stephany! And Julie!!! And Chelsea!!!"

"...fine fine fine...just make sure you don't tell...."

"Mom! Okay, got it dad! I won't tell mom" Princess promises, her eyes wide :eek: and her mouth open! :embarrassed:

So that's how it is. Graham taking advantage of yet it were. :rolleyes:

On the way back to Rome, he and Princess were obviously ecstatic. Graham got to travel in style, sipping on some sort of European liqueur, while Princess played with the limo's many switches, satellite television, and got all googly-eyed whenever yet another European stud drove by in a BMW or soemthing, trying to gaze into the limo's rear in an effort to view a travelling celebrity!

"Dad! How did you do this?" she asks, totally befuddled. "Like, this must be costing us a FORTUNE!"

At this private moment between father and daughter, Graham decided this would be a great time to impart a bit of wisdom to his younger quarter. He had thought about this for a long time. Princess was just 12, a little young for this stuff, yet if you really think about it, she was HERE with him in this limo because of her persistence. Let's not forget she actually tried to blackmail her father just the week prior! Yes. She was ready for this stuff...ready to become....a Wellington!

"Princess. I'm going to teach you a bit of a lesson, now. I'm sure you're thinking ready for this stuff now">

"Uh...what stuff?"

"We...are going to talk about doors. Doors in life, Princess. Often in life, we come to a door". Graham says confidently, smiling his Wellington smile.

"Ummmm okay. Soooo?"

"And for some people, these doors are open. The person comes to the opens for him. Or her. The people who usually ride in this car, for instance, constantly have doors opened for them"

"Ummmm. soo! Like is there a POINT?" :mad: Princess says, upset a little to be interrupted while watching some sort of European soap opera on the limo's TV.

"I'm getting to it Princess. Listen up, Princess, this is important. For some people, these doors are open, for others, they are closed, Princess. Such folks walk up to the door" he says while gazing at the countryside rushing by "and they are closed".


"But there is a third situation, my dear. For some folk, these doors are open. That is situation number one. For some, they are closed. That is situation number two. For others, they are closed but need to be opened. This is a third situation, one which is not as popular, not as...acceptable. And people in this third situation OPEN THESE DOORS FOR THEMSELVES. Do you follow? We OPEN THE DOOR OURSELVES. Without waiting for somebody or something to tell when and how to do it. Do we understand my youngling?"

"Uh, Dad, are you like, HIGH? You're like freaking me out!"

"And that my dear....that is how it is in life. Sometimes, you must open the door yourself! If you know what I mean! I can see you don't quite get it yet, Princess, but you will. Now, how's that book report going?"

"Um....BOOK REPORT. Dad, there was no book report! Remember? We just said that to mom to...."

"Yes, I know, we said that to mom so we could..ah..."

At this moment, neither of them could finish the sentence. Neither of them could vocalize the last word...neither of them could admit to one another the awful truth...they had lied to mom! In tandem. Even Graham. as deceitfully evil as he could be, could not admit this in words! :lol:

"Now, my dear, we are coming to life lesson number two!" Graham chimes.


"Listen. I know there was no book report, and YOU know there was no book report, but somebody else still thinks you had to come to Switzerland to do extra credit so you could impress your teacher. You follow?"

"Uh, Nooooo! When are we going back home, you're like totally being a space case!"

"This is it my daughter...this is JUST what I'm talking about! YOu attempted to blackmail me last week, now you are here. You uh....told a story to your mother about a ....let's face it...fictitious book report, now you are here. Now..." Graham says, taking out his laptop "...view this. YOu are about to learn one of my deep, dark secrets, my daughter. FOr here is my customized Projected Simulated Behavioral Computer Program...PSBCP for short! Now according to this, "Mom" is going to expect that book report be DONE. Trust me on this. You are going to..."

"Ok OKAY I get it dad! I'll write up my stupid report. gEeez!!!"

"That's my girl!"

Anyways, long story short! :rolleyes:

After just a few hours, they arrived in Rome. Graham was careful not to allow the limo driver too close to the hotel, lest Tiffany & company see them get out of this huge car and raise suspicions! BAck in Rome, it was indeed a bit rainy, Graham and Princess ran back to the hotel while ducking their heads from the wetness!

"Ahhh! Sooo, look who has returned!" says Tiffany brightly, sitting looking smart and demure in one of her professional real estate-looking outfits. "The other half! And how was your Switzerland! I'm sure you two had a REALLY lovely time! she says, in that strange tone of voice Graham was familliar with.

She was up to something! But WHAT?

"Hello my banana icing cupcake!" says Graham, kissing her cheek and trying not to betray any anxiety in his voice! But oh..he was anxious! He was anxious alright! Something was wrong here! "Um, I apologize for our little side trip, my love, but we're back, refreshed from the snow and the sun of Switzerland! It's a good thing you didn't come, though" he says, concocting up yet another lie on-the-spot, "they had such horrible service up there! Even worse than ROme, I'm afraid!"

"Oh GREAT!" Tiffany says in that odd tone of voice, a smirk on her face. :mischievous: "Sounds like have everything! And we are .....soooo glad to have you back!"

"Thank you."

"And PRINCESS! How is my ...dear daughter Princess?" says Tiffany, now changing position in the room. During this entire diatribe, grandmother was sittting off to the side, oddly not chiming in or saying even a WORD! She had not even greeted her granddaughter! NOT GOOD.

"Um. Fine mother! I am fine!"

"MMM hmm Mmmm Hmm. And your report? Princess! How is your....BOOK REPORT coming along??? For you've had two entire days to get some material done, right? So let's see it!"

At this, Princess now looks to her father. :scared: He was right! Actually, that stupid compter program on his laptop was right! Dad could hide his anxiety, years and years of courtside experience to his benefit. Princess, on the other hand, now looked to her mom in fear! :nervous: Wow, that computer was right! Good thing she...

"Um, here mom! Look, I've got it done! Um, wanna see it?"

At this, mom did a double-take! She didn't expect this! What the HELL! Goodness gracious, Princess actually did it!

As she hands mom a few computer-printed pages, Mom scanning them quickly for some sort of discretion, she could only give in....yet again. Wow, Princess actually did it! But HOW? She was really telling the truth? Something wasn't right. Suddenly, Tiffany thrust the papers BACK to her daughter, and LOOOKED AT GRAHAM!

"YOU! You did this! What are you up to now, Grammy?"

"Hmmmm? Me? Why I've done nothing, my dear!" Graham says, smiling confidently, :) the plans and the lies moving along effortlessly like a train on well-greased rails! "Aren't you PROUD of your daughter? Such persistence! Just look at her, going for that extra credit! Let's have dinner!" Graham says, taking Princess under his arm, proudly giving her a squeeze! "Let's have dinner! and a toast to Princess!"

"DADDY!" says the boy. "DADDY BACK!". The Wellington son breaks in, interrupting this ....odd set of moments, whatever it was! Graham wasn't sure!

So ends another chapter in the life of Graham Wellington and company! Tiffany couldn't, jsut couldn't, interrogate him under the circumstances, not with her son present! :mad: So the entire family, once again, went off to dinner. Tiffany obviously simmering! God knows why, something was up, but for now, Graham was (once again) "in the clear" it were! :rolleyes:

Stay tuned for the next chapter! Rome Full Circuit shall be up soon! :)
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Ha ha thanks. I will keep on...

The Scene behind The Scene

"Have we any sort of contact on this guy? Any at all?"

"No ma'am. We know he left Grindelwald, we have definite confirmation from Helmund, but so far, we aren't even sure if he's going to show up to the races tomorrow. He may not even be still in the country."

"Damn. Well, keep trying. I want to do a comprehensive search for this so-called Yuppy Scum guy. Search the hotels near the Collisseum. What sort of contact have we to go by anyways?"

"Well, "searching the hotels" could take quite lot of energy. There are, after all, thousands of hotels, bed & breakfasts, boarding houses, etc in Roma. So far as conatacts go, he's got a cell phone number listed. That's how Helmund got a hold of him up in Grindy. But so far, no answer. It appears, matter of fact, that perhaps his phone is off. He also has the email address Gran Turismo embedded into his computer, but it apparently was his work computer. If he's got a laptop or something, there's no listing for it.


This was the scene behind the scenes. The above diatribe features GT2 Racing Coordinator/Roma conversing with GT2/Rome's main Media Consultant. The Coordinator is French, the Media Consultant Finnish. But of course, both spoke English, that infamous second language to the majority of Europeans, which makes my job as a translator so much easier. :sly:

Things were alway somewhat chaotic so far amongst GT2's media and racing coordinators. The little team above had so far managed to contact every "double Clubman" winner (those who won both at Rome Short and Grindelwald) and brought them in for short interviews. All except Graham that is, and at 6 pm in the evening, things were starting to look desperate.

The thing is, she had several other interviews but she REALLY wanted Graham! He had been dubbed "Yupppy Scum" at the last Sunday cup race in America, and she would stay up all night if she had to track the guy down!

The Media Consultant, an anorexic-looking, chain-smoking female with wire-rim glasses and a shrew-like face, was famous for her ultimate persistence when it came to getting driver interviews "in the can" as the saying goes. But she was having sort of a bad day. Well, as bad as it can possibly get for Media Consultants, ha ha.

She had spent several days now reviewing Graham Wellington's information, watching that silly BBC film in which he danced around while a young girl (a princess? ) shrieked in mock-embarssment! :embarrassed: It was good stuff! GREAT stuff! The kind of "stuff" Gran Turismo's organization sought to build up in the media. Who cares about the racing, let's focus on the drivers! That's the logic here. The drivers are gold, especially drivers like Graham "Yuppy Scum" Wellington!

Splashing colorful people such as Graham in their tabloids, after all, could only create more and more spectator interest! Most race drivers (let's face it) are somewhat boring. Let's say a driver wrecks his car, for instace. What does he usually say once they get him back into the pit area for an interview?

"Well I'd like to give a shout to my teammates...the Exxon/Home Depot Ford did a fantastic job, but we'll have to try again next time...we all did a good job, you know? Exxon. Home Depot. All my sponsors. Really great job, we'll try again, and we'll bring it all together next time..."

How BORING! No wonder spectator interest in motorsports was down! Wouldn't it be more interesting if that same driver went..


THIS is what I.M. Reechasheet was after! This passion, this sort of anger, is what he wanted to find from his organization!!! Which is where the chain-smoking Finnish Media Consultant came into play.

She was good at her job usually, and always got what she was after, when it came to phishing out driver talent, getting some words into the tabloids. It usually wasn't this difficult to find the drivers, after all, and most of the time, they relished their (usually) short-lived celebrity. Most of the time, such drivers didn't last that long before life called them back to their boring jobs, their boring responsibilities!

If a tax consultant won a couple races in the Clubman, for instance, yet choked mercillessly in races afterwards, his racing career finally dying, he could at least go back to his boring day job, knowing he at least gave it a shot. Knowing he'd at least have a few interesting stories to tell his grandkids. :indiff:

But this Graham....he was apparently a problem. It would take skill (actually, luck) to find the man.

He hadn't shown up at any of the official hotels mandated for Gran Turismo drivers. :grumpy: When he made it into Rome a few days earlier, he was a nobody. A few days earlier, nobody knew who Graham Wellington was (not in Europe, anyways). It was only after his Rome Short win that people got interested! A BBC camerawoman got that famous short of him dancing after his win, but after that....*poof!* it was as if he vanished into thin air! :confused:

He made it to Grindelwald (where the media-driven side of GT2's organization wasn't as fleshed-out, yet), won the race (he apparently was a talented driver, that's for sure), and according to Helmund, left in a limousine paid for by Gran Turismo 2 inc. Apparently, he had a girl travelling with him who was some sort of royalty? That couldn't be right! But, was she actually his daughter? There was some confusion about this, generally confusion and mystery about Graham "Yuppy Scum" Wellington as a whole.

"Have you checked for a home address?" asked the Media Consultant.

"Says he's from Washintgon State, in America. Just outside of Seattle. Apparently it's Microsoft country. He's a lawyer".

"HUh. A lawyer. And he's got a young girl travelling with him who's a princess?"

"Well, there's nothing listed here about a girl, any sort of royalty, or a family for that matter. Just him!"

"Huh"...the Media Consultant went deep into thought for a moment, handrolled cigarette burning dangerously near her yellowed fingernails, now. "So if he's only one listed" she says with her British/French accent "perhaps he paid for he and this "princess" to come into Rome. Paid out of his own pocket, that is. We certainly have no record of bank statements from any local hotels, that's for sure! Anyways, keep trying him."

"Yes ma'am".

The Racing Coordinator didn't have to try for very long...

At dinner now, Graham was conversing safely with his family, safely away from the "sharks" waiting to eat him alive...his phone had indeed been off for the trip from Switzerland. It was off because its battery had died. :(

But now it was back on, and Graham was at the dinner table. He had brought a bunch of his legal papers with him, pretending to work on the Penske file. Though Tiffany was still pissed at him, she neither brought it to attention why she was pissed, nor did she flare up again. But she wondered what the heck he was doing work at the dinner table, for...he usually never worked while eating dinner at home.

"'allo. My name is Ridolfo. I am going to be your waiter for the evening". says an obviously Italian man with a pencil thin moustache. "Would madam like to start?"

"I'll have the Penne Rotocini please, a little light on the tomato sauce and garlic, please" says Tiffany.

"Just a glass of your Mototrucco vintage red wine and a small salad" says grandma.

"I'll have skabhetti" mispronounced the son. "Skabhetti with MEATBALLS"

"Like, do you guys have any spaghetti without meat in it?" asks Princess, secretly shocking the entire table.

"And you sir, what would you like?"

"Um". Graham says, looking at his legal papers. "I'll have a glass of milk. Foamed. I'll also have a cup of your mocha cafe. Some cinnamon. Some powdered vanilla. Some cocoa if you have it, and some brown sugar. I'll also have a latte-style coffee, and a really really big empty glass", says Graham while gesturing with his hands, while the entire table (plus the waiter) looked at him like he were from Mars! "Oh, and um...could you make a muffin for me, too. Two actually".

"Um, aren't you going to know....EAT something?" asks his wife.

"Dad, are you gone MARBLES?" asks Princess.

Grandma then stood up and looked over to Graham's legal papers, looked over his shoulder matter of fact. He had been staring intently at this group of papers while he was ordering. She got snoopy now, and looked over. What she saw was a coil-bound booklet with (what looked to be) some sort of picture of a drink?

"What's THIS?" she asks!

"None. Of your. Business!" Graham says, snatching up all his legal papers in a flash!

"What WAS that Grammy?" she asks. :irked: Graham could tolerate his wife calling him "Grammy" but absolutely HATED it when his mother-in-law did so. And the thing is she KNEW he hated it! She clearly was trying to push his buttons, now!

"NOTHING! It's CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL :lol: and NOT for civilian eyes! Got it!"

"What was that picture I saw Grammy?"


"ha ha grammy grammy!" says the son.

When their meals were brought out, Graham's eyes quickly lit up! :eek: The entire table noticed it, yet this moment was too bizarre for comment! Granma got her salad. Tiffany got her penne pasta dish, the kids got their spaghetti. And Graham got his drinks, cinnamon, and muffins.

IMMEDIATELY Graham snatches up the big, empty glass, wordless, while the rest of the table could only stare! :eek::eek::eek::eek: First he takes the foamed milk, and POURS it into the big empty glass! He grabs the mocha cafe cup, and POURS this also, into the glass! The latte-styled coffee is also poured ....into the glass, which was now threatening an overspill!!! :scared:

Finally (and with such a delicate touch, it was somewhat astounding) Graham takes the cinnamon, the powdered vanilla, the cocoa, and the brown sugar and sprinkes a bit of this on top of the huge drink! :lol: He stands up! And views his bizarre concoction for a moment.

"Not perfect, but hell, here goes!" he says.

Now he gulps a portion of the drink down. Not a single Wellington (except the boy) has even TOUCHED their food yet!!!! Graham gulps down, cocks his head , looks around as if he just woke up and doesn't know where he is, and finally sits down!

"Ahhhhh! Now was THAT so much to ask for?"

"OH. I get it" says Princess. "It's that dumb drink he always gets, that STARBUCKS drink! The triple cafe mookah ...."

"TRIPLE DECKER CAFE/MOCHA LATTEFIER! Yes, my DUMB drink!" I finally got it! After ALL THIS TIME! Sometimes, like I said Princess, you have to open some doors yourself! And I just did. So go sit and STARE at daddy! Watch him make a fool of himself! :lol: I, for one DO. NOT. CARE!"

Still, the drink wasn't perfect. It didn't have that consistency he was used to. Diddn't have the rush & go Starbucks "atmosphere" within its energy! After gulping thru half his drink, Graham was STILL not totally satisfied! But it was a start! It was better than that awful cappycino crap!

But after finishing his drink, Graham now had a new-found respect for all the STarbucks barristas who slaved over his stupid drink...a drink which had been removed from the official Starbucks menu years before!

"When I get back to America, I am going to kiss the nearest Starbucks barrista's feet! That I can promise! i am going to kiss her...or his...feet, and never ever again shall I raise my voice at a barrista. THAT I promise".

"Whuuuuutever dad..."

Just then the phone rang! Graham's phone (which was programmed to a John Tesh song) :lol: obviously. It was not a number he was familiar with, not an American number. Which means it had to be Gran Turismo Inc!

"Heeello? Graham Wellington speaking!"

"Meester Vellington! Vee haff been trying to contact yoo!"

"Well, I am here!" says Graham, not totally satisfied, but at least ENERGIZED by his drink. "How can I help you?"

"Vell. Vee have been trying to contact yoo for za race tomorrow. Can you come in to our offices now? It is Verry important!"

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Just then the phone rang! Graham's phone (which was programmed to a John Tesh song) :lol: obviously.
Heh, I'm guessing the song was "Roundball Rock"; right?:) Anyway, another solid chapter; Parnelli! I must say, this story of yours have definitely kept me on edge/laughing (mostly with the whole tiffany and princess bits with Graham) but overall, this story is awesome.👍👍 So, when will the next chapter be up? I want to know what happens next!
Just then the phone rang! Graham's phone (which was programmed to a John Tesh song) :lol: obviously.
Heh, I'm guessing the song was "Roundball Rock"; right?:) Anyway, another solid chapter; Parnelli! I must say, this story of yours have definitely kept me on edge/laughing (mostly with the whole tiffany and princess bits with Graham) but overall, this story is awesome.👍👍 So, when will the next chapter be up? I want to know what happens next!

Hee hee, I don't know any John Tesh. Tesh and Kenny G and a few others seem to be some of the favorites of yuppies, though, judging from what I see in the console or CD drive whenever I work on a yuppie-car. :lol:

Shortly, the rest of the story will be up. Wait till you see what happens next. I have to actually sit down and do some practice laps & race's been YEARS since I've raced on GT2's version of Rome Full course.

Off-topic kinda, but anybody else notice GT5's Rome is nowhere near as challenging as GT2's? :( GT5's Rome is basically all the streets next to the ones in GT2. Woulda been cool if they coulda somehow included GT2's streets in with GT5's Rome streets, so there would be this really LONG, chaotic course to drive. Imagine that!
He must've obviously recharged his phone since his trip to Switzerland. Great chapter, BTW.

While Graham finished his self-made Lattefier drink and the rest of the family at normal meals, Princess lost her appetite, gazing off to the next room. This was the same restaurant the Wellington family ate at when they first got to Rome, the same restaurant Ben Dover recommended. Only Ben was not here.

Anyways, Princess is sitting there, bored, looking off into the next room. It's a little darker than the dinner room, with what they call "mood lighting". At the bar...a rather stunning Italian guy. She assumed he was Italian anyways. With dark hair and a slight shadow on his face. He looked like a cross between Johnny Depp and Luke Perry. :yuck:

...And of course, he was too old for Princess! :crazy:

"I can't wait to grow up. Get away from my crazy family. Bucha losers!" she thinks, staring away. "I can do sooo much better. Oh, my prince! Are you my prince? My prince charming? Take me away!".

She wasn't making much sense, but hey! It's embarassing trying to get into the head of a 12-year old, gimme a break!

Looking at the guy, she remembered something she saw on Passions (a cheesy soap opera which Princess thought was the best show ever). There was a scene where some girl dropped her purse, on purpose, just so this guy she was drooling over would pick it up.
No, I got distracted or had to get some sleep. The story's gonna unfold when I have time to direct towards it though, you'll see. ;)
I never, ever thought that the show Passions could be used in a story. I remember when I was littler and was forced to watch that show as discipline for hitting my mom in the head with a Tonka dump truck. To my defense, I didn't know she was sleeping and wouldn't respond to my question, so I got angry and took action. Now back on-topic: an interesting chapter.
I never, ever thought that the show Passions could be used in a story. I remember when I was littler and was forced to watch that show as discipline for hitting my mom in the head with a Tonka dump truck. To my defense, I didn't know she was sleeping and wouldn't respond to my question, so I got angry and took action. Now back on-topic: an interesting chapter.

Oh that sounds horrible! Your poor mom and being forced to watch that show.

I only know about Passions because an ex of mine had a daughter who grew up watching more traditional soaps (General Hospital was my ex's fave). When her daughter reached Princess's age, she suddenly switched to Passions, which had a ghost and all this witchcrafty stuff if I remember correct. I thought it was a terrible show, probably because most males think soaps are terrible.
Wow. My mom's favourite soap was General Hospital. It was the only soap that was okay, only the episodes with shootings and stabbings oddly enough. Its cool that you mix some of your own personal experience in your writing. And by the way, the pain I endured watching the show Passions, I can't describe it... It made me sick. Back on-topic: If only racing games had storylines that coincided with the racing...
Oh man, it's been so long since I logged into GTP (you know where I've been PB ;)). I saw your thread in the 'recent updates' section just now and I feel compelled to click on it. Great chapters as always 👍 The Grammy part is just priceless :lol:
Ah yes, the return of the trials and tribulations of Yuppie Scum...I'll have to give it a read through again one of these days. Nice to see new chapters Bones!
Wow Parnelli Bone, fantastic story. Just finished reading from start to finish. Keep up he good work!
Aww, you guys are too kind. :embarrassed:

There should be some new chapters up shortly, and LeGeNd-1, if you liked the last ones (Graham comes back to Rome), wait'll you see what's coming up!