Partner's Hair?

  • Thread starter sicbeing

What color hair to you want on your loved one?

  • Black

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Blonde

    Votes: 10 20.4%
  • Brown

    Votes: 23 46.9%
  • Red

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • Orange

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • White / Grey

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Died (specifiy)

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
i like brunettes, i guess. black/brown, and anywhere in between. italians...:drool:
i like brunettes, i guess. black/brown, and anywhere in between. italians...:drool:
Ah yes ...I married a Sicilian American.....( although I have always prefered blondes...go figure )...nothing like an olived skin brown eyed babe..except maybe two olived skin brown eyed babes and a blonde friend ....but I digress..or something.......oh and a lab..or a german sheperd....ummm and a few midgets with whip cream....and a flying Wallenda or two ( female version )..dont forget a net...
Ah yes ...I married a Sicilian American.....( although I have always prefered blondes...go figure )...nothing like an olived skin brown eyed babe..except maybe two olived skin brown eyed babes and a blonde friend ....but I digress..or something.......oh and a lab..or a german sheperd....ummm and a few midgets with whip cream....and a flying Wallenda or two ( female version )..dont forget a net...

....interesting ....have you visited this thread yet, you might find it interesting
What goes Blonde, Brunette, Blonde, Brunette, Blonde, Brunette?

That would be a naked blonde doing a cartwheel.

What do you calll a blonde standing on her head?

A brunette with bad breath!

Sorry. :guilty:

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