Patch 1.10 - new single player mode "GT League"

  • Thread starter ststav01
I'm definitely looking forward to the offline content, I'm not inclined to buy PS Plus when I already subscribe to Live as well.

Gives me a good excuse to get the MX5 as my next car and make the money back in the Roadster events.
Awesome news!!!
Now need HUD customizable

Was just about to say this. AND we also need customizable camera adjustments for ALL views. This is what Pcars 1&2 got right. Even F1 2017 stepped up their camera game.

I generally use bonnet view, but this doesn't exist in GT sport.. only roof view.. and with some cars, the camera is too high. Also, the Bumper cam view could stand to be a bit higher off the ground Imo.

A depth of field setting would be a great addition also.
If you're going to swear quite as much as you do in your videos, please put a language warning when you post them here:

And your internet problems are almost certainly a configuration issue. In order to fix it on here, we'd need a great deal more information than you've been conveying in your posts. This would include ISP, connection type, package, location, router type, internal connectivity in the property, DHCP, NAT type, DNS, and upload bandwidth, download bandwidth and ping.

There are some basics you can take care though. Firstly, make sure everything that can be hardwired is hardwired. Then assign static IP addresses to all of the network devices in your house (both on the device and in the router). Then set the PS4's IP address in the router's DMZ. That gives you a fighting chance and is everything that's within your control. Other than moving house or switching ISPs.
My PS4 is wired


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My PS4 is wired
That takes care of just the first thing on the list. What about the others?
Then assign static IP addresses to all of the network devices in your house (both on the device and in the router). Then set the PS4's IP address in the router's DMZ. That gives you a fighting chance and is everything that's within your control. Other than moving house or switching ISPs.
Cmon dude it's not even December yet :lol: It'd be awesome if Christmas music was added on December 1st though. :)

Christmas music has been playing since November 1st.
At lease I waited until "After" Thanksgiving before mentioning. ;)
Christmas music has been playing since November 1st.
At lease I waited until "After" Thanksgiving before mentioning. ;)

I reckon they will add that with the December update. Though there will be no time to listen to it with all the goodies in that update ... :lol:
Well, what a pleasant surprise. Just spent an hour or so with the game after the update and the most important thing to me, physics/handling, seems to have improved a great deal. I can now really feel what the car is doing. The tyres feel like they are actually rolling over tarmac and interacting with the surface. No more daft spins if you even breath on the throttle. It's easy now to run with 0 TC and not be surprised by an unexplained spin, when you spin now you know exactly why. This all adds up to now being able to drive on the limit in a more realistic way. It still doesn't match AC or PC2 IMO but a big improvement. Really looking forward to the upcoming feature update but please, please, please PD add more tracks!!

Oh yeah, and my first daily workout car after the new update...the new Audi!
By the way , this game is quite realistic . It's not that far from simulators in terms of driving experience . I don't know why they put in VGT cars though , they are...damn...
Dis is awesome

- There are now warnings at the top of the screen when flags are out. I saw "NO PASSING" several times, which I guess means there are now penalties for misbehaving during flag conditions.
- The end of the race no longer shows 1st place. I placed 10th and it showed a shot of me celebrating in the pit.

Actually i have penalty for that... Judge me, but i love that details

That was a nice update, show me how many places i win, its a great idea
Ahh, gotta love Pd's marketing strategy with this game. Release a sub par product, wait for incoming backlash, quickly announce an upcoming patch that will include things that should've been in the game in the first place.
Ahh, gotta love Pd's marketing strategy with this game. Release a sub par product, wait for incoming backlash, quickly announce an upcoming patch that will include things that should've been in the game in the first place.
Better than having to wait years for it to happen.