PC Randomly Restarting

  • Thread starter JR98
Still haven't had another crash in a few days. I plan on getting a new PC altogether anyway.
Lately my PC has started to randomly restart for no apparant reason. I have updated it and done a full anti-virus check and it still does it. It only ever happens when playing a game.
Here is my suggestion after having similar experience. Open up the computer, pull out the power supply unit (PSU) open that out and with a vacuum and soft bristle brush, get as much dust and hair out of the PSU as possible. While you are at it, clean the dust off everything. Pull of the CPU's heatsink and fan, clean those and apply new heatsink paste, and give it a go.
Things to note when troubleshooting. BSOD is typically caused by software crashes. This could be caused by hard drive, RAM or CPU failures. Crashes that cause either an instant reset, or the computer to turn off instantly with no BSOD are generally power/hardware related. Shorts within the PSU or across the mobo caused by dust is the usual culprit.