pCARS Patch Notes - 1.4

This is all great, but I don't see anything about the PS4/T500RS issues. It is mentioned several times all over the forums that "the devs know and that they are working on it"

In the meantime I have to disconnect/reconnect my wheel dozens of times each day to keep it working, whereas TM said "NEVER disconnect and reconnect the USB plug of the wheel when your game is launched and opened"
Yeah right, so I can stop playing Project Cars until this is fixed...:banghead:

I also can't find a release date for the PS4 patch.
I also can't find a release date for the PS4 patch.

From the very first line of the link about the patch:

"We will update you with a release date as soon as we have the date confirmed by the various external parties."
It is just the global settings.. not the individual car settings. - Not too bad.
Really? I was thinking it may be something like those tweaker files that make the cars feel a bit better at the car level. If it is just the global settings then I do not know what to expect.
@bleeder we need to race online ASAP!! It's been too long! I'll be online tomorrow evening! How to see you then! :)

That's if the online doesn't screw up on you guys like it had for me and you:lol: They need to fix the issue when a friend invites another friend to a lobby that it loads the rooms settings up and everything. You join in and then all of sudden everything is default but really everything is already set up.Then one of us gets disconnected after a minute.:banghead:
From the very first line of the link about the patch:

"We will update you with a release date as soon as we have the date confirmed by the various external parties."
Yes, and that reminds me of:

"The devs know, and are working on it..." :rolleyes:

That little scentence is not in the link of the patch, but all over the PCars forum, and none of these PS4 issues are yet addressed.
I don't care too much about most of the bugs and glitches, which they will probably sort out sooner or later, but the wheels issue should be their main objective right now.
Frightening part: it is not even mentioned in the patch list.

The game is great, but without this being fixed, it is not worth a lot.
I am even afraid the game could eventually "kill" my wheel. (I don't have to sum up the problems I guess).
Was the game randomly calling share window in ps4 acknowledged and fixed by devs?

Seems more and more users are getting it by the day...
That's if the online doesn't screw up on you guys like it had for me and you:lol: They need to fix the issue when a friend invites another friend to a lobby that it loads the rooms settings up and everything. You join in and then all of sudden everything is default but really everything is already set up.Then one of us gets disconnected after a minute.:banghead:

Yes mate you're right......But it seems to happen more with you then if i invite others....... We can try again today!
Was the game randomly calling share window in ps4 acknowledged and fixed by devs?

Seems more and more users are getting it by the day...
I had this hapen for the first time yesterday, it was like all the buttons where pressed at once.
When I went back top the game after closing the share screen my windshield-wipers and headlights were also turned on.
Yes, and that reminds me of:

"The devs know, and are working on it..." :rolleyes:

Its quite different to that, it means the patch is done and the fixes in it detailed and its with Sony and MS for approval, a process that all developers have to go through for patches and one they have no control over.
This is all great, but I don't see anything about the PS4/T500RS issues. It is mentioned several times all over the forums that "the devs know and that they are working on it"

I hope my fanatec 911 turbo s wheel issues are fixed not this improved bs they speak off

Read this guys.....

Originally Posted by Stephen Viljoen
Someone also keeps asking about the Fanatec GT3 being 'improved' instead of 'fixed'. It would be hard to improve it if it wasn't fixed, so I thought it would be redundant to state it was fixed AND improved (which sounds like some cheap product marketing campaign). Just for you though - "Fixed several older Fanatec wheel problems, such as the GT2, GT3, and CSR, and improved their default implementation"

Again, ALL supported wheels (yes, that includes the Thrustmaster TX) on ALL platforms are improved, and we think that we are very close to parity across all platforms (which is very difficult to achieve because of how differently the platforms communicate with the hardware).

We're not done yet though. As you all report new issues (in a structured and unemotional way
), we will continue to address these as far as possible and release fixes in future patches.

Edit: Original post
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Its quite different to that, it means the patch is done and the fixes in it detailed and its with Sony and MS for approval, a process that all developers have to go through for patches and one they have no control over.
I sincerely hope you are right.
Still wonder why the issue has not been mentioned, while mostly all others are very detailed... ?
I had this hapen for the first time yesterday, it was like all the buttons where pressed at once.
When I went back top the game after closing the share screen my windshield-wipers and headlights were also turned on.
Has this bug been submitted? It's game breaking expecially while racing online!
Read this guys.....

Again, ALL supported wheels (yes, that includes the Thrustmaster TX) on ALL platforms are improved, and we think that we are very close to parity across all platforms (which is very difficult to achieve because of how differently the platforms communicate with the hardware).
I did read that before, but I am still waiting.
Don't know on what platform or wheel you are, but I can assure you: none of the PS4/T500RS issues have been fixed, nor have I noticed any improvement.
I did read that before, but I am still waiting.
Don't know on what platform or wheel you are, but I can assure you: none of the PS4/T500RS issues have been fixed, nor have I noticed any improvement.
That's because the patch is not out yet!

The quote @Goruk posted is in regard to the work that has been done for Patch 1.4
I did read that before, but I am still waiting.
Don't know on what platform or wheel you are, but I can assure you: none of the PS4/T500RS issues have been fixed, nor have I noticed any improvement.

I´m on the same boat, PS4/T500, and mine has is own will also.
Some nights he´s like a pupy, well behave and with maners, others nights he´s just like lucifer.

The quote @Goruk posted is in regard to the work that has been done for Patch 1.4

Exactly, and not mentioned on the patch notes...
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Which issue?
The PS4/Thrustmaster T500RS (and others).
- Loosing all FFB during races.
- slamming against the stops left and right and then staying in a 20° left or right position.
- self calibrating while in menu, but if you turn right, there is no resistance, while turning left is practically impossible
- wheel humming and vibrating while there is no reason
- etc...etc...

Only way to keep on driving is to unplug replug the USB, whereas Trustmasters' advice is to never do that while in the game.
If I don't, I can't continue.
I have to do that dozens of times each time I play.

And yes, the wheel is OK (no issues in other games) and has the latest firmware.
There are A LOT of people who's wheels are affected this way (some even posted video's the show the violent behavior).
@Fanapryde With how many degrees did you calibrate your wheel?
I´ve calibrate mine with 900º, so everytime i do the fallow:
  1. Turn PS4 ON and let the wheel calibrate
  2. Change degrees of rotatio on wheel
  3. Start the game and press X on the wheel
After I start doing this I had less issues, still have some though.
occasionally my T300 veers off to the left when the grid loads and has been known to move left and right by itself. doesn't happen a lot but hopefully that'll get fixed too.
@Fanapryde With how many degrees did you calibrate your wheel?
I´ve calibrate mine with 900º, so everytime i do the fallow:
  1. Turn PS4 ON and let the wheel calibrate
  2. Change degrees of rotatio on wheel
  3. Start the game and press X on the wheel
After I start doing this I had less issues, still have some though.

How can you drive with 900 degrees? :confused::confused::confused:
The PS4/Thrustmaster T500RS (and others).
- Loosing all FFB during races.
- slamming against the stops left and right and then staying in a 20° left or right position.
- self calibrating while in menu, but if you turn right, there is no resistance, while turning left is practically impossible
- wheel humming and vibrating while there is no reason
- etc...etc...

Only way to keep on driving is to unplug replug the USB, whereas Trustmasters' advice is to never do that while in the game.
If I don't, I can't continue.
I have to do that dozens of times each time I play.

And yes, the wheel is OK (no issues in other games) and has the latest firmware.
There are A LOT of people who's wheels are affected this way (some even posted video's the show the violent behavior).
I dont have a wheel myself but I wouldnt keep playing if I were you. Sounds like you might break it..
I know how to change it. I don't know how can you drive, be precise and fast at cornering, with this ginormous lock?
my wheel is set to 900 also, I find it fine. but doesn't it change anyway if the car you're driving has less degrees itself? I'm sure when I drive the Caterham SP300 the wheel rotates less than if I was in the Capri, for example.
I know how to change it. I don't know how can you drive, be precise and fast at cornering, with this ginormous lock?

Have you calibrate your wheel the right way?
I´ve found I can be faster with bigger locks as I can be smoother and have a better control tail braking on corner entry.

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