• Thread starter Mr Grumpy
Was planning to get a time in tonight but it's just too damn warm - very hot in the headset, and sweaty hands can barely keep hold of the controller. Hopefully we get the forecast thunderstorms tomorrow to take the edge off...
The amount of restarts I had to do because of track limits, they're harsh on this track & I swear I still kept 2 wheels on the road, no consistency at all, you don't know if your going to get one or not & that BMW just skips across all the bumps in the road, no suspension.

Anyways 9 results in, 1 to go.

When you're ready fella

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The amount of restarts I had to do because of track limits, they're harsh on this track & I swear I still kept 2 wheels on the road, no consistency at all, you don't know if your going to get one or not & that BMW just skips across all the bumps in the road, no suspension.
The S-curves after the first sector(5-6 I guess -- trackmap seems to call it the chicane) are really rough for those "I swear I didn't cut" moments. Doesn't help that not only is the AI line completely illegal through the first but the second is also completely blind.

That one got me twice in the last couple laps of my run, once I lost about 1.5 seconds clearing the warning and the other time it didn't warn me because I got crossed up and went fully into the dirt hanging on, cost me a place but somehow only about another 1.5 despite coming back on track sideways lol. And I had been damn near perfect [for me] all the way up to that point, all my laps had been great despite being too far behind the next car to get much help.

Then you're blind again on the next corner where they are crazy fast on the way in, you have to use all of the road to keep up... I usually think I'm over the line when it lets me go and I'm sure I held it when it pings me.
Oh yeah, sorry. I posted my results yesterday but forgot to say i posted my results yesterday. :boggled:

As mentioned a very tricky combo to be fast and consistent, or consistently fast! Particularly on my wheel, a G29, the hard suspension and rougher surface made the gears chatter throughout the race. I thought I was on the rallycross track by mistake. :)
There might have been a little more time to gain but after a few goes I'd had enough of bouncing about. I expect it would have been better with the AI turned down and I hadn't been driving flat out continually.

Whatever setting I seemed to try I couldn't stop the AI bunching up and going off track through the 1st corners on the 1st lap. Very annoying trying to get past while they were sorting themselves out. They were fine after that though.

Yes it was/is a bit warm. I have 2 fans, one blowing on me and one keeping the PS4 cool. :)
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I had the AI at 110/100, 4 of them crashed on the 1st corner, I made it past 2 over a few laps then stayed in 4th until the end.
Had a little scare on lap 10, went wide onto the grass at the corner in between the chicane & the final hairpin, nearly hitting the barrier & then having to defend from 5th position, that lap cost me 2 seconds according to the lap info.
Pretty hectic race on a controller.

No rush with the times guy's, as & when, I'd rather you enjoy it than rush through it :)
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i would have got it done if it was not for those pesky limitations !
got gold star for restarts... have been getting bogdown a bit so another few restarts ..
nearly made it to the end but had a slidey moment and Ai pushed the rear round ! still on 115/60 and yes Ai need banning from racing first corner is a scrap yard ! have to find the gap which may or may not appear! lol
good luck
catch u soon
Sorry guys, I retire, can't do it really. Liked the track though, first time ridden there. Good luck to everyone.
It's quite a tough track to get comfortable with. So many elevation changes in the middle of the corners and not much time to breathe. I got really frustrated and spent a ton of time trying to get up to speed with the Formula Rookie career event here, haven't done it a whole lot since. I have no idea if there's a wheel vs controller thing going on either -- you have to be carefully balanced in a few places like going over the crest of that first corner to be able to go flat through the second while already lining up for the third. The chicane is so much faster than it seems too, just a little lift and even when you get it figured out it still seems to be 20% technique and 80% blind(literally) faith.

Not one of those tracks where you do 15 minutes and have it all worked out but chasing tenths. I still don't understand how the faster drivers can carry so much speed through the first and penultimate corners.
Don't give up its not about competition but having fun :)

I'm in last place but it really doesn't matter to me since i have enjoy the first 2 races, getting to drive different combos its been super fun.

Place and time not a problem, but it is hard to have fun with AI to me, and in BMW:). If I set them faster than me they keep making mistakes and pushing me of track, divebombing, overtake on inside of a kerb and game recognize it as my fault and gives penalty. Other side - frustrating car, almost opened and loosen a car and it still can't take a corner without understeer, thing that I hate the most. In any car from group A you can simply drift through all this track, but some TC secret of tuning I probably don't know to set it similar.

It's quite a tough track to get comfortable with. So many elevation changes in the middle of the corners and not much time to breathe. I got really frustrated and spent a ton of time trying to get up to speed with the Formula Rookie career event here, haven't done it a whole lot since. I have no idea if there's a wheel vs controller thing going on either -- you have to be carefully balanced in a few places like going over the crest of that first corner to be able to go flat through the second while already lining up for the third. The chicane is so much faster than it seems too, just a little lift and even when you get it figured out it still seems to be 20% technique and 80% blind(literally) faith.

Not one of those tracks where you do 15 minutes and have it all worked out but chasing tenths. I still don't understand how the faster drivers can carry so much speed through the first and penultimate corners.

Well, track is the blast, somehow I though that the track is something similar to Daytona Road, so always skipped it. Liked it all the way, in some different setting racing there could be very exciting. First chicane is a blast, problem is BMW don't turn there, at least for me. In GT3 car I would end up somewhere at right far away flying into barrier, but in this car I'm usually on the left, struggle with weak breaks and understeer furthermore. Dunno, may be with abs it is better, but I doubt it, took uphill corner at full lock every time, because otherwise need to break before marker.

Here my results, I'll go sort out my first post:):
Knockhill can be trickier still in the reverse layout. The chicane drops away then!

Don't give up its not about competition but having fun... getting to drive different combos its been super fun.
The number of restarts probably indicates some competitive behaviour. :P
But you're right, the different combos are a interesting mix of cars and tracks I might not have otherwise considered. I might drop the AI level down so I can enjoy them. Maybe. ;)

I'm interested what everyone will make of my pick next.
Knockhill can be trickier still in the reverse layout. The chicane drops away then!

The number of restarts probably indicates some competitive behaviour. :P
But you're right, the different combos are a interesting mix of cars and tracks I might not have otherwise considered. I might drop the AI level down so I can enjoy them. Maybe. ;)

I'm interested what everyone will make of my pick next.
Sure but on my part not really i just do the race once and what ever time i get that's what i'm happy with.

'Course it is a matter of time, some could be more familiar with car, track or combo, or make themselves familiar in a short. Just don't see myself personally investing huge amount of time in this race, but will definitely put some on other. It is a shame, but I'm rather unfamiliar with 924, that I have chosen, for example, but Nür is my favorite track, so half the trouble. In TC races online usually use Merc, but my pace isn't different, hopefully could make it mid pack, but never better.
I just want a decent, consistent time. Try to get through the first lap with the minimum of holdups, then just keep it faster than a respectable number for most of the rest of the laps.

Problem is, as I try to get consistent times I start to find out that a decent time is better than it looked at first. Then I have to spend twice as long trying to make it consistent again. Then I get screwed over by the AI either running me over or parking in front of me, and spend some time learning their patterns/adjusting their pace. Then I screw myself over trying to be too perfect on the occasions when I do have a good run going. And of course the old classic "why am I spinning on the last lap again" as I stare at it instead of stopping it.

Getting an excuse to try different car and track combos is great. You can't have too much fun properly racing with the AI if you're going for a time though since that slows you down a ton. I generally would not approve of my behavior dealing with them in these races. I don't intentionally punt them or anything but I'm not exactly gentlemanly. :) So these also kind of go in the bank for something to try in a slightly more relaxed mode later.
Glad you guys are enjoying the track, even if the AI is a little crazy on the first lap - the place doesn't get as much love as it deserves as far as I'm concerned! If any of you ever get a chance to go there and watch some racing live I'd urge you to take it - not only is it a fantastic track to spectate at, but it's in a very beautiful part of the world.

Finally got a time in, though with hindsight I should have had the AI faster - I probably lost at least 5 seconds mucking about with them when I didn't need to. On the other hand, it was a fun race :). This also needed to be a one-and-done run - not only am I too hot to last much longer (not helped by my laptop acting as a fan heater when I'm racing in VR!) but the framerate starts to tank badly if I race for too long when it's this warm.

Think I've got all the excuses in :lol:

Will update my post now...

Edit to add - @IfAndOr I'm really looking forward to trying your combo, I've only ever done Barcelona Club once and that was a TT in the BAC Mono, but I remember it being short, fun, and pretty challenging. What the AI will make of it is anybodys guess!

Edit 2 - having just watched the replay, a couple of massive fishtail oversteers didn't help my time either :lol:
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I have no idea if there's a wheel vs controller thing going on either -- you have to be carefully balanced in a few places like going over the crest of that first corner to be able to go flat through the second while already lining up for the third. The chicane is so much faster than it seems too, just a little lift and even when you get it figured out it still seems to be 20% technique and 80% blind(literally) faith.
It would be way easier with steering like Forza Horizon or Enthusia -- Knockhill is no more dynamic than some of the roads/circuits in those games. No track limit penalties would also do the trick, but of course that's not necessarily preferable for a competition like this.

I enjoy Knockhill, but I turned track limits off for offline play a long time ago. The erratic penalties ("will it give me a freebie or not?") are the #1 reason I did not give this more restarts to hone my time -- you have to abuse the chicane to get the most out of it, as you said. I turned in a time I could be proud enough of.
And of course the old classic "why am I spinning on the last lap again" as I stare at it instead of stopping it.
I'm not the only one with the "You've got this, just need to keep calm for one more lap. No! No! Keep calm I said!" problem then. :dopey:

What the AI will make of it is anybodys guess!
They usually quite like both the car and the track. The nature of the track will mean it will be tricky to get to the front on a high AI setting I would think. In a gentlemanly manner. ;)
Think if Ai is too much set them high and just get round in TT mode ,sould stay ahead till end . If not your too slow !
Guys I just noticed I posted wrong track - I wanted this combo - its Mojave, but not Sidewinder. We tried this combo with @IfAndOr once or twice on short races and I liked it a lot, espessially with BMW.
Is it possible to change track - this is the last race and possibly no one have tried it yet?

BTW, I haven't had time to do race 2, maybe today or tomorrow. if its to late, no problem, count me 0 points.