PD Firmly stuck in Hard Tyre Syndrome again!

  • Thread starter Mudda Chod
I get exactly what you trying to say.
But for me and from my personal Experience the ASM Feature has nothing to do with the Tires or the Available Grip.

It’s ONLY reducing or helping with the Cars Body Roll.
It stabilizes the Chassis Movement in a comprehensible way and is making the Driving Experience more Natural, at least for me.
I don’t treat the Assists like some Elitists who are only after the FASTEST available Method.
Having that said I don’t believe and have proven for myself that the Driving AIDS don’t slow me down to the Point I’d arguably not use them.
For me personally it’s ONLY about the Driving Experience.
I don’t care what’s making me faster/slower.
Look at the ABS Feature.
I don’t know of anyone who is not using it in a competitive Environment.
Why not?!
Because it’s making the Driving a whole lot a easier and more enjoyable.
Because In Real World we get physical Feedback from the Brakes/Locking.
It’s more intuitive to modulate and be precise.
And the same goes for ASM.
We simply don’t get the Physical Feedback what the Chassis is doing, hence we rely on our Eyes/what we see on the Screen and accordingly try to adapt.
So yes, I personally don’t have an issue using Driving AIDS if it’s making the Experience more enjoyable.
That doesn’t mean that I don’t have Instances where I disable some assists.
In 99% of the Case, I only drive with the ABS Feature on weak and on some Cars I then adjust the ASM/TCS to my personal Likings.
Or MT vs. AT for example.
I prefer MT but I also know of People who do enjoy it more to drive with AT.
Or the Driving View to mention another delicate and debatable Option.
I personally ALWAYS AND RELIGIOUSLY drive in Cockpit View with Wobble 2 and NO HUD.
Like I said, to me it’s not about the fastest Method, it’s about the most enjoyable one.
To each his own 😁

Omg, that's awesome stuff. I never considered about ASM and body roll, but I always wondered how it was implemented. I have ASM in my real world car and I can tell you that it does not affect the body roll because I don't have the variable suspension option (need the C8 for that!!) In the real world it operates similar to traction control, but it additionally considers sideways momentum and allows some spin of the wheels if the sideways momentum is low i.e. it only activities if you are cornering AND get wheel slippage. Even then it is very subtle, but incredibly effective (and probably quicker lol). In the game I have no idea how it works because I don't see any reduction in throttle (like Traction Control does) however it does definitely make you slower in natively stable cars (Group 2 for example), and faster in crappy road cars.

Anyway I love the description of your driving style, which is very different to mine and I agree with the statement "it’s about the most enjoyable one". For me, the fastest one is always the most enjoyable, lol... I use bumper cam only, ABS on default always. Actually so much so that I don't even consider ABS as an "assist" option, because I never turn it off in the game, there's no option to turn it off in the real world, and it's a safety feature during braking, not accelerating. Crazy logic I know, but why wouldn't you want to stop in the shortest distance possible? I think the only reason to turn ABS off is in drifting. In fairness to my slightly crazy logic, it's interesting that the HUD (which you don't use) has the brake indicator and ABS on left side and the accelerator indicator, TCS & ASM on the right side, so there's some differentiation between brake assists and accelerator assists.

The official manual calls them all driving assists, including Auto-drive Braking and Auto-drive Steering.... have you ever used auto-drive as an assist? I haven't, but I'm going to try it now!!! Anyway, we're off topic, lol.

In any race playback it shows the ASM or TCS light flashing if they are turned on, and never once have I seen them flash for the Top 10 times (maybe an old A race in a mini... not sure). Also the YouTubers SuperGT, Tigeny and Thekie25 post many videos each week and I have never seen them use ASM or TCS (other than in the rain). I think it's fair to say their recommendations are sound.... SuperGT has featured as a guest in the finals broadcast (Vs Lewis Hamilton), TheKie25 is regularly in the top 30 on EMEA or 50 in world, and Tigeny once smashed them both convincingly in the YouTuber race off at Spa. All of them give track guides and usually say "all assists off, except for ABS of course, on default", but then they are all focusing on the fastest possible result, which you say is not your primary concern (even though it seems you are always very fast).

Actually I just checked Tigeny's race guide for this week and for the first time ever he recommends to use TCS on 1....which he subsequently discusses in length about the pros/cons.... but he does not use ASM or Countersteering (nor auto drive lol). Nevertheless I feel that on the back of Tigeny's first ever recommendation to use TCS in a race, I'm justified to rant about horrible stability and a desire for more sticky tyre compounds.... lol...
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ASM doesn't affect body roll. It detects yaw and corrects for it, sometimes way too much, making the cars slower. It seems worse in the game than IRL, to me. Of course I don't drive around at 10/10ths IRL.

I agree that the lack of real feedback makes throttle and brake management more difficult in-game than IRL. I have done hundreds of laps of actual race tracks in a rear-drive track car and never once experienced the uncontrollable oversteer/spin situations that happen all the time in the game. A 3200 lb, 375hp car with no TCS, by the way.
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ASM doesn't affect body roll. It detects yaw and corrects for it, sometimes way too much, making the cars slower. It seems worse in the game than IRL, to me. Of course I don't drive around at 10/10ths IRL.

I agree that the lack of real feedback makes throttle and brake management more difficult in-game than IRL. I have done hundreds of laps of actual race tracks in a rear-drive track car and never once experienced the uncontrollable oversteer/spin situations that happen all the time in the game. A 3200 lb, 375hp car with no TCS, by the way.

Yes... This!!!

By the way, out of interest, did the track cars have ABS, and if so was there any option to turn it off?
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