PD/Kazunori things we'd like to see for the next 1.0.6 update

  • Thread starter digitalic
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Abilty to duplicate controller 1 button assignments to controller 2
Why can't we run Tokyo backwards. Not moaning just asking. Seems odd PD missed that variation opportunity. Actually I can't remember if Rome can be run backwards either.
It can. It's one of the GT Academy USA tracks.
Interval timer in B-Spec so you know how far ahead/behind you are on the main screen. Not just on the race lap summary (or whatever it's called) page.
Here is a simple one: the same customization settings for online, in practice and arcade. For instance I should be able to set TOD and weather settings on applicable tracks in the pre-race options menu along with tires, aids etc. This is already possible online. Why not in GT Life and Arcade.

Basically this is all leading to the one feature this game desperately needs: create a race.

So what would a create a race feature look like? Well, first off I believe it should be in arcade mode. It would work a bit like the course maker. First you would select a track. Once you select a track you would then be prompted to specify a couple of options (if applicable): TOD, weather, grip reduction, etc. Then you would select your car, be it from the arcade garage or your favorites. THIS, is the real kicker, you would then be able to select the number of opposing entrants and the make and model of EACH one form the entire game's car list (minus any special bonus cars like the X1). After this would come all the other stuff like driving aids, damage and AI level, etc.

This opens up a huge amount of gameplay. It essentially lets us create our own events. Want a Veyron vs F1 20 lap battle at Le Mans in the night? No problem. Want a GTR vs ZR1 Nurburgring battle? Done. This kinda of feature would basically fix 90% of GT5's problems in one fell swoop.
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The most important things IMO is upgrading standard cars to premium, adding more tracks and events.

But yeah, I agree with what you guys listed. They would be nice to be added too.
Along with most everything posted in this thread, I'd like to see:

The ability To create online racing series, which would have

1) participant lists
2) calendar (with event notifications)
2a) qualifying dates
3) standings
4) rules (and restrictions)
5) prizes (cars, or game credits)

Alot of different sports titles have online leagues with alot of these basic functions so I don't think it's too far fetched.
Save when we go to pitstop in endurace and championship.

Better shadows.

An option to choice easily what type of drivetrain can run in our "public" lobby, for example: ALL - RWD - AWD - FWD and by Car Year.

Dynamic weather and time in all tracks.

Better headlights at night.

Dynamic pit staff in all tracks(seem that not all tracks have)
Does no one else care about Damage in Aspec? Actually I guess I don't really anymore since I am done with so much of it and can't see myself going back to do it again :(
1) Please let us be able to save different tuning setups by providing us with "slots"
... ~and directly related~,
5) A way for us to return our car back to "Stock/Factory" form. For instance I'd like to be able to remove certain parts and try out different setups.

2) Would like to be able to customize each and every gear ratio for finer tuning of my vehicles.

3) The ability to let us save and resume our current state when doing endurance races in either a or b spec mode.

Qualifying... love taking a 300hp car into a 500hp event... but really need to get it tuned for each track to be competitive.
And please, tracks and events(A-spec) before you spend any time on shadows, smoke, photomode, leaderboards, premium cars and such that has nothing to do with actually "racing".
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I agree with more tracks. I for one would love to have another variation of the Top Gear Test Track where we have access to the entire length of the runway.
Multiple random prize cars for championships with the ability to sell them. Just worked out what I'll have to save for a FGT and its rather depressing. And it will add incentive to go back and race past events while taking away some of the grind. Sure people will make more money, but I want to buy a lot of expensive cars.

Adjustable gear ratios

Hood view for standard cars. Or even psp style interior view. I like consistency in my views so I use bumper cam, even for premiums. I'd like to consistently use some sort of interior view.

Saves during championships and endurance races. I don't want to leave my ps3 on for a week just to finish a 24hr race.

Global assist settings. Don't like changing this every time I change cars.

Move used car lots into the dealerships themselves, like gt2. Go to honda to look for only honda used cars, etc. Make a rare used car dealership for race cars, concept cars, etc.

Ability to see car interiors in photo mode. They took the time to detail them, why not show it off?

Ability to de-tune cars. There's no reason some of the parts you add can't be removed later. Also, bring back the weight ballast in the tuning screen.
What I really like to be changed is: If you race online and the first one finishes the race, the other only have 20 seconds to cross the finish line. That is not very clever in my opinion. You should let everyone finish his lap!

We are running a league and this is just horrible ...
I don't want any fixed shadows as I persume it's a technical limitation. Forza 3 doesn't provide any at all so GT5 looks good as it is with those shadows knowing PS3 can't do much better for now, maybe PS4? Let us focus on gameplay improvements. I REALLY love the physics with the steering wheel. Thank you PD for GT5 and please improve on whatever you think best. 👍
What I really like to be changed is: If you race online and the first one finishes the race, the other only have 20 seconds to cross the finish line. That is not very clever in my opinion. You should let everyone finish his lap!

We are running a league and this is just horrible ...

I think the worry there might be the last place guy just screws around and never lets the race finish... which of course should get him kicked so not such a big deal but could be annoying.

Perhaps just a longer time, like once the first place guy finishes, the race goes on for however long the fastest lap that race was, or the average lap or something so everyone has a reasonable time to cross the finish line, but if you really suck or are just screwing around, others don't have to wait an extra long time for you.
[1] Allow tweaking of suspension, Aero, lsd etc in the pitstops please. In real life most racing series allow this. Of course it will take longer to pit but that should be the players call. Saving during pitstop in enduros would be great as already mentioned.

[2] Can you please fix the shadows and widen and upsize the aftermarket wheels so they dont look just as small and tucked as the stockers pleaseeeee. It just ruins the visually aggressiveness on a dropped, rimmed car to see that unsightly tucked in the body rim look. Rims should at least be flush with the fender when viewed from 3/4 or rear view...Also please MORE rim choices please. Different sizes like 18", 19", 20" etc would be nice along with the inherent performance penalities/advantages for using the respective sizes would be epic.

[3] Can you please add realistic aftermarket hp to the big dogs like the Viper, Supra Gallardo FGT etc? They routinely make 1500-1800rwhp with ease[lots of money though] in real life. And bring back the Test Track so we can enjoy full throttle blasts at top speed?

[4] Fix the idiotic B Spec driver programing please lol. Puhlese cure them of the timidity in passing even on straights, staying behind slow cars cause they dont want to offend them by actually passing them, ramming slower cars when they have a country mile to pass on either side. This still occurs on lvl 30+ b spec drivers. No excuse imho. It serves to infuriate and not add any ounce of fun or realism. Drivers like this would be fired asap.

[5] How bout real garages for the cars and making the interfaces look like it took 5 years to make? Add some finesse to this game please. Some of the older GT's were much better than this on in the finesse department.
I'll throw some photomode options I'd like to see.

- ability to choose day/night on locations such as red bull and others that apply
- extra filters like saturation adjustment and noise/grain
- new locations
- multiple cars at photomode locations
- multiple focusing points
- option to use the exact camera angle from when you paused it in a replay, feature I miss from GT4
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1)feedback system for online to stop deliberate ramming

2)faster race loading times

3)a watching system that let's you know when the car you want is on the market

VW testing track

You know the one were James may took the bugatti veyron ss
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1) Customizable gear ratio
2) Multiple login for 2P split-screen mode (I'd like to use my tuned cars against my brother's, for instance)
3) 50% discount on every car I'd like to buy in real life
Porsche cars added - like the 917K and 917LH.
Full VCR-like controls in Replays - FF, RW, Slo-Motion, etc.
Add a free-camera to explore the tracks while replays are playing.
Set starting time of day for all tracks.
Weather changes for all tracks.
More aggressive B-Spec drivers - take more risks and aren't overly cautious.
Fix shadows (if possible... while keeping frame rates high).
Ability to change the song in the Used Car Lot.
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Multiple random prize cars for championships with the ability to sell them. Just worked out what I'll have to save for a FGT and its rather depressing. And it will add incentive to go back and race past events while taking away some of the grind. Sure people will make more money, but I want to buy a lot of expensive cars. :)


Global assist settings. Don't like changing this every time I change cars. 👍

Move used car lots into the dealerships themselves, like gt2. Go to honda to look for only honda used cars, etc. Make a rare used car dealership for race cars, concept cars, etc.👍

Ability to see car interiors in photo mode. They took the time to detail them, why not show it off?👍

Ability to de-tune cars. There's no reason some of the parts you add can't be removed later. Also, bring back the weight ballast in the tuning screen:dopey:.

Realistically I would like to be able to export replays. Even if it's a default of following your own car with no other options. It's good enough.

Slower shutter speeds for photomode.

More special events.

Plus the ability to download patch 1.05. (seriously its been 6 hours, failing constantly and now it says it has 721 mins left. (probably not PD's fault))
Well i hope they expand the leaderboard function, as it is now, only in seasonal events, that really not enough, better than nothing ofc, but i really hope they allow us to post times with whatever car on every track, both stock and tuned.
What I really like to be changed is: If you race online and the first one finishes the race, the other only have 20 seconds to cross the finish line. That is not very clever in my opinion. You should let everyone finish his lap!

We are running a league and this is just horrible ...

Has been changed in 1.05
You can choose up to 180 seconds now...
Do you guys read 1.05 before posting?
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A photomode location with a 3-D Danica Patrick in a bikini to pose on/next to the car
1.- Bhp/weight ratio like GT4, sort by it in Garage
2.- B-spec drivers don't pass when it's obvious and easy, fix it!
3.- Porsche!!
4.- Possibility to restart a race after finishing it without going to the championship screen and loading again
5.- Tab creator in Garage
6.- Fast forward in B-Spec like GT4
7.- In B-spec data for all laps. You can see only the last one and the best one
8.- More money for races
9.- Missions like GT4 or more events with one certain car and, track and situation
- Allow a wheel selection for standard cars, even if it is just carried over from GT4
- Have a variation of the Top Gear Test Track with no cones
- Premium Supra RZ and Evo 5
- Have the garage background screen as a photomode location
- Allow all premium wheels to be chosen for all premium cars
- When the above point is done, add more 'premium' rims
- Maybe add some of the previous classic GT tracks that didn't make it?

I'm not expecting this all for 1.06, but I'd be damn happy even if just 2 of these got in
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Of the ones that have been mentioned so far I would prioritise:

Mid Champ save.
Global Assist settings.
Increased damage rate.

Something I don't think I've seen on this thread:

Brake upgrade.
Replay Rewind and Fastforward controls
B-Spec Speed Up

And finally....something that's been missing from every GT in my opinion. A "Maximum Tune" button that applies all top spec racing parts in one go at a gross cost.
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