PD visita España: Discussion about Ronda, Gemasolar, and Ascari Track!

  • Thread starter CarBastard
I'm beginning to wonder if Photo Mode might be expanded to allow you to use the courses in the game as photo travel locations considering they are all locations, yes perhaps?!? Sad to hear about Ascari, I do hope PD got the KZ1 in GT6 because we can't lose another car to history like we did Vector, Venturi and others. This is also my reasoning for not losing all those standard cars we lose them now and we might never see them again. Hold on to everything, please PD don't lose any manufacturers or their unique cars. I want Photo travel to allow for multiple cars and even more camera angles include helicopter shots. Come on PD.

This course looks beautiful, come on PD don't stop adding the goods.
There was that Dino on SSR5 with no lights on and no driver. It'd be great to have photo drive back again, with ability to hop in and out of the car / switch between driving and taking static photos. That plus access to recent replay data would really enrich and streamline the process.

EDIT: Oh, and cracking work as usual, guys! 👍
From what I've seen, nothing has been said about Ascari cars so it's anyone's guess at the moment. It's reasonable to think there's a good possibility of having them, I mean, I can't picture Mr. Klaas Zwart saying to Kazunori "Yes, take pictures of our track. And of our facilities. And of the city. And of the city's backroads" without saying "Would you mind taking a look at one of our cars?". Surely, the guys at Ascari are proud of having a car with their logo on it so I'm sure they at least suggested the idea to Polyphony, and I'm sure Mr. Zwart must have his A10 in a garage at the Race Resort. Being that close to the car and having all permissions possible from the top brass at Ascari, Kaz must've been able to model it. The question is if he had, or not, the desire to do so.

It must be said that this is nothing more than a reasonable speculation and that we shouldn't get our hopes up for Ascari cars (though that Ascari A10 on TGTT would be freakin' sweet!)
always amazed at how forum members here decipher clues from titbits and come up with meaningful predictions - great work @CarBastard
CarBastard, you are just killing it out here. This deserves to be a GTP News item with all credit going to you..

*Jordans phone rings*
Full translation of the video is up. Just don't tell my teacher I was doing this instead of reading Foucault.

[...] Indicates my notes as translator and (?) indicates places where I'm not sure of what this spaniards where saying.


A few days ago we were surprised seeing these images of Ronda in the promotional video of GT6, set to be the latest version of Sony’s most successful videogame for the PlayStation. Now, the question is if Ronda is going to be chosen for the worldwide presentation of this videogame that has included in its latest version the Ascari track for players to know this one-of-a-kind circuit. Ronda has many advantages, the game’s creator was charmed by the city when he visited it last summer and has arranged the city to be included in the new version of the videogame. There are, however, two issues: the poor roads and the scarce capacity of hotels.

Melchor Dúran
[We’re] still trying and striving, competing with other two or three tracks, together with Maria Basan from an event-organizing firm who is, let’s say, the one who began the project with Ascari. We’re striving to bring the world-wide presentation of the game itself, which would totally top-off the promotional aspect. That would be in October/November 2013, we have to work very hard on logistics, hotels, transfers, etc. which is, as always, the kind of troubles we have with world-wide scale events like this because we’re talking about around 350-400 people coming, reporters from all around the world that are logically going to write about GT6, the PS3, PS4 and of course Ronda and Ascari. So, it’s an opportunity we can’t afford to lose, and I’m here asking for help from all the hoteliers, from the town hall, the tourism office whose support we always have, so we can try together to make a product that Sony and Polyphony, Mr. Yamauchi personally and specifically, we have a great relationship with him, end up choosing Ronda, choosing Ascari.

Which one’s the problem, the only problem? Transportation. For instance, it’s a big problem for us the cut-off road of Ardales, that is for us a logistics problem because if, an inspection (?) from Sony comes and goes from the airport to Ascari or Ronda and they might dislike finding out that they have to detour to Teba (?). So that’s the problem and I understand that today it’s something difficult [to achieve], because I understand it’s a matter of public infrastructure and I know the costs of doing such repairs.

Be it as it may, that Ronda already appears in the videogame, as understood at Ascari and at the tourism office of Ronda, is very important; a simple fact should be enough: in the last years more than 3,000 million online races have been held on the recreated [virtual] circuits, from now on, Ronda will be [better] known.

Melchor Dúran
From October/November 2013, it’ll be included, as a novelty, the Ascari circuit, also a circuit that Mr. Yamauchi, who obviously knows all circuits from around the world, fell in love with, with the facilities at Ascari, the personnel, the vehicles we have, the place where we are, he fell in love, like any good Japanese, with Ronda, and that’s why he made the effort to clearly include the city of Ronda in his promotional video, with the Puente Nuevo (“New Bridge”), the aerial takes, I also had the opportunity of flying on a helicopter and show him (?) a bit of the city, but anyways, truth be told the end product came up pretty nice. And all of this leads to the promotion of Ascari, logically, our track, the Ascari Club, and of course the city of Ronda being quite strong [the promotion]. We understand as well that there’s a huge market of young people that play videogames, that said young people travel, they have parents, they have friends, life goes by, years go by, and they remember they once played in a circuit that’s called Ascari, that is in Ronda, that is in Andalucia, and they’ll come one day. So, as always Ascari doesn’t promise anything but what we can assure is that exposure will be pretty strong.

The councilor of tourism of Ronda, Isabel Barriga, has congratulated herself for this event. Additionally, she has said that in the game is included the new touristic logo of the city, called “Ronda – Suerte Natural” (Ronda – Natural Luck).

Isabel Barriga
This promotion is going to be brutal. And it’s going to be brutal because 70 something million copies have been sold, or is it 85 million I think you said? We suppose that the first sales will be of 17 million copies, of the new game, and that is, well I think we’ve missed the publicity of the luck we’ve had as well (?) and that, truthfully, we now took advantage of and knew how to work with, I say it very modestly, of course, [Spaniard word I couldn’t fathom for the love of my life], so it’s going to be multiplied [the publicity] by ten or by a hundred, I honestly I don’t know because it’s really important. We know very clearly the road we must take, we know the world is changing, the touristic segment, sadly, will also have a recession, we’re seeing it in a world-wide scale, and we’re preparing for that. If hardships are bound to come we must be prepared so that the negative consequences this crisis may have, on Ronda, are noticed the least.
This May precisely the videogame is celebrating its 15th anniversary that has sold 85 million copies world-wide. Gran Turismo 6, for PlayStation 3, promotes itself as a version that’ll add great doses of authenticity to the real driving simulator, with new circuits, among them, Ascari.
I applaud you CarBastard. Take a bow. Awesome find and awesome work. This is excellent news.
Yeah. Looks and sounds legitimate. The good part is the October/November date talked about. This coincides with a 'fall' release of GT6.
Well done CarB...well done:tup: It does indeed sound like we are getting the track, hopefully being able to split up into different versions as well. The Ascari car would just be the icing on the cake:sly:

Here's a lap aboard a Ferrari 360 Challenge car at Ascari ..not the best quality but the sound is really nice

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[Spaniard word I couldn’t fathom for the love of my life]

I'm Spanish, I live close to Ronda, I speak the same dialect........

..........couldn't understand what she said either :D :D :D not even trying to make a guess! close thought "de honor", but I doubt it...

Great translation btw!
I do particularly like the Ascari track now that I've learnt one of the corners is the same as my last name, almost certainly the only circuit in the world to have that link!
I would imagine that the Ascari cars would be included because I seem to remember a GT3 race version of the kz1 being raced for a few seasons in Britcar or British gt
Including the Ascari cars is fairly likely because I am pretty sure there was a gt3 version of the kz1 running in the Britcar and British GT championships a few years ago, and GT3 seems to be being pushed hard by PD with the R8, SLS, Z4 etc.
I just thought of something. Remember this mysterious mountain in the Acura NSX trailer?

That was identified as a mountain located in none other than Andalucia, near the village of Montejaque. According to Google Maps, said mountain is about 20 kilometres away from Ronda.
Now as you might remember, the new Course Maker can create tracks from the countryside roads around Ronda. Perhaps the NSX trailer image was taken from one of those tracks? It would be really cool if the Course Maker tracks could go that far.
Alternatively, PD might have just modelled the mountain separately as a photomode location. Or maybe they modelled it just for the trailer. (I sure hope that won't be the case as it would be a huge waste. They HAVE done it before, though...)
I just thought of something. Remember this mysterious mountain in the Acura NSX trailer?

That was identified as a mountain located in none other than Andalucia, near the village of Montejaque. According to Google Maps, said mountain is about 20 kilometres away from Ronda.
Now as you might remember, the new Course Maker can create tracks from the countryside roads around Ronda. Perhaps the NSX trailer image was taken from one of those tracks? It would be really cool if the Course Maker tracks could go that far.
Alternatively, PD might have just modelled the mountain separately as a photomode location. Or maybe they modelled it just for the trailer. (I sure hope that won't be the case as it would be a huge waste. They HAVE done it before, though...)

In this image, only the NSX and the land on which is resting is virtual. All background is a real video.

The definition, detail and lighting quality is far above what Polyphony can offer for now.

Notice also that the mountain of the back is reflected on the windshield which is physically impossible.
Sooo... here goes an italian translating spanish to english :D

Some days ago we were astonished seeing those pictures from Ronda within the GT6 trailer, which will be the last version of the most successful game for Sony Playstation.
The question now is if Ronda will be chosen as the location for the official presentation of this game, which will include in this last version the Ascari circuit, so that all players can get to know this unique circuit.
Ronda has many advantages, the game creator was amazed by the town when he visited it last year, and decided to include it in the last version of the game. But there are two problems: inadequate road connections, and lacking of hotels.
(Ascari circuit executive being interviewed)
"We are working and fighting, in competition with other two/three circuits, and also with Maria Bazàn, head of an event organisation enterprise, who was the one who started this project on the Ascari circuit, for the world presentation of the game to be done here. This would be the final fullfilling of a long promotional work. This would be in oct/nov 2013, and we will have to work very hard on the logistic aspects concerning hotels and transports, among other things, because as always it's the problem we would have with such a world wide event to which sone 400 people would have to be taken care of, and they would be journalists from all over the world, that would obviously write about GT6, playstation 3, playstation 4 and, of course, about Ronda and Ascari. So this is an opportunity we can't afford to miss, and I hereby ask for cooperation to all the hotel facilities, to the municipality of Ronda, to the turism delegation, who has always supported us, so that we can offer a product that Sony, Poliphony, Mr Yamauchi (with whom we have a very nice relationship) would eventually decide to choose Ascari.
So, what's the trouble?
Commuting, first of all, because for us the short Ardalez road has always been a problem. That because when Sony arrives to the airport, will have to travel to Ronda or Ascari, and they will probably dislike the fact that they would have to divert towards Teva, so this is the real trouble, because it will be very expensive and demanding to fix this road problem"

Whatever the case, the fact that Ronda and Ascari already appear in the game is very important. Let's just say that in the last years there have been more than 3.000.000 online races on the re-created tracks, so this will be core for turism, because Ronda gets to be known by the whole world.

"Starting from oct/nov 2013, they will be included, and since both Ronda and Ascari are new entries to the game, and besides Mr Yamauchi was enthusiastic about the Ascari circuit, about the staff, about our veichles, about our location... he was amazed, as a good Japanese, from Ronda, and for that reason he has done the effort of including the city in the game trailer, with "puente nuevo" (new bridge), with pictures taken from the air... since he also is passionated with flying in helicopters, maybe bothering the citizens a bit, but that's ok (smiles). The output was very good, and all of this implies that the promotion of Ascari, Ascari club and the city of Ronda will be very thorough.
We understand that the target of the game is young people mainly, but this young people have parents, friends... and also, times will go by for them too, they will grow older and remember that they have played in a circuit called Ascari, which is located in Ronda, Andalucìa. And the sooner or later, they'll come.
Ascari does not promise anything for the time being, except that promotion will be very strong."

The council member for tourism, Isabel Barriga, complimented for this, not only for the city being included, but also for the usage of the new turistic logotype, called "Ronda, suerte natural" (Ronda, natural luck).

(Isabel Barriga being interviewed)
"This promotion will be brutal, because some 75millions copies of the game have been sold... or 85, they said... we suppose that at launch some 17 millions of copies of the new game will be sold, and we have the opportunity of taking advantage of this advertising, we've been lucky, but we knew how to work, also. With the game including Ronda our turistic advertising will multiply by ten, maybe a hundred, who knows, but it's really, really important. To us it's very clear what is the path we have to follow. We know the world is changing, that tourism also will face recession (as we're seeing all over the world), and we're preparing for it. If recession strikes here, we must be prepared to minimise the consequences of this recession in Ronda"

This May was the 15th birthday of the GT series, which sold some 85 millions of copies all over the world. GT6 for PS3 is announced as a version that will bring even more realism to the real drive simulator, with new circuits, and with Ascari among them.

(Sorry if there are typos-errors, but this was very long and I didn't have time for cosmetic writing.)