So, another "fix" of the penalty system. I'm not holding my breath for this one. When I tested the last supposed fix, I got dive bombed two corners to finish (end of the high speed straight) on Mt. Panorama in 3rd place, spun for 5 seconds, tried to get out of the gravel another 5, then got reset, got 15 second penalty, finished last and got driver rating downgraded. The dude wasn't even braking, he just used me as an instant stop. Thanks, no thanks. I don't even want to go into people spinning you out for revenge because you dare to overtake them (cleanly). That's when I stopped playing online.
To state the obvious, why isn't PD working on AI judging? There is a ton of footage and decisions on collisions to train it on. Then let it loose on GTS with a person looking over it as a test and when the fairness level seems acceptable, all lobbies. You don't even need the PS4 processing power for that, it's all taking place on PD servers anyway.
On any given incident in F1, you can estimate very well how it will be judged. The car ahead always has the right to choose the line, unless it doesn't leave enough space for car behind and pushes it out. How are bumps from behind being penalized still a thing PD?!? Exception of course hard braking out of braking sections. It may not concern all incidents, but this covers at least 80%.
Penalties. Why would someone ever think twice about destruction derby style racing because of some seconds? You might be better off position wise even with a couple of seconds penalty when you do it, I'm sure gamblers love the odds

Why not cut off the engine power for a second or two. You won't loose much, but fall behind the victim you just smashed and not gain any positions. Or even better, cut off the engine until the car who's race you just ruined gets back up to previous speed. That would make people think twice about getting a penalty.
And what's up with this penalty for leaving the track? Just differentiate. On the inside of the corner, sure why not? You shortened the track. On the outside of the corner? What the hell?!? Haven't I lost enough by understeering, losing speed, line, slowing down, getting back on track? And when I reemerge with lost time and positions, I get penalized to slow down again. How exactly does this help? Games 15 years ago could do this difference, jeeez...