Svenno, I love your work and respect you as the penalty king. But this is just unfair.
I can't think of a more challenging thing - with my limited knowledge of programming - than making a racing penalty system that gets everything right the instant/moments after it happens.
Plenty of racing incidents are really subjective in their blame. Leaving room and backing out are respectful moves that we'd expect out of good drivers but you can't force it on everyone. It's one of those things about racing that takes a long time to sink in. I mean, I'm deep into my GTS career at this point, and I'm really only beginning to understand how "slow in, fast out" actually works.
Really, as many have mentioned before, we're talking about writing a learning algorithm that can do, in seconds, and multiple times a race without error, a job done in the real deal by multiple expert humans who will spend as much time as it takes to arrive at the correct decision.
Honestly, if it were so easy to make this algorithm perfect, we would probably see human marshals go out the window in favour of algorithmic penalty systems for real racing. There were plenty of farcical decisions in F1 alone this year - a couple of which took hours to make.
In my view the effort that's been made is commendable, and I respect PD for remaining flexible and trying out different things with the penalty system. However I think they understand such a fast and precise piece of machine learning is a few years away from our current technology. This is very advanced stuff that very smart people work on. I find it a little insulting to them, the notion that you don't believe it's difficult. I think they're trying really, really hard.
The best we can do is what we've always done - what YOU've always done best on this forum. Understand the system we have, learn what it supports and where it falls short, and try to adapt our racing to play into its hands.
I mean, that's basically what you do with rules in any sport.
I by no means think the penalty system is done, finished, or even on an upward curve (my internet hasn't allowed me to race since before this latest change) but I absolutely think it is a very difficult programming challenge that nobody has got absolutely right, even in the real world of Motorsport.
Did you read the rest of my post

I'm not talking about a system that gets everything right. I simply want a system that gets the obvious, easy to detect things right. The rest can all be shared blame, SR Down for both.
There is a huge area between getting everything right and getting nothing right. At the moment we are at the getting nothing right end of the scale. Before it was about 30% right / 70% wrong, due to trying to always penalize someone. Fix the obvious cases and switch to shared blame for anything that has some doubt and the system can easily be more right than wrong. That's all I'm asking for, for the penalty system to be better than flipping a coin.
Plus falling back on shared blame when there is doubt, still discourages bad behavior or at least will deduct SR from those that drive recklessly and as a result have more incidents. Add SR Down for going wide, touching walls and losing control of the car and SR.S will become a safer place for those in control of the car.
I have a lot of experience with programming, fuzzy logic was one of the areas I specialized in. General rules don't exist, yet you start by detecting / splitting out different situations and refine specialized rules based on percentages assigned to certain actions and observations. PD is going at it the wrong way, trying to apply a general rule to everywhere on the track. That's not how racing works, there are rules for straights, rules for braking zones and rules for corners. As well as rules for re-entering the track, rules for overtaking back markers, rules for pit entries and exits. You can't add one contact, check what happened 3 sec after rule to catch it all.
It is just frustrating to see PD continue on this dead end path for years now while there are so many more tools in the game to detect the clear cut cases. The game can calculate when you are going too fast to make a corner, try it in SR.E (if you can ever get there again) and you get ghosted without hitting anyone. The game can detect side swipes, try it in SR.E and you get ghosted and go right through off track. The game knows when you've lost control or coming from off track, again the ghosting system kicks in, before you would get a penalty when getting clipped by a bad track re-entry or car spinning out.
However PD still uses binary logic, car is either ghosted or not, if a car happens to clip you a split second before it ghosts, you get a penalty. Instead of binary logic, the car that loses control has an increasing chance of needing to be ghosted while the car in control has 0% chance to get ghosted. When contact occurs and one car is already 80% deemed out of control, vs a car that's totally in control, why give the in control car a penalty?
Concepts like who is aligned more to the racing line (direction not position), more in the speed range for that section of track, position on the track, more grip before impact, are all things that can be worked with while looking at different sections of track.
An obvious dive bomb should never result in a penalty for the victim. (Coming in too fast to the corner)
An obvious brake check should never result in a penalty for the victim. (Braking outside braking zones with nothing ahead)
Turning in on someone should never result in a penalty for the victim. (Overlap before turn in, both within speed range, leave room for inside car)
Squeezing out in turns should never result in a penalty for the victim. (Overlap after apex, leave room for outside car)
Ramming on the straight should never result in a penalty for the victim. (More misaligned with the direction of travel)
Exiting the pit badly should never result in a penalty for the victim. (Who crossed the pit exit line)
Getting hit by a car spinning out should never result in a penalty for the victim. (Who's car has lost more grip)
Getting hit by a track re-entry should never result in a penalty for the victim. (Check who came from off-road, from which side, crossing road etc)
Different rules for different situations based on where something happens and what happened before that.
I'm confident it can be done.