From B/S to C/B because of the abhorrent state of the penalty system for the last four months and because the wider playerbase has taken advantage of this and play the game like it's Forza/Wreckfest instead
Is it ‘taking advantage’ or playing by the rules?
Like I said, in any real sport if no fouls are called you do what you can. If they can dive so can you.
If you are closest to apex in a turn you pretty much wont be penalized under the current system.
If a car dives in late but is closer to apex at point of contact and hits you wide you will get a time penalty right now.
Really this is what defensive driving in racing is all about in gts.
It doesn’t matter what’s polite or kind.
It simply matters who is in control of the space.
From inside you control the space, you can put the outside car off at will.
It’s your decision at any corner entry do you trust the guy behind or not?
If you do then all is well, if you don’t you’d better take a position where he CANT barge or give you a pen.
Might have to brake early and hug apex so even if he does hit you you will hold position or something like that.
I believe the state of the system is by design. PD/FIA want us to race hard, and fight in these daily races.
On the GTS site they mention the advanced matchmaking will provide FAIR for all. Technically this is true in the sense that the system is the same for all participants.
We all have the same right to dive inside and give drivers who don’t defend a penalty by hitting them wide and passing.
The matchmaking system does not guarantee clean racing, it matches you up with others at your skill level by dr sr rank.
What’s failed totally is that 99sr doesn’t mean you can go in and play and expect others to follow common racing etiquette.
99sr means you play against other 99 in a system that rewards divebombs, so people should know that before entering.
At higher levels players have more skill so it’s not really a problem so much, people have the ability to exact justice almost instantly if wronged, everyone knows it, everyone does it.
Standards are upheld by culture.
At lower levels though the game is chaos as far as racing according to Motorsport etiquette, at lower levels people are still learning to have racecraft.
They need to raise the sr cap just like they are doing on dr.
The rules dictate the play. People need to accept that.
Right now the inside is everything and contact is tolerated if you are inside you win.
Therefore play accordingly. I think it makes it fun.
I think that FIA/PD is showing us what they want sport mode be by adjusting the system this way.
It is what it is. A sport mode. If divebombs are allowed...
Edit it’s like playing the original street fighter...
If my buddy can’t block a low jab he’s gonna get low jabbed ALL DAY until he learns to counter that attack.