- 4,363
- United States
Let me illustrate you an example which mostly ends up with a penalty. "A" and "B" drive side by side as they approach the corner. "B" defends the inside line as they hit the brake and "B" keeps the line during the turn, leaving room for "A". After they leave the apex a slight contact happens. The system instead of penalizing any of them, gives them a question: Does the driver (input driver name) deserves a penalty? If they both say no or they both say yes, then the race may continue and non of them get penalized. But what happens if they disagree? In that case, the system would do the judgement and give penalty to the one which it "thinks" was the responsible for activating the penalty. Why would that be a good thing or at least better than any of the penalty systems before?
You need a specific turn in your example.
But let’s assume this is a simple flat 90 degree turn onto a straight.
Car b has the inside, if there’s contact car A is an idiot, B has that inside, B simply needs to match A on braking, NOT sweep past, if B does it right there’s nothing A can do and if A presses and doesn’t relinquish and ends up in the sand it’s his own fault.
If he’s outside he should be penalized for contact.
B in my example had corner rights, there’s no reason to hug inside and leave space for A unless A nosed ahead and got an angle because B wasn’t fast enough, in that case B should leave space, but in the most basic form of this example if the outside car ends up offed it’s their mistake trying to force track space they had no right to.
Voting is a silly idea.
I stand by where they are going with the system, right now it still has some issues but it’s really good overall.
Don’t want pens?
Don’t hit.
I acknowledge issues still exist like cars not getting ghosted fast enough perpendicular to the track outta control or rejoining but corners wise it’s pretty darn good right now.
If you are in control you won’t have troubles, for the most part.
I’ve been doing A all week at high sr and it’s been fantastic 90 percent of the time dirty drivers get in, then in a race or two they are gone and you don’t see them again.
You look them up and they have no history of experience at 99.
That’s success in matchmaking imo.
Jmo but the whole mantra some people push this whole anytime a car is near you always leave space is a fantasy that’s not practiced in real racing at all.
In real racing depending on the car the etiquette about what’s dirty changes.
The track limits tho, I’ve no idea why that seems to be problematic in certain locations, it seems so simple to fix that imo that’s the biggest current flaw.
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