I think this sentence defines Gran Turismo games since idk, GT5? You have the finest driving experience on any console, the best graphics for every generation but you can do nothing with them because the online experience and career structure/difficulty designs are ****
Not bad for a guy new to Gran Turismo eh?

. I think that it’s time to admit also that the FIA carrot dangle world tour should no longer define the online matchmaking.
In an effective system imo, the more skilled drivers would be separated from less skilled.
If the system worked properly, clean drivers would simply never get matched with children slamming off walls pedal pinned to the floor.
If it worked, over time, the better you drove, the less BS you would see.
I think FIA is fine, for the FIA part of online.
The best players in the game and any player really should have NO RISK of FIA point loss in daily races.
There’s literal so many things to do that are more important than redoing the menu structure for gt7 or adding “performance parts”. or some big single player offline campaign.
I mean if that’s GT7, they might as well have no online at all and keep the 2 titles going forward imo.
But without good ratings and structure, there’s no place in the game for more mature skilled players who drive clean, even if they aren’t the fastest.
Drivers who stay clean and race dailies should never be matched up with bashers.
Your rating shouldn’t drop in half after a year of clean play after one bad race.
If anything they should impose a next race grid penalty in that case and forfeit the players current qual time.
So let’s say you are in an A S lobby and some player hits a few guys off, having a bad day or whatever...
Instead of ranking him down so he can go beat up on lower ranked players and ruin their races...
What you do is keep him or her matched at his or her rank, but forfeit their q time. (Force them to qual again). AND impose a grid time penalty in their next race.
So next race they are matched into the same skill room, BUT starting from last, with their accumulated time penalty ALSO imposed at race start.
So say they had ten seconds of pens...Next race they start last and have to wait ten seconds before starting
I mean there’s literally a million simple things that could be done to improve this current debacle.
I stand by my words from before...The current sr dr system is an embarrassment to the great Japanese world leading companies with their names on GTS.
If the SR DR setup worked, and FIA was completely separate ranking and points wise from dailies, then GTS would own and dominate online racing period.
If good drivers could hop on into a daily, be pretty darn certain it’s be clean, and KNOW it wouldn’t affect their FIA STATUS AT ALL!
Then you wouldn’t see so many good players moving on from this game.
Guess what, a lot of those players PD is losing are VERY skilled, and have plenty of money to buy consoles peripherals, influence their friends to join etc...
How they can figure patronizing us drivers with a debacle of a rating system is acceptable I will never understand.
I guess they don’t like making money???