here's a reason they don't use their system in the championships, because is simply broken and would be a worldwide embarassment if they had it enabled.
Yes but with no system it goes to honor.
The only fair way to do it is sr down to all players hitting others plus strict penalties for severe contact.
Without that at all levels there will be one or two in every room lacking honor or pride and they ruin the game for many players.
Just tonight it was an A plus player starting without qualifying ramming through the field two races in a row. If he was getting penalties and sr downs he wouldn’t ruin the fun for those who try to race.
With lax penalties like now it encourages those who lack honor, those small minded trolls who value another ten DR points over fun.
Tonight it was the guy diving over the grass to t bone me that got me to turn off the game.
A plus player, nice.
This guy had the game down, knew where to use the grass to get the inside line and knew how not to trigger pens while shoving ramming and punting to the front.
A plus player.
99 sr.
Every time I enter more than a race or two, I always walk away angry.
This failed worldwide embarrassment pen system causes this.
It benefits the low minded troll players, the cheaters, those with no pride or honor, those who don’t even bother trying to do anything except get their car ahead by any means possible.
Those are the people the system rewards.
I mean hey if PD likes this Mariokart caricature of racing for the esport, if they want to make a mockery of Motorsport they have succeeded.
When my opponent can drive off track onto grass to cut the turn to the inside, t bone me wide just near apex and then get ahead with no penalty it’s a joke.