I just have a couple of issues with this system,

1. why do I get a penalty when I am the one who got hit from behind, often times trying to avoid a collision in front of me, may be the system thought I was at fault for going too slow for the other guy to hit me ? I dont know

2. penalty for unavoidable contact, we were at Monza, I was following closely to the guy in front of me cause I got a good run going out of the second chicane going into lesmo, dude messed up by hitting too much of an apex and slid, I hit him and I got a penalty, there is nothing I coulda do.

3. Again, dude out brake himself in front of me going into a hairpin, got out of shape and left a space on the inside. Of course i went there, and dude tried to correct by driving inside without knowing I was there, hit my side door, and I got a penalty

I didnt vote because I think the penalty system is somewhat in the middle at this point lol

1. Because lot of dirty drivers would brake only to give penalties to followers
2. Yes, U're right, it's a shame, but there's no way to have a perfect algorithm on that
3. I think he had a worst panalty than yours
3. I think he had a worst panalty than yours
Same thing happened to me and I can assure you that in that case it's always the driver who is behind that gets the Kaz stick to the face. The algorithm can't distinguish between a situation like that and a divebomb.

All of this wouldn't be much of a problem if small mistakes like that didn't affect what was done in ALL of the previous races. As I said, this could be dealt with by simply taking into account SR variance. It's a very easy fix to a problem that is making the game unenjoyable.
No need to be perfec
1. Because lot of dirty drivers would brake only to give penalties to followers
2. Yes, U're right, it's a shame, but there's no way to have a perfect algorithm on that
3. I think he had a worst panalty than yours

Perfection is the main enemy to a correct implementation. of any thing... so... But doin nothing when something does nt work. is even worse...!!!´
So this means .. it does nt need to be perfect... but it at least it would work fine more then 60 % of situations... it would be so so very good!!!! (And I think that we re standing now in less then 10% of success on this so unjust situations NOT Happening!!!)
As I said, this could be dealt with by simply taking into account SR variance. It's a very easy fix to a problem that is making the game unenjoyable.
May be you're right but... it's not always the best...

Look at me: i started playing GT in september 2017 after (may be 20?!?!) years from my last GT playing (Playstation #1 - first Granturismo).

I started to have fun, i drove with controller, like i used to do 20 years ago, then 2 things happened: i was totally involved in Sport Mode... and... i decided not to play only to have fun but also to be more competitive...

So i bought a weel, and i started to drive clean trying to improve my DR and my technical skills... (if you look at my stats on Kudos it's all clear about this)

With your system, probly now i was still searching to have a decent, clean race at all...

No need to be perfec

Perfection is the main enemy to a correct implementation. of any thing... so... But doin nothing when something does nt work. is even worse...!!!´
So this means .. it does nt need to be perfect... but it at least it would work fine more then 60 % of situations... it would be so so very good!!!! (And I think that we re standing now in less then 10% of success on this so unjust situations NOT Happening!!!)
I don't know what's the percentage...

In my experience i think they're trying to really give us the most fair experience... but.. it's a game... algorythms lead everything ad as you said it could not be perfect..

I'm the first that sometimes is sad and frustrated after some race: i lost about 15000 DR points after a wretched race in Monza during FIA Nations Preseason... I really don't know how it was possible to me... and surely i can say to you i did not drive like a divebomb during that race but... i did involuntary mistakes that made me bump 2 cars for 20 seconds penalty and i did'nt want to do that (in one of them i bumped a car ghosting in the right moment it was unghosting)...

I was frustrated to go from A+/S to A/B but... there were not way for the game to know that it was not my intention to be dirty (and i could pay more attention to avoid mistakes i made, having panalties)...

So... surely it could be better.. evrything and everyone of us could be... but... i think they are trying to improve about that...
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Hey @Crazy Taylor the needle on your ****-o-meter has just changed again.
No need to be perfec

Perfection is the main enemy to a correct implementation. of any thing... so... But doin nothing when something does nt work. is even worse...!!!´
So this means .. it does nt need to be perfect... but it at least it would work fine more then 60 % of situations... it would be so so very good!!!! (And I think that we re standing now in less then 10% of success on this so unjust situations NOT Happening!!!)

The problem with doing something that isn't perfect is that it is often exploitable, like brake-checking for rear-ending, turning back in on someone after going wide, etc, etc, etc. In most cases it is better to do nothing... well not nothing, just no time penalty, because there is also SR which ought to measure a player's behaviour statistically.

About the only clear case I can think of for a penalty is when someone approaches a corner with far too much speed to make it round and hits someone. Even for that seemingly obvious case, it would have to also know that that person hadn't just been hit from behind causing the overspeed, and it would have to know a maximum corner speed for every car on every corner.

There was a good explanation of the difficulties re. detecting rear-ending on Minorating (RIP :( ), wayback has it here but no pictures. Some of the detail may apply only to AC, but the general reasons for only using a statistical approach (in this game, SR) apply universally.
If a driver gets too many 10sec+ time penalty's in a short period of time he should be banned for Sportmode by blocking the users PS4 Mac address.
A more clear race etiquette allot don't understand what the difference is between blocking and defending.
They should start banning people allot quicker in Sportmode deliberate crashes should be blackflaged.
Something is wrong when I go into L1 T1 at Nurb GP track in 2nd place and the 9th place car forgets to brake and hits every car behind me including me and I end up with a 5 second penalty for hitting the wall. If PD cant distinguish who is at fault there instead of handing out penalties based on SR they are idiots.
If a driver gets too many 10sec+ time penalty's in a short period of time he should be banned for Sportmode by blocking the users PS4 Mac address.
A more clear race etiquette allot don't understand what the difference is between blocking and defending.
They should start banning people allot quicker in Sportmode deliberate crashes should be blackflaged.

Totally agree with you!
Something is wrong when I go into L1 T1 at Nurb GP track in 2nd place and the 9th place car forgets to brake and hits every car behind me including me and I end up with a 5 second penalty for hitting the wall. If PD cant distinguish who is at fault there instead of handing out penalties based on SR they are idiots.
Very good point fastone371 :cheers:, the whole penalty system need a total revamp and PD needs to bring in Ghosting on Collisions and that is the only way to solve this.
Something is wrong when I go into L1 T1 at Nurb GP track in 2nd place and the 9th place car forgets to brake and hits every car behind me including me and I end up with a 5 second penalty for hitting the wall. If PD cant distinguish who is at fault there instead of handing out penalties based on SR they are idiots.

Here I am being the lone voice in the wilderness (again). In a corner (which the game already clearly identifies) after the first contact all other resulting contacts should not incur penalties. Also, contacts in a designated braking area (that the game also already identifies) then the car behind should get a penalty, NOT the innocent car in front.

This would be just the start of cleaning this mess up. Some tinkering would be needed like calculating overlap or maybe extending a universal braking area to the max for the class of car say +10% BUT it is achievable with a little bit of effort on PD's part.

Another good one would be a car re-entering the track (that the game also already clearly identifies) causing contact within say a 5 second window would also receive a (harsh?) penalty and NOT the innocent car they made contact with. Further to this, a car that makes contact with a barrier should insatiably ghost so as to not impinge on the following cars or at very least not give them a penalty.

Just maybe someone from PD will actually read some of these comments.
Well I'm at a loss, can't make sense of it at all anymore. One of my races on Brand's today had 3 contacts with the same driver.

First, I'm on on the inside in the lead, he hits me from the outside.

I get SR Down and a penalty

Second, ok I'll stay on the outside then, he dive bump passes me

I get SR Down and a penalty

Third, he went way wide yet dives back to the inside

Here I expected a penalty as I hit him from behind ish, yet the game tells me he got a penalty there.

I spun in the last one, lost my penalty time, caught up with him again but didn't try to pass him anymore, enough damage. And since he had a big flashing penalty sign I would pass him at the finish anyway, not. He had no red dot, never slowed down, blue S, I dropped to SR.A -21 SR for that race.

The only explanation I can come up with, he was DR.D (probably alt account, 2nd day, 9th race) Always give way to lower level drivers...
Not done yet, this corner here. How much space does the game want me to give the other driver, I can't go further to the right!

I'm slowing down to get out of the way then get used by the next kart, SR Down plus penalty for me.

However this guy positioning his kart against my rear wheel and bumping me twice pushing me out, perfectly fine

No penalty for him, nothing.

Here I slow down for the kart in front, get bump passed as result

SR Down plus penalty for me

Those were all my incidents on Brand's today, 100% faulty penalty system. I got a few other penalties from avoiding people and ending up in the grass, slowing way down, losing more positions then simply letting them hit me, and still get a 'shortcut' penalty. (which is often higher than the time penalties for contact in DR.B)

As a bonus, the daily C infamous T1. The car in front of me punts the car in front of him, slows down instantly. I go wide to avoid, pat myself on the back for catching it in time and not become part of a chain reaction.

The game logic thinks otherwise. SR Down, 3 sec penalty. A yellow flag from a previous screw up was still active, meaning I should have crashed into him instead...
Here I am being the lone voice in the wilderness (again). In a corner (which the game already clearly identifies) after the first contact all other resulting contacts should not incur penalties. Also, contacts in a designated braking area (that the game also already identifies) then the car behind should get a penalty, NOT the innocent car in front.

This would be just the start of cleaning this mess up. Some tinkering would be needed like calculating overlap or maybe extending a universal braking area to the max for the class of car say +10% BUT it is achievable with a little bit of effort on PD's part.

Another good one would be a car re-entering the track (that the game also already clearly identifies) causing contact within say a 5 second window would also receive a (harsh?) penalty and NOT the innocent car they made contact with. Further to this, a car that makes contact with a barrier should insatiably ghost so as to not impinge on the following cars or at very least not give them a penalty.

Just maybe someone from PD will actually read some of these comments.
Here's why this will never work, courtesy of @Outspacer
Let me quote something this site says:
It is not that I don't want suggestions; it's just that people often can't see the whole picture, and even become frustrated when the reaction isn't something like "WOAH thank you Dude, so glad you showed up. I never thought about this!"
the most important point is: I have a much better idea.

It's okay to complain about the penalty system; it's pretty bad and I complain about it as well. But the thing is, our ideas are 99% not as good as the developers' ideas. Let them do the work
It's okay to complain about the penalty system; it's pretty bad and I complain about it as well. But the thing is, our ideas are 99% not as good as the developers' ideas. Let them do the work

The trouble is that PD aren't coming up with anything better than naive ideas, and the way penalties seem designed to punish rather than restore order in a race appears to be driven by user demands. For SR calcs, it's like they either didn't look at what other people had done in the past, or were determined not to take any of the good ideas! Engineers should hope to implement the simplest possible systems, but PD's are looking rather ornamental at this point.
Here's why this will never work, courtesy of @Outspacer
Let me quote something this site says:

It's okay to complain about the penalty system; it's pretty bad and I complain about it as well. But the thing is, our ideas are 99% not as good as the developers' ideas. Let them do the work

Thanks for the link. You do realise it is discussing Assetto Corsa? Do you want me to go through each of his points and counter it with why my suggestion will work? I would prefer not to spend to time doing but people simply rejecting my ideas simply because they can't be right because I am not a coder is just mere gainsaying.

.........our ideas are 99% not as good as the developers' ideas.

Ok here's one for you. My idea is that the inocent car in front is not penalised for some idiot running into the back of him in a braking area. So please explain how this radical idea of mine is not better than the PD's current idea about slamming the innocent party with a race wrecking penalty and SR drop?

I would suspect that most of this group's readesr just may agree that my idea is better than the "99% correct" PD one ;-)
Thanks for the link. You do realise it is discussing Assetto Corsa? Do you want me to go through each of his points and counter it with why my suggestion will work? I would prefer not to spend to time doing but people simply rejecting my ideas simply because they can't be right because I am not a coder is just mere gainsaying.
Yes I'd like you to know why your reasoning will stand. It's Assetto Corsa, but you can draw parallelisms with Minorinating's points system and SR. Penalty-implementation wise you can pretty much take everything he said and put it to GTS.
I would suspect that most of this group's readesr just may agree that my idea is better than the "99% correct" PD one ;-)
I ran my mouth here. I'm wrong
Ok here's one for you. My idea is that the inocent car in front is not penalised for some idiot running into the back of him in a braking area. So please explain how this radical idea of mine is not better than the PD's current idea about slamming the innocent party with a race wrecking penalty and SR drop?
You can find why this is wrong in the article I reposted above
You re jokin
Here's why this will never work, courtesy of @Outspacer
Let me quote something this site says:

It's okay to complain about the penalty system; it's pretty bad and I complain about it as well. But the thing is, our ideas are 99% not as good as the developers' ideas. Let them do the work

.. of course you r joking!!! You ve got to be!!!

Only ideas PD cares about are those that will raise his money account in the bank!!
Thanks for the link. You do realise it is discussing Assetto Corsa? Do you want me to go through each of his points and counter it with why my suggestion will work? I would prefer not to spend to time doing but people simply rejecting my ideas simply because they can't be right because I am not a coder is just mere gainsaying.

Ok here's one for you. My idea is that the inocent car in front is not penalised for some idiot running into the back of him in a braking area. So please explain how this radical idea of mine is not better than the PD's current idea about slamming the innocent party with a race wrecking penalty and SR drop?

I would suspect that most of this group's readesr just may agree that my idea is better than the "99% correct" PD one ;-)

As I said when I posted the link, some of the details are specific to AC. Like the precise data that is available to plugins/servers. But most of the principles are universal - especially 'what defines a corner?' and 'what defines a braking zone?', but also issues of timing and synchronisation in a multiplayer environment. What a game does is fake it, every time. It's part of the definition of being 'not reality'. Corner cuts? Simply areas that are flagged as producing a penalty. Braking markers? Placed by hand and in the same place regardless of car. There is always some level of trickery.

Sadly many do agree that your idea is better, and sure, it might work in the simplest of cases - only two cars near to each other, lead car brakes at the braking marker, on the racing line. And who doesn't want to see rammers punished while innocents go free?! But a system has to cope with a lot more cases than that. What if the lead car is on a defensive line and brakes earlier? What if the lead car has just swerved over in front of the following car? What if there's another car in front, or even a whole gaggle of cars, slowing the lead car and causing him to brake early? A system would have to take the entire context into account if is to have any hope of dishing out a penalty correctly. Even if it did, it would have to have some way to assess its own competence - any doubt about its judgement of any act being intentional or reckless should result in no penalty being handed out. We are a long way from that being viable to implement.

The same isn't true of SR, since it is statistical - it actually shouldn't matter much if SR is gained/lost unjustly at times as long as it's mostly correct over the longer term. Well, that's how it should be, but isn't right now because SR gains and losses are way too large per race.

Your 'problem', as such, is that you want PD to punish wreckers each and every time they cause an incident. But PD can't code the judgement so the innocent get punished as well. Oops! I say let it go, and instead push PD to fix the SR calcs so that wreckers don't retain SR S, innocents do, and then the penalty system doesn't need to act on so many incidents and can be toned down.
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You re jokin

.. of course you r joking!!! You ve got to be!!!

Only ideas PD cares about are those that will raise his money account in the bank!!
Yeah that statement was a regret :lol:
The article is a pretty good read however; I encourage you to read it regardless whether you agree with the penalty system or not
Not done yet, this corner here. How much space does the game want me to give the other driver, I can't go further to the right!

I'm slowing down to get out of the way then get used by the next kart, SR Down plus penalty for me.

However this guy positioning his kart against my rear wheel and bumping me twice pushing me out, perfectly fine

No penalty for him, nothing.

Here I slow down for the kart in front, get bump passed as result

SR Down plus penalty for me

Those were all my incidents on Brand's today, 100% faulty penalty system. I got a few other penalties from avoiding people and ending up in the grass, slowing way down, losing more positions then simply letting them hit me, and still get a 'shortcut' penalty. (which is often higher than the time penalties for contact in DR.B)

As a bonus, the daily C infamous T1. The car in front of me punts the car in front of him, slows down instantly. I go wide to avoid, pat myself on the back for catching it in time and not become part of a chain reaction.

The game logic thinks otherwise. SR Down, 3 sec penalty. A yellow flag from a previous screw up was still active, meaning I should have crashed into him instead...

The first one seems the only one that might be legitimate - maybe. The 2nd and 3rd ones I couldn't help but laugh. Sorry. Its just so ridiculous its funny. It'll be some fancy programming that sorts those kind of incidents out perfectly.

On a lighter note I especially liked the 2nd one where #12 almost seems like they had enough already so they turn hard - like perpendicular - off the track all by themselves. Gets funnier everytime.
On a lighter note I especially liked the 2nd one where #12 almost seems like they had enough already so they turn hard - like perpendicular - off the track all by themselves. Gets funnier everytime.

The 3rd one? Looks like a lag hit from P13 to me :(
Yes sorry, 3rd one. No definitely not lag or any other kind of contact the player just calls it a day and drives off, amazing skills to turn hard like that.

but yeah, its possible.

Looks like P13 is the one that Sven is avoiding, who then shoots forward and starts going normal pace next to P12. P12's game would've been predicting motion for some of that time, so if P13 was pointing towards him at any point it could maybe think he'd been hit.