Looks like P13 is the one that Sven is avoiding, who then shoots forward and starts going normal pace next to P12. P12's game would've been predicting motion for some of that time, so if P13 was pointing towards him at any point it could maybe think he'd been hit.
Here is the full clip, it does seem he simply says goodbye I'm done
No lag involved, yet those karts do get a little loose on that downhill slope.
Here's what the game considers a clean race. I wasn't anywhere near clean in the first lap, had a bit of trouble getting into the rhythm in that one and skid into someone in T2 then punted another kart in T3. However it turned into my most fun race fighting for second place, changing positions many times.
Clean race bonus for that, hmm.
I guess in DR.B it evens out in the end. Get screwed one race, get away with murder the next.
Why is a time penalty and Sr down handed out for having an accident all by yourself? A few times I've spun out, hit a barrier but no other cars and received a penalty.
It costs time and money to repaint those walls and take care of the grass!
Obviously you and everyone else seems to know more than PD on how to implement penalties in the game. Shall I ask Kaz on twitter to tell all you know it all people here to take over what he has done for over 20 years?
I would think anyone would know that the server should be in charge of stewarding the race, not the clients telling fibs about who gets what penalty based on laggy information. At least the clients should exchange information and come to a compromise when there are 2 different versions to the story due to lag.
I've had it happen many times that:
- I get a penalty from a car hitting me, driver claims we never made contact on his end, movements of his cars suggest the same.
- Game says other driver got a penalty, flashing sign, they never received it.
First fix, communication!