People won't have to wait till 2017 for a new GT

  • Thread starter Cobaiye
Master Herald Reports GT7 Release Fall Of 2016
GT 7 Release Season.jpg
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Not sure I'm taking anything serious from a site that has an exclamation mark at the end of every article title AND has a picture of NASCAR 2014 in a GT7 article.
Not sure I'm taking anything serious from a site that has an exclamation mark at the end of every article title AND has a picture of NASCAR 2014 in a GT7 article.

Master Herald and Latino Post are the only bloggers reporting on GT7 regularly, just sharing, one of them is bound to be right sooner or later.:lol:
1. "That junk" is what people want, obviously. And it makes some sort of sense that people would rather play a combo of karaoke and an American Idol game rolled into one in the privacy of their own homes and/or with friends. I suppose you have a problem with that...

Or, it had to do with its massive discount right around Prime Day, since it's not a noteworthy title otherwise, and has already dropped down.

I don't have a problem with the game at all, but it should be apparent that the rankings aren't particularly relevant in a sales total discussion.

2. I also suppose that "historical data and predictive values" explains why GT6 moves around just a few spots. Or actually, no, it bounces around between 8th and 30th or more. I'm thinking maybe you're greatly exaggerating your point there. As well as your "VG Chartz" remark.

I'm exaggerating something Amazon themselves say influence the rankings? I mean, sure. It wouldn't be the first time you ignore facts that don't line up with your story.

I've yet to see GT6 crack back into the Amazon Top 10 PS3 list since shortly after release. Though I don't check it religiously, because I recognize it represents nothing more than how relatively well the title sells from one retailer.

But to your post... I have no clue what point you're trying to make with it. "GT6 is ranked 411th overall in video games. GT5 XL? 812th. GT5 Vanilla? 1066th." What does this even mean? Critical acclaim? Metacritic listings? Arbitrary metrics with no context whatsoever have no value, Slip, surely you know that. Neither is comparing a racing game to The Sims, Minecraft and Tetris.

Those are the rankings Amazon provides. I don't know how to make that any simpler. Funnily enough, those were all higher rankings than they are today.

You know, at least I hope you know, that racing games are such a niche market, that any time a racer sells more than two million units, the devs pop champagne corks.

I didn't know this, no. Can you point me to the source that says it happens?

So GT5 "Nilla" ranked 1066th in some listing or other. That's kind of hard to square with a game which combined with the XL Edition could possibly have sold 11 million copies by now. Can you imagine the river of tears of joy from a racing game developer - other than PD - who sold a game at half that level? I'd say the only person here to which these metrics you post have any value is you. It doesn't have squat to do with how well the gamers of the world enjoy the game and its features. Should it? Should we care what someone else says what we should be liking?

That's an excellent question. You're right, it doesn't have squat to do with how well gamers of the world enjoy the game and its features... so why do you repeatedly post about it? Why do you consistently point to the Amazon top sellers list if it doesn't matter?

I'd be curious how some of the other racing games stack up in your tidy list.

I'm not curious about that at all, because, as I've already said a few times, the Amazon list has no bearing on what any games total sales numbers are. And that's overlooking the idea that sales totals somehow make a game better, or more enjoyed, than its competition.

To answer your question, I would think that, seeing as GT6 sold 3 million copies within two months of release, and clearly it's still selling around the planet, I would guess that it's sold between 4 and 7 million in a year and a half. Hey, it could be anything four mill or higher. But since you're a mighty mod and are privy to matters which we mere peons here on the boards can't hope to know, what's the actual figure?

I've no idea. The difference between you and I, however, is I don't pretend otherwise, and I most certainly don't try to post misleading, unrelated stats as some sort of justification.

Unit total wise, the only numbers I'll consider are PD's. For one reason or another - we've all guessed a few different ones - they haven't posted them, when they didn't waste any time posting previous games'.
Slip, I'm still not sure what your point is. You think GT6 is unpopular? Mildly popular? You and Tornado often leave me scratching my head at what information it is that you're trying to convey.

I'm sure you'll love this. The Amazon Best Selling Racing Games totals all of 14 games. Of the three games which could be considered simulation, they are:

4. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
6. F1: Formula One Championship Edition
9. MotoGP '08

And at number 14, NFS Hot Pursuit. Yay, cops 'n robbers.

Anyhow, GT5 is still selling, go figure, so I guess the public just has its own taste in racing games. What I'll be looking forward to is everyone's reactions to the Standard cars and tracks in GT7. I have a hunch that in the world at large, it won't be a big deal. But in here? Woah nellie, it's gonna be fun times, I'm sure... :P

By the way, I decided to check your game rankings by sales dealy, and of all the real racing games I've found, GT6 seems to be the highest. I include Forza in there too. Make of that what you will.
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Slip, I'm still not sure what your point is. You think GT6 is unpopular? Mildly popular? You and Tornado often leave me scratching my head at what information it is that you're trying to convey.

Allergic to reading?

I said it a few times, but here it is again: Amazon's Best Sellers list is not (and should not be considered) representative of a game's actual sales totals.

I'm sure you'll love this. The Amazon Best Selling Racing Games totals all of 14 games. Of the three games which could be considered simulation, they are:

4. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
6. F1: Formula One Championship Edition
9. MotoGP '08

And at number 14, NFS Hot Pursuit. Yay, cops 'n robbers.

This further proves my point: the newer games aren't even on there, and Prologue itself is ranked in the 6000's in overall games. On PS3? A Subaru-friendly #555. That list proves nothing.

Such disdain for Hot Pursuit, while cops/robbers rooms in GT6 are popular, including right here on GTP.

Anyhow, GT5 is still selling, go figure, so I guess the public just has its own taste in racing games. What I'll be looking forward to is everyone's reactions to the Standard cars and tracks in GT7. I have a hunch that in the world at large, it won't be a big deal. But in here? Woah nellie, it's gonna be fun times, I'm sure... :P

It's selling, in the sense that nearly any game sells. Without numbers that means very little.

In a way, I'd agree: the casual gamers/reviewers, that don't really care to look at a game too closely, might not notice - if, of course, GT7 ships with unaltered Standards. The people that enjoy driving sims, and prefer that genre? They will notice.

By the way, I decided to check your game rankings by sales dealy, and of all the real racing games I've found, GT6 seems to be the highest. I include Forza in there too. Make of that what you will.

Amazon rankings are just as useless for other games as they are for GT. So, uh, great?

Still waiting for a source:

You know, at least I hope you know, that racing games are such a niche market, that any time a racer sells more than two million units, the devs pop champagne corks.
Hi everybody
This is my first post on GTP :) (sorry for my poor english)
I've found something worrying in my opinion for a 2016 release at best.

Staff recruitment
- AI engineer NEW
Make the development of automatic traveling AI racing game.
- online engineers NEW
Develop all the functions needed to play against other players via the Internet or LAN network.
· graphics engineer NEW
To work with PlayStation®4 and PC, etc., we will develop a real-time graphics system by GPU.
- game engine development engineers NEW
Various race rules in the game, and regulation, and the implementation of various functions to support the game.
- game script engineer NEW
Such as a game sequence and user interface, we will develop all the parts that touch in the game to the user's eye.
- Sound development engineer NEW
Development of game sound processing program, make the development of sound production environment.
· data engineers NEW
BI (Business Intelligence) system of design, development, perform the operation.
· Test build engineers NEW
For the purpose of improvement of software quality, make and build and test the implementation of the test environment, and design of the build environment implementation.
· pipeline tool development engineers NEW
Done through the software environment developed a flow construction for optimal content creation.
- Mobile Application Engineer NEW
to work in a mobile environment, such as iOS and Android, we will develop and support application of the "Gran Turismo".
- house tool development engineers NEW
Such as communication tool to be used in-house, we can produce a variety of tools that support the game production.
- vehicle simulation development engineers NEW
Improvements and of vehicle simulation engine of "Gran Turismo", we will do, such as reproduction of the mechanism of each vehicle.
· physics engine development engineers NEW
To develop a system for simulating various physical phenomena in the game.
- CG artist

Using 3D applications such as Maya do the 3D data production, such as car and courses.
· Technical artist

And familiar with the latest CG technology, improvement and rationalization and graphics system, do the technology introduction and technical support to the artist.
Part-time job adoption
- online management staff
Planning of online events, perform the operation check of management and online capabilities.
- Official Web site production staff
We do support the creation and updating of the various contents of the official web site, "Gran Turismo-dot-com."
- 3DCG designer assistant
Make 3D data production, such as car and courses. And guidance carefully to PC / 3D software inexperienced person.
· Graphic Design Assistant
Graphics, GUI, web, such as product, and support of the design work in a wide range of areas.
Hiring of new graduates
There is no adoption frame of the new graduates dedicated, consistent with the experience adoption of application conditions, or please apply without reserve, even while attending If you have the same skills.
GT4 waa onto something when we could bring Cr from GT3. PD's small team would work if they concentrated on games the size of GT5P. I believe with the quality of that game and PD releasing new cars in new versions every year and a half, It would be an awesome franchise. I'll have a GT6P on PS4 next year if GT7 needs more time. :D
Still waiting for a source:
You know, at least I hope you know, that racing games are such a niche market, that any time a racer sells more than two million units, the devs pop champagne corks.
Dude, it's common knowledge. Let me example you.

The only racers which have sold in substantial numbers which can be considered sims are
  • The Gran Turismo series, which you surely have a clue as to their sales numbers
  • Need for Speed Shift - 5.5 million
  • Forza 2 - 4 million
  • Forza 3 - 5.5 million
  • Forza 4 - 4.5 million
  • Colin McRae Rally - 2.9 million
  • TOCA Race Driver - 2.3 million
  • F1 2010 - 2.1 million
(Source, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Codemasters, the intranets, VG Chartz - I will have no grumping from you, their historical data is solid)

And except for a few possibles that I missed, it's all downhill from there. Forza 5 may not reach 2 million sales with the imminent release of F6. Shift 2 sold a relatively dismal 1.3 million, and everything else is even less. The GTRs, what many consider the old royalty of sims, and which I had assumed did sell in the two mill range, didn't get anywhere close. Posted in No Grip Racing forums by David Wright (October 2012):
Originally Posted by Berck14Fan
I ran across an old add stating the console game Gran Turismo 5 had sold 5.5 million copies which got me wondering if ISI and Simbin publish units sold? I'm curious to know how large the PC sim-racing community is comparable to top console titles.
Its definitely smaller. In terms of sales I'd say it was probably 1/10 th the size.

ISI have been tight lipped over sales of rFactor. They just said sales were good but not great.

Simbin have said that the RACE 07 series (Race 07, GTR Evo, STCC etc) has a community of over half a million.

I am privy to sales figures for GTR and GTL but though my NDA has probably expired, I think I'll keep it vague by saying they sold in the low hundreds of thousands.
I think this should satisfy, and with this, I'm out. Carry on yourself if you wish.
Dude, it's common knowledge. Let me example you.

The only racers which have sold in substantial numbers which can be considered sims are
  • The Gran Turismo series, which you surely have a clue as to their sales numbers
  • Need for Speed Shift - 5.5 million
  • Forza 2 - 4 million
  • Forza 3 - 5.5 million
  • Forza 4 - 4.5 million
  • Colin McRae Rally - 2.9 million
  • TOCA Race Driver - 2.3 million
  • F1 2010 - 2.1 million
(Source, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Codemasters, the intranets, VG Chartz - I will have no grumping from you, their historical data is solid)

And except for a few possibles that I missed, it's all downhill from there. Forza 5 may not reach 2 million sales with the imminent release of F6. Shift 2 sold a relatively dismal 1.3 million, and everything else is even less. The GTRs, what many consider the old royalty of sims, and which I had assumed did sell in the two mill range, didn't get anywhere close. Posted in No Grip Racing forums by David Wright (October 2012):

I think this should satisfy, and with this, I'm out. Carry on yourself if you wish.

I see numbers, yet absolutely nothing relating to the original statement. Again, do you have proof of this?

You know, at least I hope you know, that racing games are such a niche market, that any time a racer sells more than two million units, the devs pop champagne corks.

If you don't - and it's seeming increasingly likely you don't - then I'd suggest not making up claims and pretending they're facts. You've been given more than enough leeway with your creative interpretation of the rules here.
If you don't - and it's seeming increasingly likely you don't - then I'd suggest not making up claims and pretending they're facts. You've been given more than enough leeway with your creative interpretation of the rules here.
I would think my original statement is now pretty much self evident, unless you have some awesome racing sims which have sold two million copies that I'm unaware of. I guess I have nothing to say to you then.

By the way, there are plenty of "facts" on these forums which seem to be fine as long as they denigrate the game and Polyphony Digital...
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Sure there are. That's why you bring it up only when you're the one called on something

For the record, Slip was challenging the arbitrary figure you assigned to an entire genre so you can justify calling it a niche. Saying that not many games have eclipsed your arbitrary sales goal doesn't make anything self evident.
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I would think my original statement is now pretty much self evident, unless you have some awesome racing sims which have sold two million copies that I'm unaware of. I guess I have nothing to say to you then.

That's the third response now, and still no signs of champagne. I'm disappointed. Unsurprised, but disappointed.

See what Tornado posted above.

By the way, there are plenty of "facts" on these forums which seem to be fine as long as they denigrate the game and Polyphony Digital...

Point them out, instead of only complaining when you are called out on your fiction. You've manufactured insults about yourself from supposed other members here, which is just as bizarre. You've flubbed financial numbers on numerous occasions. If your argument hinges on false facts, how strong can it be?


People might not have to wait until 2017 for GT7, but I can't imagine that isn't more a product of Sony's desire to see one of its premier franchises on the current system ASAP than it is of PD's desires. There is precedent for it to be released the same year it's shown - GT6 managed it - and considering the bumper crop of racing games for 2015, maybe the plan is to make 2016 GT's year? Who knows.
Staff recruitment
- AI engineer NEW
Make the development of automatic traveling AI racing game.
- online engineers NEW
Develop all the functions needed to play against other players via the Internet or LAN network.
· graphics engineer NEW
To work with PlayStation®4 and PC, etc., we will develop a real-time graphics system by GPU.
- game engine development engineers NEW
Various race rules in the game, and regulation, and the implementation of various functions to support the game.
- game script engineer NEW
Such as a game sequence and user interface, we will develop all the parts that touch in the game to the user's eye.
- Sound development engineer NEW
Development of game sound processing program, make the development of sound production environment.
· data engineers NEW
BI (Business Intelligence) system of design, development, perform the operation.
· Test build engineers NEW
For the purpose of improvement of software quality, make and build and test the implementation of the test environment, and design of the build environment implementation.
· pipeline tool development engineers NEW
Done through the software environment developed a flow construction for optimal content creation.
- Mobile Application Engineer NEW
to work in a mobile environment, such as iOS and Android, we will develop and support application of the "Gran Turismo".
- house tool development engineers NEW
Such as communication tool to be used in-house, we can produce a variety of tools that support the game production.
- vehicle simulation development engineers NEW
Improvements and of vehicle simulation engine of "Gran Turismo", we will do, such as reproduction of the mechanism of each vehicle.
· physics engine development engineers NEW
To develop a system for simulating various physical phenomena in the game.
- CG artist

Using 3D applications such as Maya do the 3D data production, such as car and courses.
· Technical artist

And familiar with the latest CG technology, improvement and rationalization and graphics system, do the technology introduction and technical support to the artist.
Part-time job adoption
- online management staff
Planning of online events, perform the operation check of management and online capabilities.
- Official Web site production staff
We do support the creation and updating of the various contents of the official web site, "Gran Turismo-dot-com."
- 3DCG designer assistant
Make 3D data production, such as car and courses. And guidance carefully to PC / 3D software inexperienced person.
· Graphic Design Assistant
Graphics, GUI, web, such as product, and support of the design work in a wide range of areas.
Hiring of new graduates
There is no adoption frame of the new graduates dedicated, consistent with the experience adoption of application conditions, or please apply without reserve, even while attending If you have the same skills.

This is fascinating to see the combination of games systems roles and the supporting roles here, and there are a few things that stand out to me: (my interpretations of the translations only)

  • They want to develop an "automatic traveling" AI - is that as opposed to, e.g., a path follower AI?
  • They are re-developing the online systems?
  • Why do they need to develop real-time graphics for PS4 and PC? Is this just to aid production, not needing to boot up that devkit to test shaders and such?
  • They want someone to specifically focus on race logic and scripting: "race rules". ;)
    ("Game script engineer" is seemingly part of the UI development, and the menu logic etc.)
  • They want one person to bridge the gap between the game's sound engine and the sound production environment they use to create content for the game. This is probably streamlining a brand new production method...
    The "pipeline tool development engineer" is a similar thing; PD thinking about the long game and efficiency again.
    "House communication tool" hints that PD doesn't like any off-the-shelf productivity software, and thinks they can do better (which is quite the statement; but it implies that PD's productivity is largely incompatible with anything off-the-shelf, i.e. it is just far enough away from mainstream practice).
  • Test engineers - expansion of in-house play testing?
  • In-house "mobile" integration to expand? Explicit mention of Android this time, whereas, as an example, the GPS tool was only mentioned for iOS.
  • Mention of explicitly modifying the physics to suit "each car's mechanism", as well as a generic physics simulation for everything else in the game. Is this my long awaited general physical simulation?
  • Further expansion of support roles, such as the website and upcoming online events (FIA?). It seemed this was in the hands of Sony previously; perhaps they feel the need to take closer control, or at least better bridge the gap.
  • More content staff; always welcome. :)
  • Nice to see an open attitude to students and graduates; assuming it's not just because they're so malleable...

I take all of this to mean that features and such for GT7 have been teased out for feasibility and more-or-less finalised, and now they're going to push through and actually make it all work properly together in context. I also take it to mean that it's still a little way off being finished.
PC is required for 3D modelling and coding. They're not developing a game for PC.
I agree that it's highly unlikely, but neither of us knows for sure what they're up to.

My thoughts were also that it's for development purposes, just as I wrote. The key point was that it's real-time graphics, but I guess it could just mean porting shaders to Maya, or something...
I thought i'd put this first because this post has veered seriously off topic for a rather dumb reason. Even with the possibility of GT7 arriving at 2017, which I think would be okay considering the goal will be an epical Gran Turismo, there are some great racers available or forthcoming to tide you over. While I don't feel the love myself, Assetto Corsa is an admirable racer with a decent mix of street and race cars, a good variety of tracks and some tantalizing physics. Project CARS seems to have benefited a lot from its delay - the very day AC was released, wonder if that had anything to do with it? ;) Regardless, the graphics are lovely on the consoles and a beefy PC, and in spite of a number of one make races which I don't care for, you have league based racing in a number of formats and a LOT of cars in race. And RaceRoom which I mention below, has been blessed from a lot of new content from developer Sector 3 (SIMBIN), and it's finally looking like a proper successor to GTR2. It may cost $100 or so to get all the content from the website (eek!), hard to say because the prices are listed in a fake currency, but it really looks like a serious racer with all of it. And GT6 is still plenty of fun for me in the meantime, as we await whatever new goodies PD has in store for us this year.

I would much rather PD take their time to make GT7 right, and awesome, with as much Day 1 content and features as possible. Don't rush this one.

Point them out, instead of only complaining when you are called out on your fiction.
Awright, what fiction is this? Do you actually insist insist that saying a racing game developer is ecstatic when they sell two million copies of a game is WRONG? I cannot believe your faux outrage on this. Have you seen the data on racing game sales overall? Did you completely skip over that quote from the guy who was involved in GTR and GT Legends? Has it escaped your notice that SIMBIN has been reorganized - post-bankruptcy mind you - into a studio named Sector 3, and their new game Race Room is being sold as a free to play game with very little content, and additional racing "experiences" or league based content with cars and tracks costs more? The latest DTM and ADAC packs cost $28 and $30 on Steam. If you get everything S3 is selling, it's a LOT of money (edit: on Steam at least, S3 evidently got some serious backlash on their sales model and have adjusted it at their site). Even adjusting their sales model on their website, it's pretty clear that they base their sales on their own variation of iRenting. It's hard to say just how much everything costs, because it's listed in "vRP" currency. Evidently, they weren't going to settle for the "awesome" sales levels of their previous games which didn't exactly make them rich.

But if this is the actual basis on which racing game developers operate, their sales target is a hundred thousand or two and anything more is gravy, then show me this. Seriously, make your case. I insist on this as much crap as you're giving me on this ridiculous debate. Because from everything I've read on this matter, the game development environment is exactly as I stated it, and your false huff at me is verging on harassment.
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